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/lit/ - Literature

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16710698 No.16710698 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading tonight, /lit/? Anything good?

>> No.16710717

The Cossacks by Tolstoy

It's delightful

>> No.16710721

The unfolding of language
it's alright so far

>> No.16710732
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It was alright.

>> No.16710740

I’m watching the election results.

>> No.16710745

A confederacy of dunces after seeing it on hear often. Its funny! I love the character but think its easy to take advantage of the authors suicide to use it as a hit against trad people, some of them being incels, but also kind of want to just own ghe character and be unapologetic about him. Hes based, hes a dick, he gets by without sucking dick. Lol whatever.

>> No.16710751

Natsume Soseki's Botchan
It's amazingly comfy, would definitely read more of his works

>> No.16710753

Same trump going to show that bigger dewlap like a fucking chad.

>> No.16710761

Blood Meridian
It’s ok

>> No.16710762

rereading the art of the deal for the 14th time. KAGA!

>> No.16710780

Most of the way through Copleston's take on the Greeks now. I've found the historical aspect enjoyable though the philosophy isn't always clear. The notion most presocratics only worked out one major idea despite making up entire schools of thought is odd. I didn't quite get Zeno's paradoxes so I'll go back to it. To my surprise many Sophists are genuinely interesting, as well as a lot of Socratic contemporaries we don't talk about as much. His comments on Plato look good but I'd rather read Plato himself and go back to secondary sources later, it feels better that way.

>> No.16710825

Roadside Picnic pretty slow so far.

>> No.16710827

no waaaaay same

>> No.16710973

Under the volcano.

>> No.16710999
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Book 2 of the Republic. I don't want to watch the election, the counts will go on for a week and the tangential toxicity is already overpowering. Plato is a safe space.

>> No.16711054

reading some comfy Plato tonight
that, or Gibbon
also Cormac

>> No.16711056

Dubliners. Some of the later stories are fucking depressing

>> No.16711059

reading Distant star by Bolaño and was pleasantly surprised that it’s a longer version of (what I thought was) the strongest section of Nazi Literature in the Americas.

lovin it so far, bolaño is always very cozy imo. reading about people who really like reading is weirdly good

>> No.16711061
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I'm reading UBIK by Philip K. Dick. I've only read it once and that was like 5 years ago (I'm 26). I wanted to read it because I wanted an untypical horror book to read for Halloween and is typical of me it's taking me a while to finish it.

>> No.16711155
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its very informative

>> No.16711275

Look up the publication history along with the attempts to adapt it into a movie. If I ever make it in Hollywood as a writer I’m going to attempt to write a screenplay of John Kennedy Toole‘s mother working to get Confederacy of Dunces published.

>> No.16711298

reading platform (wellbeck) its boring to be honest

>> No.16711303

The last one is a real pick me up!

>> No.16711307

Two books tonight

>Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse
>The Great Game, by Peter Hopkirk