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/lit/ - Literature

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16705991 No.16705991 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about how the need for sex, family, friends, etc. are actually not real and just nature tricking us into wanting to reproduce?

>> No.16705994

might wanna read a biology textbook anon

>> No.16705996
File: 110 KB, 1200x628, Heidegger laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't deny who you are, what you are. You were born to dwell, to be, to love and hate.

>> No.16706000

Sure, I meant books that touch on the philosophical implications of this.

>> No.16706001

>the need for sex, family, friends
Needs aren't real period, anon. You don't need anything unconditionally. You need food to live, but you don't need to live, so you don't need food unconditionally.

>> No.16706065


>> No.16706088

The Practice of Brahmacharya

>> No.16706126

Even if you expunged all sexual arousal from your system (through castration or ovariectomy) you would still desire friends/family as strong social relations are valuable needs insofar as you "need" to live. Friends/family will prevent you from getting gangraped during endemic conflicts or help you gather food. You could even still have some desire for sexual activity if only as a vestige of stimuli you've become accustomed to before your desexing

>> No.16706141

Don't be fooled by the materialistic meme OP. Find Jesus, read the Holy Bible, read up on the 4 types of Love, and then find yourself a woman.

>> No.16706160

>r sex, family, friends, etc.
Yeah I dont know but I think I would be happy if I had those things in my life.

>> No.16706166

>become yahvehschizo and get rejected by every woman who even looks at you

>> No.16706171

But you would be "happy" as in your brain would reward you with dopamine for having them, is it truly what YOU want, or what your body wants?

>> No.16706226

>muh dopamine muthafugga

>> No.16706235

>, is it truly what YOU want,
I dont know FREUD, why dont you tell me?

>> No.16706243

>>become yahvehschizo and get rejected by every woman who even looks at you
Being an unlikable piece of shit is more heavily correlated with nihilistic atheism.

>> No.16706245


>> No.16706249
