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File: 225 KB, 1200x680, swarajya_2016-04_c721ded4-6c79-406e-8e12-e58a44049c16_bhagavadgita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16705491 No.16705491 [Reply] [Original]

Just read the Bhagavad Gita. I want to read more. I want to know more about Brahman, and the Atman. What a fascinating cosmology and metaphysics! Where do I go from here, anons?

>> No.16705518

Start with the Greeks

>> No.16705522

Plato and the Bible

>> No.16705546
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Yoga Vasistha
You're welcome

>> No.16705581

Difficult to say, Hinduism is very diverse. For more context for the Gita perhaps you could familiarise yourself with the whole Mahabharata (that the Gita is a part of). A decent abridged version is the one by John D. Smith in the Penguin classics range.

>> No.16705670

thats a bit intense for someone new to the concepts,
yoga sutra, and upanishad to star with, an easy reading upanishad is easwaren but its a bit diluted but another easy starting one is juan mascaros tranlation, then you could read the epics mahabarata and ramayana and try some purunas which one the stories of certain gods, for example to know about shiva and his stories look for a shiva mahapurana same with vishuna and brahman/lakshmi ect not that crucial unless you are interested in the certain gods

>> No.16705794

Always good.
Shankara. Guenon.

>> No.16706125
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>> No.16706221

You can try reading these to see an example of a medieval prose commentary on the Upanishads, these are by the influential theologian/philosopher Shankara. The Upanishads are the source scriptures from which many of the concepts in the Bhagavad-Gita are taken.


>> No.16706278

Lord of Light.

>> No.16706310

ashtavakra gita
takes like an hour to read, you can do it today and then read whatever else has been posted itt

>> No.16706385

bhakti yoga is not an offical scripture so to speak,, brahma sutra is good but yoga sutras should be read before as brahma sutra can be quite dense depending on translation

>> No.16706390

based book, but wouldnt you recomend some thing before hand due to its non-duelistic nature i feel like you would need some preliminary knowledge to truly understand what the dialog is about

>> No.16706398

hmmm maybe you're right, perhaps just shift it further back along the list or read it twice

>> No.16706470

definitely worth reading though

>> No.16706633

Autobiography of a Yogi is a great start

>> No.16706647


>> No.16706657 [SPOILER] 
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so you've realized that there is one unbroken soul.
this implies that there is one origin (I know it says never created, never destroyed but both of those imply a relationship with time, it's a semantic short-coming when speaking of the meta-physical).
You also know that the soul has one nature.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

>> No.16706660

which translation did you read i have a copy of the bhagavad gita as it is i picked up from goodwill

>> No.16706724

This needs serious work.

>> No.16706859 [SPOILER] 
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Based and Ibn-Arabi pilled

>> No.16707001

Read any one except the Hare Krishna one

>> No.16707166

that's the one it is lol the description on the back saying it was endorsed by some international committee made me uneasy

>> No.16707175

They're everywhere because it's religious propaganda

>> No.16707229

that sucks then is the penguin classics version worth picking up

>> No.16707324

Brahman is the big Tao.
Atman is the small Tao.

>> No.16707509


This chart needs a lot of work.

Bhagvad gita has various versions based on translations and the translators understanding of Sanskrit and interpretations. Gyanis or knowledgeable people used to debate on topics of dharm. Srimad bhagwad Geeta too came as a teachers advise to his disciple. Unless you can read the original Sanskrit manuscript(which does not exist because this itself was a compilation by Vyas) and form an interpretation without bias there would be no other translation which would not be influenced. I'd say get one and read it anyway. The only consideration would be the person writing it, their history with Hinduism and the personal biases.

>> No.16707550

Why would you need to bring in the Quran when that concept is already found in Hinduism?

>> No.16708181


>> No.16708560

>why would you need to bring in monotheism when we already have polytheism?
am I missing something?