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16704190 No.16704190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>trust your instincts bro

Is that really it?

>> No.16704203

>tried reading this
>gave up 2 pages in
it's just so bad, why would anyone give it their attention?

>> No.16704207

You need to be ALPHA MALE

>> No.16704209
File: 18 KB, 183x276, seed is feed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is so cringe it's hard to get through the first 10 pages and bronze age mindset is a somehow even dumber plagiarism of it. holy lel what wild world we live in where such grifters are not only alive but thrive.

>> No.16704212

>dude go to africa and take over a nigger village lmao
Faggot trustfund baby bap is

>> No.16704221

I'm bipolar, all my life is centered on not trusting my inmediate instincts. What can i get from this book that will not destroy what i have been building all my adult life if applied?

>> No.16704223

You guys ITT are obviously not ALPHA enough haha
No pussy for you hehehehe

>> No.16704236

Why is bap larping like a boomer now

>> No.16704244
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This post just conveyed an enormous amount of information to me.

>> No.16704245

>why is he following the money

his wouldn't make them donation bux without playing into VOOTER hysteria

>> No.16704249

share some of that data

>> No.16704256

No you also need to graduate and forget how to communicate

>> No.16704267

Because he is a boomer

>> No.16704269

Just look at black guys. Look at them. Look

>> No.16704272

BAP? More like BRAP! This book is a load of crap!

>> No.16704281

Sorry, you obviously didn’t watch little miss sunshine. Neitzche is based. 48 laws, ok?

>> No.16704294

Do I have to?

>> No.16704312
File: 424 KB, 828x1030, 4ACFD4B5-5A67-49D1-9B40-3AD3E19D41B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they took the nigger meme seriously

>> No.16704450

If this is something 4chan mocks, it's probably a good thing

>> No.16704463

Where did the picture on the left come from?

>> No.16704476

The instincts of the white man are different than those of the nigger

>> No.16704483

Same except I suffer from the typical Jewish neuroses not any real mental disorder

>> No.16704489

It’s an enjoyable book and fun rehash of Nietzsche with 4chan hunor. Not exactly the most innovative though if you browse this site in all likelihood it’d be up your alley. Why do trannies seethe so much about it?

>> No.16704516
File: 16 KB, 320x320, le chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude who cares about empathy and sympathy just be an unga bunga nigger and kill who you don't like lmao what are you a gay christian or something that's degenerate only being a winner and aesthetics matter cope cope cope

immediately brings to mind its pic related audience. nobody who reads this shit is going to go out and conquer anything but a double cheeseburger with fries, BAP knows who his audience is.

>> No.16704694

Because he is one. The guy is literally funded by by some Zionist think-tank

>> No.16704695

>you guys are wrong because you’re ugly
Literally the opposite is true though.

>> No.16704730
File: 808 KB, 841x720, 2CC79E4C-CD98-4615-9FD7-0187668B0D2F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately brings to mind its pic related audience. nobody who reads this shit is going to go out and conquer anything but a double cheeseburger with fries, BAP knows who his audience is.

>> No.16704742
File: 136 KB, 1552x660, 1525DB44-3C98-41C6-BBA1-56C0E6ECB5FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>dude who cares about empathy and sympathy
You sound like such a massive faggot lmao

>> No.16704750

A zionot what who? Idgi

>> No.16704757

we can sling insults back and forth all day but the ultimate fact is bronze age mindset is a dumbass meme book written by some hack e-celeb about dominating other people and having godlike aesthetics and hyperboreans and shit, and since at very most this book might be read by a minority of clueless (but indeed chad or just neurotypical people who agree with it) and a majority of dweebs looking for purpose, there are less smoothbrain ways to get the "mainstream christfag-spawned beliefs bad" idea across without going full unga bunga

>> No.16704759

I smell fatbot waddling around in this thread

>> No.16704784

so have the bapolytes started infiltrating academia, media, government, military, etc yet, as per their daddy's instructions? when will nudist bodybuilders topple these "pozzed" regimes and seize power?

>> No.16704817

I thought it was funny, but maybe I am low brow. Why didn't they list him as Bronze Age Pervert on the spine though? it ticks me off.

>> No.16704819
File: 21 KB, 400x451, 22C7622F-5F32-46FC-9A61-F28F43CB5C56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My instincts aren’t really kicking in

>> No.16704847
File: 46 KB, 310x500, 51YN6tjUuML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior book about bronze age demigods coming through.
Unless you fags really are so sad you need a shitty self help/ego trip that boils down to "git gud"
If your going to fantasize, might as well read fiction.

>> No.16704861

Freud was right about people like you

>> No.16704887

Can someone hand me a pdf of this book? I don't want to hand money over to that whey-monger

>> No.16704889

you wouldn't understand, desu

>> No.16704891
File: 704 KB, 1242x1437, F1FBEB9A-8BB8-4BFF-9AEB-3AC194538CA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16704899

isn't this just based?

>> No.16704900

lol i agree. i am not a “leftist” by any stretch of the imagination but this shit was so god damn bad and i completely got memed into reading it because of all the support here. i can understand that it’s for a certain type of person, it just isn’t me.

>> No.16704906

doubt it's true, but i kind of hope so.
you have no idea how many people there are in scandinavia who read american news and think that it is in some way relevant to their own country

>> No.16704907

you don’t need to get anything from this book or any book lad. and what a painful existence you must have to not trust your instincts, if there are such a thing as instincts

>> No.16704920

found the Democrat, but in all seriousness you pride yourself on empathy but the only reason you do this is because you can tell yourself you are a good person, do you see the problem in that kind of fake behavior? btw i didn’t read the book, im just pointing out you are just as much of a loser as those you criticize

>> No.16704928

based stirner

>> No.16704961

It's a funny book, that's all.

>> No.16705046

not really. he wants you to lift weights, most people's instinct is to go to the gym 6 or 7 times after new years or their birthday then stop

>> No.16705111

He should post an updated picture of himself

>> No.16705139

>found the democrat

bro your brain is rotted by the internet, I used the word "empathy" and you immediately thought of some smug faggots on the internet posturing about their morality. which is why I said the book is for people like you, it's obvious he's going for such an e-brained audience. if you actually read this shit you'd know that he literally argues that the golden rule, and caring about somebody else is faggy and non-chad behavior, I'm not extrapolating this idea myself. and my point isn't to pearl clutch either, if somebody wants to have an argument that the west's downfall is its refusal to be unabashedly merciless conquerors and turn the world into a mexican cartel video in a quest for greatness then fine but his arguments for it are dumb as pig shit and so are you.

>> No.16705200

He’s trying to drum up hype for Trump, pretty annoying desu hopefully his Cernovich-tier retweets stop after the election

>> No.16705275
File: 70 KB, 1024x575, 1596645136566m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill all midwits

>> No.16705383

BAPists pride themselves on their fyziks though. My eceleb guru is Delicious Tacos (Coomerism)

>> No.16705432

Krugpilled & baste

>> No.16705691

>I can't provide any proof for my claims so I'll just use this meme pic instead! Oh and I'm a fucking retard so that means that I'm actually smart because smart people think like retards, right?

>> No.16705718

Funny to use a picture of Nietzsche and Jung for that assertion instead of the source of it, Hegel. Perhaps that's because Hegel believed in a more nuanced version of it, and nuance is anathema to the meme style of argument.

>> No.16706175

If you're so smart why do you post and argue like a faggot?

>> No.16706190

the right disowned Hegel when they realized Zizek was a Hegelian. All must bow before Jordan Bopoidpilled Peterson.

>> No.16706199

except might is right is incel literature, and BAP is gay literature, completely different genres

>> No.16706206

being bipolar is only a problem in modern society, literally didn't exist 100 years ago

>> No.16706208

BAP travels around the world and takes pictures of broads with his book

>> No.16706239

>>dude who cares about empathy and sympathy
isn't he against industrial farming and harming animals in general? lol

>> No.16706482

But neetch and jung are midwits.

>> No.16707185

not him, but from what I know Keith and BAP don't exactly see eye-to-eye. probably not what you were implying though

>> No.16707228

>implying many incels don't become fit, then gay, and then start crossdressing to fill the void in their life

>> No.16707231

You're a faggot and a glownigger. Fuck you bapfag.

>> No.16707258


yeah who wants to look at orcs without hanging them from the trees

>> No.16707273

nah incel moms are always libtards and leeching off society with gubberment gibs

>> No.16707310

there's no such thing as a gay incel, the incel -> troon pipeline doesn't go through gaydom