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16702655 No.16702655 [Reply] [Original]

what's the comfiest book you ever read?

>> No.16702665 [DELETED] 

Use a real word retarded gorilla nigger.

>> No.16702672

Complete works of Plato.
Grimm's Fairy Tales.
Prose Edda.

>> No.16702729

Musashi is pretty comfy

>> No.16702731

Cannery Row

>> No.16702742

In Search Of Lost Time

>> No.16702753
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It is not the book that is comfy, but the state of your being.

>> No.16702757


>> No.16702760

If On A Winter's Night A Traveller by Italo Calvino

>> No.16702780

absolutely based, what beautiful book

>> No.16702789

Twice Told Tales

>> No.16702795

The highest grade of comfiness achievable by a human being is reading Treasure Island in an Autum evening, sitting on wing chair alongside the fireplace, tucked with your favorite blanket and sipping on a hot chocolate, all while hearing the gentle tapping of the light rain on your manor house's windows.

>> No.16702815
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>> No.16702825
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>> No.16702842

Heat by Mike lupica

Bless me, ultima by rudolfo anaya

I just found out they made a movie about the second one.
brb gonna go watch it

>> No.16702868

Roughing It by Mark Twain
The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway
Absalom, Absalom! by Faulkner

>> No.16702881

ive never seen someone else say plato, but i have always found that they are peak comfy, just a bunch of homies hanging out having a good time.
no worry or care at all

>> No.16702886


>> No.16702984

>comfy books
>no one has said The Wind in the Willows
the fuck ya'll

>> No.16702990

the man who was Thursday

>> No.16703050

swiss family robinson

>> No.16703073

>Kafka and The Tartar Steppe

Anyone remember this anon from a few weeks ago who challenged what comfy meant?It gave me the lolz

>> No.16703132

>Cannery Row
Sorry, but light rain, heavy rain, any kind of rain means leaks for a manor house, and you can't have perfect peace of mind when you know there is water damage happening somewhere. A chill wind howling around the eaves would be more suitable.

>> No.16703195

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

>> No.16703219


>> No.16703234

>Absalom, Absalom! by Faulkner

Incredible book but not comfy at all lmao

>> No.16703239

Moby Dick and War & Peace are peak comfy for me

>> No.16703362

The Tom Bombadil chapter of LotR

>> No.16703376

Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami.

>> No.16703387

Not a fan of jewy bourgeois ramblings, especially those that trail on for a million fucking pages.

>> No.16703402

the dfw essay where he's at the state fair

>> No.16703406

“Life a user’s manual” by Georges Perec of course.

>> No.16704401

What I found comfy about it is how it's told entirely through memories and dialogs.

>> No.16704439

The Martian

>> No.16705136

Dandelion Wine

>> No.16705143

mein brethren

>> No.16705145

Little House on the Prairie
Anne of Green Gables
An Old Fashioned Girl

>> No.16705147

The Hobbit.

>> No.16705151

Moby Dick

>> No.16705158

Shit, yeah. Never has a book made me appreciate simplicity as much as Walden.

>> No.16705162

>Roughing It by Mark Twain
I’ll add Innocents Abroad, although I always crack up in hysterics when I read the part where they go to Italy.

>> No.16705178

>yeah, I’m probably gonna die, but I’m going through a moment of transcendental insight atm so I’m alright with that
Peak comfy

>> No.16705456


>> No.16705467

I found Absalom very comfy as well.

>> No.16705489

The Hobbit.

>Complete works of Plato



>> No.16705530

Ringing Cedars of Russia. It makes me want to die in the taiga.

>> No.16705549
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Before the Japs came up with SoL manga, there was this (and Ozu films I guess).

>> No.16705588

go read War and Peace immediately, it is by far comfier than the Hobbit, it's practically a soap opera half the time about teenagers in Noble Napoleonic Russia, it's impossible to overstate the comfiness of the chapter where they are staying at the Rostov forest house in winter and put on a little play. Moby Dick is also exceptionally comfy because of the brotherly camaraderie and being stuck on a little vessel amid the cold tossing seas when you are not galvanized to action by the heroic impulse when you need to do stuff. The section with Queequeg at the beginning in the inn and the infamous sperm-mushing section are just straight ahead comfiness, if rather gay. The philosophical and fauna-based meanderings also add to the atmosphere of comfiness if you are at all autistic.

>> No.16705589

fucking based. i remember having many comfy nights as a child with Treasure Island & hot choccy.

>> No.16705592

harry potter was pretty comfy
plato's dialogues are also pretty comfy when socrates goes on and on and on
Gibbon is especially comfy
Darwin is also comfy, so is Adam Smith, but Marx is not as comfy reading-wise
Moby Dick is a comfy audiobook listen

>> No.16705599

the country of the pointed firs by sarah orne jewett

>> No.16705609


>> No.16705619

The Hobbit is garbage for kids. Retard

>> No.16705627

Don Quixote is quite comfy desu

>> No.16705632
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>> No.16705689

This probably

>> No.16705701

I find Robin Hood incredibly comfy. Sure it’s meant for kids but fuck it, it’s fun.

>> No.16705779


>> No.16705819

based, wind in the willows too

>> No.16705828

this, but with The Master of Ballantrae instead of TI

>> No.16705858
File: 34 KB, 640x565, pepe apu comfy bedtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu likes to be read stories he already knows when we're putting him to bed. I think it's simply because he can easily rejoin the narrative as he drifts in and out while falling asleep. Chairman Meow also has to be curled up on his chest.

>> No.16705869

>The Tom Bombadil chapter of LotR
I like the Rob Inglis audiobook while falling asleep, but I'd pay $ for an edit where all the songs are removed.

>> No.16705896
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master & the margarita.
or river god by wilbur smith

>> No.16705983

Best appreciated in the spring, right about the time when it starts to get really warm, April or May abouts.

>> No.16705997
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the sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.16706014

Nothing comfier than an all encompassing sense of dread.

>> No.16706060

The Hobbit was very comfy when I skipped school and read it in the morning.

>> No.16706115

>Marx is not as comfy reading-wise
nigga want to burn people and starting class riot, of course is not comfy

>> No.16706150

I liked it, it is comfy at times but very uncomfy at other times.

>> No.16706161

The Cat by Georges Simenon

>> No.16706232

>and the infamous sperm-mushing section
Which section are you talking about?
Which chapter?
I wanna confirm if that's the one I'm thinking about. Kek

>The philosophical and fauna-based meanderings also add to the atmosphere of comfiness if you are at all autistic.
This guy know it. It gets really cozy after a while.

>> No.16706264
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>> No.16706266

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

>> No.16706274

If you like short stories Malgudi Days is pretty comfy.

>> No.16706280

I haven't read it, is it any good? I think when Stevenson is at his best he is unbeatable in terms of comfiness.

>> No.16706434

>How can I rest? How can I be at peace? Despair is in my heart.
Not Gilgamesh

>> No.16706442
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If you want peak comfy RLS read An Inland Voyage and Travels on a Donkey

>> No.16706484

Apart from that gay prank... i was getting rock solid, then i realized i was being blown by a gay japanese man.

>> No.16706505

moomin books, no contest. I don't know how good the translations are but in the swedish they hold up really well. Seen as a kind of lovely, familiar character-studies they are well worth the time for adults.

>> No.16706528

House of the dead + A world apart by Herling-Grudzinski

>> No.16706538


Murder on the orient express.

>> No.16706554

Robinson Crusoe, with a dog/cat on your lap, a small number of cigarettes and a pot of coffee.

>> No.16706556

I take it you haven't read it. Proust is constantly making fun of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.16706561

I would agree with this, DFW's essays and short stories are all very comfy. Pale King is more comfy than Infinite Jest, too.

>> No.16706642

Nice, thanks anon.

>> No.16706802


>> No.16706827

The Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz
The Master and Margarita.

>> No.16706830


>> No.16706905

Not him but that sort of ironic self-mockery is peak bougie behavior.

>> No.16706994

Seething pseud

>> No.16707234
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Lost Horizon by Hilton
>max comfy
A River Runs Through It
A Month In The Country by Carr
A Canticle for Liebowitz by Miller
Wind In The Willows by Grahame
Anything by Washington Irving
Anything by Robert Lewis Stevenson
Gnomes by Huygen
This is my comfy shelf, I don't know about you guys but lay the Inklings are peak comfy. I'm also reading the Arthurian Romances right now, not sure if it's comfy but Rackham's illustrations make anything comfy.

>> No.16707641

underrated post

>> No.16707653

desu? journey to the west or quixote

>> No.16707683

Lonesome dove first half is pretty comfy then it becomes stressfull as hell

>> No.16707724

For me it's Ishmael walking to the inn and Andre hearing Natasha sing

>> No.16707780

That's what makes it comfy, all of his travelogue writing is absolutely hysterical.

>> No.16707908

The Master & Margarita
The Hobbit
The Horse and His Boy

>> No.16708036

Sea of ink
Invisible cities

>> No.16708046

Damn. This is the only other time I've seen someone else recognize how comfy The Horse and His Boy is.

>> No.16708092


>> No.16708110
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The ultimate comfy kino

>> No.16708130

I remember taking a bus to the university on a sunny day during fall. I was reading Anna Karenina then, and I think it was the part when Levin goes to work in the fields with the peasants. Great memory.

>> No.16708178

Levin chapters are the best parts of the book.

>> No.16708405

you're the poser for choosing Hobbit-of-reddit-tier instead of LoTR-chad-YA-sexmaniac-tier


>> No.16708492

Country house murder mysteries are usually very comfy, An English Murder being a prime example and also the last one I read

>> No.16708544

Livy's History of Rome book VII

>> No.16708574
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>> No.16708612

Of course it is good, that's why I recommended it. senpai.

>> No.16708626

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Just finishing it now, I think that anon was right in saying books about memories and time w/ surrealist magical aspects are ultra comfy. Gonna be sad seeing it finished :(

>> No.16708693
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Jorge Luis Borges- Ficciones

>> No.16708695

city by clifford d simak

>> No.16708798
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Sartor Resartus.

Also this.

>> No.16708799


>> No.16708810
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VERY based.

>> No.16709909

El más alto grado de confortabilidad asequible por un ser humano implica leer, en una tarde de otoño, “La isla del tesoro”, sentado en una mecedora junto a la chimenea, arropado en tu manta favorita sorbiendo chocolate caliente, todo ello mientras escuchas el suave golpeteo de una lluvia leve contra las ventanas de tu casa señorial”

>> No.16709945

t. Teen who hasn't lived a tough life

>> No.16710106

Also have a hard time seeing Absalom as comfy. To me it feels like a Shakespearean tragedy being recreated inside the fever dream of a dying civil war soldier. Probably my favorite novel

>> No.16710247
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This and A River Runs Through It are my top picks.

>> No.16710263

Banana Yoshimoto is pretty much unmatched for comfort

>> No.16710284


>> No.16710643

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
A Sand Country Almanac
Desert Solitaire
Lord of the Rings
Wind in the Willows
Peregrine / Hill of Summer
Silent Spring

>> No.16710666

A River Runs Through It is gorgeous.

>> No.16710797

based, reading this right now
surprised this isn't more popular, it seems to have a few fans on /lit/ though

>> No.16710901

oh man ive been looking for this novel for so long. i read it as a teenager and its plot would randomly hit me in daily life.

>> No.16711331


>> No.16711397

The movie is comfy too

>> No.16711408

Basado, mi anónimo traductor.

>> No.16712107

anything written by tolstoy