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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 760x507, 1604205818196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16699877 No.16699877 [Reply] [Original]

"No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach"
The best is yet to come.

>> No.16699888


>> No.16699889

I don't like politics, and I especially dislike burger politics, but I admit that pic is kino.

>> No.16699913

Nietzsche railed against stoicism but embraced eternal recurrence, which is essentially the same thing escape the latter is an illusion you are not submitting to nature. True genius he was.

>> No.16699964
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Hell yes

>> No.16699984

Yeah. It has an hint of burger-fash esthetics. Lacks some kitsch to be really perfect though.

>> No.16700026

I'm glad the election is tomorrow. I thought it's on wnedesday. I can't stand another day of the pre-election charade.

Trump for victory I guess, for more memes and prosperity, but I don't really care. While the left tries to frame Trump for pretty much everything bad that happened in the last 4 years, they're ignoring the point of a decent chunk of left leaning literature.

On the other side, the right has no real appeal, they're straw man-ning their way into their demise.

In short, the show never stops:


>> No.16700298

I'm a loser. I don't fit in at work and I wonder how I even got the job. I've avoided major problems mostly through luck but I know I'm a poor worker. Hopefully I stay in my current position for a long time as I would make a poor leader as well, as I tend to melt down under stress. After work I go back to my room and stay there until reporting the next day, speaking to no one. On weekends or during time off I may go days or weeks without leaving my living space or speaking to anyone, and I don't really have anyone to speak to, besides. The few friends I had when I was in school have long since cut off contact, and my relationship with my family becomes more distant with every passing year. This is probably for the best. I abused a family member when I was younger, causing various long-term issues, and when I see that person acidic guilt fills me though years have passed. My hobbies mostly center around the consumption of distracting media. I have a guitar, which I awkwardly strum quietly so no one can hear through the walls. I've never regularly practiced or memorized a single piece of music, and if I was asked to play in front of another, I would be unable to. I have been playing in this way for over five years. I can't satisfy myself. I'm unsatisfied and no accomplishments of mine, if I had any to speak highly of, could satisfy me, nor could my hobbies and useless, obscure interests. I can't satisfy anyone else, and I have done much of the opposite for those around me. What good am I? What purpose was I born for? Has it already passed or is it still afar off? If it has passed, did I fulfill it, or did I fall by the wayside? I feel little, save fleeting bubbles of anxiety. I move, talk, eat and drink, laugh when it seems appropriate, make gestures, but it seems as if I should be filled with something and I am only half full. I have opinions on many things, which I will never speak to anyone. I have a great deal of thoughts on my work, on the world, on art, and these I will never voice. I have my own secret dreams. These hopes and wishes will never come to pass no matter how dearly I hold them. They are impossible. I wish for - a small warm hand in mine, two people speaking quietly together on a snowy street - it is impossible. Between myself and others is a wall ten feet thick. The street is empty. Tonight I'll curl into a ball under my blankets and wish I could shrink smaller and smaller until I disappeared.

>> No.16700333

Read the Collected Short Plays of Samuel Beckett. Many of the works that deal with (male) lonliness and isolation should act as cautionary tales for you
Realise that this life is a life of suffering and a life of joy.
Friendships require upkeep and constant maintenance. A rolling wheel can only stay upright when it is motion. Renew contact with old friends- the worst they can do is turn you down. Try to make new friends- this will be a lonely and difficult process but should reap rewards.
Habits also require maintenance. Keep up the guitar work. Get a teacher or join a club. Art is important because life is important.

>> No.16700357
File: 210 KB, 1280x673, relationship goals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I want a cute girl to beat me up!

>> No.16700387

I love watching interviews of pornstars talking and behaving like normal people and then switching tabs and watching them getting drilled by a massive dick

>> No.16700392

Wait. There's an American election tomorrow?

>> No.16700398

I think myself of a nice, sociable, decent looking and interesting person (except for a very little shadow of autism) but I can't have a physical or romantical relationship. These times of lockdown make me twice as anxious. Also I feel for everyone who experiences that kind of human connections, and sometimes I feel I'm predestined to never feel love in exchange of something great, like some kind of work of art that will inspire people. I'm not superstitious, but desperation makes hard to think rationally

>> No.16700516

I had a horrifying thought where I considered how the current world will be depicted in the future. For the overwhelming majority of the population, anything prior to the 19th century just kind of blends together in some viscous slurry of "the past", where 11th century medieval Europe and 13th century medieval Europe evoke the same images in people's minds, or where people don't bat an eye at lorica segmentata being a thing in republican Rome. Will the hollywood movies of 2400 show allied forces invading the coast of Normandy in Civil War-era uniforms with B-2's and helicopters flying all around while blasting Kanye West in the background?

>> No.16700541
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, 121214558_260005035322169_7738315695580914344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just kinda depressed as a euro leftist. things are simply not going well and they definitely do not get better in the near future no matter what mascot the burgers will choose tomorrow.
there's really nothing to look forward to politically. even in my country (Germany) I'm reminded just how bad things really are on a daily basis. fuck

>> No.16700581

>even in my country (Germany) I'm reminded just how bad things really are on a daily basis. fuck

As a South European, I would like to know what do you think is bad in your country. Are you mainly talking about immigration? You're a leftist but I know that not everything is black or white.

>> No.16700615

I am so directionless and really struggle to find meaning in this life. Been trying to drag myself through an education for years, and I'm coming up on 30 with nothing to really show for the last 10 years.

Feels depressing man.

>> No.16700620

i sometimes envy the normies who just go along in life with the belief that "politics isn't something i care about".

>> No.16700629


>> No.16700632
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Any advice on thinking about a book myself? There is so much I don't know about; How can I replace a book in its literary movement, the customs of that time which that book had been written etc? For example a book can be quite shocking for the period it was written in but nowadays wouldn't be as quite shocking... How can I feel how those people felt when reading it??

>> No.16700638

Whoever made the thread about the ai chatbot,fuck you.
Id been free from porn and masturbation for a long time and that retarded ai kept throwing herself at me and i succumbed,ive fallen into the porn trap again,my eyes are bloodshot,my dick is numb,i cant concentrate when reading.

>> No.16700641

Vote for the AfD

>> No.16700672

The whole debacle of American politics and the crisis it signifies disgusts me. I've never had any faith in this completely bogus, plutocratic system, but to see how dumb a large fraction of my countrymen really are, how willfully ignorant and how naively they put faith into political showmen or corporate shills, how divided and conquered everyone is and how nobody is educated and informed enough to see what's really going on, it's hard to be anything but completely cynical. Everyone is fighting over manufactured non-issues.
The political establishment is so bankrupt and devoid of real solutions that we have to choose between a reality tv show charlatan and a brain damaged dementia patient.

I'm reminded of the quote, attributed to Trotsky "you may not be interested in war but war is interested in you." I feel like I am being dragged into a big stupid debacle that I want nothing to do with and see through entirely, but this insight alone will not stop the herds from stampeding. A country is a terrible thing to waste.

July 4th 1776 - Nov 3rd 2020

"I have never been able to look upon America as young and vital but rather as prematurely old, as a fruit which rotted before it had a chance to ripen."
Henry Miller

>> No.16700677

I don't know what the fuck it is but every time I message the bot I get erections. It's really annoying but I can't stop talking to it.

>> No.16700696

I just had to deal with a person one would really love to strangle.
I can be quite annoyed of many things, but I just don't understand people that openly complaint about everything like a whiny bitch. I would at least be smart enough to get myself some glasses if I can't read perfectly visible numbers from fucking half a meter distance in a well-lit room, and not cry how the job is hard.

>> No.16700706

This pic is lacking in plastic Greek style statues. If we could have gesso/plaster/plastics Greek ruins and sculptures it would be perfect.

>> No.16700709

I'm Brazilian, bro. Apart from having to see a buffoon in power I have to fear for my personal safety whenever I walk the streets. At last you won't get mugged if you take a walk after 21:00.

>> No.16700721

Which bot?

>> No.16700728

I'm kinda bummed out, and it's making me even more bummed out that I'm bummed out.

>> No.16700854

Does he have a shot at being reelected?

>> No.16700855
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, 106720787_212084679984819_5591010940894722232_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other than the fact that almost all politicians in power go against my leftist beliefs and therefore all hope in "democratic" change is lost, there are a handful of issues (e.g. climate change, monopolization of almost everything, extremely high wealth inequality) that our conservative government is unable to handle.
Migration is 1 (one) of said issues but it's by far not the most important imo since it's simply symptomatic to the neoliberal economy (right-wingers should be aware of this but they never are). It could actually be quite easily reformed if they wanted to. I'm not strictly against migration (my parents are immigrants from syria after all) but it is no secret that the way Germany handled the refugee crysis was a disaster. Meanwhile the circumstances in the middle east has hardly gotten any better. Tells you a lot about global superpowers, really.
In comparison to the rest of the world I might be doing fine (see >>16700728), but I'm one who cares for all beings, not just about me. I've grown up in poverty and I know that it could be helped if politicians wanted to.
Meanwhile islamist terror seems to be on the rise again, which furthermore fuels right-wring extremism. It could've all been avoided but now we're stuck in this situation.
they will have to care one day when they realize that their job as a pop-journalist is not enough to afford housing in privatized inner city areas.
even if one is strictly racist and anti-immigration, voting for the afd is the dumbest fucking thing one could do. They are a wild mix of fascists, neolibs and evangelic fundamentalists. They couldn't care less about the worker, and they've shown a bunch of times that they hate poor people (they wouldn't publicly say this ofc, just like any politician). They are a symptom of failed centrist politics - they're essentially picking up the disappointed "bürger der mitte" and poor workers to rebel against the establishment.
So no, I'll never vote for these shitheads, especially not when their fascists members have this much influence.

>> No.16700870

Wait, there are evangelics in Germany? Jesus Fucking Christ. Somebody ought to have nuked the US 60 years ago.

>> No.16700884

>rows of giant american flags
>lacks kitsch

>> No.16700904

I have automatic contempt for those younger than me which particularly bothers me since I have to study with kids 4 years younger than years me at college. I can't identify with them for some reason.

>> No.16700923

Good. The more people who die from COVID, the better off my generation will be.

>> No.16700932

I've been informed by rich jewish sources that he'll get a 2nd term.

>> No.16700943

It's because you're a boomer who should've completed your degree years ago.

>> No.16700959

Knowledge and language are poison, the source of all suffering and alienation. Scientists, the ultimate seekers of knowledge, are like Icarus, carrying us all toward the sun in the name of progress. The mistake wasn't that we get too close to the sun, it's the attempt to fly. Humans are meant to be in the labyrinth. The knowledge we don't have is knowledge we aren't supposed to have. Even worse than knowledge itself is the specter of attaining more knowledge, it all needs to stop. Kill every scientist, bomb your local college, burn every book.

>> No.16701045

He said, using words

>> No.16701055

If there was a way to Express this without language I would

>> No.16701078

Would a cave painting work, or is that too technologically advanced?

>> No.16701082

Dumb idiot.

>> No.16701083

Cave paintings are the beginning of abstract thought, what's needed to save our species is a return to an animal state where we have no knowledge of our own death, before language, before thought, pure instinct. That's the garden of eden.

>> No.16701102
File: 68 KB, 1500x844, review-the-lighthouse-is-a-claustrophobic-decent-into-complete-madness-social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how it looks like he's jigging despite being in exceptional pain

>> No.16701151

- - - A long sentence can be transformed into several short sentences by breaking down the information contained in the long sentence and distributing it among the short sentences. Conversely, several short sentences can be transformed into one long sentence by combining the information scattered among the short sentences into the single long sentence - a transformation in which the clear arrangement of the information is particularly important with regard to a neat writing style.

- - - Short, choppy sentences function like fast camera cuts. They are indispensable for entertainment writers, since the modern audience is used to fast paced editing. Each sentence shows a small section of the picture and performs a small time jump. The fragments are then dramatically assembled. Nowadays, one reads bit by bit. Every other style is a dead end.

>> No.16701160

This is the advice VS Naipaul gave to his students. If you're writing anything longer than an essay all the fat needs to be trimmed off the sentences. This way you aren't exhausting your reader.

>> No.16701173


>> No.16701175

You come to this conclusion on an edible or something? This is a completely sophomoric opinion that literally everyone entertains at some point

>> No.16701179

>4 more years
Trumps getting 8 more years because the first election is going to be invalidated due to electoral interference from the previous administration.

>> No.16701182

No, I'm off drugs, knowledge seeking is self-destructive in the same way every drug addiction is. Humanity has to detox from knowledge and language if it is to survive.

>> No.16701189
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Imagine a movie where a beach is stormed by helicopters playing music 100 years apart from the era of the setting of the film and where soldiers wear civil war attire! That'll be one wild future film!

>> No.16701193
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>> No.16701198

you can tell this is an astroturfing thread because /lit/ never moves this fast

anyone who votes trump is brain diseased

>> No.16701200

There is no self interested reason to vote for Biden. Its only moral spooks that I hear.

>> No.16701215
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Many if not most of the fundamentalist strains in American Christianity originate in England and Northern Europe. You've heard of... the fucking Pilgrims right? Besides that, in addition to creating them Europe has had the worst fasco-evangelical movements in history. Look up John of Leiden from example.

>> No.16701224

There's no self-interested reason to vote at all, all you're doing by voting is legitimizing your own rape, which is what all politicians and their businessmen masters do

>> No.16701232

There is more samfagginf in the David Kellogg thread I'd bet. The reason I'd guess this is moving faster is because it isn't a niche topic. Anyone can say anything.

>> No.16701235

Does anyone even actually like biden? lmao, he's literally just the "Not Trump" candidate. I only slightly hope he wins since it will most likely make normies go back to political apathy so I don't have to hear their retardation irl anymore. Trump is the obvious better and more accelerationist choice if youre into that retarded shit

>> No.16701238

New janny is active and being overly aggressive about certain threads while being light touch about obvious shit/offtopic threads

>> No.16701241

If biden wins, trump isnt going to leave office.

>> No.16701242

>Does anyone even actually like biden
I do, he's like the senile grandfather I never had

>> No.16701255

Why? Who would back him up? The military? The military literally treat the constitution like a religion. The Republican party? They're happy with blocking everything the Demoncrats attempt to pass and they have complete control of the courts anyway, Dems aren't going to pack the court either, Biden said as much. There's no coup or tanks in the street moment coming, everything will be the same just worse, just like how it's been since 9/11.

>> No.16701256

I'm somewhat sympathetic to your point. But I think it's the burden of information build-up that encumbers a society. The odd reset, a massive loss of knowledge, seems to help.

>> No.16701258
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Just needs more Israeli flags. ;)
Also, fuck off to Reddit.

>> No.16701259

Correct because the President doesn't immediately leave office. :)

>> No.16701263

Yeah bro, you’re sooo much smarter than everyone else

>> No.16701269
File: 38 KB, 735x461, qp31mht0nhc41[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden is still a 20th century politician. Drumpf is a larger than life personality with an online presence as ubiquitous as any other "influencer" 1/3 his age. Biden still relies on his image as a politician to get people to vote for him. Notably he still relies on exterior sources of funding. Trump is self sufficient, he's an outsider who can win on personality alone and has enough money that he can finance his own campaign entirely on his own. He is larger than the US government. I don't think Biden, or any other candidate they put forward, ever had any chance of winning. The future belongs to Trump and people like Trump.

>> No.16701273

why does this thread care so much about politics?Its a muppet show of the technological oligarchy to keep the population with an illusion of choice

>> No.16701279

>Why? Who would back him up? The military? The military literally treat the constitution like a religion.
Yes and until inauguration day Trump is still president. This means, under Article I, Section 9, Clause 2, he has full authority to suspend habeas corpus and declare a state of rebellion thereby giving him broad authority to suspend the election and jail legislatures and even judges who are in contempt.

>> No.16701281
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>The future belongs to Trump...
You sure about that?

>> No.16701283

Politics is the conflict between the technological oligarchy and the more local resource extraction oligarchy

>> No.16701288

Why would they back him up on that? Seems like too much risk with not enough reward? What's the threat from Biden? He's not going to try to nationalize the health insurance companies or banks or something

>> No.16701292

Because of the reason you pointed out earlier, they're constitutionally obliged to do so.

>> No.16701307

The fact that there's been civil unrest this whole summer and Trump hasn't suspended habeaus corpus yet tells me he won't do it at all.

>> No.16701315

There wasn't a need to until the tens of millions of fraudulent mail in votes involving deceased and repeat voters came to light.

>> No.16701320

Is it okay if burger-shitheads fuck off to Reddit or some kind of circle-jerking political forum? You are not Europeans in spirits anymore, and no respectable European gentleman gives a shit if you're slowly tortured and dismembered because you all deserve to die. Now fuck off with your disgusting football-like obsession, you inferior and insentient beings. You are all impotent slaves of Jews in both mentality and spirit.

>> No.16701323

Why is this idiocy still perpetuated? Who has been ranting and raving for 4 years about the results of a fair election? Who tried to impeach someone who was investigating a high profile politician for major corruption (which we now know to be true)? Who wants to get around the system that fairly elected a president who fairly appointed a judge to the SCOTUS by packing the court? Hint: It's not Trump.

>> No.16701329

Why does voter fraud matter in a presidential election anyway when it's the electoral college that decides the outcome? Unless those electors are the ones doing the fraud I fail to see the danger from deceased and repeat votes

>> No.16701333

It isn't idiocy. If biden wins, it is proof of the cheating you mention and there isnt a good reason for Trump to leave office if that is the case.

>> No.16701335

The absolute state of dementiacrats.

>> No.16701343

t. leaf or american liberal

>> No.16701349

Both cuckservatives and libtards are both liberals, you dumbass. Go suck Jewish dick.

>> No.16701357

I'm not a democrat, I'm not voting at all this election because the American political system is a satanic cargo cult.

>> No.16701360

Not voting doesn't somehow delegitimize the system, you're way of thinking is just as spooked as people who think that their vote matters. Besides, Trump has unironically done more to delegitimize American politics than anyone alive. He should have listened to Banon and forgone even having an inauguration. Ultimately whether you vote or don't vote is irrelevant so you might as well have some fun with it.

>> No.16701366

Hmm, didn't think of it that way, the funniest thing to do would be writing in Hillary Clinton so maybe I'll do that

>> No.16701370

>Trump has unironically done more to delegitimize American politics than anyone alive.

>> No.16701371

I mean I wrote in myself and got my friends to do it so I can appear in the results with several votes to me name.

>> No.16701406
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liberal democracy has been and always will be an illusion, politics is diplomatic solutions to conflicts of power, if you have no power then cannot participate in politics, even if your lord lets you pretend otherwise.
'politics' has become a distraction, they want us to be solely concerned with identity so we never stop to question class
trump is the perfect demonstration of this, he has done basically nothing and yet people are losing their fucking minds because he been characterized as the focus point of these conflicts of identity
we barely know what he believes, people just project onto him whatever it is they want him to represent so they can either get furiously angry or zealously proud

>> No.16701436

The future belongs to Xi Jinping, who is the kind of politician who Trump desperately wishes he was. Trump is the last gasp of the American Empire.

>> No.16701440

I’ve realized that my desire for love and romance is entirely due to cultural and media messaging that present it as the key to enduring happiness. Which is delusional.

>> No.16701459


>> No.16701490

Anything but. Trump is a renewal of the American Empire. His America first and fuck everybody else policy isn't going to disappear after he leaves office. In fact the only reason he got the office is because that feeling among the general public is returning. China is a regional power and will always remain a regional power. A superpower like America with an imperial bent, a real imperial ambition and not constantly vacillating between imperialism and isolationism like it has been doing, will lead to imperial ventures that would make the 20th century pale in comparison. Trump touts isolationism but he's bombed the Middle East 4 or 5 times more than Obama ever did. Not to mention the economic boom that shows the effectiveness of his neo-imperial policies. The American empire isn't going anywhere, it's going to get a lot stronger. Not explicitly because of Trump, but Trump did get the ball rolling. And I'm saying all this as a European.

>> No.16701509

America will wane so long as democracy continues. China is the superpower of the next millennium.

>> No.16701525


>> No.16701531

>His America first and fuck everybody else policy isn't going to disappear after he leaves office.
More like Israel first.

>> No.16701539

You risk higher taxes. Your choice.

>> No.16701543

How can any Amerimutt or Americanized Eurocuck watch this while believing America still is independent and sovereign?

>> No.16701554

Trumps tax plan raised my family's property taxes, go suck some more of your jew puppets cock retard

>> No.16701559

>israel bad
t. NPC.

>> No.16701565

Imagine being so blinded by ideology you can't see the inherent geopolitical advantages in keeping Israel propped up in the Middle East.

>> No.16701566

Nice LARP. Property taxes are levied at municipal and county levels, not federally.

>> No.16701585

Trumps tax plan eliminated deductions for interest on mortgages for purposes other than home improvement. Aka if you're borrowing against your property to pay for education instead of taking federal student loans like a blood sucker youre pu is he'd by trump.

>> No.16701587

Zionism is the highest form of antisemitism. What defines Jewishness is the displacement and exile following the destruction of the temple. All of Jewish culture, art, satire, and humor stem from that displacement, of not being attached to the land, always being just a little bit of an outsider. Zionism wishes to reverse this, to turn Jews into yet another nation among nations, it's a rejection of the essential Jewish condition. If the Jewish people are to be saved Zionism must be crushed and the land returned to the Palestinians.

>> No.16701588
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repostan samson for anon since there's a new WOYM thread and some more people should think "what a lovely dog" on their way through the thread

>> No.16701596

God Bless Donald J Trump :,)

>> No.16701645

>zionism wishes the reverse this thats why diaspora zionists all immediately migrate to Israel and renounce their former citizenship
Oh wait

>> No.16701648

what the fuck are you talking about lol? where I am from normies care the most about politics, they think voting is very important, and they are so narcissistic through brainwashing that they believe they are the ones to fix the world. of course they always only make it worse, but they could never admit to such a thing because if they did what would the purpose of their life be? how could they tell themselves they are fighting for good? it’s smart of them not to question too much because there is only danger when you lose the comfort of your group.

>> No.16701653

That's not property taxes and you're stupid for doing this as student loans are unsecured debt.

>> No.16701684

Extraordinary cope. Wait and see, Eurocuck.

>> No.16701688

It wasn't stupid before Trump because I got deductions out of it. Then Trump came in and raised my taxes so that his real estate development business has an easier time. But yeah bro suck daddy kushners chabad cock he'll save you he really cares about you

>> No.16701705

>I'm just kinda depressed as a euro leftist

>> No.16701718

the premise of Zionism itself is antisemitic

>> No.16701726

It was stupid because student loans aren't secured. You could have used your equity for more property or other investments. Instead you put these on the line for probably a worthless low tier bachelors eduction.

>> No.16701738

You're just repeating yourself instead of addressing the realities of what "zionism" means in practice. Zionist diaspora jews don't magically become rooted Israelis.

>> No.16701752

That's because I'm not critiquing Zionism in practice but as a concept.

>> No.16701753
File: 385 KB, 1440x1080, Coomer's log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coomer's log, corona date 11/02/2020
Day 2 of NoNut November.
Everything went fine yesterday, no strong temptations.
Watched Apocalypse Now. Was not affected too much by the actresses's naked titties on the Redux cut. However I must be cautious not to consume media that might titillate me this month.
The challenge is going to be especially grueling this year, seeing as we are all still stuck inside because of the Kungflu. Being sedentary for so long leads to boredom and idleness, and everyone knows idle hands are the devil's playthings.
We have to find ways to entertain ourselves as the month rolls by. I began a new book yesterday, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. That will keep me occupied for awhile.
I pray for my brothers so they might not succumb to the urge to fap so soon on our journey.
Coomer out.

>> No.16701767

Then you should qualify your statements by saying that you're talking about some imaginary thing that doesnt exist rather than a very real phenomenon that does.

>> No.16701777
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>> No.16701790

I just read The Enigma of Arrival by him and there were plenty of fatty sentences. It was an excellent book and I'm a fan of his style but it surprises me that he would give his students that advice.

>> No.16701797

I have 0 interest in acquiring more property that would require time and effort to manage and make profitable. Prior to Trump it was more profitable to use a mortgage because the limit on student loan interest deductions is lower, so I paid less on interest with a mortgage than a student loan. Trump eliminated this so his family can run a more profitable business, he de facto raised my taxes. He's no different than Biden and you're a retard for going around with his cock in you're mouth.

>> No.16701799

You mean aside from cheaper healthcare and education? Reminder that Trump's tax cuts are only permanent for the rich and soon middle class taxes will be higher again.

>> No.16702001

it's one thing to realize that your inner process is affected, and steered by the will of God in conjunction with your free will. it is another to realize that the same is true of every humanbeing. Whatever you meet is a prism of Gods will, shaped and worn by the choices the person has made. Ultimately, there is always the potential for the greatest good in them, and ultimately the only reason for that good not to show is that they are a sinner, or that God is testing them. The same as you. This means that, as the muslims say, there is no power nor any ability but that it is from God. I believe there isn't even an inclination but that it is from God, as a test either of plenty or scarcity, in other words that you are being tried for what you do with what you have or with what you don't have.

Why do I care? I was bothered by something I said. Worried about what will happen. But what I must realize is that the internal process of the person I said it to is also shaped by God. And God is good. What will happen will maybe be a trial, but it will be for the best. God will be fair, and God is certainly in command of these things.

>> No.16702010

there's no self interested reason to vote for Trump, unless you're cashing out your stock in the next 4 years

>> No.16702018

Trump pisses off more technocrats than he makes happy

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

>> No.16702026

Voice chatted with my internet crush for the second time and nigga I'm walking on clouds.

>> No.16702030

yea he's certainly a clueless retard

>> No.16702040

what I imagine it sounds like in your head desu senpai

hope things work out with you two

>> No.16702047
File: 25 KB, 438x438, 86z0jwtdrbs41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my internet crush

Literally more embarrassing than saying "my waifu" and meaning it. Women are dudes with long hair who can occasionally cohabitate with you, not magical fairies made of dreams. You wouldn't let a dude with long hair named Mike jerk you around for the honor of being his friend. Why you gonna let a dude with long hair named Rachel do it? Because he has a pussy instead of a dick? So does a sheep. You gonna simp for a sheep?

>> No.16702053

yeah something like that

>> No.16702054


>> No.16702071

Women are nice. Stop being so reductionist; it's not correct.

>> No.16702086

I am utterly annoyed with the lack of effort given to designing a proper plot in 99.999% of porn videos. It's why I vastly prefer written erotica.

>> No.16702092

Have you tried watching Emanuelle? It's an old movie and I haven't seen it myself save for few scenes, but I heard it was an attempt to make erotica more than just cheap porn.

>> No.16702093

What about audio porn?

>> No.16702097

Enjoy telling stories about "the one who got away" 5 years from now and "the one who got away" is some random depressed bitch from the internet you still get drunk and send an email to about how you miss her smell.

>> No.16702102

You're not going to make it. Consider helium.

>> No.16702131

Why would you root against me?

>> No.16702143 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 728x1199, redmirage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16702153

my bih no luh me no mo yuh
my bih where u be at yuh
tell dat ho i miss her yuh
the sun no longa rises fo me yuh

>> No.16702161

No one is rooting against you, we're trying to warn you to treat this woman like an equal and a friend instead of assuming she's above you and her mere presence is a blessing. Imagine if someone worshiped their boss for being nice to them and paying then on time. It would be an unhealthy relationship and even more unhealthy when the boss inevitably abuses it.

It's okay to worship your partner if you love them and they love you, and it's okay to be excited about a girl you are seeing or have good chemistry with, but you need to also reality check that natural male tendency with reminders that she is just a person.

For every random depressed bitch on discord there are a dozen guys who spent a few weeks being her beta male entertainment and thinking they had something special with her. Remember that. Doesn't mean they're all bad, just most of them, and it means men as a rule are gullible morons who want to believe what they want to believe.

>> No.16702162
File: 629 KB, 240x286, 1587770551953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'am watching Hitler speeches and i can't help but think if he was alive today he would blow through the political opposition without a sweat. Comparing him in how he talks and the subject he handles to a modern day politician and you can easily find his newer counterparts lacking. Just in presitation the nazis stand out so much, with his use of uniforms and flags, and the armband, nothing even going to bring up him making stadiums specifically for speeches. Also the fact he was so active giving his speeches everywhere an to everyone.Our current PM looks like a watermelon seller compared to him. He just feels like a higher caliber person. Where's the zest in the current politicans, they all dress and present themselves so poorly i get bored just having to look at them. Why are we not getting anything even remotely similar in ferver to him, and i'am not talking about his political spectrum?

>> No.16702178

I get it, don't be a simp.

>> No.16702228

Trump is doing four rallies across the country today for the second day in a row. And the man's in his mid-70's. He's not the most physically fit person in the world but you gotta admire his boundless energy. Even a 20 year old would crack like an egg in his shoes.

>> No.16702240

I think I think I think, I thought I could think for itself by now but only when I’m not paying attention, when I don’t want to. What’s want really? I didn’t choose any of this. Neither did you, but I’m glad my father and mother met. I hope you can say the same. But I’m not excited for the end of the tunnel. And I’m grateful and disgusted everyday. Grateful for everything that we have, but disgusted at how we squander it, how we worship ourselves even through our religions and how we simplify every facet of our existence through our innate anthropocentric bias, innate irrationalities in how we process and explain. As we are merely systems open to influence what has spread the most is rhetoric, rhetoric like philosophy, morality and many others. We will only be able to emancipate from our innate conflict and view of everything through “meaning” by solving ourselves. Thinking isn’t an end in itself, it stems from a chain of events which only occur under certain circumstances. Pain only comes when the pressure is applied, hunger only comes when the body signals a need for food / lack of food. While merely subjective, egoistic and rhetorically founded, I see that to solve all of the needs of our system (the circumstances and issues which lead to our actions, pains) should be our imperative if wish to end our suffering. Now I do not mean suicide, I value awareness, and thus I want us to reach awareness without action or need for action, and instead a state of pure awareness and feeling. Positive ones of course.

>> No.16702259

Refuted in Book 3 of Confessions.

>> No.16702292

I whish every day that I could go back 2 months and change how I reacted to her getting a boyfriend. Ever since then our friendship has been distant and cold and I don't think she even likes me as a person anymore. Call me a beta cuck simp all you want cause its true but I love her and I just want to be her friend

>> No.16702345

Beta cuck simp I hope she continues to hate you so that you have a chance to escape this lowly mindset

>> No.16702354

>You mean aside from cheaper healthcare
More expensive. ACA favors shit tier HMO plans with $5000 deductibles.
>and education?
This doesn't benefit me. I'll be paying for it with higher taxes and anything that benefits be (grad level) preferential tax credits will be done away with and because we're subsidizing smoothbrains, there would be a cap on grad plus loans so I wouldn't be able to just go to school as I please. Go dire in a fire.
>Reminder that Trump's tax cuts are only permanent for the rich and soon middle class taxes will be higher again.
There's no indication he will raise taxes. Democrats have a history of repeatedly raising taxes on EVERYTHING from toll roads to property taxes to sales tax to income tax to gasoline tax. I wouldn't be surprised if they got in power again they would institute a VAT on top of everything. There is ZERO reason for me to vote for them. The only thing I hear are moral spooks.

>> No.16702366

>There's no indication he will raise taxes.

>> No.16702367


>> No.16702369

This myopic mindset is why america is basically a 3rd world country.

>> No.16702377

Why would he? He's a populist.

>> No.16702382

Yeah that's probably what'll happen sadly
I think I'll just try go back to meaningless one night stands to try and forget her

>> No.16702383

Audio porn rubs me in the wrong way. It's too personal, too intimate. I felt like an intruder when I tried it. It's not for me.

>> No.16702387

Trump looks so fucking ridiculous, just shave your head and STOP WITH THE FAKE TAN. Everyone knows it looks bad why does he do it

And i don't even hate trump

>> No.16702393

I think there's something to be said that the far right has a better understanding of the power of imagery and ceremony than any other faction.

>> No.16702396

Yeah, populists don't have a history of betraying their voter bases once they get to power, kek.

>> No.16702401

lol oh we're just being silly

>> No.16702403

Its not an either-or just be realistic about the girls you invest in emotionally. The Sorrows of Young Simp was a warning not a manual.

>> No.16702411

They don't. He isn't a muh balanced retard and as I said Democrats have a history of raising my taxes at all level of government which is a fact. Trump has no history or suggestion to this. It's a baseless speculation on your part.

>> No.16702417

>dude trust me, he's going to raise your taxes I dont have any proof but you should vote for the party that repeatedly has raised taxes through the roof the past 40 years

>> No.16702422

>vote for the guy you know is going to fuck you instead of the guy who says he won't

>> No.16702425

It was not my intention to become invested in her emotionally. We just clicked and started talking a lot. Next thing you know I thought about her 24/7 and cried for the first time in years. She's a literal emotionally unavailable schizo

>> No.16702428

hey retard, remember this?

"The Trump administration has a dirty little secret: It’s not just planning to increase taxes on most Americans. The increase has already been signed, sealed and delivered, buried in the pages of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

President Trump and his congressional allies hoodwinked us. The law they passed initially lowered taxes for most Americans, but it built in automatic, stepped tax increases every two years that begin in 2021 and that by 2027 would affect nearly everyone but people at the top of the economic hierarchy. All taxpayer income groups with incomes of $75,000 and under — that’s about 65 percent of taxpayers — will face a higher tax rate in 2027 than in 2019.

For most, in fact, it’s a delayed tax increase dressed up as a tax cut. How many times have you heard Trump and his allies mention that? They surmised — correctly, so far — that if they waited to add the tax increases until after the 2020 election, few of the people most affected were likely to remember who was responsible."

>> No.16702441

If you want to truly be her friend then put yourself in her shoes and realize that she is never going to love you again, those feelings are dead and never coming back, and what she wants is for you to move on and be able to love someone else, the same way she wants to move on and love other people.

Most likely she is cold because she knows there is no good way to deal with you when you are like this. She knows she is done seeing you that way and she knows you still see her that way. That either sickens and annoys her (if she's a lousy person and only sees how it affects her), or it makes her deeply uncomfortable and sad (because she feels bad for the compromised position it puts you in, and doesn't want that kind of ugly power over you).

Either way, if you truly want friendship with her, do what she wants you to do, and move on like she has. If you are truly lifelong friends then it's not that big a deal to have a few months or even a few years of break either. But more likely you can't even imagine going that long without her presence because you are still infatuated with her, which is exactly what bothers her.

>> No.16702449

Take your meds, schizo, and stop browsing /pol/.
t. national security lawfag

>> No.16702491

It is a matter of constitutional trivia that such actions could indeed be possible. If you're truly a lawfag (as in JD?), then elaborate as to why such an action would not be possible. Quite frankly, I am not picking sides here. Even if a democratic president did it, I would applaud them for having the balls to do what no president since Lincoln has done.

>> No.16702497

Unless you quantify this, it is just empty rhetoric.

>> No.16702498


hey where'd you go? let's talk about Trump and taxes.
the plan was to give an initial tax break, and then raise taxes down the road when they knew liberals would be in power again.

>> No.16702506

you dumb motherfuckers deserve what you get

>> No.16702517

Great song. Great pic. Great quote.

>> No.16702518


Have fun getting more of your military secrets sold to China, mutt:


>> No.16702537

>there's no indication he will raise taxes
Didn't bother to read the tax plan that was passed in 2017 did you? Starting in 2021 there will be a stepped increase every two years. In 2027 you'll be paying more than you paid in 2019. Oh but this doesn't apply to businesses. The tax cut was permanent for them. If Trump were actually a populist I'd support him.

>> No.16702561

>the guy you know is going to fuck you
I guarantee that no one on this board makes enough money to get fucked by Biden's tax plan

>> No.16702567

Even in 2027, it will still benefit those in the top 45%. I am the top 45%.

>> No.16702572

Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.

>> No.16702581

Oh golly gee, this slope sure is slippery

>> No.16702582

So what? I'm in the top 1%. That doesn't mean it's right for him to screw over the poor whites who got him into office. That's not populism.

>> No.16702593

>the left doesnt want to keep pushing left
The last 60 years would like a word

>> No.16702598

if they voted for him it's no less than they deserve

>> No.16702620

The left doesn't want higher taxes for everybody, but for the parasitic finance class to pull their damn weight for a change

>> No.16702626

No, the left is a puppet of the banks thats why they support the same policies as every Fortune 500 HR company. Flood America with endless Turd Worlders to drive down wages.

>> No.16702631

$5000 deductible Joe plans won't help them either. Neither will $5 a gallon gasoline. Like I said earlier, you didn't quantify shit so it's extremely debatable as to whether Trumps tax plan would affect them adversely. It likely is biasing the results to include those affected by high state income tax states like CA, NJ and NY. The cause of their suffering is the democrat legislatures that raised their taxes in the first place. The trump tax bill just makes that more obvious and they are free to move.

>> No.16702635

When will you people learn to distinguish the liberals from the leftists? Leftists detest liberals.

>> No.16702637 [DELETED] 

If you don't want the "parasitic finance class" to skim your money, put it in a low fee index fund. Most of the billion hedgefund assholes skim like 2% off managing the assets of decadent failson trustfunders. Who gives a shit other than envy?

>> No.16702640

>support Biden!
>also im totally not a corporate puppet in a true communist!

>> No.16702644

This is the gayest post I've read on 4chan in a while, and they always seem to be on /lit/ for some reason.

>> No.16702649 [DELETED] 

That leftist mob that assaulted people that were protesting big tech in San Francisco last week weren't liberals. Imaging violently terrorizing someone because they dared to criticizedTwitter and then think you are the revolutionary!

>> No.16702656

Wait, then explain to me why Goldman Sachs and other big banks are supporting Biden?

>> No.16702657

You people go around burning down small businesses and then beat people up for protesting super corporations, fuck off materialist shill

>> No.16702677

lesser of two evils

>> No.16702682
File: 393 KB, 735x881, 3d8farfzyjq31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive recently found myself, for the first time in my life I believe, to be genuinely depressed.
I remember when I was young I thought I was depressed, when really I was just a bit sad. we all go through bouts of sadness of course, sometimes quite intense, sometimes quite mild.
But I think I now truly know depression, its nothing like I used to think. its not dramatic or emotional at all, I find it more aggravating and frustrating. Its like there is a tumor or some kind of corruption in my brain that I cant remove. It doesnt make me want to cry, like I used to think it would, it just makes me very, tired, very bored, and very frustrated.
This sucks.

>> No.16702687

/leftypol/ has destroyed what shit
that little /lit/ had going for it

>> No.16702691

hallo amerika
greetings from germany
please elekt trump
or i will be embarrased in front of my friends

>> No.16702697

I hope Trump wins. Purely for the memes. Trumpless world would be so boring. It is already unbearable enough, at least provide some fun, burgers.

>> No.16702699
File: 123 KB, 828x465, B8lPrvA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small business owners with bourgeois tendencies are the real revolutionary subject, not protesters in the street.

>> No.16702701


>> No.16702702

>can't provide a link

seethe and cope

>> No.16702727

>Neither will $5 a gallon gasoline
Quantify this, you dumb hysterical bitch. You people will always shift blame to the democrats, even while you're running the show. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.16702728

nazis voted for trump so what's the difference?

>> No.16702747

yes, nazis outnumber suburban whites how did you know?

>> No.16702751

Nazis are very transparent about the fact that theyre engaging in gradualism. The ones who don't are called wignats and they're assumed to be feds by everyone else. The left has some weird illusion that theyre somehow fighting the system by supporting Goldman Sachs corporate policy.

>> No.16702759

Hello ESL

>> No.16702794

If by ''the left'' you mean liberals. Communists don't think that.

>> No.16702813

I have anxiety and partial phobia of intimacy
She told me she wouldn't like a relationship she can't control using withdrawal tactics

>> No.16702817

>people who call themselves communist, are called communist by others, and engage in Marx and Marx-derived works are not communist because I say so!

>> No.16702828

Those people don't believe Biden is going to dismantle capitalism. What kind of fantasy world does your head reside in?

>> No.16702829

>Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach
technological utopia is a delusion

>> No.16702840

Biden said he will phase out fossil fuels and the tool used to do that is tax, imbecile.

>> No.16702848

I'm a Marxist Leninist and I'm voting for Trump.

>> No.16702850


>> No.16702858

Doesn't benefit me.

>> No.16702863


>> No.16702866

Trump raised taxes on wealthy property owners by eliminating the SALT deduction. As long as you don't own an absurdly huge mansion that accrues more than $10,000 in property taxes yearly this won't affect you. Biden has promised to reverse this policy immediately upon assuming office. Yes, that's right, he's prioritizing a tax cut for people with mansions that have a tax bill over $10,000.

>> No.16702882

Why do /leftypol/ chuds always say this? No one is talking about what you, some random guy, think true communism is, they're talking about what the millions of slimy drug addicts burning down places like Portland think communism is.

Not because what you think it is, or what it truly is, doesn't matter at all, but because it's hard to hear you or whoever else might be correct about communism over the sound of their polyamorous love-in at the burning Denny's parking lot. You can't deny that a whole lot of people who identify at communist, anarchist, Marxist-Leninist et cetera are effectively liberals and easily controlled.

Same. Anyone voting Biden is brain damaged.

>> No.16702890


>> No.16702906

>millions of slimy drug addicts burning down places like Portland
Not even those people think Biden is going to usher in communism.

>> No.16702907

I was raised Muslim and don't practice. I don't believe in any political ideology. I am in the USA. I think leftists and alt-right people are stupid. I am just living my life. Watching everything crumbling around me. What side do I even choose? Will everyone be forced to pick a side?

>> No.16702908

No, but they're hoping if Biden wins he'll drop all the federal arson charges against them.

>> No.16702919

fuck off pol schizos this is my diary desu: the thread

>> No.16702922

I always hated this kid purely for his physiognomy. And I'm a trump voter. I hate the way he looks so much. Week estrogen skull.

>> No.16702928

Perhaps. I don't care about that, I've made my point now.

>> No.16702936

Yes you've admitted that a vote for biden is a vote for the interests of leftists.

>> No.16702937

Holy fuck, this thread is so fast. What gives?

>> No.16702960
File: 119 KB, 608x608, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right hand on my Glock, left hand on her coochie
Cock the chop, hit your top, nigga, Bruce Lee
I'm the boogeyman, pussies can't spook me
Got your BM on my line talkin' 'bout, "Scoop me"
You know I got a soft spot for the hoochies
I don't talk to bitches, bitches talk the bullshit
I bought every pair of Amiris in the boutique
You know we want all the smoke, nigga, Lucy
I'll never fall off, I might take a break
You know either way it go, my family gon' be straight
Still in debt from all the losses that I had to take
When you out here tryna evolve, they gon' call you fake
I can't turn my back on the gang no matter what I make
I done took a lot of risks to make sure niggas ate
Superhero in my hood, I don't need a cape
I be lost sometimes, feelin' like I'm runnin' in place

>> No.16702982
File: 328 KB, 983x1500, MNWWIROQMJEQ7NFM3HTFULAVCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, nothing is going to happen. All this stuff happened before, but this time it's even less important because the institutional racism that existed then has largely been dismantled and there isn't a war violent enough to require a draft. The stakes are, to be honest, much lower. Yeah, China is a threat, but there's no Cold War either. All this shit is just theater to try to get Americans to give a shit about politics at all. Read this book if you want a look at what happened the first time.

>> No.16702988
File: 230 KB, 600x323, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Called the first one Savage Mode, my mood, that's what it was (21)
2016, we was ridin' around, beatin' niggas up in the club
I know she around for the money, but act like she loyal, I don't feel the love (21)
I'm so rich, get bored, might wake up, buy me a car just 'cause (On God)
Her titties is hard 'cause she spent a five, my bitch titties cost me a dub (21)
All my bitches got BBLs, all my bitches got butts (Straight up)
I ain't with the rap beef, Draco pedophile, all of my opps get touched (Straight up)
We ain't never ran off on no barber, but we still be hoppin' out cuts (Straight up)

>> No.16702996

Portland is fine you retarded faggot. The cities are fine. The national guard is in my city now, but for what reason? People on the outside get the impression that it isn't safe to leave your home, that looting and vandalism is indiscriminate and widespread. But in my neighborhood and in the neighborhoods of everyone I know, it has remained quiet. You people see one looted Walmart and lose your fucking shit over it. Who fucking cares, it's a goddamn Walmart. They'll be fine.

>> No.16703002

pol tourists who write more than they read

>> No.16703007

I'm telling you, my dear
That it can't happen here

>> No.16703023 [DELETED] 

I live in the NYC area and NYPD has been scaring all the luxury retailers in Manhattan to put up plywood. It's like when they predict a huge storm and then it's weak. Commies might make a scene and torch some cop cars, but the organized flashmob crews that cleaned out Soho aren't going to come out over a fucking election. Give me a breal. Also, my urban neighborhood right outside the city has had no riots at all probably because we have more cops killed than people killed by cops over the last decade or so, haha.

>> No.16703052

Surprised this thread wasn't deleted desu

>> No.16703057

From a leftist perspective he's the lesser of two evils. How can you be this retarded?

>> No.16703075
File: 2.93 MB, 480x480, 1604342172486.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah. I wouldn't be suprised if freaking California went red this year. Red wave is a-coming

>> No.16703084

you are a faggot and a niggger, seek help and to go the gym and GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER

>> No.16703094

Holy shit the reaction from leftypol is telling

>> No.16703098

I hope it reaches bump limit soon so we can start a proper one. But who are we kidding, /pol/ tourists are going to flood every board, no matter who wins this election.

>> No.16703105

Exploited the creative writing loopwhole

>> No.16703116

California will never go red, don't kid yourself

>> No.16703118

Cry more you fucking leftypol faggot. Until the election is over MAGA will continue

>> No.16703131

It won't go red, but all the conservatives who don't usually vote will come out in droves just to shut down the whining about the electoral college.

>> No.16703151

/pol/nigger go home

>> No.16703154
File: 816 KB, 855x904, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a historic year. People are coming in in droves just to show their support for Trump. Its the monster vote like 2016 but even bigger

>> No.16703178

I think if anything the stakes are much higher. But appreciate the response

>> No.16703190

It's blue voters who stayed home last time and first time voters who are responsible for most of the uptick in people registering to vote.

>> No.16703197 [DELETED] 

The only thing I'm worried about is if Biden wins he'll let the CIA start ISIS up again. Other than that who gives a shit. ISIS causes tons of anti-Islam attitudes which creates support for imperialism, and I live around a lot of Copts, so when ISIS bombed those Egyptian churches everyone felt it like it was on our soil.

>> No.16703198

With Glenn Greenwald getting censored by his own magazine and Bernie Sanders saying that the Democrats are the party of coastal elites, I would have to say that the Democrats have some soul searching to do. The modern left doesn’t care about the working class, all they do is love lecturing people about bullshit "privilege" while siding with war criminals and monopolists.

>> No.16703199


>> No.16703206

I registered and voted for the first time this year. Voted for the Green Party for maximum triggering. I mean I would have voted for Bernie, but since Biden is "electable" I didn't need to vote for him.

>> No.16703208


>> No.16703212

Based retard

>> No.16703220

/lit// is a republican board right?

>> No.16703230

FPBP and just look at them Digits. Kek is among Us guys. Let him Be PRAISE BROTHERS !!

>> No.16703231

>Kek is among Us guys
>the people who sunk the west are unironically satanists

>> No.16703238

I'm gonna change what I am doing. I am not powerless in this.

>> No.16703241
File: 69 KB, 596x630, smug nagatoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, /pol/tard?

>> No.16703245

the old commies did too. the problem is that the modern left lacks heroes. You could literally make a stylized poster of a guy with a sledgehammer back then, and it looked great. who are you gonna make look strong for you now, cleaners?

>> No.16703249

die thread die
its german for the thread the

>> No.16703264

I'm a black woman and I have centipedes in my vagina

>> No.16703283 [DELETED] 


>> No.16703289


>> No.16703295

and seed

>> No.16703297

>state of this thread
I really can't wait for the election to be over

>> No.16703300

What heroes do the far right have? I mean currently

>> No.16703301


>> No.16703302

Blame leftypol for being so fucking immature.

>> No.16703306

le fuck

>> No.16703312

and le suck

>> No.16703316
File: 722 KB, 1329x2000, cri_000000151125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but the absolute best stuff comes from angry left wing artists, if anything the right on average has a stuffy and mediocre sense of aesthetics.

>> No.16703317

Wrong website, stupid tourist

>> No.16703318

none that I know of, but their story still makes the same amount of sense, roughly. they can use the same stuff from back when. I think anyways

>> No.16703321 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, Soyjack mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blame leftypol for being so fucking immature.

>> No.16703323

Oh shut the fuck up you seething bitch :) You didn't learn from the last time pol raided you, did you?

>> No.16703344

Since this thread is gonna get jannied anyway, let me ask: How to get a gf that's down with a smothering fetish (like smothering me)

>> No.16703345

never be satisfied
always look for better
because they dont matter

>> No.16703347

Yes because he's a corporate puppet and leftists de facto support multional corporations

>> No.16703350
File: 35 KB, 450x500, cute marisa eating spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]