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File: 43 KB, 600x554, eJwVzEsOwyAMANG7cACMIR83t0EEEapQI-yuqt49yXLeYn7mO06zmUO1ywawV0k8divKI5ZsC3M5c-xVbOIGUTWmo-WPCgSH6NbgaEGiySOGmxacvfPr6-6ZwkRQ27N592L-F7seIbI.1upVishsz0CloBlIyEzxdkh8uX8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16699734 No.16699734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw so starved for female attention I'm playing recordings from the vocaroo thread on crystal cafe just to simulate some kind of exposure to the softness of the female voice
Has anyone written a book about the crushing social alienation particular to the 21st century yet? I imagine it's like Live Blog but more black pilled.

>> No.16699739

I think you're more starved for internet attention then female attention. Otherwise you would be working on a plan to go outside and talk to women rather then posting on 4chan in hopes strangers will reply.


>> No.16699740

so true

>> No.16699742

Stop being gay

>> No.16699743


>> No.16699750


>> No.16699759

Where do I go to talk to women? My job is all boomers, my hobbies are solitary, my friends are all men.

>> No.16699765
File: 183 KB, 1054x1317, 1571762461423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I've accepted I'm never going to have anyone
Friends, girlfriends, wives and children; those things simply are out of my reach. I wish I could stop fantasying about them, having dreams where I'm dating my highschool crush still occur. You're a loser though. The saddest thing I ever did was jerk off with a hair scrunchy I found inside a santahat

>> No.16699772

There are literally billions of women on the planet.

>> No.16699778

just jerk off

>> No.16699780
File: 107 KB, 396x385, 3b5d30f85d14816a139d5b7a829ae2f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer the question.

>> No.16699782

you literally don't understand the suffering

>> No.16699785

Boy have I got just the right thing for you. I got this woman she's cute and very creative but might be a just a tinnnnnnny bit crazy. If you're the type of guy who spends his time in chat rooms and enjoy getting stalked and lives off the drama then she's perfect for you bro and she might be here right and who knows perhaps she's the one who made this thread

>> No.16699788

Read Houellebecq

>> No.16699793

attention seeking

>> No.16699799

>no answer
thought so

>> No.16699813

it's called Infinite Jest

>> No.16699835

>My job is all boomers
That doesn’t matter. Zoomers on this board would be a lot happier if they realized ahead of time that their employer doesn’t hire girls so you can creep them out trying to fuck them. That’s not what they’re there for. College is literally the last time a major institution will pull out all the stops to help you get laid- after that you’re on your own, unless you join a cult or something.

>> No.16699845

How does college help you get laid, it's literally no different than a corporation. If you creep out a girl she tells them you're creepy and you get fucked.

>> No.16699846

Bro how do I get laid in uni? I haven't spoken to a single person here. Everyone was partying last night and I just hung out in my room.

>> No.16699848

join a gym or a dance class

>> No.16699849

I am basically just praying a girl asks me out at this point, which won't happen.

>> No.16699861

Play a sport. Not a real, NCAA sport, just a sport that says “club” or “intramural”. They’ll organize exclusive parties with female teams and sororities.
Alternatively join a Fraternity though I don’t know much about that but they do the same things with parties.
If all else fails just rent a house off-campus (but close to school) and throw parties. People will come and your social credit from owning the house and the easy logistics of the thing will get you laid, i absolutely guarantee it. Where I went to school this wasn’t practicable until Junior year though.

>> No.16699866

just say you eat puss for free

>> No.16699869

I go to the gym, how the fuck would this help me meet girls? Nobody socializes in the gym.

>> No.16699871

That sounds like too much work and I'm too ugly/socially retarded
This is a great idea

>> No.16699873

What interests do girl have that I can even talk about with them. This is what I never understood.

>> No.16699874

be less autistic maybe

>> No.16699875

Media like music and TV is usually mutual. If she likes you then you can talk about your autistic hobbies and she'll be impressed as long as they make you seem smart or adventurous

>> No.16699880

The fuck does this mean nobody talks in the gym everybody has their earbuds in and is just doing their own thing

>> No.16699886

>nobody talks in the gym
how about stop observing what other people do and initiating conversations yourself

>> No.16699896

That’s weird, he’s right, people don’t like being bothered in the gym

>> No.16699899

The only time I even see hot girls my age in the gym is when they're there with their boyfriends. My gym is full of boomers, my day to day life has 0 interaction with girls my age.

>> No.16699900

>people don’t like being bothered in the gym
some don't but some won't mind