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16697073 No.16697073 [Reply] [Original]

what's his deal?

>> No.16697307

being the failson of rich chinks and doing so many drugs he's trying decalcify his pineal gland now or some shit. all the alt lit of dweebs of 2010 are schizos now, sad!

>> No.16697942

and steve roggenbuck is a rapist pedophile lol

>> No.16698545

i likes taipei, the prose kind of reminded me of malcom lowry

>> No.16698585

I was interested in taipei until I learned that he's not actually asian but american. sad

>> No.16699035

Tao may not see it, but he's a survivor of technology and his work composes adaption alongside institutions of American life. I like how rooted to our era he remains, not skipping current events audience but engaging them. I think Trip and MkUltra were Tao dwelling in that audience and selling the literary goods people want.

>> No.16699038

Read someone else for exoticism, I thought Taipei was a great novel.

>> No.16699081

He sprinkles wit and humor elements sparingly which I like, the text doesn't rely upon them and drives of Taos accord

>> No.16699085
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put down your self and pick up your Tao

>> No.16699098

One time in Brooklyn, Tao made me sneeze fanta then handed me paper towels and said I'd "moved" him

>> No.16699103

is Tao funnin about most wasabi being green dyed horse radish?

>> No.16699112
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>> No.16699114

what happened to mira, what do her toenails look like now?

>> No.16699143

He lives in Hawaii now, writes on his leave society blogspot and taoposts on twitter

>> No.16699147 [DELETED] 

When will Tao Lin write his response to In the miso soup?

>> No.16699164

Does his Shoplifting book count as crime fiction?

>> No.16699180

He seduced a 16-year-old.

>> No.16699182


>> No.16699187

leave society will either be alt lit's long-awaited triumph or its drawn-out obituary. it all hinges on tao, literally everyone else fizzled out

>> No.16699193 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16699206

Autism. Not even joking.
Easiest thing in the world to do and that’s why it’s illegal.

>> No.16699213


>> No.16699224

alt lit isn't anymore real than e-meters, but Tao is an educated witness to large historical events. Well see what comes of that. the trouble for these types is when they write less. He should write more seeing how for every Tao article there's a million boomer posts clogging the psyches

>> No.16699228

>You stink, Erin

>> No.16699233

Tao, stop visiting my fucking dreams or I'll drag you before the Xùndarian Syndicates

>> No.16699238

Hey yo taoface please tell "Erin" she still owe me for that pear basket she "freed" out my window and almost got me kicked the fuck out of my building

>> No.16699241

He's a better writer than you (or anyone else on that board for that matter), and that's all there is to it.

>> No.16699247

nah, i'm better

>> No.16699251

sounds like cuck probs lol

>> No.16699275

Tao needs to write his American Psycho.

>> No.16699307
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I once saw tao snap two dozen boards with a sharpied ghazal

>> No.16699363

I am reading Taipei now and the sentences are all weird. I am halfway in and forgot almost everything that happened. Is that intentional? Something about the detached and meandering life of the millennial?

>> No.16699368

what's his dad like?

>> No.16699374

Tao Lin does a "Tom Cruise running" that I greatly enjoy

>> No.16699649

congratulations you now understand form

>> No.16700180

funny, i'm all the way around... the use of language in taipei is what i like about it... but the content is so AWFL pretentious shit... is so fucking aweful.

>Asked accusatorily