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16695375 No.16695375 [Reply] [Original]

I have heard somewhere that Poe is a founder or a progenitor of horror genre in literature. What are his best works of this genre? Bonus if it's NOT a poem.

>> No.16695415
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He's overrated anon.

>> No.16695447

I want to make my own opinion, thanks.

>> No.16695455

Start with The Raven, them look into his short stories.

>> No.16695457

I loved the fall of the house of usher when I read Poe

>> No.16695754

>He's overrated anon
No, He’s not.

>> No.16695759

That was Horace Walpole.

>> No.16695760

>I have heard somewhere that Poe is a founder or a progenitor of horror genre in literature. What are his best works of this genre? Bonus if it's NOT a poem.
There are complete booksbof Poe’s writing published in single volumes.
Barnes and Noble used to do a version with a sewn binding and hardcovers that wasn’t that expensive.
Just buy a copy and start reading random stories.

>> No.16695822

Ligeya for a romantic short story, Black cat for horror, Raven

>> No.16695893

>The Cask of Amontillado
>The Fall of the House of Usher
>The Black Cat
>The Tell Tale Heart

>The Raven
>Anabelle Lee

>> No.16696032

OP here, thanks for your input. I ordered a collection of his short stories called: ''Pit and the pendulum and other short stories''.

>> No.16696051

Also wanted to add The Masque of Red Death and Hop Frog to the list.

>> No.16696534

You should absolutely read the raven, has to be one of the best poems ever written.

>> No.16696580

I recommend this collection:
However, it's missing a few of my favorite stories, which you can read on poestories.com. These include "The Man of the Crowd", "Ligeia", "Manuscript Found in a Bottle", and "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar". If you read the collection (ISBN-13: 978-1580493871) alongside those four stories online, then I think you'd have a nice background in Poe.

>> No.16697857

>Bonus if it's NOT a poem.
A bit redundant, his poems are absolute shit.

>> No.16697881

>The Raven
Melodramatic and overblown

>> No.16697928

Adding Oblong Box to this list

>> No.16697936

And Murder in the Rue Mourge

>> No.16697980

noooo the heckin bird is talking im going insaneeee
no the heckin house broke in two im going insanseeee
no my heckin wife is possessing my other heckin wife nooooo
no the cat tricked me into killing my wife noooo heck!
no the heckin guy is not wearing his mask noooo
he's not heckin social distancing noooooo
noooo the heckin midget is killing all the monkes nooooo not the heckin monke!
nooooo my heckin dead wife fell into the ocean heck nooooo im going insane!!!1
no the heckin monke cut of the heckin girl's head noooo
the heckin monke doesn't heckin respect women noooooo
im going insane!!!!!!!

>> No.16698071

Start with The tell-tale heart, then the pit and the pendulum, then the murders in the rue morgue

then you're on your own, have fun.

>> No.16698077

shut up, /v/

>> No.16698096

he's not going insane in the house of usher fag

>> No.16698119

Disrespectful but true.

>> No.16698129

noooo his heckin eye is making me go insane
noooo they put me in a heckin pit i cant see nooo
wtf? why are you being so mean? i don't even play vidya anymore
nooo my heckin sister isn't actually dead and now the house is breaking idk what the hell is going on nooo i'm going insane
anything can be made made fun of if the complexities are ignored
it's a bit easier to do this with poe cuz his writing is more plot-focused than it is character focused, although he does manage to include some interesting psychological insights

>> No.16698408

God I hate rdt

>> No.16698415

Ambrose Bierce. Then Poe.

>> No.16699124

what do you mean? readdit? what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.16699419

the fall of the house of usher
the masque of the red death
the oval portrait

>> No.16699428

nooooo i painted a heckin picture of a heckin girl and she heckin died im going insane nooooo
noooo a girl's teeth fell out noooo i'm going insane noooooo heck

>> No.16699435

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

>> No.16699439

Look at the shit replies

>> No.16699444

nooo the heckin Penguin broke my heckin boat
noooo the heckin crew is doing a heckin mutiny
noooo there's no heckin food on the boat nooo
nooo heck we have to eat this dude heck i'm going insane nooooo
nooooo heck this island is full of niggers heck
noooo the heckin niggerinos blew up our ship those niggers heck
noooo the hecking white dude is standing in front of me heck im going insane
what's wrong with the replies here?

>> No.16699477

Do Eureka next.

>> No.16699487

i only have a copy of his complete fiction so i didn't read that yet

>> No.16699496

based like Poe was

>> No.16699595
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but if it was reddit it would have good replies?

>> No.16699603

go back to r*ddit, stinky dog
dumb ugly brit
how do you like being colonized by poopy indians, dog?
how do you like getting beheaded by pakis, smelly poop brit?
dumb ugly stinky r*dditor
nigger black ape monkey gorilla poopskin