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16694099 No.16694099 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me why posmodernism carries negative connotations everywhere except for literature.

>> No.16694102

you know why

>> No.16694108
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Yes, i know i know it but i can't articulate it. You know?

>> No.16694109

based burger

>> No.16694125
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>> No.16694161

Because most humans understand the world around them in terms of organized systems and value hierarchies (A is more beautiful than B, C is more desirable than D) and postmodernism rejects this notion.

Maybe no piece of literature is inherently better than any other, but when you compare things such as morality, political systems, or even more tangible fields like aesthetics, postmodernism seems like a dumbshit approach to operating in life.

Tell me you can't see the difference between a beautiful and ugly building.

>> No.16694172

It's make believe. Literature has no hard and fast laws, no definable regularities, no stable reality like the real world does. So you can make your own rules and bend them however you like

>> No.16694195


>> No.16694198

>posmodernism carries negative connotations everywhere
>except for literature

>> No.16694580

It doesn’t. Postmodern architecture is extremely popular. So is postmodern art. And postmodern film is in vogue.

>> No.16694599

because you need to have a good understanding of a given field in order to understand the postmodern approach to it.
People with little background in art are unlikely to appreciate postmodernist artworks. The same goes for classical music, film and the like.

>> No.16695731

It has no standards. It's the participation trophy of the arts. It throws out western canon so it can claim to have accomplished something.

>> No.16695864

if you don't know what postmodernism is you should refrain from participating to discussions about it

>> No.16696280

it is state and NGO funded, but is it popular?

>> No.16696399

Popularity does not refute the OP's statement that:
>posmodernism carries negative connotations everywhere except for literature.
Do you have any examples of these negative connotations? Like what?

>> No.16696743

Every art student or professor I know likes it, so it’s popular in some circles.

“Negative connotations” imply unpopularity, or at least ire from mainstream critics. To the best of my knowledge, neither is the case.

>> No.16696751

im not even sure what this postmodernism business actually means, but people sure seem to be pissed off about it.

>> No.16696774

The Jordan Peterson subreddit is not "everywhere", Apu.

>> No.16697710

Then show where he is wrong, you didn't say anything useful.

>> No.16697736

No, you are inferring unpopularity. Something being popular doesn't make that thing free from any or overall negative connotations, likewise unpopularity of a thing doesn't make it free from positive connotations.

>> No.16697806

because people think Nineteen Eighty-Four is supreme literature

>> No.16697813

postmodernism is toxic; toxic literature is fun

>> No.16697934

It's in the etymology as plain as moist. All humans are imbued with nostalgia. If modern refers to the present then post-modern is a reference to the relative future. It's a word that advertises its extreme distance from the nostalgia period of life. Of course it is vehemently hated without any effort put forward to actually understand the term.

>> No.16697952

Literature is interacts with the senses indirectly, as in you don’t directly sense the content as you do with seeing a building or listening to music or whatever else, so that might be the reason why PM is more workable in literature.

>> No.16697957

Meant for: >>16694161

>> No.16698040

Please actually read some postmodern philosophy. Derrida:

>First of all, I didn’t say that there was no center, that we could get along without the center. I believe that the center is a function, not a being — a reality, but a function. And this function is absolutely indispensable. The subject is absolutely indispensable. I don’t destroy the subject; I situate it. That is to say, I believe that at a certain level both of experience and of philosophical and scientific discourse one cannot get along without the notion of subject. It is a question of knowing where it comes from and how it functions. Therefore I keep the concept of center, which I explained was indispensable, as well as that of subject, and the whole system of concepts to which you have referred.

Postmodernism does not reject these hierarchies outright, it challenges and analyses them, and assesses the effects they have in their function.

>> No.16698257

it´s a boogie man for when conservative are frightened by academics.

it´s basically stoicism reinvented for the 22th century.

it also let´s you realize the nature of modernism, so modernist thinkers be it conservatives or liberals or fascist cant stand it´s existence.

>> No.16698292

You are stupid. Actually, you're so wrong you're not even wrong.

>> No.16698300

eh, yes, but there is a difference between the theorietical construct of post-modernism and practice.

In practice the runoff proponents and actual implimentation of the movement becomes relitivistic sloop that jerks itself over how unpinnable it is while still trying to create an antithesis to a supposed, at this point usually strawmanned, modern position, largely defeating its theoretical ends. It ends up relying on modernism while being 300% more mediocre and unproductive and smelling its farts 300% more as well. Its literally ends up just being a more obscurest, les authentic, modernism.

>> No.16698318

Drawing a knight.

Drawing the IDEAL knight, the best knight, what all knights should be, and writing a poem about how cool chivalry is.

Realizing that knights aren't actually all that good at killing, so we'll have an army with guns and highly efficient military organization staffed by thousands of bureaucrats and funded and armed by a massive industrial economy and an authoritarian nation state; instead of drawing one, you take a picture of it with your camera.

Completely doing away with the entire conception of nations in order to plummet the labor market and decrease national cohesion thereby allowing heinous excesses and cruel economic practices to literally grind people up and use their organs for lubricant, thereby allowing war to be fought through eight layers of proxies using drones that are made in every country on the planet; you put paint up your butt and fart it out onto a canvas because communication is rendered null and void due to the inherent power structures in the speaker-listener dynamic.

>> No.16698334

Cuz of Jordan Peterson

>> No.16698345
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The alt-right kekistani neonazis and the proud boy types have used muh postmodernism as an antisemitic dogwhistle to mean jewish people who are actually against racism and all sorts of bigotry and want to do something about it. They accuse the postmodernists to infiltrating and subverting the media, the educational system but they don't realize they only did that to combat racism and bigotry, and that it's actually a good thing.
You chuds are losing. For all I care, you can cry harder about it.

>> No.16698347 [DELETED] 


Well, you were right right up to Post-Modernism.

Let me help you.


Realizing that knights and the problems they were created to solve are both bad management, because we create the problems we then have to solve.

If we didn't fight violence with violence and instead destroyed the reward for violence, then neither the aggressor nor the knight would have been created. It takes both sides of an adversarial relationship to create power.

There is a reason Russian peasants burned their crops in the face of advancing armies.

>> No.16698355

absolutely gay take. I can smell how myopic you are from here.
Absolutely based take.

>> No.16698558

rick and morty looks like tHAT??????

>> No.16698575

People don't like it when you point out they shouldn't be allowed radioactive superpowers.

>> No.16698584

Bigotry and racism are good things.

>> No.16698656

First you had modernism. It involves things like industrial paint and factory workers and steam power and the possibility of going to the moon and curing cancer and SCIENCE BITCHES and three square meals a day and proving mental illness was not demons and if there were demons they were priests and the only thing that makes a train schedule run on time is having synchronized watches and constant conquest of our enemies and darkness all aided out with a healthy dose of methamphetamine because coca plants are an inefficient way to produce uppers WARP SPEED AHEAD TO UNIVERSAL PEACE CAPTAIN.

Since nobody understood how any of those things actually helped or hurt, when we tried them out, some of them proved to be, well, bad ideas, that melted the faces off young women and gave babies head tumors and turned rivers slick with frothing chemicals which burn the air and cause birds to drop midflight, and generally caused everyone to live under mortal fear of things like nuclear annihilation or global economic collapse or climate change or mental illness, which they understood even less than they did the electricity and glow in the dark paint that they had to deal with in simpler earlier modern times. Everyone hates and misunderstands the postmodernists because they claim to understand the problem with modernism, which comes across as arrogant to those who are still trying to grasp what modernism is, or who are reliant upon its fable of constant human progress going unquestioned.

>> No.16699051

If you're a baby yes

>> No.16699113

So are you saying it is good for babies to be racist and bigoted?!?!?

>> No.16699119

Not him, but kids get racist around the time they learn to move by themselves. It's an evolutionary response to keep them near family and away from strangers. It's a much better thing than if we were a species that imprinted like some do.

>> No.16699139

Because its so vague that it can mean almost anything

>> No.16699141

>Postmodern architecture is extremely popular
Hasn't been since like the 90s and even then its like 1 in every million buildings

>> No.16699217

it's good for your personal safety and the strength of your tribe

>> No.16699257
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>> No.16699261
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>> No.16699264
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>> No.16699265
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>> No.16699270
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>> No.16699320
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Then how will I discover my areas of ignorance you pretentious, censorious, gate keeping bitch? Keep your shoulds and other mind fucks to yourself.

>> No.16699335

See this page. >>16699261

They will never define it, because they are both unable and unwilling to. It's ironic that the argue which that anon used is exactly what the author if this book said they would do.

>> No.16699679

the name sounds ridiculous to laymen who assume modern is a synonym for contemporary and the art itself tends to be value-abolishing, nihilistic.

>> No.16699777

>Because most humans understand the world around them in terms of organized systems and value hierarchies

This is correct, but the rest of your post is gibberish.

>> No.16699817


There isn't even a properly agreed upon definition of postmodernism, nobody can agree on what it is

>> No.16699824

It works for storytelling

>> No.16699839

Because only 4chan likes footnotes in their paintings

>> No.16700506

lmao we aren't tribals anymore, incel

>> No.16700640

Nihlist like the other frenchfag intellectuals. Reminder that pretending to be above material reality through faggy language games doesn't change that reality.
Peterson hasn't read any Marxist theory. He got called out on this.
Jewish people literally did do all this and denied that post structural theory had its own embedded value system though. As an artfag I hate how so much contemporary art is all meaningless bourgeois drivel. It is unironically because of the Jews who made up these theories. I don't hate Jews though, just the feminine mindset that academics and talentless artfags adopted because it paths your career thanks to these particular theorists.

>> No.16700657

>antisemitic dogwhistle
It's not a dogwhistle if everyone knows that they were Jewish, dude.

What does this mean? Chad + stud?

>> No.16702333

It has a much better reputation than it deserves. Postmodernism is a degenerate and corrosive philosophy, an extreme scepticism produced as a reaction to a century of German Idealism and its absurd a priori metaphysics.

>> No.16702351

"You can't say dogshit is bad food because someone else might say it's their favorite food"

The essential post-modernist argument when they're not advocating for lowering the age of consent to 5. It's a non-perspective that even its most ardent lovers are embarrassed of. Have you ever wondered how this whole type of thinking can exist, and yet no professors call themselves post modernists? And will screech if identified as such? It's because even they know it's dogshit and the label will stick. So they deny that they are postmodernist while expressing all the views that would make them such.

TL;DR- Postmodernists are faggots