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16692052 No.16692052 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read for discipline and willpower?

>> No.16692069

my diary desu

>> No.16692071


>> No.16692097

you wouldn't be able to finish it

>> No.16692106

fuck you mine is better

>> No.16692118

Joseph and His Brothers

>> No.16692168


>> No.16692188
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>> No.16692193

Unironically, Jocko Willink.

>> No.16692208

you don't get those things from reading. Illiterates can have willpower and discipline. You get them from actually working on projects. You wanting to get there by reading is just procrastinate doing real projects.

>> No.16692427

Discipline and Punish
The Will to Power

>> No.16692617

I swear I just saw that guy win against Djokovic at the Vienna ATP

>> No.16692636

read anything you want, just do it regularly

>> No.16692651

true disciprine come from within

>> No.16692680

even if it's satire, it's cringe

>> No.16693262

any book on habit building like Atomic Habits

>> No.16693374
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Get /fit/ by following a good weightlifting program and the self-discipline will follow. Pic related and Starting Strength are the two books that I recommend for this.

>> No.16693507

I already have physical strength I need mental strength

>> No.16693526


>> No.16693585

based strong retard

>> No.16693619

Your own head, numb nuts

>> No.16693648

Plato, especially the early dialogues. Then you can read the Romans.