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File: 50 KB, 350x500, ghost_next_door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16688855 No.16688855 [Reply] [Original]

This shit was dark for a kids book

>> No.16688901
File: 43 KB, 318x465, 19312-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark for a kids book

>> No.16688963

Sorry, should have specified for a Goosebumps book.

The part that fucked me up the most wasn't Hannah turning out to be dead the entire time, but was the one who's responsible for killing herself and her entire family

>> No.16689048

After reading a bunch of his books for the last year I can’t help but wonder if Stine’s shotgun approach to writing sort of has him stumble on a few really good books instead of him actually being a good writer. For instance, out of the 100+ books he has written I feel like only the Haunted Mask and Welcome to Dead House really stuck out.

The Haunted Mask potentially coming off deeper than it intended to be with its subject matter, but still to great effect, and the way the mask gets stuck on and transforms an innocent young girl into a creepy little creature being scary in its own respect.

Welcome to Dead House being genuinely nightmarish at times with the scenario it thrusts on kids, and while it is decently written and genuinely tense and scary, I wonder if it’s one of his better books simply because it missed the mark of being strictly for kids.

Like I said, I don’t know if he has genuine talent, or is more of a testament to just grinding through the work and putting out a ton of content to hit the mark two or three times.

>> No.16689092

Oh, and maybe one of the Night of the Living Dummy books, though he used the whole “parents don’t believe the kids” angle so many times that it got very stale very quick. Still, I believe the second book had some pretty good pacing and at the end when the doll came alive and started abusing the girls and their dog it was a pretty tense and unsettling moment.

>> No.16689112

Virtually all writers (and artists for that matter) do a shotgun approach to creating. Most of them just don't spew out 50+ books in their lifetime regardless of quality and settle with only a few decent ones.

>> No.16689134

So perhaps his tenacity is to admired over the quality of his work, though again, he did manage to stumble on a good one here and there though eventually the books just became a collection of tropes and plots he likes that he would mishmash together.

Of course, he tried to mix things up a bit with his horrorland series but a shared universe of books really didn’t suit his writing style.

>> No.16689141

I agree. While I do like some of the ideas Ghost Next Door presented, they just weren't executed well, or really explored in depth, like her family disappearing one by one for no reason, or time passing differently for her.

I think a better explanation for why she doesn't remember the fire is that she subconsciously blocked it out of her own mind, not only because of the trauma of being burnt to death, but maybe because in that moment, she realized that she was the one responsible for the fire

With her family disappearing, that could also be explained as her family already passed on, and that the family that we see is her own hallucinations, again out of extreme guilt.

Finally, for her experiencing time differently, maybe have it turn out that she's been in some sort of loop for the past five years that makes her memories reset after a few weeks to the night after the fire

>> No.16689166

His tenacity is certainly to be admired. I essentially chalk him up to the likes of Tom Clancy, but for children. He found his niche and stuck to it, and along the way had some moments of genuinely admirable talent.
He is what he is.

>> No.16689203
File: 284 KB, 962x837, 617B4C1B-D784-473D-AA9D-241B02255462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did RL Stine mean by this?

>> No.16689206

Makes you wonder if he planned for some of this, or as adults reading children’s books we attribute meaning to the events that are happening. I imagine it’s probably a bit of both.
Right, and his success is definitely nothing to scoff at. Even at his worst it still feels like he’s trying to deliver something genuine none the less. I think he really liked the idea of writing the Twilight Zone for kids and that kept him going... well, that and the ridiculous amounts of money he was making at the peak of his popularity.

I don’t think there was really a phenomenon like goosebumps till Harry Potter, then after that it seems that kids/young adult literature has sort of fallen to the wayside.

>> No.16689218

something on the dangers of off the rails hedonism

>> No.16689523

I’m collecting shit from the series now, from the books to any merchandise. And I can confirm, there are some dark moments. Some standouts include;

Stay Out Of The Basement: Girl slits her father’s wrist.

Say Cheese And Die; Multiple injuries, and the main character murders someone (indirectly).

Curse Of The Mummy’s Tomb: Antagonist had kidnapped people and killed them, mummifying their corpses.

Night Of The Living Dummy: Dig gets nearly choked to death.

The Girl Who Cried Monster: Antagonist eats live turtles.

Welcome To Camp Nightmare: Bleeding snake bite, attempted murder.

Piano Lessons Can Be Murder: Kidnapping and murder.

Monster Blood II: Protagonist breaks a hamster’s jaw.

Deep Trouble: Put in cage to drown.

Abominable Snowman Of Pasadena: Protagonist left to die in the Antarctic.

Ghost Camp: Impalement and burning

Curse Of Camp Cold Lake: Accidental suicide.

Who’s Your Mummy?: Cannibalism.

Most Wanted; The Haunted Mask: Face ripped off.

>> No.16690435

I want Ghost Next Door to be rewritten by someone else to get rid of the dumb "Phantom Danny" shit

>> No.16690466

Did you forget to put out your camp fires as a kid?

>> No.16690620

I never went camping as a kid

>> No.16691213
File: 48 KB, 1200x680, 4F06D84F-3C5F-4B83-96B2-75A1C8DE50B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haunted Mask is probably his best work for sure. It’s sequel is “okay” and I like how it shifts the view to her bully, but it becomes a lot more shlock. Stine tends to write almost all of his male characters as that radical 90’s kid.

Also, I’d put Welcome to Dead House on your list of wants. It was the first in the goosebumps lineup and is a really solid read, though I think it accidentally veers out of children’s horror once or twice and just becomes a straight up horror novel.

>> No.16691266
File: 16 KB, 249x400, 1405569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark for a kids book
Anyone read this one? It wasnt particularly dark but I thought it was just some horror adventure with a dash of puppy love type story but the ending fucked me up as a kid

>> No.16691278

>List of wants

I have 75% of the books, including the original 62. I definitely know about that

About the Haunted Mask, yes, the OG is classic, but I was always more creeped out by the second one

>> No.16692153
File: 20 KB, 381x477, stein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me into your childrens' subconscious, goy!

"horror" an anti-art genre that memes the concept of manipulating emotions with crude exposition to induce "fear" as being especially entertaining.
It's designed to manipulate emotion at any cost to brainwash its users with a false morality.
It overstimulates with extreme elements that distract the user from a rational interpretation and thereby drives in its propaganda payload.

That's why it's targeted at women and children/youths, the softest minds. Though of course there are plenty of men locked in childlike states induced by consumption of this poison who also consume it.
They're stupid enough to excuse the disgusting lack of artistry with words like "that's how it's supposed to be, it's part of the fun!", when of course their undeveloped (for children) or retarded (for women/manchildren) minds don't have any concept of purpose and are easily manipulated to serve purpose contrary to their own interests in exchange for meaningless stimulation.

this is a caricature of the basic psychological function of the user that allows the author to manipulate their morality with more efficiency that other entertainment formats

>> No.16692324

this is pasta, right?

>> No.16692461
File: 246 KB, 561x852, DC2EFE18-F90D-4DA6-8BC8-58BA9DA69456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost next door is peak RL Stine.

Pic related is also a good scary read for kids. It’s an actual book though unlike Goosebumps which is just Danielle Steele for adolescents.

>> No.16692472

I think it’s a shame that Choose Your Own Adventures are the only narratives to popularize 2nd Person Perspective

>> No.16692785
File: 252 KB, 1596x1315, 1549549747811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16692913


>> No.16692934


>> No.16693744
File: 255 KB, 901x866, kmopstoradoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like these old book covers. So much nostalgia

>> No.16694305
File: 47 KB, 300x443, Theghostnextdoor-japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese cover is fucking metal

>> No.16694547

Holy shit wtf

>> No.16694935

are you on the spectrum?

>> No.16695904

Yeah, I vastly prefer the Japanese cover. It's a lot spookier

>> No.16696432

Terror is a reactionary genre.

>> No.16696535

Maybe off topic but what would you say is the most grimdark children's book?

>> No.16697955


>> No.16697961

t. Nick Land worshipping accfaggot

>> No.16699075
