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/lit/ - Literature

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1668846 No.1668846 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for some new movies to watch. Specifically, ones with a lot of dialogue. I recently saw Jerome Bixby's "The Man From Earth," which consists entirely of a couple characters having a discussion in a living room. Intellectually, it's nothing groundbreaking, but I found it very enjoyable.

All genres are welcome, so long as they're well written and sufficiently witty. And humor is, of course, always welcome. In fact, I'd almost prefer movies that don't take themselves too seriously - in a Dr. Strangelovey kind of way.

Obviously, this isn't /tv/, but considering the type of movies I'm looking for, I thought you all would be of more help.

>> No.1668849


>> No.1668854




>> No.1668864

the sunset limited

but it is pretty srs

>> No.1668865

Harold and Maude
Rosemary's Baby

More so Harold and Maude, but Rosemary's Baby is a classic and aslo stars Ruth Gordon so I thought I'd mention it.

>> No.1668868

no but really

ask /tv/

>> No.1668870

Shit yeah

Very funny

>> No.1668875


this refers to this >>1668854

>> No.1668878


I enjoyed Harold and Maude, so I'll check out Rosemary's Baby.

Dat Cat Stevens soundtrack.

>> No.1668885
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Hell yeah, that soundtrack is fantastic.

>> No.1668889

12 Angry Men
Night of the Living Dead
Reservoir Dogs
... Tons that are slipping my mind right now...
I quite enjoy films that rely on a single/limited location and characters. You really get to see the characters in them.

But why is this in /lit/?

>> No.1668911


Ooh, that reminds me, I have to redownload Resevoir Dogs. My old copy got corrupted. Thanks for the other recommendations though.

Like I said at the end of my post, based on the type of movies I'm looking for, I figured the people browsing /lit/ could be of more help than /tv/.

>> No.1668921

Please I beg of you, who is that lady?

>> No.1668923

Try Breathless by Jean Luc-Godard. French new wave heavily relies on dialogue and writing. Whether or not it's entertaining is your own bid, but it's not bad.

It certainly is pretentious though, fitting right in with /lit/.

>> No.1668930

Try Film Socialisme by Jean Luc-Godard. French new wave cinema heavily relies on amature video footage and a 12 year old operating the mixing board for the sound. Whether or not it's entertaining is your own bid, but it's not bad.

It certainly is pretentious though, fitting right in with /lit/.

>> No.1668932

As long as we're talking about French New Wave: Lous Malle's Le Fou Follet.

>> No.1668931

A Taste of Cherry.

Abbas Kiarostami. In Persian with subtitles.

One of the best movies of the 1990s.

>> No.1668936

Before Sunset

>> No.1668938

I think it's Courtney Love.

>> No.1669058

Courtney Love was an ugly wench and didn't have freckles, yo.

>> No.1669070
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Movies with lots of dialogue, you say?

>> No.1669078

Good call!
I'm also reminded of "Melvin Goes to Dinner," about four people having dinner and conversation. I found it built well into the end, where it finally boils over into a solid "well shit, I didn't see that coming," moment.

>> No.1669095

The Ninth Configuration

>> No.1669104

coffee and cigarettes


>> No.1669130

Glengary, Glenross
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Scent of a Woman
pretty much ANY Jim Jarmusch film

>> No.1669135
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Only half of that movie is actually interesting. The other half is painfully boring.

But, as always, Tom Waits is a boss in it.

>> No.1669141

A Serbian Film

It's a beautifully done and touching film that manages to tackle a tricky subject quite tastefully. Everyone I've talked to highly recommends this.

>> No.1669139

I was just watching Carlito's Way, oddly enough. Also a top Al Pacino movie.

>> No.1669144

If you have Netflix, you can watch Alfred Hitchcock's TV show. It's awesome for short, creepy little mysteries, & also Hitchcock is a funny motherfucker.

>> No.1669146

Its ok, I mean, its just a cookie cutter gangster flick for the most part... the best part is towards the end when he gets recognized by one of his old FBI buddies, punches him in the face, and claims that the "faggot just tried to grab my balls"

>> No.1669182

Didn't know this was on there! Thanks much!

>> No.1669185

I thought that was Donnie Brasco.

>> No.1669186 [DELETED] 

Which movie is that, actually? I remember that scene, but I can't recall the film. Tell me, please. I must see it again.

>> No.1669189

Whoops... my bad.

>> No.1669190

In Bruges

This movie also happens to be the best movie named ITT.

>> No.1669191

You've either not seen Carlito's Way, or you're getting confused. Or both.

>> No.1669197

I was confused, I've seen Carlitos Way, although it has been a while. I honestly don't remember it too well, although I do remember that he dies at the end. Perhaps I'll go back and re-watch it soon.

As another poster pointed out, I was confusing it with Donnie Brasco.

>> No.1669211

I didn't expect it to be as good as it was.

For OP, sunshine cleaning was alright. Pennies from Heaven is unfortunately underrated, and is a must see. Empire Records has some witty banter. The magic Christian is another must see (Peter Sellers with Ringo Starr). Beautiful Girls is pretty cool. Paper Moon. Hudsucker Proxy.

>> No.1669217

"Saraband" by Ingmar Bergman. It's not funny, but otherwise it fits into the category of people sitting around and talking to each other.

>> No.1669225


Most Ingmar Bergman flicks are like that, for beginners though I usually like to suggest the 7th Seal, Wild Strawberries, or Persona.

>> No.1669269
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Erm, try "Naked" (1993) Directed by Mike Leigh.

Also, Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.

>> No.1669304

More for the OP...

Four Rooms, fantastic movie if you haven't already seen it, and Tarantino'a portion of the movie is both wordy and hilarious.

Hudson Hawk doesn't take itself seriously at all, but is pretty much non-stop dialogue.

Sexy Beast, is a fucking phenomenal british crime flick with a brutal performance by Ben Kingsley. Most of the meat of the film is a running argument between Ben Kingsley and the main character, also phenomenal soundtrack.

Also, if you haven't seen it before, try Rashomon. It might be a little dry, and japanese, for what you're looking for... but its a classic, and very well written.

>> No.1669355

There was a movie I watched a few years back called London that was mostly just Jason Statham and the flaming guy from Fantastic Four doing cocaine in a bathroom and talking. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the best film I've seen by any means.

>> No.1669359

Oh, yeah, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Conversation(s) with Other Women. That movie is brilliant.

>> No.1669368

Watch The Sunset Limited. You'll love it

>> No.1669370

12 Angry Men
The Third Man
Coffee & Cigarettes

>> No.1670568

Any Marx Brothers film.

>> No.1670606

Sad thing is that this thread gets more replys than most /lit/ related...

>> No.1670608

44 Inch Chest.

Whilst it seems to have gotten quite a bit of bad press I thought it was pretty darn good.

>> No.1671537


I'm sorry to bump this thread, but I have to thank you for your recommendation.

The movie itself wasn't too terribly interesting, but it was all worth it just for THAT FUCKING ENDING.

When the credits started rolling, I stood up, knocked my chair over, and screamed "YES!" about 11 times.

Just, fucking perfect.