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1668823 No.1668823 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on Religion, /lit/? It is a necessary evil that has brought people together, just something holding us back, or has it already been replaced in modern society with philosophy?

Give your thoughts.

>> No.1668825
File: 83 KB, 1000x928, atheists vs theists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess which side i'm on

>> No.1668828

>necessary evil
Exactly. Christianity is good but has been terribly modified by people in the church

>> No.1668832

It's not the idea behind Christianity I'm faulting, or Judaism, or any religion. It's the professionals who've made it into corporate business. There's big money in the god racket, big money.
Hey, the basic teachings of Jesus
are quite wonderful.

So, by the way,
is the original intention of Karl Marx. Okay? Hey, what could be bad?
Everybody should share equally. Do unto others. Democracy.
Government by the people.

All great ideas. These are all great ideas,
but they all suffer from one fatal flaw. Which is they're all based
on the fallacious notion

that people are fundamentally decent.

>> No.1668834

>necessary evil
The only correct answer.

>> No.1668838

Almost raged, but then I saw Richard Dawkins being the "founder of atheism."

9/10. You were close.

>> No.1668839

There is nothing wrong with spirituality.

But there is something wrong with religion.

>> No.1668840
File: 51 KB, 1400x1050, atheism death toll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Religion is BAD !

>> No.1668842

a resource that has been ineffectively explored

>> No.1668843

Most religions are not evil by themselves, they are usually good at heart.

The most charity work in the world comes from religious groups.

It is sort of like a car, depends on who is driving. You may have a nutjob who mows down pedestrians for fun or someone who drives around delivering meals to people.

>> No.1668845
File: 215 KB, 750x574, atheists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1668847
File: 41 KB, 576x432, atheism hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad yet atheists

>> No.1668848

just saw that movie

>> No.1668851
File: 108 KB, 404x502, atheism pretty much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1668857


There's nothing wrong with religion. >>1668843 has it right.l

>> No.1668861
File: 6 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you think? I thought it was prettayyy prettayyy pretttay good.

>> No.1668862


at the risk of starting a stupid debate with no winner, i don't think the atheist position is "if i can't see it, it doesn't exist"
i'm under the impression that the atheist is asking for extraordinary proof for an extraordinary claim. not whether or not there's a spectrum of light

>> No.1668863

>RIchard Dawkins (founder of Atheism)

I lol'd.

>> No.1668867

It makes people think they're not going to die some day when they are. Kinda makes a difference in how well you live your life.

>> No.1668872

What are you talking about? I'm Catholic and I know damn well that I'm going to die some day.

>> No.1668874
File: 8 KB, 300x300, rewards of the atheist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1668876

Not a bad one , but culd have been better

>> No.1668880
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>Based on the idea that people are fundamentally decent.

>> No.1668882
File: 36 KB, 320x320, atheism logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1668890

Religion is typically opposed to the progression of new ideas which contradict the dogma. I dislike that.

I also dislike how most non-theologians treat religion as fact, and that theologians don't show them the true nature of religion. That is, religion is nought but a colorful interpretation of our world.

>> No.1668894
File: 45 KB, 360x540, Nigga_posting_in_a_troll_thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1668896


None of the Abrahamic religions operate on that belief. If anything they say that people are fundamentally flawed and should strive for the perfection that God has set. And even if they miss the mark, as long as they continue to strive for that perfection, they will be forgiven.

>> No.1668919

>Religion is typically opposed to the progression of new ideas which contradict the dogma. I dislike that.
I honestly don't see what causes that sometimes.

>> No.1668937


People are stubborn. That's not something limited to religion.

>> No.1668951

Religion is primarily there to give people some view of themselves in relation to the world where their lives are important and meaningful. More than as a way to explain scientific phenomena, I think it started as the original rose-tinted glasses. Philosophy is doing its best to replace it, but it's not catching on so well.

>> No.1668955


No. If dogma could be contradicted it wouldn't be dogma.

>> No.1668969

>mfw people couldn't accept the concept that they will no longer exist at some point, so they made up religion
>mfw I have no face appropriate for the emotions I'm currently feeling

>> No.1668975


"If Christianity is found to be discordant with true philosophy, it is false." —St Clement of Alexandria

>> No.1668981
File: 79 KB, 490x700, laughingphilosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true philosophy

>> No.1668984
File: 23 KB, 398x642, PaineAgeReason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.

Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.

My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.

>> No.1668988

Good for yourself? the people you like? everyone?

>> No.1668989

Everyone. Paine was a Democrat.

>> No.1668998

>Belief in a cruel God makes a cruel man.

Man made God that way for a reason. He is a reflection of us.

>> No.1669003

>good for everyone

>> No.1669011

god tier:
five percent nation

mid tier:
those dudes who pick up snakes or w/e
tibetan buddhism

shit tier:

>> No.1669020
File: 60 KB, 616x769, 1226413640034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-hu. Atheist here, just quoting a Deist.

Go on.

>> No.1669042


Wow. That's incredibly wrong. Some of the oldest religions have no afterlife.

>> No.1669051

i think that religion is just people trying to teach others morals, nothing wrong with that, but when you start forcing it on people, and repressing those with different opinions, than it is wrong

>> No.1669302

OP's picture is incorrect. Einstein was atheist. Hitler was theist.

>> No.1669316

Einstein was clearly pantheist.

>> No.1669331

You haven't had a very good education if your idea of religion stops at either "literal interpretations of the bible" or "LOL how could the bible be literally true that's bullshit atheism for the win LOLOL!!"

>> No.1669365

That people are fundamentally decent?

Is this a bad troll?

That people are fundamentally equal.

That's the fallacious argument.

Some people work harder than others. Those that work harder deserve a bigger share. Those that come up with better ideas deserve a bigger share.

Don't give me this decent shit.

People who produce don't "owe" the world anything. If you can't manage to survive on your own, then you are a Parasite.

>> No.1669385

I am not personally religious, but I grew up in a religious family. I respect religious people despite our differences (and most of them respect me). They're the most generous, selfless group of people I know. I've had a long history of working with volunteer groups, secular and religious, and the vast, vast majority of people who do volunteer work as a choice (i.e. not required community service) were religious (all denominations).

I don't think corruption and dated policies should define what a religion is (like many critics do). Any major institution is going to invariably be abused and devolve into some kind of bureaucracy. It's the person by person interaction that should define how we see the impact of religions, and with that I completely accept and respect religions.

>> No.1669394

After a whole life's worth of reflection, growing up with a religious grandfather and going to temple when I was young and talking to religious people, reading religious texts, etc, I came to a simple conclusion.

People take the teachings to heart or not, are affected by them or not, but it really doesn't end up determining who they are. They'll just frame their beliefs differently or express them differently. Obviously this doesn't mean that religion has zero effect on people, like anything else its why they find it important, if they do at all, that matters.

So, I've largely found it to be about a useful as knowing that someone has a hobby.