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File: 788 KB, 2550x2150, terence mckenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16687078 No.16687078 [Reply] [Original]

at what age did you grow out of terrence mckenna?

>> No.16687084

I never grew into him to begin with.

>> No.16687112

directly proportional to how much weed you smoke

>> No.16687131

His philosophy is performative art.

>> No.16687275

Which is based

>> No.16687299

>at what age did you grow
Should've stopped right here.

>> No.16687439

about the time I grew out of Timothy Leary

>> No.16687558

he's annoying and retarded. stop posting him.

>> No.16687594

tim leary, literal cia agent

>> No.16687720
File: 42 KB, 596x619, __.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember old Youtube videos circa 2006 'Your culture is your operating system!'.
Can anybody redpill me on Timewave Zero?

>> No.16688023

Never. He will forever be a real nigga

>> No.16688046

Even when I was doing hallucinogens he seemed like a schizo crank to me. Yeah, the stuff messes with your perception. Real deep stuff.

>> No.16688066

mckenna is a fraud hack. and i say this as a DUDE shrooms connoisseur

>> No.16688163

The first quote is from Nick Land's essay "Shamanic Nietzsche" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=330d0I2tKX8&t=977s Don't know why it's attributed to McKenna

>> No.16688169

he was the greatest speaker about nothing there has ever been

>> No.16688185

hmm looked up the other quote and it is also Nick Land.

>> No.16688361

hold up, mckenna was a plagarist too?

>> No.16688715

He is unequivocally based

>> No.16688733
File: 145 KB, 1080x956, hegel phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you reach the brain tumor ending.

>> No.16688736

Was he really a fed? How much are they paying him to literally talk for 12 hours straight

>> No.16689089
File: 242 KB, 980x1280, Carl_Gustav_Carus_Gemälde_von_Johann_Carl_Rössler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26. I was into him because I heard a lot about him from friends. Then I read a book of his (forgot which one) but that killed it for me.

>> No.16689262


>> No.16689634


>> No.16689646

I can't keep track of how many grifters get or got by just by living off their cheaply-gotten fame in that magical time period that was the 60s, sustained by nothing but pure boomer nostalgia and meme value.

>> No.16689647

What does he have to do with Carus? Pic unrelated?

>> No.16689755

>I remember old Youtube videos circa 2006 'Your culture is your operating system!'.


>> No.16690271
File: 33 KB, 720x540, McKenna-You-Know-Nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the most important intellectual of the 2nd millennium. Keep coping.

>> No.16690281

Has anyone actually refuted anything Mckenna said?

>> No.16690291

Implying I'd ever grow in to such a pseud

>> No.16690342

Has McKenna ever said anything worth refuting?

>> No.16690374
File: 124 KB, 640x853, Barney-DMT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His theory of evolution is the most significant idea to be brought forth by the western world. Most scientists disagree with him out of the most obvious kind of jealous butthurt. They can't cope that a hippie stoner made the most significant "sciencerino" discovery.

It's especially hilarious because Terence doesn't even give that much of a fuck about science. He basically just made the stoned ape theory as a side note. Now all the science onions boys that go on Rogan all have to admit that he was probably right. It's based.

>> No.16690386

I don't think McKenna ever pretended to be anything he wasn't.

He's a bit of an upper crust snake oil salesman, sure... But he's a lot of fun. Take solace OP you grumpy gremlin that he won't have any lasting academic impact, and his theories would likely throw the world into absolute chaos if they were ever taken up with any vigor,

As a pioneering spokesman for, and reporter on the DMT experience, I don't think there is any better. You trying doing as much DMT as Terry without the fear and tell me it's nothing. lol

>> No.16690489

I only listened to his "lecture" on Finnegans Wake and you know what, this is what real philosophy should be about, raising our ordinary asses to a higher level of appreciation by talking about it from an other perspective with mystical words.

>> No.16691097

Rightly put, anon. Greek philosophy wouldn't have been a success if it weren't for Homer's dramas and lyrical poetry. Philosophy has its roots in mysticism. Literature is occult. Everything is just too modern

>> No.16691124

That's true, he didn't even hide that he worked for the CIA atfer his arrest for drug smuggling.

McKenna is based although he is a filthy cybernetist transhuman shill.

>> No.16691955

There's no such thing as growing out, but there is growing up - you learn that you can disagree with something and not drop somebody's way of thinking completely.
There are things I'd consider true some things he said and reject others, there's no need to antagonistic towards anybody really. Take only what you need and go on with your life, instead of talking how much you dislike somebody.

However I'd gladly have him as my trip sitter while on datura.

>> No.16691960

I might have fucked up my grammar in some places, sorry for that, I'm kinda retarded

>> No.16692006

Pic is of a man who was the opposite of McKenna, who dove into the deep phenomena of the mind but maintained his scientific approach.

>> No.16692010

Go to bed Alex.

>> No.16692025

I think I will, thanks Bob

>> No.16692037

He lived in the truest Eliadean sense, he legitimately made his life an oeuvre and work of art. Terence truly transcended becoming, and whether or not you agree or disagree with his views, you have to respect that

>> No.16692748
File: 8 KB, 261x193, aristotle-bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. I don't agree with him on a lot of things but McKenna is a great "alt-thought" guy. His stuff on the Alchemists is particularly good.

>> No.16692781

Yes, i enjoyed his documentary The alchemical dream

>> No.16693351

>Can anybody redpill me on Timewave Zero?
Its absolute nonsense

>> No.16693358

Thanks for saying this. It always bugs me when people say they grow out of something. Seems patronizing to anybody that still likes the thing