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16684026 No.16684026 [Reply] [Original]

Why do i feel so sleepy when reading? I yawn like every 2 minutes and just want to sleep even tho i had a 9 hours sleep just before, i have unmedicated ADHD if that matter

>> No.16684039

Not reading a good enough book or haven't developed reading skills

>> No.16684048

Try reading shortly after you've already woken up and are awake, not groggy

>> No.16684053

How do i develop reading skills?
Literally what i do

>> No.16684072

Fatigue could be anything, anon. Take notes of any other strange things happening and talk to a doctor.

>> No.16684079

I get tired too, but not always. Depends on what i'm reading. It's usually because i'm comfy. Are you comfy when you read?

>> No.16684081

Get some more iron in your diet. Stop pretending ADHD is a thing.

>> No.16684113

Just start w reading better shit. Read 30 minutes at a time, take notes, be working towards a goal. I can read a lot of crap and fund interest in it. Reading more fundamental crap makes the derivative crap way funner and easier and enlightening

>> No.16684116

I don't read for an hour after I wake up and I've been moving

>> No.16684145

So they put me on amphet for 10 years for something that doesn't exist? Fuark

>> No.16684301

All I do is
>sleep for 8 hours
>wake up
>brew a pot of coffee while I shower
Then I'm awake, ready, and can for up to 4-5 hours, maybe yawning because I'm not breathing enough, but not because I'm tired. If you do all of the above and you're tired-yawning yawning, not just the superfluous "yawn" for a big recycling of the air in your lungs, you should probably try bull shark testosterone or amphetamines. You might be broken.