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16680138 No.16680138 [Reply] [Original]

Bill Gates supposedly reads 150 pages an hour, which equates to about 15 books a week with a retention rate of 90%. Is it possible for an average person like me to reach that level of speed and comprehension, or should I have been blessed with high IQ?

>> No.16680145


>> No.16680149

He literally is in the spectrum, though. Look it up.

>> No.16680188

>with a retention rate of 90%
does this mean he memorizes 90% of the words?

>> No.16680211 [DELETED] 

That's the XKCD book. It's interspersed with pictures and iirc the text is wide spaced.
If he's just reading pop science books, a 90% retention rate is abysmal for his alleged level of professionality.

>> No.16680240

You're not trying to learn with this shit, not really anyway. You're trying to flex status over others.
>You read 150 pages an hour? Pfft, faggot, I read 160!

Try to divest yourself of this impulse, it's not healthy.

>> No.16680425

bill gates is a genius, so its no surprise he reads fast. i would guess reading speed and comprehension probably correlates strong with iq. plus he's probably some some next-gen stims and trt and so on. that being said he reads a lot of trash non-fiction that anyone could read quickly enough with a 90% retention rate.

>> No.16680483

I'm show as fuck when it comes to reading, any ways to improve my speed?

>> No.16680498

>%90 retention
Do you realize at that level he would be able to literally recite most of the book accurately word for word?

Do you really think that gates could read something like the bible in less than a day and almost perfectly recite it in the next?

>> No.16680533


>> No.16680540

Speed reading is a nice fantasy but it's really just that. Someone who reads at 500 wpm with good comprehension is a rarity by itself. The typical college reader hits 250 wpm or so.

>> No.16680543

>all those cucked books kek

>> No.16680548

If he reads that much and is so smart, why is he so thoroughly mediocre at expressing himself verbally?

>> No.16680602

>Bill Gates supposedly reads 150 pages an hou
HAHAHAHA, stopped reading there

>> No.16680634

>bill gates is a genius
>everything he has was handed to him because of his mother and father

>> No.16680644

>bill gates is a genius
>doesn't know how a vaccine works or a software works
Is /lit/ entirely brain-damaged or is it just that terrible hour when most americans are online?

>> No.16680663

>150 pages an hour
thats not impressive and hes not reading the phenomenology of the spirit

>> No.16680668

not mutually exclusive
nice sage in the namefield newfag

>> No.16680706

All we know about him is pure pretense put into effect to hide his real nature. He has probably never read a book longer than 100 pages. And fast-reading is the first sign of a pseud.

>> No.16680711


>> No.16680750

I didn't know that worshipping Satan and raping children was synonym of genius

>> No.16680935
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Reducing knowledge to books consoomed per work day is so fucking hylic and vulgar I don't know whether to laugh or vomit. Also his intern displays those same 5 books in every interview.

>> No.16680973

i would think 4chan autists should sympathize with that

>> No.16680987 [DELETED] 

Lol do people actually believe this shit?

>> No.16680994

>bill gates is a genius
Lol do people actually believe this shit?

>> No.16681002

good general IQ does not necessarily mean good verbal IQ, and vice versa

>> No.16681006


>> No.16681112
File: 236 KB, 1143x851, 1517883400929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys seriously read that fast? I average 60-80 pages an hour. Am I retarded?

>> No.16681137

why are you taking anything you come across on the internet at face value?

>> No.16681236

Everybody on lit reads on a kindle jacked up with massive font sizes so I woul

>> No.16681817

You really believe boomer tier intellectual bragging? Of course Gates pays to craft an image of himself because if you comprehended how he acquired his wealth and what he is doing with his assets you would begin construction of a guillotine.

>> No.16681833

Yeah but what they don't tell you is that he just reads the Animorphs series over and over

>> No.16681882

that book stack looks like nothing worth my time

>> No.16681921

>Is it possible for an average person like me to reach that level of speed and comprehension

>> No.16681925

I read ~15-30 pages an hour

>> No.16681959

And where did that wealth come from? Generational wealth and passing on high IQ go hand in hand

>> No.16681960

Books are for enjoyment, not achievement, read them as you enjoy the experience most, or else it will make you dislike them, and then time spent on them os essentially not well spent.

Just enjoy them.

>> No.16682013

i bet its all picture books, bill

>>16681960 im pretty sure bill only reads non-fiction. enjoyment isnt the point. he has a goodreads account and posts reviews regularly so you can pretty clearly see what his priorities are.

>> No.16682017

Sure read Salt by Mark Kurlansky

>> No.16682029

does he read ebooks or real books?

>> No.16682034

I read about 30-40 an hour today but they were easy books.

>> No.16682041

If you read shit books like he does, sure

>> No.16682043

>>16682029 how the fuck should i know

>> No.16682050

im reading aristophanes' the clouds
I'm averaging 6 pages an hour

>> No.16682104
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Depth over quantity. Ponder each sentence in your mind until it is fully deconstructed and understood in it's most primal form.

>> No.16682134

That's cool, /lit/.

Whereas I spend an hour reading over the same 10 pages many times trying to glean the meaning.

Oh right, I also read heavy duty shit like Critique of Pure Reason. Gates would get filtered hard.

>> No.16682137

>I average 60-80 pages an hour.
I'm luck if I read this much in a day.
(Not a native speaker and Moby Dick is a hard book btw)

>> No.16682141

You seem to know about this guy.

>> No.16682146

>if you comprehended how he acquired his wealth and what he is doing with his assets you would begin construction of a guillotine.
A quick rundown?

>> No.16682199

>>16682141 i know he invented microcore and reads non fiction books to figure out where to pump money to, not what brand his goddamn ipad is.

>> No.16683220

I read 5 pages in an hour. Yes I'm a retard

>> No.16683310

I listen to audiobooks because of that , but the problem is that I can't do the same thing with philosophy

>> No.16683331

Don't play status game https://youtu.be/lIW5jBrrsS0

>> No.16683336


>> No.16683338


>> No.16683349

He has an IQ of roughly 160. He's a genius by definition, fuckwit.

>> No.16683382

> He has an IQ of roughly 160
Why he is inventing jack shit?

>> No.16683691

Page count on Kindles is independent of font size, margins or line spacing. It's an algorithm probably involving a standard font size and how many lines of text the book has.
I have mine with the 5th (counting from the left) and a "page" is usually 1 screen + 40% of the next screen.

>> No.16684027

>bill gates is a genius
he literally just stole the work of others
he is nothing more than a smart business man

>> No.16684163

Beside being intellectually overspecialized, he is a utilitarian, and/or "hobbyist", reader, not a sublimative, and truly appreciative, one; if nothing else, the fact that he is a villainous proponent of the beast system is indicative of that.

Reading speed --in synchronous conjunction with subsumption speed of comprehension-- rises naturally via shared affinity with what is being read by one, though it may also be accelerated with practice, but, regardless of that, unless you have a utilitarian, or tactical, goal in mind that would cause you to do the latter, you should read what you like, when you like to read it, and for as long as you like, because comprehension is optimal when it is propelled by Love.

>> No.16684208

>Beside being intellectually overspecialized...
I mean:
>Beside being [cognitively] overspecialized...

>> No.16684226

why would you go by pages instead of wpm?

>> No.16684259

i read 20 pages an hour

>> No.16684329


High IQ, ADD & dyslexia ==> 5 pages/hour for me too

>> No.16684350

Yeah, and Von Neumann could do calculus at 6 and literally invented computers as well as quantum mechanics
Fucking Jews and their embellished tales

>> No.16684442

this. trying to one-up others will only lead to your demise.

>> No.16684457

nah, I read 10 pages if non fiction or 20-25 pages if fiction. I could read even faster but it's not a race so just enjoy reading ando don't stress too much about it.

>> No.16684883
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>> No.16685062


>> No.16685073

All iPads are Apple brand.

>> No.16685274
File: 87 KB, 400x592, 1594919034406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fast read = smart read!11

>> No.16685276

Jeff Bezos washes his own dish.

>> No.16685333

I doubt Jeff Bezos even wipes his own ass

>> No.16685343

If I had Bezos level money I'd hire some co-ed to lick my butthole clean every time I took a shit.

>> No.16685361


>> No.16685370

I had to check if this wasn't one of these joke news sites. Liberal media is so fucking cringe.


>> No.16685539


>> No.16685543

90%? He doesn't even digest all the information? My retention is at least 200% because I understand not only the work but also deep connections to other topics.

>> No.16685560
File: 6 KB, 211x239, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 28 year old Reader
>reads from morning to night
>read so much, his brain can't distinguish his own thoughts from that of some author
>doesn't even eat, just reads
>has no friends or hobbies

>> No.16685583

ah, it's Me

>> No.16685606

bill gates seems like the kind of guy who would be baffled to the point of physically violent rage by blake's "the lamb"

>> No.16685620


>> No.16685638

if he is so smart why does he talk like a stuttering faggot and why did he marry a tranny?

>> No.16685656

I consistently read 30 pages/hour. 60-80 seems too fast to be enjoyable

>> No.16685716

yeah, what's the average retention rate?

>> No.16685724

takes a genious to multiply wealth and not to throw it all away

>> No.16685728

He's lying.

>> No.16685801

No, you're completely wrong. As the saying goes: to turn $100 to $110 is work — turning $100 million to $110 million is inevitable.

Past a point, your assets (which work by themselves or can be administrated by someone else) make money basically by themselves. It would take a spectacular idiot to throw a large fortune away. All it takes to preserve a fortune is to do nothing at all.

>> No.16686113

Are you legit retarded? Not all millionaires become billionaires.

>> No.16686174
File: 72 KB, 600x671, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bill gates seems like the kind of guy who would be baffled to the point of physically violent rage by blake's "the lamb"
What do you mean?

>> No.16686179

Comprehension > speed

Take your time and savor a good (or bad) book, especially if you wish to discuss it with others.

>> No.16686188

It would be convenient to read a bit faster, but reading shouldn't be something that you are pressed to rush with. I'll just read at my own pace with good retention and not worry about what other people are doing

>> No.16686234

I average 20-30 pages an hour, but am ESL. I feel like I have to reread things quite often and lose concentration, taking immersion and joy from reading away. I think it used to be better when I was younger, dunno what happened. I'm trying out quitting coffee, some people say 2-3 months off coffee their focus got better like when they were a child. If that doesn't work I'm killing myself.

>> No.16686271

I only see trash books in that stack

>> No.16686286

came here to say this.

>> No.16686470

According to The Art of Rapid Reading the average man can read 75-85 pages, with comprehension, in two hours.

>> No.16686594
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 1 (1180).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Gates is the ultimate psued. He gives millions of dollars to newspapers in the form of donations just so the Guardian will print headlines about how much he reads. It's all PR. He's convinced everyone that he's smart as shit. Libs think he's an enlightened despot. Even Facebook boomers think he's a mad genius machiavellian who's going to put computer chips in their kid's brain.
This manufactured image is 100% just to keep people from remembering how he killed Netscape. Microsoft didn't even make good products in the 90's, they mostly just hoarded the market and used their monopoly to squash competition. And now he gets to go on Opera and pretend he's Gustav III.

>> No.16686752

>being said he reads a lot of trash non-fiction that anyone could read quickly enough with a 90% retention rate

this is true, I've read one book he recommended, Factfulness, to the site that the book is utter shit, the author somehow manages to boast about his lack of knowledge in certain fields

>> No.16686784

I think he's saying that it's better to own a richard mille than to have 500k in your bank, because the money will lose it's value over time.

>> No.16686910

What stems can I take to get NZT level reading comprehension?

>> No.16686965

Steve Jobs , and Elon Musk are even worse mega-pseuds

I don't care about Opera but they put their dirty hands on github :(.

>> No.16687636

Quite a lot of people. Bots, normies, retards.
It's not about the number of pages, it's about your brain activity when you read. I could read 50 pages an hour. Doesn't matter if i remember almost nothing.

>> No.16687713

Trt and modafinil is a good start

>> No.16687726

It's impossible to read 150 pages an hour wtf
Maybe like 80 is possible

>> No.16687932

Depends on the book. I sell books for a living, and I can get a summary of any book in less than 15 minutes. A 90% retention rate on 150 pages would probably takes between 1 and 2 hours for me. But that totally depends on the genre. A math or physics books you can just glance at and know what's in it. A history or fiction may be much different.

>> No.16687948

You take mental pictures of the pages/sections of the page and internally sperg at the important parts and keep going constantly taking the important parts and adding them to your sperg perception, 8 spergs per page can be attained in seconds and it can be every important part of that page. With enough sperginess or stimulants you'll find you can absorb a 200 page book in 15 minutes.

>> No.16687970
File: 72 KB, 1336x723, 28 year old reader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16688004

I read around 50 pages an hour at a push, but generally more around 30.

>> No.16688006

it's not reading though.
what's the fucking point?

>> No.16688058

Sort of this.
Only 10% of the words are need to understand a concept. The rest are just facilitating syntax and flushing out the idea for the reader. If they're smart as Bill they may not need the help and just skip it. My entire post is an example of this.
I don't think this would work very well for poetry though.

>> No.16689324

kek, thanks

>> No.16689371

Bill gates takes Dexedrine 5mg as needed.

>> No.16689392

How old are you?

How old are you?

>> No.16689399

It only works with stuff that you have already the knowledge of. You can't learn new things this way, nor even guess some story's plot. You can guess the story's plot more or less, but you will not have details and reasons for the character's decisions.

>> No.16689599


>> No.16689708


>Bill, pretend you're reading
>Give us your reading face
>No, you have glasses, you're halfway to smart already
>Look like maybe you aren't sure if you have to take a shit or not but probably do, but you're impressed by the color
>A perfect shade of brown
>What are the books about?
>Immunity, you're the virus expert now Bill
>Just give us your poop face we made your stack for you
>A stack
>Jesus Bill
>Like people who read, they buy books and they stack on top--
>Look just fucking pose like you're taking a shit or sacrificing a kid to Moloch or whatever
>That's it
>God if this guy didn't have glasses people would think he was a total retard

>> No.16689715

I mean it’s really not a big mountain, just isolate yourself for an hour and do nothing but read.

Like I’m a pretty average reader and given an hour I can knock down 100 pages, the question is what kind of book is it. Coomsooming isn’t engaging.

>> No.16689775

Any of us could look great with dedicated communications/PR team at our disposal. He did important things, but was also damn lucky to be at the right place at the right time, and ruthless enough to succeed. I've been around his level - a huge amount of their public image is just that. Try to scratch the veneer and see how far you get before you're unpersoned.

>> No.16689816

I lol'd
A non-candid picture of a person reading always feels incredibly tacky and insincere

>> No.16690228


>> No.16690399

Working at Microsoft, much of Bill Gate's time was spent reading long technical internal documents before turning up at meetings to ask penetrating questions to their terrified authors. His speed and comprehension was famous. This was with material that provided no reading pleasure whatsoever.

>> No.16690507

What a monster. Boring material just like that.

>> No.16690662

Would it be fair to say that the crimes of Bill Gates are akin to those of Pol Pot, Saddam Hussien and Idi Amin?
If so if disagree, they are far worse

>> No.16690838

>approx. 925 wpm
No thank you. I'd rather read 4x slower than zoom through everything with no enjoyment. Speed reading is a meme.

>> No.16691145

I read 50 pages a day usually

>> No.16691170
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It's only good to read fast when the book at hand is not too read worthy

>> No.16691319

He's likely taking a cocktail of nootropics and adrenochrome. Rich celebrity businessmen don't have much time for leisure and just cheat their way for mental gains with drugs.

>> No.16691322

Yeah, he doesn't though, he skims through it at best

>> No.16691323


>> No.16691330

That's not reading though, it goes against the very definition of the term; this pseud is probably the type to skip the poetry in Lord of the Rings

>> No.16691418

He scored 1590 out of 1600 in SAT, 1973.

Were you already that good at studying at 18?

Trying to match up to him directly will just lead most to dissapointment.

Focus on trying to outdo yourself instead.

>As the saying goes: to turn $100 to $110 is work — turning $100 million to $110 million is inevitable.
Not comparable. Whatever assets Gates might've ever been granted before he made Microsoft wouldn't have appreciated so much just due to macroenomic trends that he would've become the richest man alive, unless he was already the richest man alive before. The fact that his net worth grew faster than the economy, and than all those people's who were richer than him, is proof that he is just that much more economically productive than not the just the average person but also the former captains of industry.

And the expression itself doesn't reflect the actual market: A mutual fund that turns 100 million into 110 million will turn 100 into 110 just the same with the exact amount of time and energy.

>It would take a spectacular idiot to throw a large fortune away.
The majority of family fortunes is squandered by the third generation.

>> No.16691897

dude it's just personality marketing who gives a shit