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File: 11 KB, 220x342, Soumission_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16679038 No.16679038 [Reply] [Original]

He was right wasn't he?

>> No.16679042

We tried to tell you. 'Go back to pol' you said.

>> No.16679043

As always.

>> No.16679058

have sex
read theory
victim mentality
trashy human being
ok boomer

>> No.16679074

What the fuck do you have against ducks, dick?

>> No.16679089 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 675x534, 1595347289000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have sex
>read theory
>victim mentality
>trashy human being
>ok boomer

>> No.16679099
File: 37 KB, 256x256, 4e1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have sex
>read theory
>victim mentality
>trashy human being
>ok boomer

>> No.16679105

Houellebecq's shtick of "The west is declining but I must fuck" gets old after ten pages in. Also his prose is repetitive af.

>> No.16679106
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>> No.16679172

You need to get some pussy

>> No.16679187

are they stabbing leftists and fags finally? has the day arrived? is the ominous country called Fr*nce finally going to disappear? Will sanity be restored in the West after this?

>> No.16679294

No, Islam will never become 234% of the France population, unlike what your favourite groyper youtubers told you.

>> No.16679302

Phew, glad to learn that France is doing fine.

>> No.16679308
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>> No.16679318

Well they just had like 4 more terrorist attacks today. He was a prophet (pbuh).

>> No.16679323

Truly the darkest time. Imagine having an Islamic theocracy with nukes in the heart of Europe. They'll cause the larger Allah akbar in human history and take millions, possibly billions with them. And they think they will be rewarded with paradise, so there's literally nothing to deter them from it. Truly, a tragic end of an era.

>> No.16679349

no theyre stabbing old catholic ladies and history teachers

>> No.16679533

Atomised is still his best work

>> No.16679588


>> No.16680143

He's a good observer.

>> No.16680181

Why is he smoking in the soup kitchen? Can't he step outside?

>> No.16680318
File: 468 KB, 1498x1223, macron-jupiter-in-gloria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16680406

we'll see who wins, JVPITER or الله

>> No.16680436
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 1499878814902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I hate Mudshit and other imigrants is because they make the national population more right wing.

>Merkel is to blame for the rise in right wing populism

>> No.16680456

why is Macron talking to a foot?

>> No.16680570

>he hasn't taken the bogpill

>> No.16680604

Dangerously based

>> No.16680648

>Frogs won't exist or be such a minority in their own country that they won't matter possibly by the end of this century

Pretty based

>> No.16680819

It is just acknowledging reality.
Obviously, if you have a civilisation which has near zero interest in defending itself, it will be subverted.

The idea that muslims will continually integrate themselves into western societies is, well, just false. And I think we are long past the point where anybody can still pretend that having local muslim majorities will result in any possibility of "integration".

The only thing worse than Islam taking over the west, is the west overtaking islam.
That realization is the only optimism I have left for the world.

>> No.16680833

>Islam will never become 234% of the France population
Can you please not be islamophobic on this board?

>> No.16680845

He's not in faggot Burgerland.

>> No.16680910

>invite people from your former colonies, but basically have no jobs, don't educate them, stick them in paris slums where they have no hope of integrating
>be surprised when fundamentalist, right-wing views take over

This is exactly why people voted for Trump and other right-wing populists

>people living in shit areas with no jobs, constantly get shit on by the mainstream culture
>be surprised when they elect a total idiot, but who claims he will help those people

I wasn't very articulate, but you get the point

>> No.16680924

Blumpf isn't an idiot, he just pretends to be while he does Zionism and Chill.

>> No.16680968

>where they have no hope of integrating
How naive are you?
They came because they could get higher living standards, not because they want to integrate in the (I have no other word) cucked "liberal" culture that France has to offer...

There were no "fundamentalist right wing views" which formed, they came WITH those views with the obvious goal to live them out and spread them. And they are quite successful at that, which gives me some hope...

>when they elect a total idiot
To be a politician means to be the most lowly and evil form of life imaginable, even beneath a lawyer. I think people voted for Trump because, although maybe not the brightest, he at least wasn't a career politician.

>> No.16680969

Its actually quite funny, if you look up Trump's accomplishments, you'll realize that he's done far more for Israel than the United States.

On a tangent - hilarious what they did to Jeremy Corbyn today. Just goes to show you how much the Zionists have taken over in the U.S./UK. We keep hearing about "anti-semitism" in the Labour party, but they never have anything to show for it other than some low-level nobodies saying something mildly anti-Israel things.

In reality, its a coup by the pro-Zionist people in the Labour party against the anti-Zionist people. They're kicking out Corbyn and cleaning house to basically cement their control. They're just doing it under the guise of "anti-semitism".

>> No.16681016

>they came WITH those views with the obvious goal to live them out and spread them. And they are quite successful at that, which gives me some hope...

You just said that they came for higher living standards, then you claim that apparently they're all apparently missionaries. From my experience, none except for the most hardcore (although perhaps its different in Europe) actually want to spread their beliefs.

>I think people voted for Trump because, although maybe not the brightest, he at least wasn't a career politician.

Sure, but he's been nothing but a complete failure. I was even a fan for some of his projects (the wall, stopping China). Trump has helped countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel more than he has helped the United States.

And since we're talking about Muslims, its funny how his travel ban did not impact the places where muslim terrorism actually comes from (Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Egypt), but hit only the enemies of Saudi Arabia and Israel (like Iran and Yemen).

>> No.16681091

>You just said that they came for higher living standards, then you claim that apparently they're all apparently missionaries.
Certainly not "all", at least one of my friends (half Bavarian, half Brazilian from quite a Catholic background) has already been converted (I know, personal experience and such) and obviously if you look at the more "radical" scene everyone there believes in the missionary work.
Besides the "radicals" you have the regular muslims who came to live out their beliefs, just under better conditions. Good knows what a shithole Morocco is, nearly as bad as Berlin or Paris, so I can not really fault them...

Especially in the older generation you can still find immigrants who have been somewhat absorbed into the flimsy remains of their host culture, but for the younger generation all integration that is happening is young natives being integrated into pseudo-islamic youth culture.

>Sure, but he's been nothing but a complete failure. I was even a fan for some of his projects (the wall, stopping China). Trump has helped countries like Saudi Arabia and Israel more than he has helped the United States.
I think that if Trump should have told us anything is that whoever site on the throne of the US matters far less than the spectacle around it makes it seem.

>> No.16681153

>Especially in the older generation you can still find immigrants who have been somewhat absorbed into the flimsy remains of their host culture, but for the younger generation all integration that is happening is young natives being integrated into pseudo-islamic youth culture.

Sounds like its different in Europe. In the U.S., by the second generation the kids are usually only "muslim" in name. They are (usually) literal carbon copies of typical American kids. If you ask them what religion they are, they will say muslim, but very few of them pray or do any of the things an actual muslim would do.

Almost sounds like things are the opposite in Europe. Here, the first generation usually likes to stick to their own (muslim or not), while the second generation and definitely the third generation are quickly absorbed into American culture.

Houellebecq thinks that capitalism will overtake Islam, which I think as well. I don't see anything special about Islam that would give it a different fate than Christianity. I think economics is a big part of it, when you become wealthy you can abandon the old ways of your people. You can already see this happening in places like Turkey, Iran, and the princes of Saudi Arabia.

>> No.16681195

>Sounds like its different in Europe. In the U.S., by the second generation the kids are usually only "muslim" in name. They are (usually) literal carbon copies of typical American kids. If you ask them what religion they are, they will say muslim, but very few of them pray or do any of the things an actual muslim would do.
I guess the difference is that in the US there are no (or very few) local muslim majorities.
The older generations of migrants here, who still grew up as a small minority, behave like you describe, but the younger ones really do not.

>> No.16681196

>The only reason I hate Mudshit and other imigrants is because they make the national population more right wing.

Holy fuck we need to hang people like you asap.

>> No.16681208

not even one single reply with a proper reading of this work. kek.

>> No.16681225

It is very little fun to talk about things you understand.

>> No.16681320

>rightoids calling wellbecks drivel "work"

>> No.16681356

>Leftoids talking about "work"

>> No.16681408

i liked the parts where he WHACKED OFF to pornhub

>> No.16681415

No, he wasn't. RC Waldun retroactively refuted him.

>> No.16681427

Houllebecq doesn't mean to explicitly sow fear about Islam or immigration on it's face, instead he means to critique the spineless and directionless academic and social societies in which he lives. To him, they are weak and featureless enough to be easily absorbed by any stronger and better defined culture, in the case of the novel, Islam. Submission to a higher order of some kind is necessary, according to the text, to stave off boredom, directionless, erosion of love, purpose, etc.

It could have just as easily been a fictional culture, but Islam is one of the few generally homogeneous cultures left. I also don't think the book means to condemn immigration or integration, I think it's saying that there must be something that can actually be integrated into in the first place in order for that word to mean anything.

Left-wing and right-wing governments both have room for degrees of cultural homogeneity within their constraints, and some degree of shared cultural value does not EXPLICITLY necessitate religious or racial homogeneity. Cultural value must simply exist in some form, not just consumption culture or the culture of individual freedom, etc.

>> No.16681488

>Submission to a higher order of some kind is necessary, according to the text, to stave off boredom, directionless, erosion of love, purpose, etc.

Interestingly enough, David Foster Wallace says something like this in one of his interviews. He says approximately "humans need to worship to give themselves direction and if you don't worship God, you'll just end up worshiping your looks or money or other things, and those things will never give you fulfillment because you never have enough"

>> No.16681640

he looks great