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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.1667835[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

so there's this little shit black kid that refuses to read To Kill A Mockingbird because it has the word nigger in it. This kid raps, plays football, sags, and sleeps all day in class.

Basically I need a good alternative book for this shithead to read (that is about the 1930s) and possibly some lesson/activity ideas.

>> No.1667837

not even a single please...

>> No.1667840
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>This kid raps, plays football, sags, and sleeps all day in class
>This kid sags

>> No.1667841

>refuses to read To Kill A Mockingbird because it has the word nigger in it.

10/10. Would rage again.

>> No.1667843

did you try explaining to him that the book concerns the redemption of an unfairly accused black man or were you too busy being angry at his lack of motivation borne of socioeconomic inequality

i'm guessing #2

>> No.1667846


pretty pretty please =D

>> No.1667851

the kid didn't even talk to me about it, he went straight to the assistant principal's office. I got an email later in the day.

>> No.1667857

for fucks sake just assign him something else..maybe something by Langston Hughes or amiri baraka..i mean To Kill A mockingbird is actually very racist and colonialist and all kinds of backwards and the kid is absolutely right thinking it's of no relevance to his life..it stays on our reading lists because of the iconic movie (which is also shit, if you ask me)..

>> No.1667870


>Doesn't like To Kill A Mockingbird
>Trip is scout


>> No.1667872

Full book report on Lord of the Rings due on your desk by Monday.

>> No.1667876
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>> No.1667880


Talk to his parents and explain >>1667843 to them. Or give him Their Eyes Were Watching God. That was written in the 1930s right? I don't remember when it actually took place though.

>> No.1667881

hahah yea just caught that.."scout" is a bastardization of my original name on lit chat btw...

>> No.1667884

Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.1667887

If I were you I'd make him read a Jane Austen novel just to piss him off, or otherwise just fail him for being a lazy shit and finding his way out of reading a book.

>> No.1667897

OP here, unfortunately this is a 9th grade regular English class, so I can't ask to much of him anyways...

>> No.1667900

The Sun Also Rises.

Captcha: ICBM KimIl

>> No.1667899

Huck Finn.


Or Heart of Darkness.

>> No.1667903

The Sounds and The Fury

>> No.1667904

The Nigger of the Narcissus

>> No.1667907


Good recommendation but imo it's too early (1900-ish) and still shitloads of niggers

>> No.1667911

op here, thanks for the suggestions.

Has anybody read Cinderella Man? If so, does it address some of the things that were going on in the 1930s?

>> No.1667916

Nigger Heaven?

>> No.1667920

Native Son. Fucking do it.

>> No.1667929

I'd suggest going with Raisin in the Sun (even though it's a play, it's really good) or Ellison's Invisible Man. Now if I was you (and also didn't care about my job) I'd assign him Native Son or something ridiculous like that, or maybe Wretched of the Earth, but that's a bad idea. I imagine the school board would frown on trying to convert kids to Communism. and it'd be difficult to explain how a novel about how a black guy murders two women is actually a scorching critique of racism in America.

>> No.1667936

can you imagine having a teacher who posts on 4chan? holy shit. talk about fucked from day one

>> No.1667948


Off-topic question, how do you like being a high school English teacher?

No troll.

>> No.1667955

Why don't you Go And Tell It on The Mountain?

>> No.1668166


its pretty shitty, the kids are fucking dumb. I'm actually just a student teacher. No job in the future for me. Looking into computer education and cognitive systems programs

>> No.1668192


>No job in the future for me.

Well there's the issue. I believe teaching is something you must have a passion for. It does not matter if the kids are dumb. Your job is to help educate them and teach them not only how to think more clearly, but also how to learn. If they're lazy then as an educator it is your job to help motivate them. If you go in a class with the idea that the students won't amount to anything then they likely won't.

>> No.1668200

Tell me where you teach, OP, so I can e-mail the principal and anyone else concerned that one of their teachers is calling a student a little shit.

>> No.1668205

Try talking to him about how the book is actually a criticism of racism and teaches that prejudice is bad. If he still refuses, have him read the most boring book about WWII (lots of numbers, no real characters or interesting plot) you can find.

Is his rap any good?

Either way, see if you can get a copy of any of his stuff. Listen. If he drops the n-bomb, take it to the principal. Point out that he doesn't seem to have a problem with the use of the word in artistic expression.

>> No.1668217

>doesn't respect the students and insults them
Fuck you. He doesn't have to read shit. He doesn't have to respect you. I don't respect you. Get out.

>> No.1668233


you're the type of teacher we don't need

>> No.1668237
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Make that kaffir read, The Power of One. Don't know if it was because of my dyslexia, but i'm pretty sure I didn't see the n word anywhere in that book. In fact the book is about how well blacks were treated in South Africa during WWII.

>> No.1668239

One of my friends insists that Huck Finn is racist because of the use of the word "nigger."
Holy god.

>> No.1668243

Actually I do care about teaching, I care a lot. Before I started teaching I wanted to have a non-traditional student-led classroom that comprised primarily of literature circles and what not, having the students read whatever they want to read. However, I now realize my nievity. Where it might be possible to have such a classroom with a pre-ap or ap classroom, in my professional opinion, it is nearly impossible to do the same with students who have no passion for English or Literature whatsoever. Now, I do not blame the children, because they have likely been dealt a great wrong for the majority of their educational careers, and it isn't right for me to expect something from them that they have been accustomed to - self-discipline and original thought. In a regular classroom there are certainly students that still value learning and capable of contributing to an English class. However, in regular classes, there are far about 6 students in each class who refuse to even look at a book, and seem to make every effort to not learn anything.

>> No.1668248

Give him chapter upon chapter of grammar exercises worth the equivalent of the points awarded for all assignments on To Kill a Mockingbird. Stick him in the hall at the beginning of class and leave him there until the last five minutes. Repeat daily.

>> No.1668249

Light in August, nigguh

>> No.1668258

Things Fall Apart

>> No.1668267
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Oh look at me, i'm in bloomburg business week talking about anonymousness being awesome although the article fails to mention how I've hired a shitload of new mods to crack down on people being wassis

Fucking hypocritical faggot

>> No.1668291

Fail him. Write in his report card: "Shows racist tendencies"

>> No.1668295


As a teacher it's your fucking job to educate them. If they're making every effort not to learn then you have to make twice as much an effort it teaching them. That great wrong is teachers like you. The disillusioned and cynical who no loner have any passion for teaching.

>> No.1668313

It's good to instil a bit of healthy cynicism into students. There's a lack of it in kids these days. They'll believe in anything.

>> No.1668314

Being naive is just about all you have as a teacher. You are trying to accomplish the impossible: make a difference in all of your student's lives. Else what's the point? You're not being paid enough to stay there for money and no one really cares about you in the high school circuit.

>> No.1668316

L2English, you dumbfuck. If you're an English teacer, why can't you structurize sentences in a grammatically correct manner? Make that nigger read "Then There Were None." Haha. That, or "Catcher in the Rye."

>> No.1668319


I'm not OP, but do me a favor. Successfully teach a group of surly young niggers anything, then repeat your statement. See you never.

>> No.1668374


Why would my failure as a teacher prove anything but I failed as a teacher?

>> No.1668402
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>> No.1668403

>Teacher of class
>Student refusing to do assignment
>Teacher trying to placate

I see the problem here.....

>> No.1668413


Seriously. If I set out to teach troubled youths and failed, all that would show is that I failed. It does not mean that they were unteachable, nor does would it mean that I was wrong about what being a teacher entails. It just means that I failed. If you can explain it to me in another way then by all means you're welcome to.

>> No.1668435

atticus finch isnt hood nigga

>> No.1668440
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too tired to bother. however it depends on how you define the onus of responsibly to learn is. If it is the nigger; then it is his fault for being so niggery. If it is the teacher; then it is his fault for being so incompetant.

just differences in opinions

>> No.1668484


You could set him Native Son, but that also contains the word 'nigger'. I think once he saw the size of it, he'd modify his attitude right quick.

>> No.1668486

>fail his faggot ass for not completing assigned task
>principal talks shit
>make a stand, say fuck you I'm tired of this pc bullshit, enjoy your uncultured retarded kids who listen to gangsta rap with worse stuff in it anyway
>story ends up on the news
>everyone hates you and sides with the poor disadvantaged black boy who smokes weed and talks loudly
>fired and permabanned

fuck the american education system

>> No.1668654

Tell him that if he doesn't read it, he'll get an incomplete. That's it. If he refuses to do the work, he doesn't get a mark.


>> No.1669153


lol don't listen to this faggot. fuck that lazy ass kid. you shouldn't have to change your whole curriculum because he is a lazy cunt. call his lazy cunt parents and when you realize that they are barely sentient, give him nothing but grammar until you're done with To Kill a Mocking Bird.

>> No.1669158

x1000 this

>> No.1669161


>> No.1669163

>little shit black kid

You sound like a wonderful teacher. Where's the maturity in that? And why can't you make a decision up for yourself? Are you that pathetic?

>> No.1669164

make him read 1,100 pages of ayn rand