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/lit/ - Literature

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1667762 No.1667762 [Reply] [Original]

what would the state of literature be today if germany had won WWII?

>> No.1667771 [DELETED] 
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It would be fukkin dope, yo.

>> No.1667772
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>> No.1667773
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It would be fuckin' dope, yo

>> No.1667791

The correct answer is "different".

>> No.1667803

better or worse.

>> No.1667873


>> No.1667874

Instead of Zadie Smiths, Harper Lees and other trash. Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest would be taught in schools.

>> No.1667885

>tybrax not saging
must be he's the OP

>> No.1667889

If Germany had won, I imagine literature would be quite a lot better, really..repression, the cult of culture inherent in rising fascism, and even better in the decadent era of fascism..would probably produce some amazing art...I wish they had won, actually..but then again i'm a cryptofa

>> No.1667890

Chuck Palahnuik, and Tao Lin would've been shot a long time ago.

And everything would have to go through the propaganda ministry.

>> No.1667898

Less Paolo Coehlo, more Jonathan Littell.

>> No.1667921

why would i sage a thread i want to bump?

>> No.1667938

90% of all media would be censored.

This is shown, in excess, by Stalin's dictatorship.

Anyone who thinks that a totalitarian dictatorship would produce better/more media than a _series_ of independent democratic nations is an idiot.

>> No.1667945

when i hear art that's when i reach for my revolver

yes, this is a philosophy likely to produce vibrant art

also pretty sure you're not a cryptofascist if you're willing to admit it

>> No.1667949

No Kafka, No Auster, No Chabon, No comic book industry,

in fact, forget every gay, jewish, or black, publisher, agent, critic, or writer. Literature would be monitored by the government, no freedom of speech. Not even worth thinking about.

>> No.1667970

>No Kafka
are you fucking retarded on so many levels?

>> No.1667976

I think he means that Kafka's works would have been banned

>> No.1667979

Yeah I'm sure as an outspoken jewish person deeply involved in Yiddish culture, Hitler would have loved to have Kafka around for his socialist views.

Oh, wait a minute.

>> No.1667980

cryptofascists who admit it are even more cryptic..also THATS WHEN I REACH FOR MY REVOLVER THATS WHEN IT ALL GETS BLOWN AWAY...nice..anyway, there was plenty of art in NAZI germany, and lots of art in all repressive nations..for instance, Dostoyevsky..but you know..just so you know...you're mistaken..d

>> No.1667982

didnt stop tao lin.

>> No.1667988

well, mission of burma, yeah, but i was referring to the nazi view on art often quoted by goerring.

>> No.1667989

at least we wouldn't have postcolonialism and other timewasters

>> No.1668000

still, art will respond to the repression by becoming that much more radical..with today's banality, we have art that is banal..i mean, we all die, we all suffer and i would willingly live under a repressive regime just for the opportunity to resist and create art or real resistance..not this piddling green peace crap but the environment that produced dostoyevsky, camus and others..the environments that produced the surrealists..this is why i think it would be even better had germany won..but on a more practical note..germany would have eventually cleared it's bad image and things would probably resemble exactly what we have today..i was just being a little frivolous with this tired notion of 'what if'

>> No.1667998

Kafka died in 1924, you know?

>> No.1667999

Seriously, dude? Seriously?

>> No.1668003


Point taken.

>> No.1668005

have you been here long or what

>> No.1668006

you are worse than steampunks

>> No.1668032

>>Anyone who thinks that a totalitarian dictatorship would produce better/more media than a _series_ of independent democratic nations is an idiot.

Bulgakov, Pasternak, Babel, Sholokhov, Platonov, Gorky, Akhmatova, Brodsky... Need I go on? And these are just writers.

Living under conditions of censorship can just as easily motivate the creative spirit. All the writers I mentioned lived and thrived (creatively, not personally) under a totalitarian dictatorship.

>> No.1668046

Sometimes I read the pop culture forum on Stormfront for kicks and one of my favorite "I wonder what they think about..." scavenger hunts was when I searched for comic book threads and found some neo-Nazi dork desperately trying to reconcile his love of superhero comics with his hatred of DER JUDEN. He came up with some theory about how Jack Kirby was half-Aryan(!!) and the Aryan side dominated his nature, which incidentally is also how teenage neo-Nazis justify wanting to bone Jewess bombshell Scarlett Johansson

>> No.1668048

Insulting, racist and in German.

>> No.1668064


Tripfags could never write something this engaging and funny. That is why Anonymous will always be Master Race and tripfags will always be untermench.

>> No.1668068

We'd all be reading Japanese comic books about impossible heroics instead of literature.

>> No.1668124

>This is shown, in excess, by Stalin's dictatorship.

Germania and the Soviets are not really comparable. Even in the latter stages of the third reich large sectors of the intelligentsia and art communities were left untouched. They were only bothered if they went in direct contradiction to regime.

The censoring by the Soviets on the other hand was just borderline idiotic at times. They were so absurdly oppressive that they killed their own intellectual development as an empire, which is a major reason why they stagnated and eventually fell apart.

It reminds me of the mentality of common thugs and meathead types who can't comprehend anything that isn't linear and overly blunt, so they destroy it because it threatens/intimidates them.

>> No.1668149 [DELETED] 

No more niggers lovers!

>> No.1668147

i've been here a while and i generally got the impression that you were a smart dude even if a lil annoying + a little too into all the joking / trolling about tripfag superiority or w/e

but seriously? postcolonial lit is worthless?

>> No.1668169

Why not?

>> No.1668175

>postcolonial lit is worthless?

oh don't get me wrong I'm sure it's worth a lot to *whoever it has worth for* i.e. the sick, powerless and deluded, in the same way that someone who has eaten spam all their lives highly values the occasional turkey dinner, in contrast to those of us who eat turkey dinners every day and thus who have much less value in turkey dinners, who highly value the occasional caviar. I see no value in most postcolonial literature because it is composed for the most part of imbecile truths and values, and slave (literal and metaphorical) dialects, same for feminism and queer theory and all these other superifical fast grabs by resentful minorities for power in these highly decadent times.

>> No.1668179

You see no value in post-colonial literature because you are privileged, white and have a narrow appreciation of the world due to being sheltered by your culture, your family and your own cognitive dissonance...you are like a child who can't understand why their parents worry about the mortgage payment..

>> No.1668185

>Anyone who thinks that a totalitarian dictatorship would produce better/more media than a _series_ of independent democratic nations is an idiot.

The best art is generated under great/extreme environment - not lackadaisical, 'free' nations.

Just the current situation now for example, there is a lot of junk art out there these days which exists for no real reason, except for some sort of bland, over-romanticized, generic concept of "expression".

Good art is a product of people who themselves are the product of great paradigms - this is why there are so many noteworthy writers from the early-mid 20th century. These people lived during times where the very foundation of ideals about politics, society, and reality itself which had been held for centuries and millennia, were being disrupted.

It reminds me of when I was younger and looking at a poster about U.S. military ranks, and I asked 'why are there no 5 star generals anymore' - 'there are none, because there are no great wars'.

>> No.1668189

>there is a lot of junk art out there these days which exists for no real reason

I sort of agree with your overall point, however, I must point out that there's ALWAYS tons of junk art. Even during times of duress, people need low art and high art.
(also, i'm tentatively arguing this, but all art is useless)

>> No.1668206

that's a nice way of saying I am in a certain power relation. There is nothing ethical about this.

this is nothing more than a power relation. There is nothing ethical about this.

>narrow appreciation of the world
Yes, the correct way to appreciate the world happens to be a bit narrow. or at least that's how it seems from the point of view of the idiots

>sheltered by your culture
What the fuck is this supposed to mean? Is an ethiopian "sheltered" by his culture if he doesn't want to buy into american culture or british culture? Man look at all those ignorant Iraqis being sheltered in arabic culture, I'm so glad we're well on the way to getting them out of that.

>your family
Holy shit, I have a family that looks out for me. Just like a whole bunch of Iraqis, Ethiopians, Americans, Britishers, etc. Wow I am so fucking sheltered.

You're throwing all this stupid slave rhetoric at me and you don't even know what underlies it.

>> No.1668220

god damn you're the worst tripfag around here

>> No.1668222

> I must point out that there's ALWAYS tons of junk art.

True, but at least in the past you could more easily identify and segregate the low and the high brow.

>> No.1668225

why does anyone pay attention to d&e

>> No.1668230

>nice trips

the only reason why you can sort out the high from the low is that we're producing MORE art now than ever. if the victorians had access to the mass printing presses that we have, they'd be churning out more drivel than you could shake a stick at. today's art is no worse nor better than yesterday's art, the only difference is how much we consume

>> No.1668231

I mean christ almighty, that entire post is essentially
>You don't see the value in being weak because you are strong
And guess what? Of course I don't! Being privileged is strong! Having a family that supports me is strong! All of these things DO contribute to my perspective, which is entirely bodily,(just like every one of the aspects cited), which is the perspective of the STRONG.

>> No.1668236


you can call me dense, but i still don't understand why you think postcolonial literature is worthless? is it because you like caviar and turkey?

>> No.1668241
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>> No.1668245

>that's a nice way of saying I am in a certain power relation
No I was just pointing out your lack of real experience and therefore ignorance..
>this is nothing more than a power relation.
No, it's your identity..
|>Yes, the correct way to appreciate the world happens to be a bit narrow
haha protestantism is so quaint "the narrow path" and all that..
>Is an ethiopian "sheltered" by his culture
yes. and he would not know the pain of living as a poor undergrad student and having to get coffee from somewhere other than starbucks, now would he?
>slave rhetoric
a nice way to rephrase "slave morality" and a poor attempt at masking your poor emulation of Nietzsche

>> No.1668255
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>> No.1668260
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tbh for all your moralfag talk he's actually alot nicer to me than you are.

>> No.1668273


>> No.1668278

>lack of real experience
Oh, you mean I haven't had the experience you or other people have had? Because there's no such thing as "real" experience, only experiences one person or the other has had. So basically you think I'm ignorant because I haven't had YOUR experience, or someone else you think I should have. What the fuck makes your experiences so special? What the fuck does getting a botfly maggot in my arm in Balize tell me about anything? What the fuck is a lion missing out on if he doesn't eat grass or taste rabbit? More ideological bullshit, through and through.

>No, it's your identity..
Okay, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Maybe you think identities grow on fucking trees or something, I don't care. The response is going to be half-witted and I'm not going to entertain it.

>haha protestantism is so quaint "the narrow path" and all that..
Nothing to do with what I'm talking about

>and he would not know the pain of living as a poor undergrad student and having to get coffee from somewhere other than starbucks, now would he?
don't waste my time with rhetorical questions I've already addressed. He wouldn't know what it is to be strong. I don't know what it is to be weak, nor would I want to know.

>a nice way to rephrase "slave morality"
No, because such a term is too general for how I want to apply it, hence my use of the term 'slave rhetoric'

>> No.1668296

>Nothing to do with what I'm talking about
actually it has *everything* to do with what you are talking about, it explains so much! you just can't bear to admit that you are thinking like a good protestant with your "narrow way"..you jesus freak.
I of course was referring to a shared experience of oppression or perhaps specifically the experience of those who write post-colonial fiction and those who it is written for..i don't pretend to fully appreciate the genre (and honestly neo-libs who do kind of make me sick) but i can appreciate that they can appreciate it, you dig white boy?
>I don't know what it is to be weak, nor would I want to know.
just wait until you don't have everything handed to you (maybe it will never happen, who knows?)
>'slave rhetoric'
slaves have no rhetoric, hence they are slaves

>> No.1668298

>So basically you think I'm ignorant because I haven't had YOUR experience, or someone else you think I should have.

isn't that sort of the point when it comes to reading, to try and experience someone else's life? like, i read some postcolonial stuff because i'm interested in how "the other" lived. never for a second do i think it's objective truth or a privileged frame of reference. but i read it because i want to get a taste of how it is somewhere else

>> No.1668308

>actually it has *everything* to do with what you are talking about, it explains so much! you just can't bear to admit that you are thinking like a good protestant with your "narrow way"..you jesus freak.
Don't waste my fucking time. Your inability to see a narrow viewpoint as indicative of anything other than protestantism is not my problem.

>shared experience


>just wait until you don't have everything handed to you
"the meek shall inherit the earth" bullshit

>slaves have no rhetoric, hence they are slaves
more mouthfarting

Keep saying stupid shit bro, I think I will just laugh at the dumb, barely coherent crap that is coming out of your mouth

>> No.1668318

Why you cussing so much bro? Is it cuz u mad? quite obviously..and blanket denial of any negative experience of power is really funny because you are on 4chan and not part of a synarchic shadow government controlling all policy or even a cop beating up a homeless person or even a boy dominating his lover or ANYTHING ...you're veneration of power is fucking stockholm syndrome..sublimation of resignation.

>> No.1668327

I guess when you say it like that, it's a shortcut to thinking.

>> No.1668335

>isn't that sort of the point when it comes to reading, to try and experience someone else's life?
Even if it was, why would I want to try to experience a shitty life? What could possibly make me want to experience the inferior sensations and delusions that constitute an inferior being. I don't want to know what's like to be an earthworm any more than I want to know what it's like to be the human equivalent of an earthworm. A lion doesn't want a deer's perspective, and I don't want an inferior's perspective.

>> No.1668343

It's funny you say that these people are inferior, because they certainly aren't on the internet bitching about you and your perspective..you mean nothing to them..they aren't aware of you..

>> No.1668357


>> No.1668362


>bitch over the internet about internet bitching

You've won this one, man

>> No.1668365 [DELETED] 

completely miss the point, garnish with sage

>> No.1668367

How bout these nuts in your mouth?!

>> No.1668375

My personal theory is that most people working in the liberal arts only excel when they are working against the system.

If the Third Reich had won WW2 then I suspect we would have seen some truly great subversive literature far removed from its steady decline in the past sixty years.

>> No.1668379
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>> No.1668381


But "we" would be a very small few because publication would be completely underground.

>> No.1668384

>inferior being
Fuck. Really?

Is D&E actually so arrogant and self absorbed as to place himself on a pedestal such as this?

I really want to know, what warrants that kind of thinking?

>> No.1668392


as a fellow resident of the ivory tower, I completely support his position

>> No.1668388

Asperger syndrome.

The way he types and his obsession with inane topics makes it obvious.

>> No.1668394

> today's art is no worse nor better than yesterday's art, the only difference is how much we consume

I disagree, and I would say you have low standards if you cannot discern any difference in quality.

>> No.1668395

ok the latest round is sort of boring, can someone greentext d&e again instead of throwing lame insults about?

>> No.1668396

You have to do better than that, though. Unless you can back up the statement with some sound reasoning, its just smoke.

>> No.1668399

It's like shouting into a cavernous rectum

>> No.1668405

i dunno i think he was kind of winning here then some anonymous posting starting samefagging insults.

>> No.1668412


No. You see, the Nazis weren't just a really heavy version of the Republicans. When they found a book they didn't like, they burned it. So what would happen is, you would have nothing but sub-literature on happy, uplifting themes. The history of literature would equally be rewritten - you wouldn't get to draw inspiration from anything that wasn't ideologically approved.

>> No.1668414


i never said that i can't make qualitative judgments on art. my argument is that the art we consume today is neither better nor worse than the art of the old timey.

what part do you disagree with? do you think that the art created now is inferior to the art of old? if that's your position, then i disagree. because all qualities of art are being made in larger amounts, then therefore, there is more good art, just as there is more bad art and everything in between along the spectrum. the only difference between today and before is that there's more

>> No.1668415

If by "winning" you mean affecting superiority, then yeah,, that's pretty much the definition of the word in light of charlie sheen :/

>> No.1668419


You're a 4chan tripfag. You have no inferiors.

>> No.1668420

>But "we" would be a very small few because publication would be completely underground.

And why would that be a negative even if you personally were part of that few?

>> No.1668421

i don't know why my grammar in that post is so horrendous. apologies

>> No.1668427



>> No.1668428

Why are people in this thread making their evaluations as if nazi germany took over the entire world?

Do you not think literature would still be getting published outside of the sphere of direct nazi influence?

>> No.1668431

fuck off moron

>> No.1668434
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>> No.1668454

All quiet on the western front was an excellent book, in my view the best between the 1900s and the 1930s. It was banned in the Third Reich.

>> No.1668476

>3 nazi threads on frontpage
lol'd again.

>> No.1668487 [SPOILER] 
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>80 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

he'll never let go of this

>> No.1668493

i dont get it...