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/lit/ - Literature

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16676967 No.16676967 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16676990


>> No.16676999

Leave a review anon, this book gets posted enough, it's time someone actually read the whole thing for us.

>> No.16677004
File: 27 KB, 480x960, 8B412B4B-D588-47A1-819A-3DB35B3D66C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every craft beer snob I know from college was a fatbeard that loved to gurgle down purchased fluids and play Wii.

>> No.16677071

>beer snob
Imagine being a snob about the most prole-y drink, it’s like priding yourself on discerning taste in reality tv-shows or super hero movies

>> No.16677090

The absolute state of US academia

>> No.16677150

The faggots anon was speaking of probably do that too

>> No.16677214

Takes one to know one

>> No.16677218

Kek post selections please

>> No.16677223

>beer book

>> No.16677226

What do the elites drink anon? Oh wait, there are none

>> No.16677234

It is faggot redditor. But keep thinking your teacher's assistant position makes you special

>> No.16677249

Holy smokes! It's out!

>> No.16677269

on the bright side, Brewing Up Race as a chapter title really supports me theory that race is the new alchemy.

>> No.16678247

They either don’t drink, drink sweet drinks like wine and champagne at formal events, or drink hard liquor to get smashed at a party.

I go out somewhat regularly, and I never see anyone with rich parents drinking beer. Only the diversity and army students.

t. attending an “Ivy League” meme school

>> No.16678270

The irony is that beer at one point was the drink of European nobles.

>> No.16678284

The only people who criticize this book have never themselves read it

>> No.16678306
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>> No.16678312

>sweet drinks like wine and champagne
Anon, have you ever had the richfag versions of either of those? Only poorfag wines and Italian/Californian champain't are actually sweet.

>> No.16678322

Is there anything people cannot label as racist?

>> No.16678333

The gradual process of immigration, miscegenation and rights denial to destroy the European races. That tends to be seen as fairly non-racist.

>> No.16678335

You can academically ‘study’ the craft beer industry.

>> No.16678347

The European races were already destroyed in the Roman era

>> No.16678383

Elaborate on this retarded idea of yours.

>> No.16678404

Not only did the Romans genocide multiple European ethnicities out of existence, they colonized the ideas of the whole of Europe into complete cultural homogeneity, save for a couple trivial aspects such as diet. White people no longer exist, only Romans

>> No.16678449

Very true, but they were also destroyed by other European ethnicities like the Francs. The church then finished what the Romans started

>> No.16678450

I can't tell if this is American public-school ignorance or eurobrainlet Vargposting.

>> No.16678469

t. thinks his European nation is special because they celebrate Christmas in some wacky way

>> No.16679104

Prole culture is /lit/. Only prole lowbrow and elite highbrow are /lit/. Worrying about whether you are engaging in prole or lowbrow culture –as you are– is the purest mark of upper-middlebrow anxiety, which is extremely un/lit/.

>> No.16679125

>Worrying about whether you are engaging in prole or lowbrow culture –as you are– is the purest mark of upper-middlebrow anxiety, which is extremely un/lit/.
That actually sounds like it describes the vast majority of the posters on this board.
> does x filter me?
> does x make me a pseud?
/lit/ is a board of anxious pseuds desperate to prove they're muh HiGhBrOw. It's all so tiresome

>> No.16679159

The flavor doesn't matter when you butt chug.

>> No.16679186

How can people not think this is racist as fuck?

>> No.16679194
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>the paths to becoming a craft beer consumer
I love identity politics.

>> No.16679210

>have you ever
/lit/ is very likely mostly still internet teetotalers.

>> No.16679214

Americans don't learn about Rome.

>> No.16679226

>White people no longer exist, only Romans
White people didn't exist until far after the fall of Rome. Whiteness is an invention of 19th century England and America.

>> No.16679238

actually the beer industry is the one thing black people have figured out. spending $11 on a retarded micro brew and larping about the subleties of the flavor is not something anyone should aspire to. blacks are content with $2 steel reserve 40 oz and olde e. as they should be. economical, more alcohol content, and doesn't support a bunch of granola faggots who should have been shot down the toilet

>> No.16679303

>drink of european nobles
Literally everyone in the beer drinking cultures of europe drank beer of all types, even peasants could afford to drink a gallon or more of beer a day. On the other hand, some cultures prefered spirits and wines, slavs and latin speakers accordingly.

>> No.16679340

>blacks (and me, an alcoholic retard) are so smart for not being able to suss out the differences between styles of beer
Tastelet cope

>> No.16679370

>so smart for drinking other beers
>fall for the most blatant marketing campaign
congrats, you're now drinking pisswater because they specifically told you to. this is the black beer consumer

>> No.16679383

I didn’t say that prole culture is bad, my point was that to be snobby about the standards within it is completely idiotic. I don’t think drinking beer is bad, but being snobby about beer is exclusive to so¥ infused Redditors

>> No.16679407

Beer tastes like shit and the only reason you people drink it is because it makes you drunk

>> No.16679408

Being snobby about beer is based.
There's no doubt a local brewery near you that makes lager. Buy that instead of PBR next time. If it costs too much to drink the same amount, stop drinking so much beer. Win win.

>> No.16679435


>theory that race is the new alchemy


>> No.16679436

t. never had a good belgian beer
if you're a tastelet why do you even post in a thread about beer?

>> No.16679443

OP did you actually fucking buy the book?

>> No.16679458

OP I look forward to your review on this book in detail

>> No.16679498

Because I drink beer purely for the taste as I get pressured into by coworkers. And it's shit.

>> No.16679500
File: 410 KB, 1032x1550, Thomas_Thetcher_Gravestone_2014-03-05_20-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in those days it was safer to drink beer than water, since beer had been fermented and was less likely to contain harmful bacteria etc. the beer they drank constantly was "small beer" which had a very low alcohol content.
small beer could still occasionally cause illness, as in the case of thomas thetcher whose grave, pic related, is in the grounds of winchester cathedral.

>> No.16679525

Try Chimay Grand Reserve. Yes its pricier than average, but its worth it. Like I said, if you're drinking shit your coworkers suggest, especially IPA's that are so absurdly hopped up they'll burn your nostrils, then you'll think its shit. But there's definitely good beer.

>> No.16680332

Dudebro. Stouts are black.

>> No.16680767

I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.16680967
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>liquid comfort food
It's as if they want malt liquor to be gentrified


>> No.16682662

>it’s like priding yourself on discerning taste in reality tv-shows or super hero movies
Or Anime.
You already know who I'm talking about.

>> No.16682670

What's happening here? Is he fermenting?

>> No.16682749

>White people no longer exist, only Romans

>> No.16682754

Chapter five could be summed up by listing a single person's name.

>> No.16682777


>> No.16682802

Wine is very sweet and does have positive health effects but I do not like how it dulls the senses.

>> No.16683238
File: 576 KB, 1280x720, E26E87AE-6FEE-49EB-A71F-8AA0BC0E29A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything people cannot label as racist?
Certain people.

>> No.16683296

>Beer tastes like shit and the only reason you people drink it is because it makes you drunk
Nobody who wants to get “drink” just drinks beer.
You drink either hard alcohol, or a mixture of hard alcohol and beer.
Alternatively, you just mix a slushy with Everclear.

>> No.16683422
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>he doesn't like beer
>he's never had really good beer

You dumb motherfuckers. There's so much good beer out there, from the United States AND from Europe. And from Mexico, too! There's tons of great Mexican beers.

I actually have a huge suspicion that so much United States aversion to drinking, one way or the other, is because the United States has a really fucked up drinking culture due to the nation's Protestant roots. Let's not forget that the United States literally passed Prohibition, for all that happened afterwards. A bunch of annoying church ladies and strict ministers destroying drinking as a social thing in this country, and we've lived with the aftereffects ever since.

>> No.16683449

>been sober for week
I think I might drink again today though I probably should not because of alcoholism.

>> No.16683718
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Reminder that drinking literally kills your brain cells and makes you stupid in the long run

>> No.16683727

Craft beer tastes like crap, especially Western ones.

>> No.16683970

Retarded brainlet bitch take. Every american household used to have a fat barrel of hard cider sitting by the front entranceway to serve to guests, drinking was the norm. The death of american drinking culture is a 20th century thing.

>> No.16683982

Expensive wine isn't sweet

>> No.16684013

Prohibition was the 20th century you collosal retardmaw

>> No.16684017

What book is that and why do you give no information on it?

>> No.16684090

you should already know if you "in the know" of the literary world, no need to spoon-feed you the info

>> No.16684122

that book almost looks as stupid as this thread

>> No.16684447


>> No.16684453

kek, I can't believe you bought it.
based, beer is for plebs.
t. wine chad

>> No.16684458

It all comes from /fit/ nutrition broscience, just like onions and soi: at the beginning someone claimed that IPA's give you manboobs and now we have the meme of "craft beer is for soibois".

>> No.16684483



>> No.16684496

Wine isn't very sweet. What the fuck have you been drinking?

>> No.16684498
File: 258 KB, 1200x788, 6539CF94-6582-4EF7-8B5F-87E8468C82FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro, you’ve just not had really good craft beer yet bro! I bet you’ve got a great local distillery, beer is the best!

>> No.16684565

This. The poster is retarded

>> No.16684686

Actually, it's a decent book. I feel the author should have focused more on intersectionality though. Women, BIPOC and Queer folx have all been excluded from the beer community for a long time.

>> No.16684723

All academics should be forced to talk to a person outside their shithole University for every chapter of their "study" written. I also think they should be forced to be soldiers.

>> No.16684888

but I'm an alcoholic

>> No.16684899

ah gate keeping, surest sign of a pseud

>> No.16684914

4chan makes a lot more sense when you realize you're talking to a 15 year old most of the time. He probably had a sip of sangria once.

>> No.16685988

Many wines are sweet you retard, drink a fucking reisling.

>> No.16686004

The actual kerning on the "R".

>> No.16686011

There should be a new word for STEM academics who have better shit to do.

>> No.16686021

wtf I just dug out my wii from the garage. the forgotten consoleeee

>> No.16686040

yeah nah you probably just googled that, chief

>> No.16686241

what's a good book to read on craft beer, or beer in general? Maybe reading about it will make me like it more

>> No.16686269

Dumbest thread on 4chan

>> No.16687263

>Prole culture is /lit/.
t. prole

>> No.16687280

I don't drink because it's a waste of time and they taste like SHIT. Cope with that fact, alcoholic. You are beneath me in every way.