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/lit/ - Literature

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16674651 No.16674651 [Reply] [Original]

>First week of required English lit/critical thinking class
>Professor brings up Moby-Dick and how she refuses to read it to spite "academia and male arrogance"
>Says the book is going extinct because people only lie about having read it

What the fuck?
Do I just drop the class now instead of wasting my time? I don't even care that much about Moby-Dick, but her logic behind not reading it and genuinely thinking that nobody else is reading it either?

College/Uni /lit/ story thread I guess

>> No.16674793

Find an alternative, then drop. For every terrible professor, you can find an excellent one. For me, it was a contemporary poetry class. All the required readings were written post-2010, but in addition to those we also had to read someone from a list of classic poets who influenced the contemporary poet at hand. Learned more about Shakespeare than in my Shakespeare class.

>> No.16674890

>English lit/critical thinking class
The only humanities class I took was intro latin, which was very based. If you go to college for any humanities but classics, ancient history or archaeology I pity you

>> No.16674915
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>> No.16674974

Did you really not have to take a single writing/lit analysis class in college? I thought most schools required at least one just to graduate regardless of major.

>> No.16674989

>t. didn't get a 5 on the English AP exam in high school

>> No.16675034

>her logic
She's not employing logic. Not that it matters. Why drop the class? Put in what you want to put into it and take what you are able to and move on.

>> No.16675042

That won't save you from core writing typically.

>> No.16675046

Getting a good score in a timed writing situation means next to nothing.

>> No.16675090

It certainly means something...I think what you're trying to say is, some people who are intelligent and who know the subject well will not perform well on such a test, so it is not perfect.

>> No.16675116

It gets worse than that.

Back in HS I had an english teacher who told us how much she hates teaching English and Shakespeare. We fought all the time. It was intense. Wanted to fuck her tight little ass so bad.

>> No.16675127

Where do you niggers go to school? I to to a school known for being very leftist but I don't see any such nonsense. Everyone has been very reasonable so far.

>> No.16675139

lmao based

>> No.16675164

>Says the book is going extinct because people only lie about having read it
Bullshit. Hardly anyone on /lit/ actually reads, but Moby-Dick threads always get bumped by people who are fans of the book. It's still incredibly popular even outside this site, at least more popular than any other /lit/core book.

>> No.16675198

Every English teacher I've ever had has perpetuated the same myth that nobody actually reads nowadays and I don't understand why. Even in upper division courses professors love to joke that nobody is actually doing the reading and the people who do are hating it.

I think something about the profession makes them really insecure and elitist about reading. I love to read, but shit like this has always made English classes so cringe

>> No.16675199
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>Be me
>Final year of uni (studying lit and psych lol shoot me)
>Not even ethnically "white" only half.
>Very first day the professor poses a question to the class about a book
>20 year old white zoomer girl from the USA (of course) starts blabbering on about privilege, old white men, white male privilege and some other identity politics nonsense. I think she legitimately said "white privilege" like 10 times over the course of 2 minutes.
USA was a mistake (except for New England).

>> No.16675204

I got a 5 on Lang and Lit and got credit for English classes but still had to take mandatory Freshman English with everyone

>> No.16675214

>take class about Moby-Dick and Invisible Man
>male professor constantly asks if it was wrong to not include a female writer
>class is over half women, nobody in the class says they actually care
>professor still seems excessively apologetic

>> No.16675226

Why get upset at people learning new things? You’ve never become insufferable after having found a cool concept? I get being mad at the 40 year olds blathering about white privilege, but a literal 20 year old?

>> No.16675233

>academia and male arrogance
only ugly bitches think like this, in which case who cares

>> No.16675242
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Kek this gave me a flashback. Our female prof went around the class asking everyone's favorite author during the first day and 95% of the students stated male ones, despite the majority of the students being female. Then, she goes on to chastise our male centric tastes.

>> No.16675277
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I simply don't understand why identity politics needs to be dragged into every topic of discussion even when it's not really relevant. This is not exclusive to Americans but it's a common trend that I notice.

>> No.16675526

It’s just the new Freudian psychoanalysis. They’ll be past it in a few years.

>> No.16676044

I go to a university affiliated research institute for an autistic biology degree

>> No.16676088

Yeah, drop that shit like its hot. People who can't appreciate Melville should go extinct.

>> No.16676094

Can you suggest some interesting poets of the 2010s? What were you guys reading?

>> No.16677562

What has moby dick to do with male arrogance? Its a story about a sailor chasing a big whale?

>> No.16677621

This is my own finding as well

>> No.16677650

Shit, I've gotten maybe thirty pages into the book because it's dense as fudge cake. I understand why brainlets would give up the ghost so easily.

>> No.16677974

It gets more interesting once they set sail.

>> No.16678050

lmao imagine studying literature in the early 20th century and your professor goes on about phallus symbols everywhere

>> No.16678074

Well, she hasn't read it

>> No.16678124

My favorite 3 books of the class were:
>Black Aperture, Matt Rasmussen
>Beauty Was The Case That They Gave Me, Mark Leidner
>When My Brother Was an Aztec, Natalie Diaz
The first is probably the most appealing to the average /lit/izen, it’s a collection of poems themed around a brother’s suicide. The second is drier, and funny in a sort of detached way — it’s best to go in blind. The third was the most impressive to me, since it covers a lot of different historical forms we don’t talk about often, including stuff that’s usually oral rather than written. All 3 were great reads.

>> No.16678179

Not him but I like Life on Mars. It's from 2011. The author is a negress but don't let that deter you.

>> No.16678186

The college system just seems like a shitty thing

>> No.16678290

We also read that! It was really heartwarming, especially since I majored in STEM and sort of felt sad that nobody was putting into words how it felt to think about the “big questions” of science. Highly recommend.

>> No.16678732

>reading this book as an esl at the moment having to google every third word
Will i become part of the elite after finishing it?

>> No.16678841

you'll be gay for fish