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/lit/ - Literature

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16672856 No.16672856 [Reply] [Original]

>be me last night
>became suddenly really motivated to read
>decide to read for 2 hours instead of going to the gym
>first time I've read on a weekday for weeks
>read again after work today, finished a long and boring history book
>decided to even finish the two long modern novels that I had found boring, but then decided that was too much and reading for the sake of reading was pointless and I'd feel like a pathetic consumercuck anyway

>remember very little of the history book apart from some broad outlines that I could have memorised from two pages if I really cared

>was given a gift card because of my birthday
>looked through Amazon at books
>everything was Reddit or cringe or a boring as fuck """classic"""

>> No.16672872

Look at how to read with more concentration and skill. Also don't read stuff you find boring if you have the choice to read more engaging material. Also fuck those stupid popular book lists. 98% of them are shit.

>> No.16672901

You don't have to read if you don't want to

>> No.16672918

It's worth it for vocuabulary/language improvement alone.

>> No.16672924

I learned the word 'congeries' today
thanks for reading.

>> No.16672926


But then people will call me a pleb.

>> No.16672940
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Reading much like any medium, has mostly been flooded with consumer garbage. The activity of reading in itself is not rewarding, its about what you actually read and what you do with the contents afterwards. Think about what things mean, what they mean to you, how they compare with other things you know, etc. The sticky has a good starter kit if youre just starting out with reading. pic related is also good.

>> No.16672981

>>decide to read for 2 hours instead of going to the gym
You’re meant to do both reading and exercise, you should sacrifice watching tv or vidya for reading time, not exercise

>> No.16673116
File: 25 KB, 472x522, 1603505863555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually read? ha retard

>> No.16673135

give me your fucking amazon gift card NOW
this is a robbery

>> No.16673154

not about looking up new words and saying you 'learnt' them. it's passive. there's a huge difference in command of language between people who grew up reading, even if YA, and those who did not.

>> No.16673175

to learn new words you have to incorporate them into your writing.

>> No.16673233

I feel the same way anon, film is a much easier medium for me to grasp the point in. I also have minor brain damage due to not breathing for several minutes when I was born. I put something on the table then am confused why it isn't in my hand anymore 2 seconds later.

>> No.16674597
File: 615 KB, 2000x1200, Franco-Belgian Graphic Novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related could be more fun to read

>> No.16674657

>>remember very little of the history book apart from some broad outlines that I could have memorised from two pages if I really cared

I think the problem isn't that reading isn't good, it's that it doesn't do much good per hour given a poor memory or weak intellect.

>> No.16674699

Only in a pseud hotspot like this place. The vast majority of people on this planet don't care about reading.

>> No.16674781

“All Art is quite useless”
— gay man who was right about everything

>> No.16674803

To be completely honest most recreational activities are completely pointless. People who are happy and put together do not read books. Its so time consuming and it gets you very little of anything. Not even that much enjoyment.

>> No.16674843

>gay man who was right about everything

>> No.16674861
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>remember very little of the history book apart from some broad outlines that I could have memorised from two pages if I really cared
read this book

>> No.16674863

This is completely false. I’ve met many happy people who read and in fact most of the happy people I meet read. Shit IM happy and I read. Also you can gain a lot out of books. The right book will completely change how you look at the world and your old problems will seem trivial.

>> No.16674880

well they'll be right, but you shouldn't care

>> No.16674961

>reading is pointless because I'm mentally handicapped
I mean, I'm not gonna argue that, but at least present your argument more subjectively next time.

>> No.16675246

reading is all about looking at pretty words. Even when reading theoretical stuff, read it as if it was poetry.

>> No.16675254

of course he read it, it was written by O.P.

>> No.16675255

'pleb' is a title, but is it your being? Only you can answer.

>> No.16676046

hey! i'm a reatard too but i still try to read

>> No.16676084

why do you read if you find it boring? it's supposed to be a thing you do for fun

>> No.16676091

If you don't like some book then you don't have to read it, retard.

>> No.16677663

If anything log off this website and read instead and exercise.

>> No.16677686

Its not so much about what you read, but how you read it.
Mindlessly blow through a huge novel? Yeah you wont retain shit or gain much from it.
Read actively for 30 minutes, pause and go over what you just read, take notes and relate it to other things you read or already know?
You Will retain much more and it Will broaden your world.
Also I Think reading is a good habit for focusing your mind, if you dont focus, your mind Will wander to other things.
So the activity of active / focused reading train you to focus.

>> No.16677707

I Think some study proved that most upper class / People considered elite in what they do, read books regularly.
Books often have more meaning and requires more from you to engage with them, where as a lot of tv, social media and youtube Are straight garbage meant to be watched and forgotten.

>> No.16677792
File: 67 KB, 540x564, cigdogga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't go to the gym and listen to an audiobook at the same time

Reading is great anon, but multitasking is even better.

>> No.16677828

>long and boring history book
>a pathetic consumercuck
>two long modern novels that I had found boring,
This is a stealth Londonfrog post

>> No.16678194

Oscar Wilde

>> No.16679345

Nah, it helps, but not necessary. I read lots, hardly write beyond journal. Pickup and use new words without issue.

>> No.16679355

“Multitasking” is shit for your memory. Unless you’re doing something like swimming that requires no brain processing. It *can* be useful for repetition if you listen to same overview lecture 3 times though.

>> No.16679374

whoa, these look cool. Where could you possibly even get a hand on these?

>> No.16679375

please stop posting here