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16671942 No.16671942 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16672025

Good not great. I think every male reader goes through a Hemingway phase - more so due to his real-life escapades than his fiction.

>> No.16672044

Infinitely superior to that Bukowski hack many of you faggots defend.

>> No.16672063

Hemingway holds a special place in my heart. When I met my wife, she "was lesbian". At the time I was reading "The Sun also Rises". If you'll recall, the main character's love interest and him can't be together. I communicated my interest to my wife by suggesting that she should read the final page of the book, wherein the main character says something to the effect of "Wouldn't it be lovely if we could be together?" She got the hint.

>> No.16672071


>> No.16672076

He's like pre bukowski. I think Buk fleshed out what Hemingway was going for.

Him Kerouac and Bukowski are the holy trilogy of litrature

>> No.16672082

>Randomly bring up Bukowski for no reason. Hmm ok.

>> No.16672088

One of my favorites.A reader can take away from his work however much they want to depending on how deeply they read it

>> No.16672103


>> No.16672111

Hemingway wasn't even aiming for filth and degenerate misery. Bukowski is just discount Céline with a burger flavor.

>> No.16672118

I only did it to compare the two, not just rant about an author I don't like (even though you probably haven't even read him)

>> No.16672149

Who? Bukowski? I have read his novels and poetry. Not impressed.

>> No.16672232

Then you definitely haven't lived a tough life, if you have hd basically speaks to your soul

>> No.16672284

This lol his final book even has him following around the ghost of Celine.

As for Hemingway, I reread Sun Also Rises and Farewell to Arms frequently

>> No.16672300

I grew up poor, mate. My father was a drunk bastard. The last thing I need is some American's romanticization of misery and poverty written in a vulgar style and loved by.middle class hipsters.

>> No.16672337

Would have been funnier if she responded
>Isn't it pretty to think so?

>> No.16672344

Bukowski's his own entity, JM Coetzee is the evolution of Hemingway.