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1667189 No.1667189 [Reply] [Original]

What is truly the worst thing you've ever read?
It can be fanfiction, novel, etc, just describe why it was so horrible.

>> No.1667194

Ass Goblins of Auschwitz

>> No.1667202

'Nevermind the Goldbergs', a teen novel about a hardcore punk/orthodox Jew who moves to Hollywood after running into (literally) a talent scout and being chosen for a role in his brand-new family sitcom, 'the Goldbergs'.
Yes. It's as bad as it sounds.
>In b4 loljews

>> No.1667221

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I read it when I was 19ish, and it had been hyped by all these people around the same age, so I figured they were as well read as I. Turns out it was nothing more than a poorman's retrofitted Cather in the Rye, but with cheesy sentiments about a nonexistant generation and a surprise ending you can tell the author pulled out of his ass to seem relevant and/or deep. The kid was molested by his aunt and other herpderpetry . Absolute shit, but still probably not the worst thing I've read. Just the first that comes to mind.

>> No.1667222


>> No.1667226
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>> No.1667234
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It's full of retarded arguments. It's the stupidest thing I have ever read in my life, also the most pretentious, in a bad teenage way.

>> No.1667241

This. Fucking trash.

Emperor's New Clothes effect.

>> No.1667242

I could say the same about the God Delusion brah

>> No.1667243


Wrong book, I meant this one: The God Delusion

>> No.1667245


That's what I meant to say, actually. I just realised I had never saved a pic of the book. My bad. The Dawkins Delusion is actually a much better, and much more rational book.

>> No.1667247
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YFW you forgot the picture.

>> No.1667249

augusten burroughs - a wolf at the table

if i could punch a book in the face...

>> No.1667264

The Bible
the protagonist dies

>> No.1667265
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Which of the 60-plus books of the Bible exactly?

>> No.1667267

The one that took over the earth due to corruption and the killings of civilians

>> No.1667272


kings is straight filler, and some of st paul's letters are p weak

>> No.1667280


And that is?

>> No.1667282

Not as weak as Pynchon, that's for sure.

>> No.1667284

This, hands down. I'm an English Ed major and I had to read this for a YA lit course. It's utter trash.

I like the idea of introducing books with homosexual protagonists to the curriculum, but there has to be something better.

>> No.1667285
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forgot pic

damn you, captcha

>> No.1667287

thus spoke zablahblahblah - moustache man

Was told it was amazing and a must read, but man was I bored and disappointed.

>> No.1667290
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Have yourself a cup of Baldwin. Homosex, tension, drama, no superfluous bullshit, and humans being human.

>> No.1667292

"YA" is such a bullshit arrogant term. Tons of adults read so-called "YA" books. I can't stand this sort of crap. As if you wrote a book with a specific target. They're either children or adults, in my opinion. You write for kids, or you write for adults. Period.

>> No.1667295


My French teacher at university said this was Nietzsche's worst book ever, which is a very rare opinion to have, and requires balls of steel to say, considering the book's reputation.

I tend to agree. Moustache guy was an arrogant cocksucker.

>> No.1667298

I'm gonna have to second this. Even as an atheist, that guy gets on my nerves. I'm convinced the elegant argument is one of simplicity. But, to each their own, I guess.

>> No.1667319
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>I'm convinced the elegant argument is one of simplicity.

mfw Nietzsche's work is so great because it deepens mystery, exacerbates simplicity into complexity, taking thought as an opportunity to move from the known to the unknown rather than the reverse

>> No.1667328

Tie between Robert Jordan and Daniel Quinn
Honorable mentions to the Chuckies P & B

>> No.1667343

I've had the pleasure of being in a small creative writing class. Some of my fellow classmates have skill and talent, some of them are just wasting their time and everybody elses. Between the shit I've read in my own class and some of the guff I've seen in the compilation booklet from last year, I can safely say I have known literary horrors the rest of you couldn't even imagine.

>> No.1667344


Only good thing about Nitsh the Bitch is how he hated women because he could never get laid.

Capsha: ferated essai lol

>> No.1667349
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>> No.1667351
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this book was trite.
>Cliched characters.
>Supposedly intelligent characters making mistakes so stupid they wouldn't even be considered by the reader as an option.
>Based on an idiotic circumstance.

>> No.1667356
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>I'm gonna say he sucks. Of course, I won't tell you why because i don't know it/I'm too stupid to explain myself without looking like a retard, I'm just gonna say he sucks and I'll get away with it. But what I won't admit is that I didn't get a fuck about what he meant.

>> No.1667362


I understood it all, but I'd need to write a whole fucking essay to say why this shit sucks.

In short, it's a fairy tale with silly teenage morals that can be interpret whichever way you like. Which is why Nazis and hippies can both love the book.


>> No.1667365

Almost everything on fucking literotica. Seriously, it's like some of these people are writing one handed while jacking off. It's just terrible. How hard can it be to find decent erotic fiction? Jesus fuck.

>> No.1667367

Seems beneficial to read this.. you never know when you die what happens, best be prepared

>> No.1667368

The zaratustra is not the proper book if you've read nothing about Nietzsche before because it's cryptic and metaphorical.
If nazis and hippies (and you) read it more accurately, after reading other books about/written by him and understanding what the fuck was he talking about, maybe that wouldn't be so easy to misinterpret. Just saying.
A nazi interpretation of Nietzsche is so obviously retarded it hurts. I won't say anything about a hippy/anarchist/leftist interpretation because if you don't know why it's stupid it means that you read nothing.

>> No.1667369

Guy who wrote about moustache man first.


>> No.1667373


Butthurt aethist spotted

>> No.1667374

I can without a doubt say that I've never really read any "good" fan fiction. Some fan fiction writers are good authors but most of the time their source material sucks bricks or their written material is basically wish fulfillment porn. I've always felt that fan fiction is just the practice shit that should be kept in your notebook, not reproduced for the world to see. I don't care how good you are at it.

>> No.1667375 [DELETED] 


>Nitsh says something
>Nazis understand it literally
>Nitsh meant the exact opposite


Our age did all it could to make Nitsh not a Nazi, but you know the truth. He hated niggers and women, he was a btard.

>> No.1667376

>Hate women
>Die of STD

/b/tard worthy indeed.

>> No.1667377

Man Against Mass Society by Gabriel Marcel

>> No.1667378

>How hard can it be to find decent erotic fiction?

VERY. The best erotic fiction is the published stuff. The authors actually take their time and don't produce shit. When you're getting paid, you do a better job.

>> No.1667380 [DELETED] 


The other way around: when you do a decent job, you can ask money for it.

In our day and age, NEVER read anything that wasn't published by a serious company. Just don't, you'll suffer.

captcha: niggers aremorons

>> No.1667381

that's funny because I'm not an atheist and I'm not butthurt. Do you think only atheists read Nietzsche?
Then this explains why he broke his relation with Wagner for being antisemitic and his sister when she married one of the first NS party members. And why he explicitly criticizes nationalists and fanatics who follow a leader.

>> No.1667385

The only readable fanfiction I've found are the ones that have been MSTed, but even then it can be a struggle to finish.

>> No.1667388



it's been long established that it was a brain tumour

not an std

the std thing was bullshit made up by some dick in the '30s

>> No.1667390

also that nietzsche 'hated women' is a grave oversimplification of his apparent misogyny

>> No.1667391


Nitsh died in 1900 didn't he? The Nazi party was founded some 20 years afterwards. Silly.

>> No.1667394


Bullshit. Syphilis affects the brain, dumbass. He definitely died from syphilis, but not before it turned his brain to mush for his last ten years.

In other words, Nitsh lost his mind in 1890, so whoever says he "was vocal against Nazis" is just being completely stupid.

>> No.1667395

I read some that I consider good, but they were only loosely connected to the source material. They could have been better if the author wrote them as original fiction. So while there are some I like, I think I agree with you.

>> No.1667396

i am the only person who ever understood nietzsche

>> No.1667397


>Nitsh says women are whores and cunts and deceptive assholes

>argue that it's an oversimplification and that in truth... in truth what?

>> No.1667398
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>I'm not butthurt.

The extreme butthurt tone of your post says otherwise

>Do you think only atheists read Nietzsche?

No, but they're the only ones who don't dismiss his work as pure tripe.

>> No.1667402


>fails to understand the concept of anonymity

>confirms the fact that /lit/ is filled with people who read only to show off and gain some consideration from others more retarded than they are

>> No.1667405
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>they're the only ones who don't dismiss his work as pure tripe.


>> No.1667406

i am the only person who ever understood nietzsche

>> No.1667408

I am the best anon on /lit/

>> No.1667409
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Sure, and Mark Chapman was the only man who ever understood J.D. Salinger...

>> No.1667411
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you should go see a doctor then

>> No.1667412

i am the only person who ever understood nietzsche

>> No.1667414


Butthurt aethist spotted

>> No.1667416


Made no sense.

>> No.1667418

>>Butthurt aethist spotted


>> No.1667419




you are dense

If you had even the faintest grasp of Nietzsche's own genealogical method you'd realise that something like 'Nazism' doesn't just spring into existence out of nowhere, and it's in this sense that Nietzsche, and later Bataille, were some of the most thorough pre-WWII critics of proto-fascism.

and then also there's this:


>According to Dr Sax, however, Nietzsche's notes show no signs of the symptoms which are now regarded as evidence of this disease, such as an expressionless face and slurred speech.

>"Nietzsche exhibited none of these symptoms," said Dr Sax. "His facial expressions remained vivid, his reflexes were normal, tremor was not present, his handwriting after his collapse was at least as good as it had been in previous years - and his speech was fluent."

>Nietzsche's physicians, according to Dr Sax, suspected that he may not have had syphilis, but were unable to suggest an alternative. Reporting his findings in the current issue of the Journal of Medical Biography, Dr Sax argues that a more plausible diagnosis would have been that the philosopher was suffering from a slowly-developing brain tumour. This would account for both Nietzsche's collapse and the migraines and visual disturbances he suffered.

>Despite the lack of documentary or medical evidence, the allegation has since been repeated without question by generations of academics, said Dr Sax. "Extraordinarily, this single passage in Lange-Eichbaum's obscure book is the chief foundation, cited again and again, that Nietzsche had syphilis."

>> No.1667425


lol you idiot

>> No.1667442
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Is this as close as /lit/ gets to rage threads?

Personally, it may be overstated, but Twilight was the worst book I have ever read. When the first book was originally booming in popularity I was a high school senior in Library Committee. Everyone else in the committee in my high school was losing their shit over this book. I knew that some YA novels, even the teen angst ones, could be pretty alright, so I gave it a shot and was the only book I could never force myself to finish. Goddamn.

>> No.1667443
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You couldn't get over the fact that you lusted after Edward, closetfag. Embrace the dick, stop being a faggot.

>> No.1667453

The Trilogy by Samuel Beckett.

I was expecting a creepy postmodern mystery, but all I got was over 500 pages of zero real plot, a bum who likes to suck rocks, a guy being a complete douche to his son and turning into a cripple, and some kind of statue that nothing happens to.

>> No.1667457

>500 pages of zero real plot
>summarize the plot
>miss the point
>never reading beckett again

>> No.1667464

either "And another thing" by Eoin Colfer or any of the black library warhammer books...

they are all truly terrible

>> No.1667466


Malone Dies was awesome though!

>> No.1667472


That's exactly what Beckett is all about.

>> No.1667483

>It's full of retarded arguments. It's the stupidest thing I have ever read in my life, also the most pretentious, in a bad teenage way.

It's typical of people with nothing but math/scientific knowledge. They have poorly developed ideas about a lot of things.

>> No.1667492


I meant it on the book BY Dawkins. Not the one I posted, my mistake.

>> No.1667493

Förster planned to create a "pure" Aryan settlement in the New World, and had found a site in Paraguay which he thought would be suitable. The couple persuaded 14 German families to join them in the colony, to be called Nueva Germania, and the group left Germany for South America on February 15, 1887.

>> No.1667495


i like how dr. sux apparently can't distinguish between general paresis and tabes dorsalis

bitches don't know shit bout tertiary syphilis

>> No.1667503

there sure are good arguments to criticize Nietzsche... None of them appear in this thread though.

>> No.1667505

It's gotta be Bonfire of the Vanities as the worst thing I've ever read. It reads like Wolfe was jumping up and down, shrieking about all the random detail he cribbed from real life. I hate the narrator's voice. I hate that Wolfe never lets something just be - he always has to pick at it and remind the reader that they're reading a book. I hate the size of the book. It's overlong by 300 pages. I hate that Michael Lewis, a super annoying writer, was able to capture 80s Wall Street in a couple essays better than Wolfe did in 700 pages.


>> No.1667508


You are a brilliant reader, anon. I too hate how some authors think it's clever to never allow a reader to forget that "it's just a book"; what bullshit. Fuck postmodern morons.

>> No.1667521

can't tell if this is sarcasm

>> No.1667522

I know, I read the posts following it.

You can also witness Dawkins poorly developed ideas in non-biased interviews he's in. He has a dim grasp on some of the most basic elements of theology and basic social customs.

>> No.1667524


Dead serious.

>> No.1667525

i mentioned that augusten burroughs book earlier but i think a close second would be virgin suicides actually

>> No.1667531

the fountainhead. while the plot itself was well-paced the damn ideology behind it annoyed me throughout. and everyone i've ever met who has read it claims to identify with the main character, yet the main character was supposedly some rare lone-wolf archtype. sweet irony.

>> No.1667533


Your fault for reading Dawkins for theology. He utterly sucks at it. When he stays with science then it's fine, but his talks on god are abyssmally bad.

>> No.1667534


Precisely my point.

>> No.1667535


I did enjoy his tv series where he picked on ignorant americans though. that was fun. he's so polite and demure, but then he comes at them swinging

>> No.1667537


Didn't know he had a tv series, guess that shows where his heart is.

>> No.1667547


he had two or three that i know of. one was a tv version of the god delusion, where he talked to obviously fucked up religious nuts in order to make dawkins look good and then another, better, series where he picked on homeopathic and new age-y shit like water divining, or whatever it's called.

the problem of evil? was the name of the god delusion companion. it was entertaining for shitty religious nuts, but irritating for logic and reason, dawkins' two favourite things other than his eyebrows

>> No.1667570

>I did enjoy his tv series where he picked on ignorant americans though. that was fun. he's so polite and demure, but then he comes at them swinging

This seems so typical of a lot of people nowadays who play the pseudo-theologian card, just a bunch of smug cunts who rarely debate with people who could actually tear apart their weak arguments. But just play cat-n-mouse games with ignorant by-standers to reinforce their own views.

>> No.1667571



>> No.1667574


>> No.1667583


agreed. while it's entertaining for an hour, it's irritating because he never engages with their argument. frankly, neither does the other side. when public discourse on theology can be done without an appeal to emotion or an appeal to authority, then i'm interested

>> No.1667594
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You need some CS Lewis, sir. You'd find it most interesting.

>> No.1667600
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This. I don't remember much about it, but I do recall being pretty disgusted at the end.

>> No.1667605


i used to like books then you fucked it up

you stupid shits

>> No.1667611

This. Also "Mere Christianity."

>> No.1667612

A Confederacy of Dunces.

He's fat. I get it. It's not funny. He omits various gases from his body. I get it. It's not funny. Every character in that book is completely unbelievable and shit, there is no point to anything, the ending is straight out of a retarded holywood romcom, and the writing is just mediocre.

>> No.1667618

Someone who has NEVER been to New Orleans confirmed.

>> No.1667620


no explanation needed.

>> No.1667632

Dan Brown, that Lost Symbol thing. Jesus, that fucking ending man, after all the shit you have to put up with to get there - it's fucking sickening.

>> No.1667734

Valley of the Dolls. Horrible, unreadable prose. Put it aside after 30 pages and then took it to used book store for trade.

>> No.1667749
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This piece of shit by Mark Z. Danielewski. I enjoyed House of Leaves, so I had high hopes for this one. But it ended up being the most pretentious shit I've ever read. So I tossed it in the garbage.

>> No.1667752

Just about any of the Harlequin "novels." They're basically short stories with a lot of fluff in them, and they all follow the same plot.

>Girl/guy has issues
>girl/guy meets romantic interest in some "interesting" manner (help from a cop, at a B&B, etc)
>Prolonged wait for sex
>Happily ever after ending
I swear I'm going to write one and switch up the plot so that there's at least SOME variation in the damn company.

>> No.1669515


>> No.1669516

bringing this page 15 back to page 1

>> No.1670176

The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury.

Nothing to say here. The only book I've ever had to put down.

>> No.1670340

Godless: The Church of Liberalism

by Mann raggedy-tran 'I have a penis' Coulter


>> No.1670513

The hardy boys. Tried reading some when I was a kid, fucking terrible.

>> No.1670516

The Child Thief.
Thought the idea had potential - an alternate take on the Peter Pan story...but no. Utter shit. I usually hate to not finish books, but I had no problem whatsoever tossing that one aside.

>> No.1670525
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Made by a furry.

>> No.1670546

The Left Behind series.

>> No.1670549


>> No.1670554 [SPOILER] 
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hey is this you