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File: 510 KB, 1200x1498, 22A3611D-472D-412B-B12C-506203FB78AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16670506 No.16670506 [Reply] [Original]

Did Hemingway live the most lit lifestyle and is he who everyone here wishes they were like?

>> No.16670526

>most lit lifestyle
You sound like a total fag

>> No.16670532

>inb4 he was gay lmao
He wasn't gay, he just idolized masculinity and strived to personify it himself.

I think it's kinda tragic that he ended his own life, but you can't say that he didn't live it to its fullest. It seems all the best writers either lived a very adventurous life by serving in the military or something, or lying about it (ahem, Faulkner). Makes you wonder if theres a connection between living an adventurous life and being a good writer.

>> No.16670538

>or lying about it (ahem, Faulkner)
Moveable Feast is full of falsities and embellishment thougg

>> No.16670546

Someone's real defensive.

What's wrong with being gay, man?

>> No.16670561

No, he lived a full and rich life with minimal suffering. Which is the antithesis to writing great literature. Hence, why his writing is stiff, boring and he writes on a 6th grade level.

People who are attractive, healthy and loved by others by definition cannot produce great art because they don't have any distinction of what beauty is, since they see it every day and don't know a life without it.

>> No.16670564

Kafka, Borges and Pessoa didn't have adventurous lives though

>> No.16670568

>Makes you wonder if theres a connection between living an adventurous life and being a good writer.
Clearly not, as Faulkner is a better writer than Hemingay.

>> No.16670571

>minimal suffering

He committed suicide

>> No.16670577

It was a euthanasia kill. Barely counts

>> No.16670580

>No, he lived a full and rich life with minimal suffering
dude suffered from literal mental illness for the latter half of his life and blew the back of his head out in his living room with his favorite hunting shotgun, so I dont know about "minimal suffering"

>> No.16670585

That's because he had brain damage from a plane accident.
Watch the interview. That shit is harrowing.

>> No.16670586

Shakespeare, Cervantes and Tolstoy produced great art and didn’t suffer much

>> No.16670594

Shakespeare lost his baby son.
Cervantes fought in the Battle of Lepanto, lost the ability of his hand, and was captured by Barbary pirates for like 10 years.

>> No.16670595

>Cervantes didn't suffer much
He was a slave for five years. Fought in a war. Lost his arm.

>> No.16670600

ITT: anons show how woefully misinformed they are

>> No.16670609
File: 49 KB, 355x395, DhIdZIMV4AAjFgC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hemingway sank into depression as his literary friends began to die (...) he suffered from severe headaches, high blood pressure, weight problems, and eventually diabetes—much of which was the result of previous accidents and many years of heavy drinking.

>> No.16670617

Oh the horror!Everyone’s dealt with some shit like that in their life except sheltered anons

>> No.16670619

Look at how manicured and posed this “candid” photo of the genius at work is. Whatever Hemingway’s literary merits, his first love was crafting and nurturing a persona.

>> No.16670621
File: 190 KB, 800x439, young hemingway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wahhh my friends are dying
Just proves my point further. His life in his 20s and 30s were so good and sheltered that he wasn't able to cope as well as normal people when he got old.

Imagine looking like pic related and complaining about anything.

>> No.16670622

Hemingway its the most alpha wannabe writers. There is always a shit authors trying to be manly while writing a piece of turd

>> No.16670624

Existence is suffering my dear friends.

>> No.16670625

Dude was just messed up from a mother who was fucked up and dressed him like a girl. Because of this he was obsessed with coming across manly

>> No.16670632

Yea, I was a slave for years and fought in a decisive naval battle just last weekend lol

>> No.16670633

>Imagine looking like pic related and complaining about anything
ooooohh so you're one of those incels, that explains a lot. Back to >>>/r9k/

>> No.16670636

>and dressed him like a girl.
Lol what

>> No.16670637

Tolstoy was fucked up. He lived a good life but he was clearly very mentally ill.

>> No.16670638

depression, alcoholism, and diseases from being overweight - these are all problems that only people with no problems come down with

>> No.16670639

>looks are everything in life
found the incel

>> No.16670653
File: 80 KB, 634x679, 2B1FBE4B00000578-3186323-image-m-17_1438802875277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the first couple years of his life, his mom raised him as a girl, as a twin to his sister.

>> No.16670655

His mother wanted him to be a girl so in his very early years he was dressed up like a girl

>> No.16670657

Kafka writes from his (boring) life

>> No.16670661

Women were a mistake.

>> No.16670665

>he writes on a 6th grade level

you can't write like Hemingway by only reading Hemingway, you have to smash your head on the greatest and most complex works the world has to offer to accomplish his simplicity

>> No.16670667

Very common practice back then. I think it derives from Victorian era traditions or something. Lovecraft also experienced this weird stuff.

>> No.16670671

Sure, never let the truth get in the way of a good story
But it’s based in reality

>> No.16670684

Or just experience war and by consequence know the importance of a firm and strong blow in battle and apply it to writing.

>> No.16670691

incel cope

>> No.16670692


>> No.16670697

>your problems aren’t real problems
How many times did you fold that glorious nippon steal to get that edge bucko?

>> No.16670698


>> No.16670718


>> No.16670751
File: 68 KB, 500x314, bukowski-foto-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man lived the ultimate lit lifestyle

>> No.16670759

If you romanticize filth, poverty and vulgarity, sure.

>> No.16670768

Writing well makes a writer, be it Hemingway born to affluence, Tolstoy born to royalty, or Bukowski/Dickens born to poverty, the gift is in the doing. You can certainly be a try hard who pursues "the lit life" and still have genuine talent, as Hemingway did in his youth, but at the end of the day, there's no secret recipe, and it's sad seeing gullible, talentless kids in their early 20s chainsmoking and drinking because they think it unlocks some secret talent. If you have it, it will grow naturally.

>> No.16670826

You do have me there

>> No.16670840

This, if you’re going to chain smoke and drink at least do it for a better reason, not just larping as a writer

>> No.16670876

Shut the fuck up, kid

>> No.16670895

Didn't know it was that bad, God damn.

>> No.16670898

he's talking like he's six years old, that crash really did fuck him up. That's genuinely saddening

>> No.16670928

Its karma.

>> No.16671016


>> No.16671067

Ham on Rye is excellent.

>> No.16671189

Lol no it isn’t

>> No.16671200

>Clearly not, as Faulkner is a better writer than Hemingay.

He's not, and nobody reads Faulkner.

>> No.16671222
File: 532 KB, 828x1039, A50837CC-8575-4BDE-8440-4679D8FD3BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ham on rye,
Great reads. Simple, yet elegant depiction of low class America.
Rip the buk

>> No.16671227

The world disagrees, and you are a peon against Bukowski's achievements and influence. It's okay to be wrong.

>> No.16671232

He is and who gives a shit about what plebs read.

>> No.16671244

I guess that makes Coelho and Ernest Cline great authors as well. Also, he didn't achieved anything that Céline or the Beats hadn't already done before. It's okay to be a pleb.

>> No.16671293

What you read is your business. Bukowski lives on as deserved. It's all right, not only to be wrong, but to make nonsensical comparisons between a legacy author and present day bestsellers.

>> No.16671306

What legacy lmao he's a bestseller for the alt/pseud crowd that just started reading and wants to feel edgy.

>> No.16671312

No matter what, can we just agree that Hemingway is better than Bukowski?

>> No.16671335

He's been dead for close to two decades and is still a gargantuan and respected name of literature. He is only shy of The Lost Generation by three decades and has as much if not more renown than them. There is nothing to advertise, market, interview or sell, and yet he remains in the popular conscience on the merit of what he wrote. Whinge, wine and posture all you like; Bukowski is a giant of the modern canon, just as he predicted he would be.

>> No.16671348

Different styles, different themes, comparison between two respected writers is an activity for psueds. Go cozy up to a copy of Infinite Jest and repeat to yourself how clever you are.

>> No.16671349

Bukowski’s only legacy is that he was namedropped in the show Californication with David Duchovny and so cringelords larping as coolguys read him

>> No.16671350

Damn.Thats rough

>> No.16671358

>a gargantuan and respected name of literature
O im laffin

>> No.16671376

That’s just a more verbose version of that famous Fitzgerald quote

>> No.16671389

Yes. Hem is much, MUCH better.

>> No.16671390

And yet here you are talking about him independent of whatever shitty TV show it is that you watch.
So is Bukowski.

>> No.16671401

Where do Camus falls in this projection ?

>> No.16671406

Jesus Christ. This faggot is beyond delusional.

>> No.16671411

No, I said cozy. Whisper it fervently and feverishly.

>> No.16671415


>> No.16671421


>> No.16671434

It hurts to be wrong and to try with all your might to prove otherwise. It's okay. You're not talented. Bukowski was and reaped the rewards. Here we are discussing a beloved writer while you bitch, whine, kick and moan. It's right out of one of his stories.

>> No.16671444

Lol, yeah i think thats a safe bet

>> No.16671450
File: 39 KB, 750x120, 85E9AE00-AA89-4646-BD5B-8F822899F6B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, I wonder who’s responsible for this differential

>> No.16671462

Any day.

>> No.16671501
File: 116 KB, 500x526, You_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's talented because he's popular and read by plebs
absolute state of reddit

>> No.16671504

>How do conversations work?
>One post per individual and no more!
Lmao, the 'tism.

>> No.16671529

Among other things, but I'll take that image as proof of it slowly dawning upon you how wrong you are. Just a gentle reminder that you're barely literate, incapable of thought, and will never amount to anything, let alone developing past the humble talents of Bukowski. It feels good to be right all the time.

>> No.16671554

>lit lifestyle
Does your ass still hurt, fag? Don't you dare to think I forgot about you.

>> No.16671566

Pessoa was a secret agent and a esoterist.

>> No.16671578

>You will never be as famous as my idol!!!
kek that's when you know you have reached peak seethe. once your personally are compared. stay mad, pleb, just like bukkake will stay bad.

>> No.16671584

What a sad sight. Was it worth?

>> No.16671596

What a sad man. What brief success. What a cringey bunch of tryhard faggots to carry on your legacy.

>> No.16671611

Yeah I guess he’s a pretty good read.

>> No.16671616

All I've done is defend the reputation of an author who worked for his success and provided a few stories I've enjoyed reading. I neither emulate nor romanticize him. My first post listed four authors, followed by one anon focusing upon Bukowski exclusively. I will chalk your interpretation of these posts back to your poor reading ability and, it should be stated again, your demonstrated lack of potential in anything related to the written word. It's okay to be wrong. More so, perhaps, when faced against someone as based as me who is always right.

>> No.16671624

Contrarily, I'd say a lot of his success owes to the humor and levity of his writing. He's a breezy read.

>> No.16671675

How can i tell you haven't read him. And if you have you definitely haven't lived a tough life to truly get him

>> No.16671680

What quote

>> No.16671685

One author is enough to discredit a commentary like yours, though. Also:
>calling yourself based

>> No.16671700

Romanticization of misery and filth is strictly for the lowest common denominator. There are better writers in his style/subgenre/thematic. Babby's first dirty realist.

>> No.16671818

>One word discredits everything
Ah, the mind of a critic, far removed from that of a creator. Your envy and bitterness are now far more palpable. Carry on, lightweight.
>Calling yourself based
Some truths are self-evident.

>> No.16671882

>You don't like him, then you must envy him!
kek fucking embarrassing middle school tier argument. I can tell you're just a silly edgy kid.
>doubling down on calling yourself based
giga cringe

>> No.16671889

Just ignore the CB schizophrenic poster.I think he’s serious and not a troll

>> No.16671927

which one?

>> No.16671940

There are multiple?I thought it was one anon creating 10 CB threads the last couple days

>> No.16671941

He already shitted up (shat up? What's the proper past tense of 'shit') the thread

>> No.16671943

ah that one? yea, annoying little cunt.

>> No.16671973

>fucking embarrassing
>middle school tier
Consider the verbiage of the exact post to which I responded when writing that sentence, then of the tone in which I made the addendum to my response. Somewhere, somehow, eventually, I'm sure your turgid little mind will snap into recognition that I was making a joke in using 'based,' and where that joke stemmed from.
>You don't like him, you must envy him
Envy and bitterness are traits of character independent of your thoughts on Bukowski alone and made increasingly evident by your manner of writing. By all means, I implore you to read Bukowski, as I suspect levels above him are too difficult for you to absorb.
It's impossible to ignore the truth, which is why it's been very easy to refute every
/lit/ parrot that's done his best to discredit an established author. As I've stated once and will state again; it's all right for the majority of you to be wrong. Step up and get slapped as many times as you like against one as based and cringe-resistant as me.

>> No.16672029


>> No.16672057

I'm not a troll and I've only made on Bukowski reply in this thread. I've seen that I've been annoying people so I've stopped

>> No.16672078

Mate, your entire argument is "he's famous and popular, therefore, great" and "you're mean, therefore, you envy my idol." It's okay if you suck his dick but don't pretend he's on the level, let alone above, of the actually great writers you originally mentioned.

>> No.16672091

>I'm not a troll a
Yes, you are.
> I've only made on Bukowski reply in this thread.
Sure, kid.
> I've seen that I've been annoying people so I've stopped
You're the most annoyed faggot here because someone shat on your shitty writer.

>> No.16672153

>He's famous and popular, therefore, great
I've said he's influential in style and survived two decades beyond his death based on the veracity of his writing, which is a feat for any writer let alone still living. Sorry, mate, but this goes back to me saying one thing, and your illiteracy interpreting another.
>you're mean, therefore, you envy my idol
I never called anybody mean. Again with your poor reading. What has gone awry in that sad, embittered little brain housed in your skill? Read more Bukowski. Perhaps Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar.
>but don't pretend he's on the level, let alone above, of the actually great writers you originally mentioned.
The writers were used to establish various paths of affluence toward literary accomplishment, with Bukowski thrown in to refute the idea that alcohol and other vice made the writer, explicitly laid out in my final sentence. Good timing, too, since somebody had posted an image of his "lit life" right above my own post. To reiterate what I've already said repeatedly: I never made any hooplah about Bukowski until one anon, then many, started to grow asspained about his mere existence. Of course, being consistently right across this entire thread has been a pleasure unto itself.

>> No.16672161

I'm the one you want, anon, leave that poor anon alone.

>> No.16672203

I've made literally one Buk related reply, I've stopped making threads since they got nothing but hate

>> No.16672341

Didn’t read lol

>> No.16672526

I know you don't, mate. That's been clear for a while now.

>> No.16672561

Nigga, before the XX century, everyone lost multiple babies. Fucking Bach hat 13 and lost like 7 or 8

>> No.16672572

This was normal back then, not a handful of random women. All kids would wear dresses until like 5 and boys wore pink and girls blue, Macy's decided it should be the other way around and suddenly it was so. Read a goddamn book.

>> No.16672600

Gore Vidal lived the most lit lifestyle. Fag hat a house in Italy to write and throw cocktail parties so he could shit no other writers.

>> No.16672642

Gore Vidal was a based personality who bullied Norman Mailer every chance he got but, unfortunately, and like Mailer himself, total shit as an actual writer. That period of lit must have sucked.

>> No.16673412

Does anyone have that greentext of a guy recalling his father's or uncle's pranks he would pull on Hemingway towards the end of his life?

>> No.16673895

Holy shit. I love Hemingway yet never saw that before.
Fuck that's absolutely tragic.

>> No.16673970

Faulkner is widely read even by normies and high schoolers

>> No.16674044

>No, he lived a full and rich life with minimal suffering.
Top tier bait, m8
Hemingway got injured in WWI, he was there in the Spanish Civil War and was on Normandy during D-Day as a war journalist. He saw some shit and experienced it too. He came home and was completely lost as a person trying to find his way in the world.
By the end of his life he was in back to back plane crashes that caused him so much pain that he finally decided to blow his brains out rather than keep living with it.
Saying he didn't suffer and had a comfy life is pure retardation.

>> No.16674069

Seeing how much he deteriorated is genuinely sad. I can only imagine what he was feeling when he decided to end his life

>> No.16675652


>> No.16677335
File: 128 KB, 1928x242, Screen Shot 2020-10-29 at 7.25.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm what a badass!

>> No.16677367


>> No.16677393


dat image though lmao

>> No.16677401

I'm not even really a fan of his. But holy shit this is sad. Was it just his speech that was fucked or did he become more dumber?

>> No.16677448

fuckin based

>> No.16677728

He inspected F.Scott Fitzgerald's penis and wrote about it in A Movable Feast.

>> No.16677784

nothing wrong with helping out a friend, anon

>> No.16677804
File: 270 KB, 760x628, Hemingway_and_Marlins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemmy was a natural American in the way he could make his life seem more interesting than it was. Did he spend his life shacked up in a cold room like writers are expected to? No, but he spent his life expounding the great American tradition of embellishment and self-hype. Is he a chad of literature? Yes. Is he a great writer? Not so much.
The fact the Nobel Prize went to him and never to Tolstoy is just proof of how susceptible people are to image over substance.

>> No.16677845

Something similar happened with Bolaño. Except he outright lied about being a war prisoner. People like to buy myths and masks.

>> No.16678167


>> No.16678245

>muh manly and tragic Spanish toreador man

>> No.16678300

Hemingway revolutionized the short story.It is said that every short story writer afterwards either wrote like Hemingway or purposely tried not to.He has a distinctive style that took me time to enjoy and he isn’t for everyone.I think it’s disingenuous to say he’s a bad writer.Is he one of the best ever?No.But he’s still great

>> No.16678309

>.Is he one of the best ever?

>> No.16678420

He’s definitely in the upper echelon and probably my favorite author but I think there’s better out there.It’s funny because I hated Hemingway when i first read him but I gave him another shot and something clicked that time

>> No.16678437

I hate to be "that guy" but with Hemingway I think feminists have a point about fragile masculinity. Masculinity is about appraising and implementing the virtues called forth by necessity. Masculinity isn't meant to be performative. It's predicated by evolution and circumstance. Fake manly men with deep insecurities are just as damaging to the ideal masculinity as effete manchildren. Masculinity is teleological; a practical means to a desirable ends. Defending your community, feeding offspring, liberating yourself/others spiritually, and at least attempting to stand as a template for virtue. That is what it means to be a man. Hemingway didn't do these things. He framed his life as to appear like an adventure as to escape the gravity of personal, moral duty. A man with flaws is still a man. Even a man defeated by his flaws is a man. However, anyone who seeks to make their flaws a specie of honesty is fooling themselves. I like to hunt and fish. But so can women. It's leading a family and sacrificing for a community that reifies the importance of masculinity.

>> No.16678546

dude shave your hands lmao

>> No.16678554

only faggots shave

>> No.16678599

sure thing mr. hairy bear
*passes razor*

>> No.16678604

*sticks razor up your ass*
Enjoy it, woman.

>> No.16678639

Body hair everywhere except the pubic area looks like complete shit aesthetically and has no place among men of taste
Maybe if you are Bob the blacksmith you can get a pass

>> No.16678646

Pubic hair should at least be trimmed.

>> No.16678658

This is why the West is dying. Everyone's a faggot.

>> No.16678673

But it's true, hairy hands are fucking ugly
>This is why the West is dying. Men are shaving
tradcuck cope

>> No.16678688

>But it's true, hairy hands are fucking ugly
For you, because you've been feminized by your culture.

>> No.16678690

retarded take.

>> No.16678700

hello based department

>> No.16678733


>> No.16678793

It has nothing to do with feminization. Beards are masculine and they can look great aesthetically. But most body hair is just ugly which is why professional swimmers get rid of it.
You are defending an evolutionary adaptation that got outdated since we invented clothes

>> No.16678840

just had to say that the schizo CB poster is fucking based.

any of you who responded him were BTFO and shown as the illiterate scum you are.

>> No.16678850

>It has nothing to do with feminization.
Yes, it does. This wasn't even a thing a few decades ago.
>But most body hair is just ugly which is why professional swimmers get rid of it.
They don't get it of it for muh aesthetic, faggot. They remove it for a smoother skin. "Smooth legs allow for slicker, slipperier contact with the ground, allowing one to escape less-scathed in a spill. For swimmers, the importance of shaving also ties into slicker, smoother benefits."
>You are defending an evolutionary adaptation that got outdated since we invented clothes
Body hair is inoffensive and evolution decides what is and isn't "outdated." If you have to remove it by force, maybe you're the faggot going against Mother Nature.

>> No.16678856

>t. CBfag poster

>> No.16678860

>You are defending an evolutionary adaptation that got outdated since we invented clothes
I bet you're circumsised

>> No.16678949

>Yes, it does. This wasn't even a thing a few decades ago.
Backwards cultural norms
>They don't get it of it for muh aesthetic, faggot.They remove it for a smoother skin. "Smooth legs allow for slicker, slipperier contact with the ground, allowing one to escape less-scathed in a spill. For swimmers, the importance of shaving also ties into slicker, smoother benefits."
Oh come on with this bullshit, we all know it looks like shit
>Body hair is inoffensive and evolution decides what is and isn't "outdated." If you have to remove it by force, maybe you're the faggot going against Mother Nature.
What "Mother Nature" pagantard biology is just random mutations. If an adapttion isn't useful anymore and it looks like shit you get rid of it.

>> No.16678977

>Backwards cultural norms
Sounds like cope. Do you also feel oppressed, faggot?
>Oh come on with this bullshit, we all know it looks like shit
Literally no one but homosexuals and models give a fuck.
>What "Mother Nature" pagantard biology is just random mutations. If an adapttion isn't useful anymore and it looks like shit you get rid of it.
Engineer hariless babies, then. Adaptations should only be removed if they are nocive. Fucking hair hurts no one except faggots' feelings but who cares.

>> No.16679003

>What "Mother Nature" pagantard biology is just random mutations. If an adapttion isn't useful anymore and it looks like shit you get rid of it.
again, I bet you're circumcised. head hair is also an "outdated evolution", are you bald? do you have eyebrows?

>> No.16679090

>Adaptations should only be removed if they are nocive.
You need to get over the muh mother nature argument
>Fucking hair hurts no one except faggots' feelings but who cares.
It looks like garbage and you know it

>> No.16679102

>It looks like garbage and you know it
It looks normal. Maybe in your homosexual culture it is frowned upon. Literally no one gives a shit but homosexuals, metrosexuals and models. I stand by those words.

>> No.16679103

>again, I bet you're circumcised. head hair is also an "outdated evolution", are you bald? do you have eyebrows?
Head hair looks sexy and glamorous. Most of the body hair looks like shit. See the difference?

>> No.16679109

>Bloated alcoholic hack who wrote terrible novels, was outwritten by his wife and all of his ‘friends’ and killed himself

Read more

>> No.16679128

>Most of the body hair looks like shit
only if you're a manlet who can barely grow any

>> No.16679143

what? indians and arabs are manlets and grow most body hair

>> No.16679152

>bells, balls, and bulls

>> No.16679222

t. metrosexual confirmed

>> No.16679260

Weird thread.

>> No.16679415

Faulkner spent the war in a comfy base in Canada or something like that.
People go crazy over Hemingway, but he barely saw any combat and this shows how cultivating the macho image matter more than the real thing. No one think about Tolstoy as a decorated officer or Musil as someone fighting in WWI.

>> No.16679648

Did tolkien catch any bodies or was he rear Detachment type

>> No.16679746

he must have, he served in the Somme

>> No.16679927

It's been a while since I read it, but on these Hemingway threads, no one ever seems to talk about how he mocks and rather thoroughly deconstructs and dismisses his macho persona in Green Hills of Africa.

>> No.16680066

A young man serving in the army was constantly humiliated for reading novels by real writers like Hugo, Dumas, Tolstoy, Proust, Musil, Grossman and many others. One day, the captain who loved Hemingway wanted to humiliate the kid before the troops.
He called the young man and said "Come here, kid! Take the keys and go park that Jeep in front of the base."
The young man replied: I can not drive, sir!
Captain: What? You keep reading those giants books, maybe you saw something about the art of driving in those pages. I bet Xueqin, Tolstoy or Rabelais digressed about automatic transmission or something like that. I learned how to drive and how to be a man because of my favorite writer who was an ambulance driver in World War I, unlike those effeminates paid by the word who never saw combat.
The young man was extremely offended and afraid, but he decided (in a stream of consciousness that was removed from this text because it's too complex to Hemingway fanboys who got their brains fried with the iceberg theory) to drive the vehicle.
He turned on the engine and parked the jeep in the place PERFECTLY, just as the captain wanted.
The young man came out of the jeep and saw them all crying.
They all said together: We want to read your books! Please!
The young soldier was astonished and asked what was going on.
The captain, crying, opened the hood of the jeep and showed the young man that the vehicle had no engine.

>> No.16680099


>> No.16680110

checked checking

>> No.16680171

His masculine persona has greatly grown through time, largely by people who never read him, especially women.His characters, while masculine, have flaws, doubts and make mistakes.

>> No.16680227

>.His characters, while masculine
this part especially. people criticize his women characters but I think they're fine albeit representations of masculinity in women

>> No.16680239

This is Hemingway’s recommended reading list to a young writer.Is it based?

The Blue Hotel” by Stephen Crane
“The Open Boat” by Stephen Crane
Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Dubliners by James Joyce
The Red and the Black by Stendhal
Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
Buddenbrooks by Thomas Mann
Hail and Farewell by George Moore
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The Oxford Book of English Verse
The Enormous Room by E.E. Cummings
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Far Away and Long Ago by W.H. Hudson
The American by Henry James

>> No.16680280

certainly not a bad list, though I'd include A Portrait of the Artist instead of Dubliners

>> No.16680324

Have you ever read Of Human Bondage?I’ve made a couple threads asking if it is worthwhile but never got any replies

>> No.16680354

I've been intending to after a friend recommended it to me but have yet to get around to it

>> No.16680395

He got brain damage because he had to smash his head against the plane window to break the glass so he could escape.
It fucked him up for the remainder of his life

>> No.16681258

>barely saw any combat
Is this bait?
Dude was a war correspondent in the Spanish Civil War and WWII. He was on Normandy during D-Day. Not to mention him getting blown up in Italy in WWI.
Saying he didn't see combat is simply retarded.

>> No.16682591

How did the rumors that he was gay start anyway?Is it just a feminist thing to knock him and his “toxic masculinity” down a notch?

>> No.16683573


>> No.16683596

He was /litfit/.

>> No.16683620

there's no homoerotic subtext at all in The Sun Also Rises

>> No.16683623


>> No.16683644

>You are defending an evolutionary adaptation that got outdated since we invented clothes
Your dumbass as whole except 1/3 of your brain is an evolutionary adaptation that's outdated Anon.

>> No.16683653

Next time you'll tell me people here don't read or something.

>> No.16683685
File: 28 KB, 475x455, 4382F594-0529-4589-B9A6-738AED1F8D4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Call me a /x/ tier larper, but I’d agree with Colin Wilson that while mental illness and alienation can and does breed creativity, they are not necessary for it.

To paraphrase, Shakespeare, Keats, and numerous other writers were socially competent, sane, and well adjusted to their time and place. They weren’t outsider loners, they were working joes who just happened to produce good art either as a career or side gig.

The artist as outsider is for much of history an exception rather than a rule.

>> No.16683686
File: 29 KB, 300x443, Howard_Phillips_Lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step aside larpers and tourists, the most lit writer of the 20th century is coming through.

>> No.16683694

>numerous other writers were socially competent, sane, and well adjusted to their time and place

>> No.16683705

>minimal suffering

from the little I do know about him - participated in multiple wars, survived a plane crash, went schizo enough to think the cia was after him, and finally killed himself - i'd say this is a fucking retarded thing to say but then you're probably also baiting and ok i am baited add me to your haul

>> No.16683710

>went schizo enough to think the cia was after him
we all do in the end, anon

>> No.16683737


Add to the list such figures as Chaucer, much of the Baroque era poets, Wallace Stevens, etc. People who made careers and dull little lives for themselves, while keeping up a fruitful creative life.

>> No.16683749


>> No.16684359

The Dead is better than Portrait in every conceivable way.

>> No.16684383


>> No.16684601

no one wants to be a fag