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/lit/ - Literature

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1667040 No.1667040 [Reply] [Original]

Books with cats in them. Inb4 Master and Margarita, I Am a Cat or Murakami. Something less obvious, please.

>> No.1667044
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Forgot to include pic.

>> No.1667043

The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto by Mario Vargas Llosa, chapter 1. If it had been less well-written, I'd think 4chan composed it.

>> No.1667047
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The Black Cat - Edgar Allan Poe

>> No.1667048

The Last Unicorn briefly features a talking cat.

>> No.1667050
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Am I too obvious for you, OP?

>> No.1667052

Did you already read those two, OP?

>> No.1667055
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my, what a nice thread

>> No.1667057
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Thanks, guys! Sorry if my original post sounds rude; all titles are appreciated. I do love Poe and Alice; haven't read The Last Unicorn.

>> No.1667061

The Cat Who books?

>> No.1667062

shout out for Nigger-man the cat

>> No.1667064

I actually have one of these books at home -- they gave it for free with a newspaper. Never read it, though. Are they any good?

>> No.1667068
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>> No.1667069
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"The Wild Roads"
and its sequel
"The Golden Cat"

>> No.1667071

Alice in Wonderland

The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents

>> No.1667077

The first dozen or so are great. The last dozen or so have been progressively shittier, but I guess that's to be expected since the lady is literally like 100 years old now. But if it's one of the earlier ones, read it! They are pretty amusing little mystery novels, heavy on the (Siamese) cat love.

I have a special place for them in my memories, in that they introduced me to Gilbert and Sullivan as well (the two cats are named Ko-Ko and Yum-Yum).

>> No.1668283


That picture is soooooooooooooooo kawaiii

>> No.1668289


weeaboo detected

>> No.1668299

The Cat Within by WS Burroughs..

>> No.1668306

"An Apology of Raymond Sebond" - Michel de Montaigne

>> No.1668324
File: 53 KB, 480x608, meowmorphosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“One morning, as Gregor Samsa was waking up from anxious dreams, he discovered that he had been changed into an adorable kitten.”

The phenomenal success of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies inspired a massively popular literary-remix movement. Now Quirk Classics once again charts bold new territory, turning the monster-mash-up formula inside out to infuse Franz Kafka’s horrific masterpiece, “The Metamorphosis,” with the fuzziest, snuggliest, most adorable creatures possible: kittens!

Meet Gregor Samsa, a humble young man who works as a fabric salesman to support his parents and sister. His life goes strangely awry when he wakes up late for work and finds that, inexplicably, he is now a man-sized baby kitten. His family freaks out: Yes, their son is OMG so cute, but what good is cute when there are bills piling up? And how can he expect them to serve him meals every day? If Gregor is to survive this bizarre, bewhiskered ordeal, he’ll have to achieve what he never could before—escape from his parents’ house. Complete with haunting illustrations and a provocative biographical exposé of Kafka’s own secret feline life, The Meowmorphosis will take you on a journey deep into the tortured soul of the domestic tabby.

>> No.1668359
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The Magic Pictures and The Wonderful Farm (Les Contes du chat perché) from Marcel Aymé. Books for kids enjoyable for adults. Well-written.

The Booted Cat

Blues pour un chat noir from Boris Vian

>> No.1668363
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>> No.1668386
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if you fuck with comics

>> No.1669730
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Essential Cat Literature.


>> No.1669735

Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, TS Eliot

Which I can't believe hasn't been mentioned

>> No.1669741
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it's about a blind wonder cat!

>> No.1669744

The Stranger

>> No.1669760


>> No.1670108
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felidae. it's very poular in germany. it's a crime novel but from the view of cats. it was also made into an animation movie (similiar to watership down) which is quite gory.

>> No.1670209
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>> No.1670638
