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/lit/ - Literature

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16668674 No.16668674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I unironically like Butterfly, she brings character and personality to this board.

>> No.16668679

Which one?

>> No.16668681

i know its you

>> No.16668685

Same lol. She is pretty harmless and I would miss her if she left.

>> No.16668686

I unironically want her to suck my dick while i read, but i donr know if she likes dicks
At the very least I wanted some pics of her i can masturbate to

>> No.16668691

You should've been around for the stream then.

>> No.16668697

People who shit on butters for no reason other than the fact that she exists are extremely annoying.
At least use your brains and BTFO her in an argument.

Shame she's a lesbian tho, she should be BRED and raise children in an anarchist commune.

>> No.16668702

>You should've been around for the stream then.
Post it

>> No.16668709

>Shame she's a lesbian tho, she should be BRED and raise children
She can still be raped unoimsayin?

>> No.16668718


She is less retarded than 2/3 of this board

>> No.16668720

Yeah butters a p cool fag.
She introduced me to Epicurus.

>> No.16668724

she's also in her 40s.
she will only produce autismo babies

>> No.16668730
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>> No.16668740

I miss OnionRing and Deep&Edgy.

>> No.16668741
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She has the dumbest fucking ideas and she's in every thread as if anyone would take anything serious from some middle-aged woman who shitpost on /lit/ all day.

>> No.16668743

She is more retarded than 1/3 of this board

>> No.16668750


>> No.16668751

>she has the dumbest ideas
No she doesn't

>> No.16668757


>> No.16668758

mein god
40 years old and finish as i found out
not wasting my aryan seed on her

all i could give her would be pleasure with my intense lust for women, post sex cuddling and talking to her with a deep attention

i have banged some "lesbians" myself, i think i have the gift for it. i never met a lesbian that wasnt just larping due to a (merited) hate for men or some psychological issue

>> No.16668760

>a (merited) hate for men
Good point.

>> No.16668763

>as if anyone would take anything serious from some middle-aged woman who shitpost on /lit/ all day
thats harsh anon dont you worry people like this may end up depressed and kill themselves?

>> No.16668769

If you're hoping for that I think it's a vain one, she's been doing this about a decade after all.

>> No.16668779

You mean finnish?
Source for this?
Explains a lot actually, no a*glosphere woman can be as intelligent as her
There is no merited hate for any sex over the other. They are equally mediocre and anyone who hates the opposite sex just had a bad relationship with their respective parental figure

>> No.16668783

>They are equally mediocre
Sounds pretty low libido bro.

>> No.16668787

She is fine outside of /pol/ bait threads. Otherwise, she is just the other side of the reactionary coin.

>> No.16668788

women tend to lose their mental health the older they get, its not like i want it to happen (unless its a filthy tranny), im just being empathetic to her situation

>Source for this?
googled around looking for her pictures until i found a meetup invite in fucking finland

i wonder how lesbians view gay men, as most of the shitness of men comes from the fact we mostly think with our dicks while we talk with women

>> No.16668789

Why? I am not a sex haver but i am quoting the opinion of people who had a lot of sex.

>> No.16668795

Sometimes I see that tranny in other boards and she is mostly ignored by the high-test anons there as the insipid pair of flaps she is but this board is much more effete - is given to homosexuality and oozes estrogen and therefore indulges her warbling histrionics more.

>> No.16668797

women lie more, much much more, than men do, and theyre better ai
they also manipulate men more

>> No.16668801

the highest test anons are from /fit/ and the highest test /fit/izens are from /fraud/
/fraud/esters will fuck anything that moves depending on what poison theyre using

>> No.16668806
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>low T
Try again pal
>women lie more, much much more, than men
Yet most politicians are men...

>> No.16668808

>character and personality to this board
This is a bad thing. The whole point of an anonymous image-board is to undo this.
You can get a cult of personality literally anywhere else.
Post an interesting thread with a name or a trip ONCE, when it's relevant. Dump your persona at the door.

>> No.16668816
File: 669 KB, 790x430, lit meetup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when /lit/ was good?

>> No.16668823

Homosexuality is only high test if you are 1/2/3/4 and <12%bf and a top none of which /lit/ are

>> No.16668826
File: 2.89 MB, 1908x1066, numalesmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of /lit/ isn't homosexual
Most low T men are straight, homosexuals are statistically irrelevant

>> No.16668828

Her posts are often cringe, but I have to admit she's the only tripfag that strikes me as being a real person and not some some narcissistic robot hell-bent on crafting a meme personality for itself.
At least when she's retarded she's retarded earnestly and on her own terms.

Still she probably should leave 4chan and spend her time on better things. Same for me and everyone itt, especially those over 25.

>> No.16668833

The kind of people who indulge this girl are spiritually homosexual even if not ass bandits IRL

>> No.16668835

There's a thread on /qa/ asking anons about their homeboard and most people who listed /lit/ also listed /lgbt/

>> No.16668839
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I keep little mental dossiers on all of you anyway. You're less anonymous than you think, especially when you post so repetitively.

>> No.16668877

She really does, she reminds me of Facebook boomers.

I'd prefer change over death but I acknowledge the risks.

>> No.16668936

Can’t you smell it? You can smell it when you come here. Just take a sniff. They definitely are or at least are bi.

>> No.16668961

I am torn on the subject, on one hand she is good natured on the other she is pretty retarted and annoying

>> No.16668974

>have a random /lit/ thread about anything, say about an obscure Latvian poet, Iannis Niggerfaggotis
>enter Butterfly: "this is capitalisms fault, also have you read Nietzsche and Epicurus?"
40 years old

>> No.16668976

Stop being meant to butters, she's nice

>> No.16668981

kek very true

>> No.16668985


>> No.16668989

Bisexuals tend to have higher test than average.

>> No.16669060

this , everytime.

>> No.16669232

LOL she deliberately avoided posting the link on /lit/ so almost nobody here knows about the stream

>> No.16669272

It's nice that there's another Anarchist here and she says cute things about the Tao.