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File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16665965 No.16665965 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the two writers who right-wingers shill the most both absolute failures who never lived up to their own ideals? Why do right-wingers always form cults around failed writers?
Claimed to descend from Polish nobility, had no such descent. Wanted to prevent an age of nihilism, kick-started it instead. Created the idea of the ubermensch, the overman, "fought" in the Franco-Prussian war from the backlines as a medic but couldn't stand the sight of blood, lived and died a depressed and diseased druggie.
Claimed to be a baron/descend from a baron, neither claims were true. Set forth another strong man idea, was a pussy who, in the only war he fought in, purposely joined the least dangerous part of the army (the artillery). Spent his entire life shitting on Christianity and building up the base of neo-Hinduism, reconverted to Catholicism on his deathbed.

>> No.16665978

Left-wingers' big idol, Marx was an even greater failure as a person.

>> No.16665982

Cronge and probably bait.
Lefties love to use whatever ammo they can just like righties. You can see just as many apropriating nietche as you can the other side of the coin.

Evola wasnt even full on anti Christian, just like neitzche its easy to espose his ideas in bite sized perspecivist driven stanced.

>> No.16665988

Because right wingers can, and naturally do, relate to projection.

>> No.16665989

I am not a left-winger. How about you stay on topic instead of assuming things and diverting?

>> No.16665994

Evola hated Christianity, Nietzsche thought Christianity fostered a mind that could reach a higher ideal but in his own time thought that time had come and thus Christianity was nothing more than a nuisance.

>> No.16665995

I can speak for Nietzsche and, as far as I understood his philosophy, the idea of Ubermensch seems to be much more focused on a nihilistic extreme perception of an impossible yet irresistible superiority, not really on a concrete and sensible superiority over the pettiness of life. Superiority over Reality is something much more complex and linked to the absolute destruction of it, so there's no need for the Ubermensch to not be a failure according to canonical standards. Of course, the whole ideology is concerned with presenting itself in a certain way, by emphasiszing supremacy according to what is canonically considered as a manifestation of supremacy, but it's much more linked to a metaphorical and almost surrealist perception of his works. I'm no right-winger tho, just wanted to defend one of the best philosophers to ever grace Earth.
Never read Evola

>> No.16666003

That’s a nice strawman

>> No.16666006

The ubermensch was about shedding the weak slave morality that Christianity had imposed and returning to a classical Greek strongman, as per Nietzsche's belief.

>> No.16666007 [DELETED] 

Neither of them said they assumed you were left-wing or even implied it. Talk about paranoia

>> No.16666013

Because right-wing ideas aren't about post-hoc justifying your personality. Nobody is perfect but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep striving to be more ideal versions of ourselves.

>> No.16666017

You can call whatever you want a strawman on Reddit and make others think that you're right, it doesn't work here pal. We've 2 more IQ points than your buttbuddies back home.

>> No.16666022

Neither of them assumed you were left-wing or even implied it. Talk about paranoia. "Staying on topic," where "the topic" is just what you want to hear, and anything you don't want to hear like what those 2 anons said is "off-topic." Just because you're the OP of this thread doesn't mean you own the board or the website so stop being dumb and dictating who can say what and making it personal.

>> No.16666024

>Cringe and probably bait
>Lefties love to use...
He was obviously implying it you utter retard.

>> No.16666036

Neither was obviously implying it and your quoted pieces aren't evidence toward your argument.

More importantly, OP is being a whiny idiot >>16665989 and trying to control what people can and can't say

>> No.16666040

Yes, of course, that's one aspect of it. Still, I feel like there's a stronger fascination with the idea of a superiority even before God, which was pretty absent in classical Greek culture. It's almost like Nietzsche based the Ubermensch on a weird justapoxition of different pride sins from both Greek and Christian culture, and assurged this idea as the only concept capable of destruction and creation at the same time. That's what I was referring to as in "surrealist perception"

>> No.16666042

You're a retard, stop posting.

>> No.16666044

>Why do right-wingers always form cults around failed writers
why do you even mean by right winger you retarded mouthbreather?
conservatives i know all read roger scruton

>> No.16666048

I never assumed you were a lefty.

>Evola hated Christianity
evola had distastes for aspects within christianity that he was critical of
Not wrong on the neitzche part, but like I said, his veiws on the matter were not
>x bad
it was more aspects x y and z within this system are problematic.

>> No.16666054

>right-wing means conservatives
Stop posting, mouthbreather,

>> No.16666064

Evola believed that the entire Christian religion was a terribly corrupted form of the primeval religion which he and Guenon strove for. Terribly corrupted in that he hated the whole thing, his critiques of the parts resulted in the throwing away of the whole, to him.

>> No.16666077

>Lefties love to use...
>Lefties love to use whatever ammo they can just like righties.
I never said
>lefties like you
I usued it as a framing machanic for how perspectivism taints whatever bias one has when aproaching a topic.

>> No.16666082

Evola was not a failure lmao he did lots of stuff such as mountaineering and fighting until he was paralyzed in the bombing and had a very active social life and solid connections, Nietzsche was a fucking vagrant autist invalid most of his life and died a demented neckbeard.

>> No.16666085

and stay there, imbecile.

>> No.16666091

Did you just assume his political stance?

>> No.16666139

>writing works that are considered amongst the greatest in philosophical thought and are still widely read, studied, and debated is not achievement
not talking about Evola btw

>> No.16666146

>reconverted to Catholicism on his deathbed.
Evola was an occultist. Literally too intelligent to be Catholic.

>> No.16666177

go read Evola's interview with Codreanu and tell us again how he feels about Christianity

>> No.16666199

Evola converted to Catholicism on his deathbed. He realized that occultism is retarded.

>> No.16666206

>go read something where evola sucks up to a christian and suppresses his own views

>> No.16666212

Nietzsche was not a philosopher, go back to r/philosophy

>> No.16666214

another /pol/ thread

>> No.16666218

>nooo you can't talk about things that hurt my feelings!!!

>> No.16666224

Nietzsche was as much a philosopher as Plato.

>> No.16666233

neesha wasn't a right winger, he didn't kickstart nihilism and predicted its coming, the overman was not an ideal,

he was a guy who saw in himself the tendency to both:
1 . worship an afterlife, poverty, and sickliness
2. a desire for growth, strength, and love

he chose the latter

>> No.16666263

He did it as a final rite

>> No.16666264

never lived to their ideals? does a torch have to be that which it illuminates or does it illuminate? dont be an idiot. you are seeing from your low iq perspective because you need fogures to follow. more so nietzsche is not right wing figure and evola is a weak attempt. your point being?

>> No.16666346

He also hated his daughters black husband

>> No.16666351

Nietzsche wasn’t political really but he could be interpreted as right wing, he had bad things to say about socialism, democracy, and collectivism and he gave legitimacy to the idea of being ruled by a king

>> No.16666356

Evola had issues with the church not christianity

>> No.16666408

looks like you got anus lickers and politics on your mind

>> No.16666502

>cults around failed writers
i've said this myself, the right wing picks out the stupdiest peoplet o make cults out of.

Evola wasn't as ad as Nietzche, at least Evola went to war and was involved in politics. Nietzche was an actual incel

That being said, Evola was still a fucking sperg.

lefties also do the same shit. marx was a demented fuckward

>> No.16666513

le epic centrist has arrived

>> No.16666518

>Evola had issues with the church not christianity
evola thought christianity had ushered in an era of decadent degeneracy since Jesus rode his donkey into Rome or whatever

Evola was very against Christianity and tried to get Mussolini to use the state against the catholic church

>> No.16666519

>kick-started it instead

This mf really thinks Nietzsche's writing is responsible for society today? Retarded.

>> No.16666526

>a-are you right, left or centrist??
>ok but which category are you?
>i was molested as a child and can only think in categories...so...which category are you??

poor zoomers

>> No.16666699

i don't think i have ever seen an anti-neech poster on here that understood him

>> No.16666952

I see you have found your own category: "zoomers."

>> No.16666975

He never did that, retards/

>> No.16667406

master morality and the ubermensch are the not the same concepts, you're mixing them up

Additionally, Nietzsche did not believe we could return to the greeks because we exist in a totally different reality, everything around us has changed (politically, technologically, etc.). He didn't think it was possible to actually return to the same morality

Finally, its not even possible to posit what morality the ubermensch would have. The ubermensch is literally beyond man. It would be like a monkey trying to understand human morality. There is a reason that Nietzsche doesn't come out and spell out what the ubermensch is. Its because he doesn't know. The ubermensch is a complicated concept and people just fill it what they want. The closest thing Nietzsche said about an actualization of the ubermensch was in the Will to Power where he says something about "the Roman Caesar with Christ's soul". But that alone doesn't give any concrete traits or moralities.

>> No.16667528


>> No.16667535

Stirner was a cuckold