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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 291 KB, 547x800, Ludwig_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16659233 No.16659233 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit hate him so much?

>> No.16659242

exposed language as the circlejerk it literally is

>> No.16659274

hate? he is our favourite meme man

>> No.16659276

Except that he emphasized the limits of language in the sense of our understanding of the world? He was not at all opposed to literature or poetry. I mean when he was invited to the Vienna Circle, he sharply criticized the Logical Positivists for misinterpreting his work, and instead of lecturing to them, he simply recited poetry.

>> No.16659295

/lit/ can't into analytic philosophy because its generally a midwit board

>> No.16659442

who hates him? I find his work to be eye openging and great. this anon is right: >>16659276

>> No.16659500
File: 8 KB, 261x193, aristotle-bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wittgenstein is a genius and his ideas are extremely provocative. But it is also extremely easy to not understand him and to go full-/lit and think he proved something he didn't, or claimed something he didn't. You have to dig carefully to find the good threads and the true insight.

>> No.16659653

He was a good turbo autist but his work was ass. He really needed a good foil to help him develop

>> No.16660208

Did he ever mention Plato's Sophist in any of his works?

>> No.16660213
File: 45 KB, 318x460, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wittgenstein was good and all, but Heidegger is literally a mystical hierophant who stands unique in all of human history as the personal fulfiller of its revelation of being, and prophet un-historically chosen by God himself as a pure dialogue conjured as it were from Heaven direct.

>> No.16660272

Both Heidegger and Wittgenstein were great philosophers, and they had many parallels in their works. They both criticized the nonsensical state of metaphysics rooted in Cartesian thought and were attempting to reshape our perspective with how we think and our relationship with language. One could make the argument that Heidegger's dwelling and calling to question what thinking is, that is the summoning of thought, is the same as Wittgenstein's declaration of silence where one cannot speak.

>> No.16660298

Disclosed situations are very similar to language games also.

>> No.16660689

>limits of language

>> No.16660716

We found the one that didn't read Wittgenstein but just decided to comment

>> No.16660764

Idk because he's jewish or somethin

>> No.16660771

>our relationship with language
Isn't this just a subset of cartesian thought?

>> No.16660786

>Why does /lit hate him so much?
Most of /lit/ loves him what are you talking about? For some reason everyone feels extreme closeness of heart to heart when they hear "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."

>> No.16661047
File: 65 KB, 548x168, 2019-12-30 11.00.28-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16661081

It really is a great quote.

>> No.16661369


/lit/ doesn't hate Witty. /lit/ hates Russell and Ayer and people like that not because they were wrong, but because the done thing for an anglo poster who is trying to branch out and show that they're smart is to reject established anglo culture. This is the reason why Foucault and all the other dopes are popular here.

>> No.16662383

is this going to be the next guy the schizos and 70IQs on lit are going to shill endlessly as if he were divine for the next few months until you latch on to the next, your lives never actually getting better in any way, never becoming wiser in any way

>> No.16662412

Wittgenstein = 4chan
Russel = reddit

>> No.16662449

Early Wittgenstein is plebbit