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16656878 No.16656878 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the most /lit/ President?

>> No.16656890

Václav Havel obviously.

>> No.16656900

Ambrose Pierce

>> No.16656909


>> No.16656917

Carter. The first time he met the Archbishop of Canterbury he got into an argument with him because there was no memorial to Dylan Thomas at Westminster Abbey. Big Wagner fan as well

>> No.16656934

Madison for his part of The Federalist Papers

>> No.16656965
File: 168 KB, 800x1202, 800px-Troosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teddy was /lit/ as fuck

>> No.16656971

Why? The man is an acclaimed author

>> No.16656980


>> No.16656999


>> No.16657111
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Right now? Emmanuel Macron.

>> No.16657122


>> No.16657135

John Quincy Adams. The man was a genius.

>> No.16657137


Is it even a question?

>> No.16657141

He married his former French teacher. Can't get more /lit/ than that.

>> No.16657144

>Guy who doesn’t read
>most /lit/ award
This is more about you, isn’t anon?
Go read something

>> No.16657174

Ok tranny

>> No.16657204

>not getting the joke
You're really not as bright as you think you are, moth.

>> No.16657205

He was a "khâgneux" at Henry IV. Basically a highly challenging literary course for 2 or 3 years in one of the most prestigious schools of the country, which essentially is meant to give access to god-tier studies later. Plus there's not many other country leaders having a solid literary background. Historically, however, François Mitterrand was known to be an avid reader, and read more than 10 000 books in his lifetime (so, one every three days on average during his whole life).

>> No.16657208

Watch that video and tell me Donald isn’t channeling your average /lit/izen

>> No.16657222

I was joking with you. Take it easy.

>/lit/ doesn’t read
That’s the joke. Why aren’t we laughing together?

>> No.16657244

I never laugh at 4chan posts, only a cheeky smirk with a knowing eyebrow tilt.

>> No.16657250
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>Macron wrote 3 unpublished novels
>at age 16 he wanted to become a writer

/lit/ as fuck.

>> No.16657253

Every US president has been secretly illiterate.

>> No.16657254

Me too usually.

>> No.16657256

Nicolas Sarkozy is also very /lit/

>> No.16657279

Trump. Its not even close

>> No.16657294



>> No.16657300
File: 1.51 MB, 2314x3285, 1b6cedb475cbc1b09878aa90d34135d972f67040.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a DEA in philosophy
>his last year mémoires were centered on Machiavel and Hegel

Hold me bros... He's /ourpresident/.

>> No.16657335

What is there to explain? He is the archetypal literary faggot born in the archetypal literary country. Bourgeois upbringing, wrote poetry as a kid, married his teacher etc..

His thesis was on Hegel and Machiavel. He said that he was a maoist, which is peak edgy shitposting.

photo immonde. quel sac à merde. on dirait qu'il porte un costume celio trop ceintré. aucun style.

>> No.16657341

Well if we look at French president, Pompidou seems to be the obvious answer. He published an Anthology of French poetry which is good. But mostly he could answer the question of the journalists by quoting poets from memory (and not only one or two verse). Here he is quoting Eluard (note also how much time he reflects on the question, something which is not possible nowadays in our time in which politics in not better than a rap battle):

>> No.16657352

This thread is blowing through a lifetime of Anglo indoctrination- have I unfairly written off the French??

>> No.16657380
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>> No.16657392
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Grant obviously.

>> No.16657406

both are rothschild bankers kek. turns out being /lit/ is serving the usurers.

>> No.16657414
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We need to bring the 130+ IQ pop-/sci/entists back to power.

>> No.16657426
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What did they talked about?

>> No.16657437

you can clearly see macron is making the sign of giving a blowjob, so surely about their dicks or something like that

>> No.16657439
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>> No.16657440
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No one else even comes close

>> No.16657471

>Burgers unironically voted this retard into presidency
Why are Americans so subhuman?

>> No.16657568

Adams was probably the most well read, followed by JQA and then Jefferson.

>> No.16657579

Grant only read novels

>> No.16657591

The choice was Hilary or him. The country really hates her but she got more votes. They were just in the wrong places so the fucked up electoral college gave it to the political outsider.
The DNC are paid to be idiots and ran an establishment candidate against a populist. Sanders would have mopped the floor with him of course. But fuck that guy too. He’s as spineless as the rest of them.

>> No.16657873

Theodore Roosevelt.

Is that why he fucks old women?

>> No.16657889

We're tired of radical progressives who attempt to control every aspect of our lives and how we speak, which is why we voted him in and why we may very well do it again.

>> No.16657934

>Letting a retard run the country to own the libs.

>> No.16657959

Republicans, well known for not caring about how you speak or live your life.

>> No.16658033

>radical progressives
They haven’t controlled anything in government since FDR, anon. The liberals in control of the US aren’t progressives much less leftists

>> No.16658060

I didn’t necessarily mean in government.

Comparatively, now, yes.

>> No.16658075

Based GOAT president, will never be beaten

>> No.16658314

"The pair first met in 2016 when Houellebecq interviewed the then minister of the economy. Houellebecq was guest editor of Les Inrockuptibles, a cultural magazine, and he thought it would be interesting to chat to the young whizzkid. Houellebecq later told friends: ‘He’s bizarre. When I arrived, he jumped on me and kissed me.’ The author made such an impression on Macron that he invited him to dine at his apartment in Bercy. This time it was Macron regaling friends with an anecdote, of how they’d talked so late into the night that Houellebecq slept on his sofa.

Last week, Macron awarded Houellebecq the Légion d’Honneur, France’s highest distinction. Some were surprised the author accepted, but according to a presidential source, Houellebecq is ‘respectful of institutions’. The story goes that a few weeks before Christmas, he had dined with one of Macron’s advisers and during the meal complained at his lack of official recognition."

- 'The Spectator' url: https://spectator.us/michel-houellebecq-emmanuel-macron/

>> No.16658331
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>> No.16658332

Smashing granny pussy (and being married to it) and smashing young tight pussy.

>> No.16658387

lmao the legion d’honneur is the political equivalent of reddit gold

>> No.16658417
File: 390 KB, 1280x1554, 1280px-Gilbert_Stuart_Williamstown_Portrait_of_George_Washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only man in history to ever actually live up to his ideals and willingly step down from power

>> No.16658422
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perhaps the only president that can be called a "Philosopher King"

>> No.16658428

John Adams easily

>> No.16658431

Macron sounds like a hyper-social autist

>> No.16658442

Jefferson was about as mainstream as it got. John Adams was redpilled on democracy

>> No.16658455
File: 1.23 MB, 882x602, nixon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16658457

>Distorting Matrix lingo

>> No.16658603

I heard Nixon actually wrote the books that were published after his presidency. The one before his presidency was a ghostwriter.

>> No.16658609

>We're tired of radical progressives who attempt to control every aspect of our lives and how we speak, which is why we voted him in and why we may very well do it again.
is this satire

>> No.16658610


>> No.16658616

benedict, peter 3

>> No.16658651

I didn't know about this and it's funny but why did you post it? I have trouble understanding the point you're making...

>> No.16658731

Obviously Hoover.

>> No.16658769

No. The people attempting to accelerate the destruction of Western society need to fuck off.

>> No.16658821
File: 67 KB, 570x833, roosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he thinks a philosopher king is better than a warrior poet
>He didn't even ride 100 miles in a day at age 51 when some officer bitched about having to do it in three
>Didn't write a book at age 23 that was on board every US Navy ship within four years and is still considered one of the best one naval war
>didn't openly mock his would-be assassin minutes after being shot

>> No.16658902

Fuck off, tranny

>> No.16659031

Based czechoslovak bro

>> No.16659068

>He said that he was a maoist
Every French person since the 60s has said this at least once in their life.

>> No.16659155

explain it to me or kys

>> No.16659183

I don't get how anyone could take this meme ideology seriously.

>> No.16659204

at the time it was more edgy than classical communism and the ussr
young students always choose their ideology based on edgyness, broadly speaking those who can fuck go to the left because lot of girls there, those who can't go to the right because they resent those who can

>> No.16659228
File: 16 KB, 339x235, IMG_3592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the Oliver Stone movie

>> No.16659239

>Be President
>Hate commie students
>Wake up too early
>Decide to go to Lincoln Memorial and babble incoherently at the commie students.
>Leave and have breakfast

One of the all time greats.

>> No.16659270


>> No.16659333

this is why Nixon will forever be the greatest president. He was a man for all seasons in every sense of the word - watch Altman's Secret Honor. Nixon was the last patriot.

>> No.16659358

trips of truth

>> No.16659460

Is Nixon /lit/ in the sense that he was well read and cultured and a prolific writer? Im unsure, probably not.
However- sleeping for two hours, unsolicited erratic rambling about politics and patriotism and the other broad questions, and then following it up with a grand, nostalgic performance for no one but the cleaning staff? That's /lit/ in another way. Cant really put it in words. It speaks to the soul. I guess you could say it's
>Literally Me

>> No.16659667

>the Hillary Clinton of his time
I'm good bro but he doesn't deserve the heat he got

>> No.16659679
File: 168 KB, 1572x623, nixonbooks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only was he prolific, he recorded over 3,000 hours of tapes of his conversations and thoughts in the White House

>> No.16659720

You have to go back

>> No.16659774

>muh dik

>> No.16659800

Very embarrassing I did not even look. Interesting stuff. I dont really like a lot of what Nixon did necessarily, but I find him a uniquely interesting man- one who I think fully understood the nature of power and the job of the presidency more than most of his successors.

>> No.16659916

>broadly speaking those who can fuck go to the left because lot of girls there
The thing is at the moment you can't guarante they're biologically women.
So, yep. Lots of "girls" in the left.

>> No.16660260


>> No.16660266

Trump is the best selling author of any president

>> No.16660277
File: 638 KB, 858x1060, Screen Shot 2020-10-26 at 7.43.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Garfield would entertain his friends by having them ask him questions, and then writing the answer in Latin with one hand while simultaneously writing the answer in Greek with the other

>> No.16660281

>Comparatively, now, yes.
Except no.

>> No.16660284

Washington was no more than a soldier and statesmen. He was intelligent and well educated but not a literary phenom. Certainly America deserved no other founding president.

>> No.16660364
File: 615 KB, 1451x1400, Fidel-Castro-y-Pablo-Neruda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How this is even a question? We all know.

>> No.16660406

I like this.

>> No.16660792

Fuck all you want, just don't pass on your retard genes. Make sure to get that abortion.

>> No.16661096

Che was the real Neruda simp

>> No.16661101


>> No.16661137
File: 605 KB, 4000x2667, 106307755-1576864711099gettyimages-1189640648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future POTUS Pete Buttigieg

>> No.16661168

>I didn’t necessarily mean in government.
Oh wow so you're even stupider
>I hate how liberals control culture! better elevate to the presidency the dumbest caricature liberals could have came up with to make conservatives look stupid! that'll improve things!!!

>> No.16661169

Depending on your definition it's either Carter or Teddy Roosevelt.
Teddy read a fuckton, he's the guy people would be posting about for having read thousands upon thousands of books, at the same time though, he read whatever and skimmed a lot, he still had great recollection of what he read, probably because he was immersed in just about everything, but I somehow doubt that.

>> No.16661188

Literally me.

>> No.16661190
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>> No.16661216

Shes 25 years older than him. Is he a closet gay?

>> No.16661218
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It all makes sense now.

>> No.16661222

came here to post nixon but got beat to it

>> No.16661421
File: 247 KB, 467x662, breaking bad meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nixon then told the students that "the spiritual hunger which all of us have" which "has been the great mystery of life from the beginning of time" would not be solved by improving air quality and ending the war. A student later recalled that Nixon was barely audible and his sentences had no structure. Towards the end of the visit the crowd of students had grown to 30 and a student told Nixon, "I hope you realize that we're willing to die for what we believe in", to which he responded that "Many of us when we were your age were also willing to die for what we believe in and are willing to do so today. The point is, we are trying to build a world in which you will not have to die for what you believe in."[2]

Lmao, based

>> No.16662594


Based B-fly, settling for nothing less than full crowned anarchism. Pls be my commune-fu

>> No.16662600

nixon is definitely on the most /lit/ presidents qua character

>> No.16662632
File: 112 KB, 500x676, 91505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saddam hussein wrote 4 novels, including the romance hijab-ripper "zabibah and the king". he also defied the american empire repeatedly and ruthlessly supressed islamic fundamentalism in his country while protecting religious minorities such as the yazidi, chaldeans, and mandeists

>> No.16662849


>> No.16663767

>he doesn't deserve the heat he got

If Watergate happened today no one would give a shit.

>> No.16663803
