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16655845 No.16655845 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16655863
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>Pin chin

>> No.16656019

Made me wish there was more publicly accessible DFW footage out there, to get a better picture. I thought it was a thoroughly entertaining film, but from what I've read online it wasn't faithful to his true persona.

>> No.16656044

jesse eisenberg, was a mistake. jason segal was neat though

>> No.16656051

the mannerisms were pretty spot on but it seemed like they had to create some tension for dramatic effect, it's a movie after all

>> No.16656063

It's a nice film. idk. DFW is a genius.

>> No.16656064


>> No.16656069

i thought it was pretty comfy and harmless, really good hangout film, you just feel like you're hanging out with DFW.

Though Segal who I normally can't stand as an actor, did a pretty good job.

>> No.16657410

It is very much an Amadeus and Salieri story, and if you are familiar with Amadeus, and the barest outlines of Wallace's life, and the fact that this is based on a nonfiction book by the writer David Lipsky, you know how the story must end: with Lipsky gaining a greater measure of fame via his brief association with Wallace and not being quite sure how to feel about it. The best thing you could say about "The End of the Tour" is that it could've been about any two creative people. That's also the worst thing you could say about it.

>> No.16657466

gay movie for cornballs, like almost famous with more namedropping or some bullshit. also it felt like it was made to appeal to people who have never even heard of DFW. why? it wouldn't hurt to assume people watching a movie have at least a cursory interest in the author it is about.