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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 130 KB, 1200x900, The-Ascent-1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16652919 No.16652919 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16652961

Brave New World
Particularly the part where the Savage is brought into the dystopian society near the end, I'm sure that's exactly the kind of thing you're looking for

>> No.16653013

anything by Louis Ferdinand Celine. the french in general are the kings of contempt in lit.

>> No.16653071

Harassment Architecture

>> No.16653075

Good movie

>> No.16653081

The Ring Cycle.

>> No.16653309

What is the most degenerate/immoral act you've ever witnessed IRL?

>> No.16653316

Also, according to Tarkovsky "The Ascent" is a shitty, banal film lol.

>> No.16653329

I wish there was an island they that would send us to. Funnily enough, /lit/ is probably the closest we could get.

>> No.16653351

I don’t need him to tell me what to think.

>> No.16653364

might have to give it a watch then, my enemy's enemy etc

>> No.16653374

probably the gay pride parade. not because being gay is degenerate, but because everyone in that parade is a massive exhibitionist and degenerate.

>> No.16653378

really? its very much like his films. bit of Bergman influence as well

>> No.16653391

It's too in your face with the religious symbolism and "spirituality".

>> No.16653402

there's like 1 scene (in the basement) where it's super obvious.

>> No.16653408

lol sounds like he was right then

>> No.16653410

Tarkovsky only made one good film

>> No.16653424

anything other than stalker is objectively wrong. if only one Tarkovsky film is good it can't be anything but that

>> No.16653426

In their minds they are moral and good, and a huge chunk of the general public share their views, so there is nothing truly immoral or degenerate about this.

>> No.16653442

Mirror is better than that though

>> No.16653448

Stalker is one of his worst. It's Andrei Rublev. The only people I see dick riding Stalker is sci fi reddit nerds who just found about the Criterion Collection and heard Stalker is deep film.

>> No.16653451

none of them are good

>> No.16653458

>dude everything is relative lmao

>> No.16653463

Andrei Rublev is the best film of all time and I've never seen or heard someone bring up a better film. For any possible way you could measure a film Andrei Rublev exceeds in every category. Come over to /film/ we talk about it a lot.

>> No.16653465

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.16653467

Stalker has much more to do with poetry than sci-fi. Maybe you're thinking about Solaris. That is bad, yeah.

>> No.16653471

Stalker is considered sci fi and that's I've seen a lot of people bring it up as such.

>> No.16653490

My god, this board is retarded, anglos are retarded, the world is retarded. Someone kill me please

>> No.16653493

Not an argument

>> No.16653497

Not an argument that Stalker is labeled sci-fi. If I label you a genius but you're a faggot you remain a faggot.

>> No.16653510

Societal norms and attitudes towards various non-violent activities are relative.

>> No.16653512

That is an argument though

>> No.16653515

chimes at midnight is a better film

>> No.16653526

>chimes at midnight

>> No.16653527

What a retarded statement. A fat pig who screams with the face painted like a clown is a degenerate regardless of what the majority of society thinks.

>> No.16653538

Prove it

>> No.16653546

this doesn't reflect well on your character

>> No.16653554

Neither does posting Welles fuck outta here

>> No.16653561

welles is super

>> No.16653562

super gay

>> No.16653564

>Come over to /film/ we talk about it a lot.
where's that? unless you're referring to /tv/ which is a hellhole

>> No.16653572

There is a /film/ thread that is up to daily on /tv/ which is where the patricians hang out.

>> No.16653586

you're coming off like a goblin

>> No.16653600

so basically imagine lit discord but full the sort of people who feel scared in pubs

>> No.16653612

the problem with moral relativism is that it's an ideology for cowards. the only moral relativists are those who are too afraid to commit themselves to some transcendent ideal. Even if my moral principles aren't objective I still believe them to be important.

"but other people think the same thing about their morals"

yep. is that supposed to mean something? should I just give up on values that I think would change the world for the better of implemented just because they're subjective? why? if we have no values beyond nonviolence then what will bind us together? what will ensure social cohesion? even suggesting that each individual do as they please is a subjective value system. relativists are the solipsists of moral philosophy; you can't definitively prove them wrong but no one wants to live by their doctrine because it so obviously sucks for everyone except for pseudo-intellectual decadent elites

>> No.16653615

Every discord I've been in has been the worst type of people and there is never any actual discussion

>> No.16653618

there's a /lit/ discord?

>> No.16653621

mein kampf
Hitler happened because he saw too many gay people

>> No.16653625

You aren't saying anything moral relativists don't already say. You can have your own system that you think is good just don't say it's objectively the right position and force others who disagree you to believe it.

>> No.16653631

it's a more mature point of view than your own, because it takes yours into account and yours does not take it

>> No.16653633

I'm in a couple but you don't want to go in them. It's terrible

>> No.16653639

yeah so there you go

>> No.16653656

>You can have your own system that you think is good just don't say it's objectively the right position and force others who disagree you to believe it.

why shouldn't I try to affect what I see as positive change? once again, you fall to explain what should replace ideology on a cultural level, assuming that such a thing is even possible in the first place

>it's a more mature point of view than your own, because it takes yours into account and yours does not take it
actually no. relativists don't take people's points of view into account. they say "you're entitled to your opinion man, but like that's just subjective so don't try to enforce it". I on the other hand actually try to meet other people's worldviews as at least potentially valid. at least I entertain the idea that their ideas might be worthwhile.

>> No.16653671

No one says you shouldn't but in order for people to take you seriously in our modern times you would have to make a good argument for any position you have but having the best argument is nothing more than using reason to come to the "best" subjective opinion about things.

>> No.16653713

All this is saying is that a completely arbitrary morality is not only better than one that has an objective basis in experience and memory, but that there is no basis at all for comparing ideals other than their utility at conversion to a creed, regardless of their other attributes. That's even worse than solipsistic projection alone, but with a sadistic ingredient usual to cult leaders.

>> No.16653719

>No one says you shouldn't but in order for people to take you seriously in our modern times you would have to make a good argument for any position you have but having the best argument is nothing more than using reason to come to the "best" subjective opinion about things.

uh yeah man no shit. when I called the gay pride parade degenerate I understood that. notice that you've contributed nothing of value? this is some Dave Rubin tier pseud shit man.

>> No.16653729

My point is not only do you not have a good argument anything you think about your own position is meaningless too.

>> No.16653734

that's not what I was saying at all. My point was that we should argue for our values even if they are ultimately subjective.

>> No.16653747

>My point is not only do you not have a good argument anything you think about your own position is meaningless too.

how do you know that? are you assuming that because I don't explicitly lay out my reasoning when I called the pride parade degenerate said reasoning doesn't even exist? have you developed object permanence? how did you arrive at the conclusion that my worldview isn't based on any arguments?

>> No.16653752

I already know you have no arguments because it's a retarded position and I deal with poltards all the time.

>> No.16653766

I'm not a poltard for finding the pride parade degenerate. don't even have anything against gay people.

>> No.16653769

>a huge chunk of the general public share their views
they really don't. The vast majority of the general public don't participate, and even some of those who do dislike the degenerates but act as if it's a bug of the gay community and not a feature

>> No.16653780

Oh you meant like those photos of people sucking dick in public at gay pride parades? I thought you meant gay pride in general. No I agree those guys are degenerate.

>> No.16653793

yeah, dude, I live in canada so theres child drag and SnM on the main street every year and I have to pretend that it's fine. super weird actually because if you criticize it liberals will shit on you for being 'Homophobic'. I guess saying that sexual deviance and promiscuity are inherent to homosexuality is progressive to them somehow.

>> No.16653800

Moral relativism is not a principle meant to be held and lived by, but a tool to use against people who don't believe in moral relativism. In practice nobody genuinely believes that morals are fundamentally and completely subjective, they only think that morals that are not theirs are not objective.

>> No.16653908

Thanks for all the reccs!

>> No.16653950

shut the fuck up pussy

>> No.16654000

Part of the reason why I left Toronto and moved to Southern US. Some parts of Canada are beyond saving, sadly. You have New India or Gay Metropolis or Chiraq 2.0 or Chinese Empire if you want to live in a big city. It was making me depressed.

>> No.16654500

Yeah I plan to liver somewhere in rural Canada when I get the money and settle down

>> No.16654599

I watched a girl put a beer can up her asshole in exchange for more cocaine.
I've also witnessed a robbery turned murder which was degenerate because of just how coldly the dude got shot, the black had absolutely no concept of the value of human life. But the first story is more shocking and debased than shooting someone imo

>> No.16655651

White people with mulatto children are the most degenerate thing I have ever seen. Makes me sad every time I see this.

>> No.16655669


> morals are objective because they’re important to me

What a hilariously dogshit defense of moral realism lmaooo

>> No.16655675

A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.16655677
File: 16 KB, 460x322, 7of9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books about someone disgusted by the degeneracy/immorality of the society in which they live.
>strg+f diary
>no results

I'm disgusted by the degeneracy/immorality of what /lit/ has become

>> No.16655684

>Even if my moral principles aren't objective I still believe them to be important.
So you're purposefully an ignorant coward who can't face reality without lying to himself? Brave.

>> No.16655685

the Koran says they should be put to death, and the Koran is a document that is true regardless of historical context, because it is objective truth given to Muhammad (pbuh) by the angel Gabriel on behalf of God.

>> No.16655694

Read the Koran and stop being a faggot. Our age is that of an ongoing spiritual war and trying to have a simulation of outrage through some fag book isn’t helping you.

>> No.16655695

In some ways, isn't this the case of the Houellebcq books? Of course, the characters tend to be pretty immoral themselves.

Something can be immoral even if most people (or all people) believe it is not.

>> No.16655717

Fat people

>> No.16655735


>> No.16655739

orcs rarely have any empathy for others. fuck orcs

>> No.16655741

based. fuck mudsharks

>> No.16655742

Last time I went to Portland, as soon as I got off the train, my girl and I noticed a half smoked joint on a bench and laughed. A crust punk couple passed by, saw it, and asked if it was ours. We said no, go ahead, and they got all excited and started smoking it right there.

Definitely doesn't compare to shit I've seen online, but it's different irl in a way that's hard to explain. Like, you don't know what's in that, you don't know whose lips were on it, you don't know how long it's been outside, and you're just gonna pick it up and put it in your mouth. I ruined that trip for my gf due to being in a bad mood from that encounter and talking about how the city needs to be nuked.

>> No.16655746

how hard was that? live in toronto and want to move. it was a better, different city 20 years ago. seeing how it has changed for the worse is horrible. i bet it was even better 20 years before that. seems the more duhverse the worse

>> No.16655749

orcs you see at walmart. all fat with diabetes and herpes. must stop bathing due to the horrible smell

>> No.16655750

>not because being gay is degenerate
Wrong. It is.

>> No.16655759

A week ago I was on a fully packed bus and the girls were discussing out loud the best ways to cheat on their boyfriends and how they have done it in the past.

People here often say 4chan distorts your worldview and that you should spend more time outside, but the more time I spend outside the more it seems this place got it right after all

>> No.16655765

where do you live so I know to avoid that place?

>> No.16655823

>In their minds they are moral and good

but what is their basis for 'good'. it is not being accepting because we see them on the internet being hateful and using slurs for other groups.

their concept of good is tied to identity like the orcs. just being a taking dicks up the ass and following clown cult makes you good to them. funny how racist the clown cult is at its core. good and bad are determined by identity

>> No.16655825

Went to a house party when I was 14 and there was only one girl, who got touched up and kissed by the 10 or so boys at the party.

>> No.16655828

anyone that refers to English in that way is some retarded orc

>> No.16655830


Check this out


Reality show where a woman finds a man to marry. She gets close to one of the guys but sleeps with two others.
The guy gets disgusted by this. He is made up to be a villain because of this.

So, according to our dear media, men shouldn't complain if the woman they are seeing is sleeping with other guys, since this is slut shaming.

>> No.16655834

funny that people tried to demonize those that refuse to support the clown system with their labor. the slur for this is NEETS. they keep to themselves and are harmless. yet the same people that lash out at them will forgive an orc of all crimes. he dindu nuffin

>> No.16655838

agred. same with orcs committing crimes. i dont care that the jew priests of clown cult say they dindu nuffin. those victims matter and those orcs are horrible people. if you let them twist you to that, then you have no moral centre and will go along with genocide if the establishment says so

>> No.16655841

call it fag-chord

>> No.16655852

> doesnt want faggos labelled bad even though they hate normal society, spread diease and abuse children
> wants to label part of 4chan bad. even though 4chan doesnt isolate or censor like reddit. meaning everyone uses all boards.

yup red dit fag detected. that dick in your ass has messed up your logic

>> No.16655859

yeah moral relativism is a tool of the jew

>> No.16655869

get fucked towel head. you follow a pedo

>> No.16655894

what a whore. thats a thing with women. they think serious relationships the men should wait but causals should fuck right away. did the cum dumpster get married?

>> No.16655899
File: 102 KB, 748x748, 97618E9F-D8E2-4FEA-9513-E9F12A694047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16656072

anything by houllebecq

>> No.16656092

gross. i can smell the street shitting and cousin marriage from here

>> No.16656103

How is your life so easy?

>> No.16656120
File: 86 KB, 384x576, my_twisted_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16656125

The Machine Stops by Forster

>> No.16656153

>given to Muhammad (pbuh) by the angel Gabriel
You sure it wasn't the other kind of angel?

>> No.16656155

/film/ is full of trannies who let you immediatley ban if you have a non SJW friendly opinion

>> No.16656163

dumb fuck

>> No.16656178

Saw a kid overdose in high school, it wasn’t on anything that dangerous but he kept twitching and had tears in his eyes as he told us he was ok

>> No.16656254 [DELETED] 

Won't talk about the first
7 or 8 year old I found small lizards strangled with wire by other kids
Many years later, farmer's house, dog on a maybe 3 foot chain, animals in miserable state, caked in shit, wounds. There was a small lamb who was crouched on the ground in pain. Farmer was smiling at me like she was proud of her little farm and did not see.
Lost every trace of empathy for human beings in these 3 episodes of my life.

>> No.16656271

The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Pilgrim's Progress

>> No.16656308

you mean the devil? why yes, he wanted to support a race of cousin fuckers and shoe throwers

>> No.16656312

so i should troll film then huh. do you think they will get it, if i subtley compare lgbtgetthi people to the undead?

>> No.16656895

what do moral relativiat say or think about all the bash a fash faggots? all morals are relative, equal and should be respected except one, am i rite? also they use fascism as a dog whistle for racist Caucasophobia which makes moral relatives silence on matter even more discrediting

>> No.16656906

Fag parade in DC.

>> No.16656918

I saw a crazy black woman take a shit on the El during rush hour...just went to the front and pulled her pants down like it was nothing.Everyone squeezed into the back of the car and didn’t say a word to her

>> No.16657553

literally all made up, this post

>> No.16657763
File: 20 KB, 220x323, Clockwork_orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16658167

are you sure literally and not figuratively, symbolically, metaphysically or virtually?

>> No.16658197

>force others
Does he have a gun to your head? Faggot

>> No.16658318

myself ejaculating inside a 15 year old girl as I was pushing her face down on an old blanket we'd thrown in the floor before fucking in an abandoned factory in St Louis, shortly after insisting I had great pull out game. I was a 25 year old teacher with a girlfriend at the time

>> No.16658535


>> No.16659084


I didn't have much of an attachment to it. I come from a small town in Southern Ontario that has no upward mobility. One of those factory towns that lost all of the industry it once had. Toronto was always a cesspool in my eyes for as long as I lived there, I was only there for the money.

Moving to the US is a bureaucratic nightmare if you want to do it legally. I had a bit of a special circumstance - I met and married a US citizen and was able to become a permanent resident. I had previously been in the US on a short-term work permit which was easy enough to get after I had a job but long-term can be difficult. I assume I'd still be waiting if I didn't marry someone from the US - people wait literal decades at certain stages of the immigration process. Even with family members who are able to sponsor you it can take forever.

Your best bet is to find an employer willing to sponsor you and begin doing research. Lots of resources on the government of Canada website.

>> No.16659102
File: 93 KB, 645x729, 1509822979130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16659134

Don't know if it counts as "winessed" because I wasn't there in the exact moment it happened but my friend's wife had an abortion because they had already booked a vacation.

>> No.16659141

It was a 6 month trip around Asia for anyone wondering how it makes sense.

>> No.16659275

I'd rec something, but only Brave New World comes to mind. Bump

>> No.16659327

looking for
>Books about someone disgusted by the degeneracy/immorality of the society in which they live.
but also the degeneracy/immorality that they see within themselves

>> No.16659376

Wow. That is evil - and I'm not anti-abortion.

Is he still with her?

>> No.16659404

I love Tarkovsky, and I also really liked 'The Ascent.' Maybe he hated it because a woman directed it? If so, based Tarkovsky.

>> No.16659417

Yes, they decided it together.

>> No.16659431

>seems the more duhverse the worse
Not "seems"; it's blatantly obvious. Meanwhile "diversity is our strength" keeps being drilled into everyone's head from the time they start school through adulthood, (anonymous) public majority opinion on immigration is disregarded, as immigrants flood in

>> No.16659444

Sounds like they're a good match then. At least they're honest about their intentions for living, I can respect that as disturbing as the thought of that abortion is.

>> No.16659477

Im sure youre gay

>> No.16659484

Not the same anon, but was the one he replied to.

That exact sentence "diversity is our strength" defies all logic. No one who understands people or human history would agree with it and anyone who takes a look at what happens in these diverse cities could honestly say it's true. I think I remember it being pushed on us somewhere around the time I hate 5th or 6th grade. I have the Canadian school system to thank for making it so easy to leave my country of birth behind. Canada has a major loophole with student visas allowing thousands of immigrants, many from India, to flood the country and make it a worse place to live. Cities like Brampton are clear examples of what will happen.

>> No.16659522

Crime and Punishment desu

>> No.16659545

Damn, dog. Respect.

>> No.16659593

Lol what an extremely Jewish tv show. Here goys, these are the values we need you to have in order for us to keep exploiting the shit out of your high trust countries.

>> No.16659612

my dairy dezoo

>> No.16659613

The most degenerate thing about that was all the normies that bitch only tolerated the nigger shitter but then gave her the whole side of the car to herself lol. This is why I left the mainstream white liberal / leftist world. They are the real problem.

>> No.16659625


>> No.16659631

Fucking sexually mature teenage girls and cumming in their hyper fertile tight little pussies is literally the opposite of degenerate. What is degenerate is making it a crime and socially unacceptable.

>> No.16659639

this board

>> No.16659640

This might be the most degenerate thing I have ever heard

>> No.16659683

Globalists need to create as much chaos as possible, I mean diversity, in order to secure their power an wealth. They don’t want any healthy homogenous populations getting any ideas about getting organized and kicking the kikes, I mean Globalists, out of town.

>> No.16659963

please be the guy who sits closer to the crazy bum and their shit so everyone can laugh at you when they fling disease-ridden bum shit into your open, slack-jawed mouth.

>> No.16660026

Oты чтo oн тaк нe cкaзaл, oн нaoбopoт любил пoчти вcю eё paбoтy

>> No.16660039

>art where the artist critiques society

>> No.16660531

How is it immoral? Note: This is not a defense of abortion, but instead simply following its due course. If abortion is acceptable some of the time, then surely it must be acceptable all of the time.

>> No.16660623

are you saying i am literally gay or figuratively gay, or symbolically gay, or metaphysically gay or virtually gay. in what sense anon?

>> No.16660628

call it the foreign invasion. it is more truthful

>> No.16660642

alex jones does that too. he calls them globalists instead of jews. i call them skaven

>> No.16660664

Globalists are not all Jews. Even without Jews Globalists would still be a problem. Jews are just the most savage and vicious Globalists.

>> No.16660673

70 Years ago the men on that train/bus/whatever would have thrown the shitting nigger off the train/bus/autonomous vehicle. And the world would be a better place for everyone and the overall suffering of the world would be reduced instead of in the case of the modern nigger shitter where to overall suffering of the world is increase due to tolerance/degeneracy/softness/cowardliness.

>> No.16660694

I haven't really witnessed anything truly degenerate in real life. Just witnessed bouts of alcoholism and plenty of violent moments

>> No.16660770

based fuck orcs.

>> No.16660817


I'm not the person who should decide what is and isn't justifiable or moral - despite seeing abortion as murder I still see it as "okay" and believe it should be legal. I would not want it for any healthy offspring of my own even if they were conceived when my only intention was to seek pleasure. To me, life is life even before the conscious mind is formed and if someone wants to end the life they created for selfish reasons I will look down on them for it, but I won't fight against their right to do so.

Is abortion immoral? Yes, but so am I. Morality is rarely what guides decision making. In this example, we see two individuals sacrificing their unborn child to the God of Self.

>> No.16660836

I saw my crackhead neighbor get his jaw broken because he insisted that he was going to go fuck his dog because he was jealous of the other crackhead who was fucking his crackhead girlfriend on the couch. As soon as he said, "I'm gonna go fuck my dog!" the other guy jumped up and hit him really hard in the face. He almost died.

I am not a crackhead, I would just go over there sometimes because it was fun. He was my neighbor for a long time.

>> No.16660881

This would be the perfect place to post the screencap of the guy whose book was more or less entirely filled with variations of the word 'nigger'.

>> No.16661050

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.16661063

>chunk of the general public share their views
no one thinks people whose only identity is being immediately revolting fetishists and drug addicts are moral you retard they tolerate it because it isn't in their bubble and the state-corporate will punish them if they speak their mind. never mind the fact that an accurate consensus is both impossible and completely irrelevant to whether or not it is moral.

>> No.16661843

All premartial sex is immoral and degenerate. It doesn't matter how old she is.

>> No.16661857

Seeing 20-somethings who are so obese they need a cane to walk. How did we let it get this bad.

>> No.16661901

We let the sugar Jew expand into everything. We let the HFCS Jew get into everything the sugar Jew didn’t infect. We let micro plastics into our food, estrogen in the water.

>> No.16661917

This was in north philly so the majority of bystanders weren’t white

>> No.16661921

Never mind, disregard this.Just woke up and misread

>> No.16661933

'' just don't say it's objectively the right position and force others who disagree you to believe it''

do you realize youre making an objective moral statement here? why should i not force my moral point of view objectively?

>> No.16661962

Don’t act like you would have been a hero in this situation

>> No.16662010

wait so guy is getting cheating on right in front of him and then gets assaulted by that same guy.

i dont care what he said. actions of the other people are horrible and i would understand if he killed them

>> No.16662018

its the same with the scamflu. everyone knows its a joke but people are scared to defy the house arrect because the jew establishment will crack down on ppl

>> No.16662025

some of us are looking for orcs to attack fren

>> No.16662060

what the fuck

>> No.16662078

No, sorry I worded it a little badly. The guy was fucking his own girlfriend on the couch, the owner of the home(guy who got punched) was single. He was drunk, horny and jealous of his buddy who was getting some action right in front of him. So, in his sexual frustration, that's when he claimed that he was going to fuck the dog. Personally, I didn't think he was serious but the other guy obviously did. The assault was definitely an overreaction. These people are low-impulse white trash. I used to go there because it was more entertaining that TV.

>> No.16662129

people who talk with vocal fry

>> No.16662130


>> No.16662150


>> No.16662235

friendly reminder only faggots use the word cr**** as it reminds them of the face they make when a dick enters their ass

>> No.16662288
File: 181 KB, 820x838, 1009-10095058_post-crying-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a twitter roastie, go back m'lady. pic related, its you.

>> No.16662314

Woe from wit

>> No.16662345

peter sotos

>> No.16662352

you sound like a shit skin that married his cousin and worships a pedo

>> No.16662364

lmao its guaranteed I'm more white than you, cuckboy. Go make a twitter post about ebil pedos you moron.

>> No.16662659

what ever you say. your the one that prays 10 times a day to a pedo and married your cousin