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/lit/ - Literature

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16649727 No.16649727[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>eating at Panda Express with my roommate on our college campus
>all of a sudden there's this really loud noise behind us
>we turn around
>some weird creepy loner had just slammed shut as hard as he possibly could his edition of the Winds of Winter
>now that he has everyone's attention he loudly announces to everyone staring at him
>"Ah yes! I have just finished this wonderful mighty tome!"
>this creep catches my eye
>oh god no
>it's was like when the crazy schizo homeless guy on the subway catches your eye and then approaches you
>this incel won't stop staring at me
>I tell this fucking loser "Congratulations. Hope you enjoyed the book."
>"Ah yes! It truly was a mighty and adventurous tome! A true feat of readership to have finished such a ponderous and weighty tome!"
>I turn back around and promptly ignore this lonely fucking doucher
>my roommate says "Wait do you know that guy?"
>I tell him I've never seen him before in my life
>we finish our meal
>as we're leaving we see the Game of Thrones retard longboarding down the street, off into the sunset
Turns out this kid was a "high-functioning" autist. Had a film class with him a few years later. He was annoying as shit and wouldn't shut the fuck up. He had the most midwit tastes and would act super fucking smug about all his shitty takes. The dude never thought he could be wrong, and always talked in this faux academic voice. He also had disgusting greasy long hair and would wear fingerless gloves. God I hated this little shit.

>> No.16649745

Autists generally were never even raised by parents and that is whu they behave that way, they are not actually on the spectrum at all.

Get mad at the parents, that poor kid has never had a friend or parental guidance in his life and has survived solely off the world inside his own head.

>> No.16649748

based kid
fuck you OP

>> No.16649749

>Winds of Winter
Why are fantasy titles so fucking trash

>> No.16649757
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>/lit/ user complaining about the personification of /lit/

>> No.16649759

Nothing about it was bases you peabrained contrarian. It was cringe as hell. Do you really think it is based to sit in a crowded cafeteria, slam your book shut as hard as you can for forced dramatic effect, and then shout out "I JUST FINISHED THIS MIGHT TOME"?
You're a fucking loser and deserve your friendless permavirgin status if you think these actions are "based".

>> No.16649760

Speak for yourself.

>> No.16649767

>eating at Panda Express with my roommate on our college campus
>all of a sudden there's this really loud brap behind us
>we turn around
>massive river of diarrheal shit (previously Panda Express) squirting out our backsides
>we highfive and kiss passionately

>> No.16649770

t. low-functioning autist

>> No.16649771

t. triggered chink that American chinese food is better than real chink shit

>> No.16649776

>because I am a midwit who pretends to read on this board, and only occassionally read, but when I do it's always lowbrow genre trash or something off the free section on my kindle, then everyone else on /lit/ must be like me too

>> No.16649777

>survived solely off the world inside his own head
Imagine having such a barren internal world that you need to search this desperately for external things to fill it with.

>> No.16649779

>triggered chink that American chinese food
are burgers technically ESL?

>> No.16649802

Name of the Wind is a good name, tbqh

>> No.16649812

sounds fucking hilarious and based as hell.

>> No.16649818

Go do this in public then retard. You won't. Because surely if it is so based it would get you pussy? I mean how could such a based act not result in pussy?

>> No.16649826

I used to do this when I was in school and I was waist deep in pussy.

>> No.16649828


>> No.16649829

>based = getting you pussy
you're so cringy and you don't even know it normie

>> No.16649832

No you didn't. You never seen a vagina in your life.

>> No.16649835

>he thinks normie is an insult on /lit/
This isn't /r9k/ incel. You're cringe.

>> No.16649850

>sitting in Panda Express
>it's been 4 hours since I got here
>can't leave because reading Winds of Winter
>powering through the last 20 pages of dense text
>cafeteria staff start giving me glances
>finally finish the fantasy novel
>it got boring but pretend to myself I enjoyed it
>or else why did I waste a month of my life?
>decide to make the moment memorable
>slam the book shut and stand up
>chest and head held high
>good, everyone's attention acquired
>proudly pronounce my feat in a strong manly voice
>expect everyone to congratulate me
>like my mom used to do
>when I told her I finished a whole book
>no response from the other patrons
>seems like they didn't understand what I said
>I look around and lock eyes with a fellow intellectual
>I can measure intellect from a distance at first sight
>it comes with being an intellectual
>I come over with strong strides and straight back
>repeat my glorious feat to this fellow literal brother
>he understands and praises me
>then he's the first to break eye contact
>he lowers his head and looks down at his food
>it's how the inferior show submission to their superiors
>I am euphoric
>I proceed to leave the safety of the cafeteria
>and go forth to impose my will onto the world
>now that I have grown stronger from my literal feat

>> No.16649852

Hey OP, that's a really cool blog post made there!

>> No.16649861

>it's been 4 hours since I got here
>my feet hurt

>> No.16649866

t. loves Londonfrog posts

>> No.16649872

>Turns out this kid was a "high-functioning" autist
And here you are, writing your diary online, so other people can mock you
Now which of you two is the saddest?

>> No.16649874

Most arguably the loser who thinks he is special for reading a book

>> No.16649900

Wait, Winds of Winter is out?

>> No.16649928
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Heh, catch you later

>> No.16649931

You need to take your meds.

>> No.16649936

Londonfrog is better than this whiny, seething faggot of an OP

>> No.16649949

He seems cool and punk rock meanwhile you and your gay roomate who you probably jerk off are the consumerist normies of your epic tale

>> No.16649978

I took an anime film study class in undergrad and the number of people in it who fit this exact description is astounding. Whenever something funny happened there was a group of dudes who would go out of their way to laugh as hard as possible.

>> No.16649982

>Being too stuck-up to get self-irony
Nah, bud

>> No.16649996

>who would go out of their way to laugh as hard as possible
As opposed to those going out of your way to belittle people with obvious handicaps to feel better about themselves?
The embarrassing laughers are still the better

>> No.16650038

Why is 4chan usually biased against the storyteller in situations like these?

>> No.16650066

So the whole point of this is to see if we know Winds of Winter hasn't been released yet? Weird.

>> No.16650079

Extremely based kid, cringe af OP

>> No.16650083

>anime film study class
You wot m8

>> No.16650091

Do you even know what based means? You delusional retard.

>> No.16650105

This is the sort of high-quality posting that I come to /lit/ for, well done everyone

>> No.16650114
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Because 4chan users are a combination the kid in the cafeteria and the storyteller himself. OP is telling a 'cringe' tale of a foolish/bizarre person, and it comes off as a failed normie attempting to belittle and demean the few pathetic individuals that fall below him on the socio-sexual hierarchy.
4chan is composed of Gamma Males.

>> No.16650126
File: 36 KB, 511x600, F3E0C566-17E8-4F78-B685-B8CBA36AF510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is literally this meme.

>> No.16650130


>> No.16650149
File: 143 KB, 404x496, george rr pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating at Panda Express by myself, having asked several qts to leave when they tried to sit beside me
>reading the final chapter of George R.R. Martin's The Winds of Winter, don't want to be distracted by the admittedly beautiful girls
>finish the final paragraph
>the beauty is so overwhelming I have to read it again
>gently close the volume and lay it down on the plastic table
>notice that two normies are pointing at me and giggling as they stuff themselves full of greasy Chinese food
>wondering what I have done to draw their attention, I realize that these poor benighted souls have probably never finished a book since middle school nor read in public
>"Yes, I did just finish this," I say kindly. "It was wonderful and I highly recommend it."
>one of the normies catches my eye
>unsure of what to do, I take a few steps closer to him, hoping to find out why my reading habits are a source of such fascination
>"Congratulations! Hope you enjoyed the book!" he says snidely
>this response confuses me, since I clearly said before that the book was wonderful, but to be polite I tell him explicitly that I enjoyed it. He probably doesn't have the vocabulary to understand what I was saying before
>just to mess with him a bit, I use the phrase "ponderous tome," just barely hiding my smirk
>he turns around, apparently unable to think of anything more to say
>I hear them snickering as I exit the restaurant, but soon their moronic laughter is drowned out by the approaching pitter patter of feminine feet
>"anon, what did you think of the ending?" the lovely girl asks breathlessly, her rather large chest barely contained by her tight blue sweater. We're in a lit class together and I'd been waiting to ask her out until I finished the book, wanting to concentrate on Martin's words and not her charms
>"I particularly enjoyed the details of King Stannis's excise taxes on Essosi wine" I began, knowing she'd be in my bed before nightfall

>> No.16650161

Because A. writing online about a story so you feel good about yourself is suspect and
B. What's the harm of sharing in the book reader's joy? So he's not acting according to social norms and is imposing on your personal space a bit, boo hoo. Those kind of events are fate throwing you an interesting bone here and there.

>> No.16650165

>"I particularly enjoyed the details of King Stannis's excise taxes on Essosi wine"

>> No.16650189

I can only imagine how much of a little faggot you are.

>> No.16650191

Women arent based

>> No.16650195


>> No.16650196

I wish I was that Based. I draw the line at causing scenes, hard for me.

>> No.16650200

since were in a blogpost anyhow, anyone else feeling that 4chan is much more comfy with the new shitpost ads?

>> No.16650215

Is it so surprising?

>> No.16650234

I'm not talking about this particular situation, I noticed a general pattern here. When someone shares his hardships involving another person there's always posters flipping it around, defending the people of the story while attacking anon, be it their ex, their teacher etc

>> No.16650241

because it's funny

>> No.16650292

I answered your damn question and then you answered it yourself

>> No.16650343

Because the 'hardships' are almost always either completely fictional, heavily edited to be more sympathetic, or else the poster is genuinely in the wrong

>> No.16650363

So we all agree that the kid in OP's story is cringe, but we're just pretending he is based for "le epic maymay"?

>> No.16650382

why can't he be both?

>> No.16650397

People who make threads on 4chan about their experiences are without exception unreliable narrators. It's good mental hygiene to consider the recounted events from an alternate perspective

>> No.16650513 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 600x800, 1603643165773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Half of these guys are some regular Humberts.. he he

>> No.16650658


>> No.16650682

>regular Humberts

>> No.16650829

can I base my life off this based?

>> No.16650911

OP has yet to have been BTFO.

>> No.16650925

Not even close to how it happened nor what the dude sounded like. Skip to 0:46 in this video. https://youtu.be/HXqiM6kosEY
That's how the dude was talking.

>> No.16650982


>> No.16651000
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>> No.16651003

cringe = doing something that is 'wrong' by social norms.
based = having no regard to social norms.
So yes, the kid is based, and if you were spineless enough to let the base cringe reaction dictate your responses, he would also be cringe.

>> No.16651022

Autist leave!

>> No.16651024

Yes, it's a cope on your part. Glad we agree

>> No.16651030

stay coping

>> No.16651035
File: 358 KB, 1600x1183, 1582937902712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Mongoloids falling for the smelliest bait ever.
You know Winds of Winter hasn't been published yet, right

>> No.16651495


>> No.16651541

>be me
>reading a thread on the infamous imageboard of 4chan
>get to the end of a wall of green text
>"Ah yes!" I ejaculate. "I have finished this wonderful green tome of text!"
>reading the comments, decide to leave one of my own
Ah yes, OP! It truly was a mighty and adventurous tale you told! A true feat of readership to have finished such a ponderous and weighty post!
>longboard out of my bedroom and into my kitchen for a delectable snack of Hot Pockets and, of course, the manliest of manly drinks, the very brew of the gods: Mountain Dew