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/lit/ - Literature

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16649054 No.16649054 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever witnessed or partaken in during a literature class?
When I was in highschool I did an oral presentation on fanfiction.

>> No.16649068

I wrote an essay on the cat in the first chapters of Ulysses.

>> No.16649071

Someone read a poem about wanting to have sex with his mother. He said it was a dramatic monologue, but I only really objected to the fact that it was a slam poem.

>> No.16649077
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I once accidentally claimed that The Spider's Web (by Joseph Roth) was written by Thomas Mann and got called out for it

>> No.16649093

We had an actual retard in our class, like an actual literal retard. Once she started rambling everyone just went quiet until she finished so we could move on. It felt mean, but if you gave her any kind of response she’d keep going for another 5 minutes. Luckily she was only there like every third lesson.

>> No.16649095

Based and mrkgnao-pilled

>> No.16649098

A similar thing happened to me, but it was during an oral exam where I had to talk about 3-4 books we were told to read and in nervousness I mixed up names. I don't know if it had any effect on my grade, I remember the teacher was a bitch, so it probably did.

>> No.16649114
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I have managed to bullshit my way through a 400 level Holocaust literature class as a borderline Anti-Semitic Paleocon. And will write low-key apologetics for camp guards in my crowning essay.

I also failed to identify a Shakespearian sonnet and got called out on it in the middle of a poetry class.

>> No.16649135
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Once I forgot the title of the ruler of ancient Egypt and in the heat of the moment called him the emperor

>> No.16649186
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gave a presentation on the persuasive techniques employed by the virgin walk vs chad stride meme

>> No.16649195

isnt it the fourth chapter

>> No.16649228

All of these could have worked if you were just confident( and charismatic).

>> No.16649235

in highschool instead of writing a reflection about a time I had fun with close friends I wrote about how I had no friends and thus was unable to complete the assigned task

the teacher was not sympathetic

>> No.16649238

The retard was both though

>> No.16649283


>> No.16649612

In one of my middle school English classes we had to write a poem and one of my classmates plagiarized an entire poem in Old English.

>> No.16649746

Sounds like the kind of thing I would do.

>> No.16649822

In high school I did an oral presentation on why we shouldn’t give handouts to natives and why gay marriage should be outlawed. Looking back it was a chance to pretend the indoctrination was working but I was too autistic at the time. Curriculum was generally about postcolonialism, feminism and the holocaust. We also got cardboard cutouts and glue out in class once, I walked out the door. I would probably be an English or History major if it weren’t for this

>> No.16650010


I took the sonnet thing like a champ though. It was nonetheless embarrassing

>> No.16650639

>When I was in highschool I did an oral presentation on fanfiction.
I sincerely love people like you

>> No.16650659

Made le ebin Freudian analysis of Atwood's novels in high school and got owned by her utter incompetence as a writer.

>> No.16650740
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In my grad methods seminar, our prof played the despacito music video during our class on the culture industry. One girl immediately defended it as being important representation for "marginalized latin voices." I loled at the time but now I feel kind of bad because everyone (including the prof) started roasting her for that shitty take and I have a feeling that that was part of his plan from the start.

>> No.16651020
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I joined a writing club I used it as an excuse just to talk about about what ever I was reading at the time. talk about stories we want to write all well and good but the leader of the group I was 95 % sure was some sort of furry. This came to a breaking point when she pulled up some sort of website where "he write about your favorite characters" and then a picture of furry licking another one appeared and then harry potter getting fucked. that was when I decided to get up and leave, to insult I deliberately left my backpack in there. So I walked back in grabbed it and left without speaking to the other three members. After that the club well apart

>> No.16651038

Wrote a short story about wanting to fuck my shrink and another about a single mother (who is a stand in for my own) killing herself and her baby.

>> No.16651080

I live in Puerto Rico and the phrase “Latin voices” and “marginalized” do not compute when you consider how DAMN LOUD WE ARE

>> No.16651098

I wrote an essay about why the government needs a fleet of drones as a part of the infrastructure for agricultural contracts, law enforcement, capital punishment on the spot, and civilian monitoring.
Also one on why schools must reinstitute corporal punishment (I still stand by this one)

>> No.16651617

i presented to my comm class a speech about kants ethics

>> No.16652226

See >>16649228

>> No.16652579

When I was a senior in highschool one of our assignments in was criticizing these short stories that some freshman kids had written for an AP class. They were pretty trash I remember one where the resolution was a girl finds a baby on a train platform and decides not to kill herself so she can look after the baby.

Anyways, I was reading this one and it seemed super familiar. I googled the first sentence and it was a complete copy of 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson. The kid has gone through the whole story and changed every single detail such as charachter names, adjectives used, and even the actual events that took place but there were a few spots where it was an exact word-for-word copy so I know he didn't just steal the idea but literally copy-pasted and changed certain parts. He probably put more effort into it than it would've taken to write some bad story that his English teacher probably would've given him a decent grade on either way. The worst part was that I had taken that class with the same teacher and one of the stories we read in that class was 'The Lottery' so this kid literally plagiarized something his teacher assigned him to read.

>> No.16652644

I was really sick on the day we had to give a presentation in my English Lit class. It was worth like 30% of the grade and there were no make-up days. I spent fifteen minutes gripping the lectern, trying to not fall over, while struggling to get through my presentation on Walden. I could barely follow the slides and messed up just about every other sentence. Nearly tripped over a chair while I stumbled back to my desk, too. Still love the book though

>> No.16652665
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>guy in class I barley know presents his project
>professors tear the shit out of it
>he sends me a DM saying how he hates them and hates everyone that worked in our past projects (except me?)
>reply with ya

>> No.16652666

Kek. That reminds me of one of the few times I checked out r/writingprompts. One of the most upvoted stories in the past month was an almost word-for-word copy of a short story by Vonnegut. Somehow nobody recognized it, even though it's an extremely well known piece of fiction

>> No.16652689

I did a presentation about the importance of Freeze Peach using a) the N-word in Huckleberry Finn and b) a church in Arizona that burned Neil Gaiman books as my examples. I was a dumb teen.

>> No.16652696
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>> No.16652706

Believe me we all know buddy, it's not like you need to be in Puerto Rico to meet Puerto Ricans.
>that feel when you deal with a middle aged puerto rican receptionist with long turquoise-painted fingernails and her hair up who is always annoyed with who she's talking to on the phone
They always suck their teeth for that derisive PoC sound, then pull the phone away and look at the phone with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips as if to say "really bitch?".
EVERYONE on the entire east coast knows this fucking archetype

>> No.16652718

>freeze peach
why do lefties say this? it's not funny nor clever nor deriding the thing you don't like

>> No.16652726

It's a kind of reference to the fact that they consider it a somewhat meaningless cliche they don't place much stock in but will pay lip service to.

>> No.16652729

It indicates that the people most obsessed with the subject are edgy 14-year-olds, who just want to say slurs and read violent comic books like my once-upon-a-time self. Not that deep.

>> No.16652734

How does it indicate that?

>> No.16652857

In one social studies class in 6th grade we had to research and present on a country of our choosing. The super-autismo just printed out the entire Wikipedia article and read it to the class. Of course it was so long that the teacher, looking pretty damn upset, had to stop him after a few walls of text.

>> No.16652931
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>he knows too much

>> No.16652943

We had to write fanfics for an alternate ending for Romeo and Juliet and then read them outloud.

>> No.16652955

I had a class centered on Victorian era literature with all female classmates. The professor had us have a tea party while we talked about what the class was going to be about. It was actually nice, but holy fuck I am still embarrassed by it.

>> No.16652956

This sounds like the kinda thing I would assign my students solely for my own entertainment

>> No.16652959

Did you request to write letters to one of the ladies?

>> No.16652966

I am convinced she did it for that reason. I still have it too.

>> No.16652978

did a presentation on pat the bunny (band) in high school

>> No.16652981

Victorian pussy got me acting strange.

>> No.16653017

damn that actually sounds comfy and a perfect opportunity to get some /lit/ chick action

>> No.16653044

I agree that this actually sounds exceptionally comfy. I wish I had some classes where my profs do cool stuff like that

>> No.16653059

Nothing too bad. Actually I always did good in that class and I even had one teacher who once said that I had a writer mind. She always praised my contributions in class in front of everyone, to the point where my friends started teasing me saying that she wanted to fuck me.

>> No.16653063

Awww that's kinda nice tho

>> No.16653142

Not him, but I don't know how I'd try to come on to a /lit/ chick; I'd always be worried that I might end up looking like a tryhard or just ignorant compared to her.

>> No.16653147

Literally the same thing happened to me, including that last part.

>> No.16653150

It's all about image anyway

>> No.16653170

My philosophy teacher once told me that I was close to becoming an Ubermënch when I was in high school. In reality I was just a friendless hermit who went to class to pretend I was doing something with my life, and a slacker who was making plans to kill himself in case things didn't improve upon a certain date. I'm supposed to meet that teacher on my next and final year of college (he teaches at the local university too), so I'm curious as to what he'll think of me now that I've got my act together and am no longer depressed.

>> No.16653182

Just go hard on the Greeks/Romans. /lit/chicks never go in depth to those eras, it's always postmodern or Victorian. Then you can complement each other without stepping on each other's toes, and not making everything about the relationship revolve around literature. That and of course you have to be confident and in shape, not necessarily THAT good looking if you have the other two, but you can't be hideous either. So that's that lol.

>> No.16653274

Your story reminds me something. This wasn't literature, it was Anth 101 class. We were going to compare and contrast two cultures on a specific area of interest.
There was this heavy-set guy in the class, Todd. An awkward mouth breathing dork with messy hair over the ears, who'd find occasion to let his bellyfat leak from under his t-shirt, when he wasn't wearing a trenchcoat.
We were in a library presentation, and the college librarian, an affable but older guy, was giving a seminar on using the library's online and print resources for research. He asks Todd to give some paper ideas. And he says, "I don't know, maybe a comparison between the furry subculture and the broader otaku culture?" in a room full of college kids. I physically cringed. At least he had the wherewithal to say it, and I wonder if anyone knew what he was talking about, let alone the confused librarian.
Odd Todd was actually admirable, in a lot of ways. I remember when we were doing some oral presentations, he offered to do the whole speech part by himself, a feat which most of the regular kids in the class could never live up to. Albeit I think it proffered some leakage of his excess fat rolls to be noticed.
And he'd also give insightful and interesting remarks during class.

>> No.16653540

did you call him out on it? Teachers reaction?

>> No.16653550

>sends me a DM
Do zoomers really?

>> No.16653574

this post did not go where I thought it would and I enjoyed it

>> No.16653579

Sounds fun. It would be even cooler if you stirred up intrigue by writing multiple romantic letters to the different women in the class. Then they all find out you've been wooing them all with your words.

>> No.16654781


>> No.16654858

This is a short oral presentation I made for my English class in second year of HS (non-native). God damn was this cringe looking back at it, no wonder I didn't have a gf.

Hello everybody, nice to see you all. Today I’m going to talk about something heartfelt, something that has touched me deeply, taught me how to live in a world that is at its core absurd and devoid of meaning. I am talking about literature; and even literature has suffered greatly in the past few years with the sudden surge in young adult fiction.

Hermann Broch once said that the only justification and moral that literature itself has is to reveal things only literature CAN reveal. Biology can tell us everything about cells, organs and neurons, and psychology can tell us about the underlying reasons in our actions, but they cannot tell us about the life we live; more specifically, what is it like to be human, what kind of unique situations are forced upon us, what it’s like to fall in love. God is dead, we live in a world with no moral ramifications and no meaning. It is this existential crisis that defines us as a race – a race of young, inexperienced beings thrown into adulthood, not knowing what adulthood is like, realizing the passing of years only after most of them have passed – ultimately unwilling to the whole ordeal of life, especially its being taken away so suddenly. This tragedy is the reason for literature’s existence.

From Rabelais to Marquez, great literature of the past has shed light on a new part of the human experience: Don Quijote set afoot to a world in which man can still find adventure at every corner, where the romantic renaissance notions had all but waned in significance; Balzac discovered history, and his characters got on its fast moving train, not realizing that there was no turning back and that, as the angel in Benjamin’s painting, the gust of advancement drove it ever onward, away from its simple roots; Joyce discovering the cosmos of a single person’s mind, its little intricacies, and how in magnifying it tenfold the self itself was pushed back, never to be completely found, just as the present cannot be properly touched in fiction, as every description is but a portrait of the past.

I could go on and on about this. The fact remains that great literature of the past has changed the way we live and perceive things. Most of you have heard the term “Kafkaesque” – probably in the wrong context, but anyway. Kafka was the first to realize that the workings of a bureaucracy could be detrimental to a single person’s self and uniqueness. Kundera dealt with Kitsch and hypocrisy in communist countries, through irony and humor. Good literature is always ironic, and it is through irony regarding the made up characters that novels can reach new heights, new humane qualities.

>> No.16654861

Of course, there has always been bad literature – I don’t say that books written for entertainment are bad, for they too can be poignant; but kitschy, overly melodramatic literature, far too content in realizing its lack of anything closely original touching or even beautiful, is the cancer eating away good art.

The problem nowadays is young adult fiction, as I mentioned before. You know the usual sorts: John Green, Stephenie Meyer, Rowling. I suppose literature like that can be okay for ten-year-old kids, but not adults, and recent studies show that most adults read only YA fiction. That’s preposterous, outrageous, egregious! Grown-up men and women reading books for children, with simple morals, wooden young characters and no real conflicts whatsoever? It is no wonder how so many people end up with problems in the real world nowadays if all they read is books like The Fault in Our Stars.

The problem has to be addressed at a young age. When was the last time any of you read a decent book? Anyone? Probably ages ago. And that can be a problem as you progress through stages of life. Our life is but an empty shell, our society but a sham put up so people wouldn’t have the time to notice the lack of anything meaningful. Existentialists have said that we can create meaning for ourselves, and that is the right way. What is a better way to start than by studying ourselves, the human race, through art in its purest form, the novel? Pick a book and read it. Finally start that Moby Dick you’ve had on your shelf for two years now. Read what Dante has to say about life and death, and quite possibly you might feel a little better.

>> No.16654914


>> No.16654917

lmao made me chuckle but you're right, it does slip into pedantry and undeserved self-importance, but that's just what highschoolers do so don't go so hard on yourself

>> No.16655039

Heh true, it's just funny to read more than seven years after writing it. In HS, I thought that lecturing to others would change their mindsets, while nowadays I'd never bother.

>> No.16655197

Checked. Post it.

>> No.16655508

The only embarrassing thing I can recall doing during a lit class was pronouncing Eurydice as "Yuri-Dice" during an oral presentation. I did preface that by saying I was probably going to pronounce it wrong, so it could have been worse, I guess.

>> No.16655590

In high school we had to take turns reading out loud and when it was my turn the teacher called on me and I simply said "no". I heard some people gasp like idiots but I guess the teacher didn't want to make an issue about it and moved on to the next person.

>> No.16655592

I kept referencing Kant and Hegel... not even any references of substance, I just namedropped them. "Oh, like Kant... oh, like Hegel, etc..."

>> No.16655627

I showed my power level

>> No.16655681


>> No.16655706

>In HS, I thought that lecturing to others would change their mindsets, while nowadays I'd never bother.

>> No.16655763

I had a classmate in a college creative writing class who wrote a story that took place in the Garry's Mod video game. It was by far the worst thing anybody ever submitted in that class. I get that in creative writing classes your stories don't always work. Sometimes you write something, realize the premise wasn't great, and have to turn it in anyway because you don't have the time to write another story. The premise in that story was so bad that it should never have been seriously considered, let alone attempted. The execution was atrocious too.

>> No.16655774

Also, not something I personally witnessed but it seems relevant to this thread. I had a friend write a fanfiction story for a 6th grade English class assignment that combined the characters from Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Tenchi Muyo. They had to read the stories out loud to the class and the teacher got annoyed because he tried to explain all the characters before he read his story.

>> No.16655793

In high school I hijacked a whole week of literature classes to present The Brothers Karamazov until the professor told me to stop. I also humiliated classmates who haven't done their required reading.

>> No.16655889

I had a creative writing teacher in high school who would frequently compare my terrible short stories to Dostoevsky and sometimes Hemingway. It ruined my self-esteem and is probably the prime reason I feel like a fraud even to this day.

>> No.16655901

and everyone listened to him
what a chad

>> No.16655913 [DELETED] 

>One girl immediately defended it as being important representation for "marginalized latin voices."
Marginalized latin voices are also represeted by crime
What she said right there was akin to saying poverty creates crime or at least horrible music, as a brazilian myself i would tell her to shut the fuck up and look how classical music projects work amazingly well in slums

>> No.16655935

>he sends me a DM saying how he hates them and hates everyone that worked in our past projects (except me?)
maybe even you
the guy was going to be a school shooter some day
did he warn you about not going to school?

you defended the right thing

>> No.16655948
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>Just go hard on the Greeks/Romans.
why yes, that happens to be my favorite part of humanity, how could you tell?

>> No.16655957

you are odd todd arent you

>> No.16655973

I physically cronged.

First year of college in Communications I gave a rough presentation of what memes were, and I mean in the vein of the selfish gene meme as a cultural genetic, and focued on that. I had like one slid dedicated to modern internet "memes" Just to show the connection, not even main ooint, and even just that one slide killed me on the inside.

>> No.16655998

Doing speeches in Lit and I was called up at random whilst I'd popped a stiffy. Couldn't fucking hide, stood right in front of the whole bloody class, bulge in pants plain for all to see. Trying to hide it made it obvious, FUCK WHYYYYYY
memories hurt so much bros

>> No.16656071

You never grew up

>> No.16656123

What was the point of that post?

>> No.16656142

Todd sounds monumentally, behemothically gargantually, colossally and titanically based

>> No.16656420

I had a Gertrude-Stein reading for a class and read it in French because I didn't know who she was and just saw she lived in Paris and then made a fool of myself in said class.

>> No.16656828

Vaguely related:
>In music analysis club
>actually generally pretty good tastes, even if not always my particular preference
>that one fedora tipping autist
>Laughs at his own jokes
>they aren't even jokes even
>just laughs at his own statements
>his turn to pick an album to listen to
>autist suggests /mu/ meme noiserock shit
>everyone hates it
>goes on a 20 minute rant about the meaning behind the bleeps and bloops and BBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
>everyone just stares at the floor
>also compared mac millers post-humorous album to the Myth of Sisyphus

I want him and his grandparents to get Grade 4 hemorrhoids with severe internal bleeding.

>> No.16657195

He sounds cool

>> No.16658038

What noiserock album? You sound like plebs

>> No.16658048

anon was filtered by based as fuck avant garde listener

>> No.16658074

Not in class, but within a campus environment:
1. One time in one of the coffee shops on campus I overheard a really fat bitch with YouTuber stickers on her laptop complaining to one of her other fat bitch friends about how her creative writing professor said that Stephen King and J.K. Rowling weren't serious literature.
2. One time in the back of the library I was trying to type up an essay when I heard a really loud snoring. I got up and left only to find out it was the sound of that same fat bitch just trying to fucking breathe.

>> No.16658077

Sounds like a cool class. I'd come in with a cowboy hat on and play some bluegrass music. You'd probably hate me as well

>> No.16658114

>in graduate level course
>bunch of women
>one other guy
>talking about parenting because Story is about a single mom
>guy goes “well, I have a son. So here’s my perspective/understanding of the story/situation”
>other women jump on him that he doesn’t understand the situation correctly
>professor eventually joins in
>he’s literally the only one with a child in the room
>try to help him out
>I don’t have kids or a vagina so I’m REALLY invalid
I felt bad for him. He was very well read and was more articulate than 90% of the class.

>> No.16658135

You're kidding

>> No.16658158

reminds me, in high school me and the other "smart" guy in my class used to really like Kant and reference him a lot. for example every time something vaguely related to Kant came up in philosophy class we would look at each other and be excited and all, we'd say like "kant is the fucking king", etc. or we would speak of "duty" to other people in relation to group/school projects. thing is neither of us had actually read him, we just liked the idea of the categorical imperative.

>> No.16658161
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once, in school, i wrote a decent text that the teacher read in front of class but it was convoluted in a way that was somewhat interesting to take in while reading it for yourself but hard to follow when being read to. the teacher as per class custom held an open discussion on the text and after some silence one kid took heart and declared the text was too complicated and i'm dumb to which the better part of the class chimed in as if on cue and i was exposed and henceworth branded as a midwit faggot poseur twat

henceforth, i just skipped class after handing in major assignments

>> No.16658162

Damn, that's messed up. It's something I could easily see happening, too. Shame on the professor for not ending the situation immediately

>> No.16658164

Post what you wrote, I'm intrigued.

>> No.16658166

Poor guy.

>> No.16658365

Not cringe at all, actually pretty based

>> No.16658406

Fuck, I had forgotten about this
>be NEET
>become obsessed with Jordan Peterson
>read all his shit, watch all his shit, read Dostoy and Solzhenitsyn
>decide I need to get my ticket for book reading
>start studying English lit at uni
>see book list, see it's full of women and minorities
>email tutor complaining of my fear of "ideological indoctrination" and asking why we're wasting time by not studying Dostoyevsky
>tutor is genuinely perplexed
>class didn't actually involve ideological indoctrination
I later became a communist of my own accord.

>> No.16658521

You cannot sincerely argue against gay marriage without an emotional appeal to tradition. Prove me wrong.

>> No.16658557

You should read True Believer by Eric Hoffer.

>> No.16658574

One time in college I was giving a presentation on Entartete Kunst. I forgot the word "avant-garde" so I just kept repeating "modernism" throughout the talk like a mantra, referring to everything from Picasso to Degas to Monet and Duchamp, and even the Dadaists. Everything wrong with prewar Germany was a "problem of modernism" and I started going in that direction even though I didn't believe it, purely out of inertia and shame. I sounded like a fucking acolyte of Bill O'Reilly and the Conservative Coalition.

>> No.16658644

It doesn't sound very much like something I would like to read.
From scanning the wikipedia, it sounds like he is just pathologizing all enemies of the status quo.
That seems reductionist and retarded to me. It's one of the things Jordan Peterson does all the time, and I'm very much not inclined to hear those dumb arguments again.

>> No.16658654

In highschool I wrote an essay on something I barely researched. It turned out my teacher was a retired professor who specialized on that subject and completely shredded my paper, then referred to it (without naming me) in front of the class in order to explain the dangers of being lazy.

>> No.16658717

No no, it’s about certain personality types swinging from one end of a radical movement to another. I think you would find it beneficial, because swinging from one end to the other in that short period of time demonstrates something on your end, rather than any ideological grouping.
I’m not offering it as an attack on you, but rather a step in self understanding. JP is a snake oil salesmen, as are the communists. But you’ll realize that in due time.

>> No.16658728

post em, this sounds good dude

>> No.16658732

I stutter terribly and my CW Professor makes us read all of our stories out loud, I traumatized the class. It was a 3500 word short story and it took me 20 minutes to read.

>> No.16658744

Oh man, in a fiction workshop, this guy wrote a story where the two main characters were both women. They lived with a tyrannical man, they were domestically abused women (wives?) and their condition approached slavery. But the kicker was--the women spoke to each other, consoled each other--but only telepathically. They were incapable of uttering syllables. They simply "knew what the other had meant intuitively." As you might've guessed, the women in that workshop tore this guy a new rectum. Everyone disliked the story for reinforcing misogyny or something similar. Beside that, it was pretty cringe and the characters were made of cardboard. The guy kept nodding, then at the end offered up a shameful apology to the entire class. The heat in the room was stifling.

>> No.16658761 [SPOILER] 
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I had to write a short story in fifth grade and I inserted a character from an obscure fetish comic I liked. Pic related on the right. Somehow the teacher said that my story was her favorite in the class.

>> No.16658804
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>In creative writing class
>Talk about fictional characters
>Try to convey that Tolkien had a way with names
>Not very eloquent
>"Aragorn doesn't sound like some kind of fag"

>> No.16658814

I don't find this to be accurate on my end, although I understand why you would presume that.

I was always a leftist. The problem was that I never really examined that, it was without a foundation. I basically only ever went on 4chan, and my politics was about being opposed to the right-wingers I was in contact with every day. So it was easy for me to fall for Peterson's stuff. But even then, I would make excuses for it from the left, using the most progressive interpretations of his work that would make sense. I would often fight with more right-leaning Peterson fans.
Then one day I decided to look into postmodernism for myself, and then I rapidly became disillusioned of Peterson-thought.
So I investigated the stuff he despised, and found them agreeable and a lot more rational than anything he had ever said.
IDK what snake oil they're selling me, I don't expect to ever see communism in my lifetime. I live somewhere with half decent social programs, and I'm mainly interested in them being protected, and in seeing places like America benefit from them.
I'm not one of those twitter tankies who think BLM is a Maoist insurrection, I just would like to see the left be an organised force in western politics again. I don't think these right-wing and centre-right parties are very good. I don't think public or online demonstrations of rage are helpful either.

>> No.16658835

I feel bad for you, but you deserved it.

>> No.16658847


>> No.16658853

>Seeing places like America benefit from them
Come and try communist

>> No.16658865

>I'll give up my healthcare debt when you pry it from my cold, dead hands

>> No.16658868

All that the campaign for gay marriage is doing is prolonging the life of dying and irrelevant Christian religions. unless you're sincerely religious, which the majority of people in the west aren't, let alone young gay people, you should be happy with a civil partnership and leave religion and their tradition behind in the dust.

>> No.16658871

Pretty based not gonna lie

>> No.16658887

Not only that we should abolish medicaid and welfare. I'm fine with socialized healthcare as long as only taxpayers are in it. I shouldn't have to pay for some obese niggers food stamps and hospital visits.

>> No.16658908

I had to read out "Nigress" when reading Ulysses in a small class with a black feminist in it. I will eventually lose my life to that, I'm sure of it.

>> No.16658915

>state uni
>English major
>every term have to experience these presentations:

>> No.16658937

? wo's t?

>> No.16658976

The programs don't work as well as soon as you start nickel and diming like that.
You have to think of these things as an investment, you want more middle class people with larger expendable incomes generating more economic activity.
You want healthy workers who do a lot of useful work, not crazy bums everywhere.

>> No.16659015


>> No.16659029

All of my work in english class I would shoehorn Warmammer40k into them so you can imagine the shockwave of dry pussy I would release into the class upon stepping to the mic. Not surprising anyone I always got bad grades from my female professoer because my writing was 95% hyperrealist battle scenes, 4% lore and 1% dialogue

>> No.16659045

Unfortunately the reality of america is that you give us something we're going to abuse and take advantage of it.

>> No.16659064

And it's no wonder. You're all fighting over scraps in what is supposed to be the most powerful and affluent superpower that ever existed.

>> No.16659081

>class didn't actually involve ideological indoctrination
Just because you were too stupid to notice doesn't mean it wasn't there.

>> No.16659099

Well lets just say it wasn't a special case of indoctrination. Nothing more pernicious than watching the TV.

>> No.16659105

Let's look at what sowed the seeds of America's downfall. Blacks, communists, and hippies.

>> No.16659119

How much do you think the wealthiest people in America were taxed in 1950 vs 2020? Do you think it went up or down?

>> No.16659129

in 10th grade i wrote an essay so good the AP teacher spent an entire half of the class talking about plagiarism and then concluded by accusing me of plagiarism in front of the entire class.

>> No.16659144

Are you trying to avoid the point that 60s and 70s movements destroyed this country? Environmentalists stonewalled nuclear power for decades which we are just now recovering from and starting to approve new micro designs. All of them stand in the way of progress.

>> No.16659178

you should have standed up to the guy like a man
talked like a man, be firm, really ridicule the women there and say something even better like not being able to have children and a good family because they wasted their best years for a meme degree and fornication

>> No.16659190

>email tutor complaining of my fear of "ideological indoctrination" and asking why we're wasting time by not studying Dostoyevsky

>> No.16659196

>I later became a communist of my own accord
so a moron? yeah universities do usually make people stupid like that
look up the nazino affair and mises critique of socialism

>> No.16659211

I'm saying there's shit that goes on your country that isn't the pissant cultural shit that happens right in front of your face.
Do you not think that wealthy oil men might have had some hand in what you're speaking about?
I don't like the hippies any more than you do, but lets not act like they were THE defining influence on 20th century American politics.

One of the things that pisses me off about the hippies is how much they were associated with pop culture, and now every American thinks politics is what happens on twitter and Hollywood.
This hyper focus on shit like whether or not saying the n-word is haram is what allows them to completely avoid any discussion of economics.
Environmental groups and social justice groups only have the power that they are allowed to have.

I dislike the USSR and I believe the price signal problem can be overcome with computers.

>> No.16659226

>You cannot sincerely argue against gay marriage
if gay "marriage" becomes equal to that of heterosexual marriage, that means society values both the same, which means anti natalism has become a respectable standard and your sexual fetish/orientation/etc. has become a valid justification to have POLITICAL RIGHTS, can you see how retarded is that?
if you have a brain you can see where this ends up

>> No.16659230

So give me a quick rundown then. Make sure to blame the Jews somewhere in there too.

>> No.16659243

i could actually write pages on the faggot movement and how distungly sociopathic they are even to gays

Gays may find less satisfaction in their peculiar kind of sexual games than in the flattering myths they cultivate about their community. One of these myths is that they are marginalized and persecuted. Another is that of his intellectual superiority.
Against the first of these beliefs, the fact remains that some of the most bloodthirsty tyrants in history were gay, among others Caligula and Mao Zedong. That one ordered the handsome young men to be taken to be brides; he forcibly ate the guards at the Palace of Heavenly Peace, sending the recalcitrant to heavenly peace itself. But these famous cases are no exception: they stand out against the black background of an almost general rule. In India, in the last century, thousands of boys were bought or stolen from their families and taken by force to serve in homosexual brothels in England. Similar things happened in China. In Germany and France, clubs and closed circles of homosexuals have always been close to the centers of power and prestige (see for example the group of Stefan George and then the SA, Hitler's personal guard, headed by the sinister Rohm, himself a assumed gay). Some Islamic countries, where the institution of dowry for the bride made it difficult for poor men to marry, became havens for wealthy European homosexuals, who bought the favors of young Muslims cheaply there (read the memoirs of Gide, Si le Grain ne Meurt). The boy trade, a fact of universal scope, shows the oppressive power of homosexuals throughout history. For each case of violence against homosexuals, another case of violence by homosexuals can be mentioned. The cries of the oppressed minority are crocodile tears. Now oppressed, now oppressors, homosexuals are no better at this point than other men or women. It all depends on whether you are out of power or in power. Worse still, you will not find in the gay ranks a single saint, mystic or spiritual man of high stature. Like others in evil, gays have little service record in doing good.

>> No.16659253

i participated in my schools short story competition and failed to achieve anything

>> No.16659259

As for the idea of intellectual superiority, it is based on a brutal mistake: the list of gay celebrities tasked with proving it is false. It is based on a criterion flawed by incurable elasticity: the heterosexual practice, although proven and lasting, is not accepted as proof that a creature is straight; the slightest hint, even conjectural, of homosexual experiences is enough to classify it as gay. Lord Byron, who had sex with two hundred women and half a dozen boys, is gay, as is André Gide, who did the same with half a hundred boys and a woman. Episodic homosexuality is proof of homosexuality; heterosexuality is valid only when it is exclusive. The fallacy is obvious. To make matters worse, the mere absence of evidence of love affairs with the opposite sex is seen as a strong indication of gay propensity, but the absence of evidence of a gay relationship is not proof of anything. In other words: everyone is gay until irrefutable proof to the contrary. But proof of heterosexuality is impossible: the most admitted is the absence of evidence of homosexuality. Homosexual desire, in a straight practitioner, makes him a homosexual; heterosexual desire, in a homo, also makes him a homosexual, only with a bi propensity. The total illogicity of these assumptions cannot go unnoticed by gays themselves. The argument is, in short, totally dishonest.

But it is not dishonest only in these points. The debate around homosexuality is systematically diverted from the decisive topics, to concentrate on lateral aspects, which are certainly more striking and more conducive to the flowering of empty language.
The purposeful confusion begins in the very terms in which the discussion is put: sexual options. Straight and homosexuality are not equally options. Relationships between different sexes are not a free option, but a natural necessity for all animal species. Homosexuality is not a necessity at all, but just a desire. The complete suppression of homosexuality would produce much dissatisfaction in certain people; that of heterosexuality would bring about the extinction of the species. To place these two guidelines on the same plane, treating them as simple free options, is to distort the discussion at the base. Homosexuality is an option; heterosexuality is a fact.

>> No.16659273

For this very reason, it is absurd to attribute the same value to these two conducts. A need and a taste do not have the same value. Homosexuals protest against the hegemony of heteros, but it is fair: heteros speak on behalf of the human species (which includes homos), and homosexuals speak on behalf of the desires of a group. The priority determines the hierarchy. To want to level these two things is a childish delusion of omnipotence.

Perhaps because the fag movement knows this in the background, gay argumentation prefers to place itself more frequently on another plane and appeal to the “rights of the human person”. But no homosexual wants to be accepted simply as a person; he wants to be accepted and valued as a homosexual. When someone accepts you as a person, while condemning your sexual option as unhealthy or abnormal, he feels discriminated against. However, no homosexual person sees anything wrong with accepting a Protestant or Catholic just as a person, while condemning his religion as false, repressive, etc. In short: the homosexual wants his sexual option to be valued more than a religious option. He intends us to accept his homosexuality as a value, while he does not accept our religion but as a fact.

>> No.16659286

Retard. Filtered by patrician noise rocker.

>> No.16659291

The profound distortion of the ethical conscience that presides over homosexual ideology is revealed, for example, in the following: a demonstration of lesbians against the Church during John Paul II's visit to the USA is considered a normal expression of a democratic right; a demonstration by Catholics against lesbianism would be condemned as hateful discrimination, and could even be prohibited by court order: the right to express - even aggressive - sexual preferences prevails over the right to express a moral and religious belief. The gap in the scale of values is evident. Religion - any religion - serves purposes that infinitely transcend mere personal taste, it is a universal value and a sine qua non of the subsistence of cultures. Putting her on the same plane with homosexuality would be absurd. However, giving it a lower value than the personal sexual option is monstrous. It is the most fearful attack on the dignity of human intelligence that has been committed since the advent of racist theories.

Gay ideology also calls for medical arguments, making the discussion revolve around the question: Is homosexuality normal or abnormal? But this is misplaced, because there are no or impossible to determine standards of normality and abnormality in the mere plane of conduct. The normal and the pathological do not exist - except conventionally - in conduct as such, but in terms of the powers or powers that an individual has. A man is not deaf because he cannot hear, but because he cannot hear. An impotent person is not impotent because he has no erection, but because he cannot have an erection. And so on. Thus, homosexual behavior in itself cannot be considered normal or abnormal. But the absolute incapacity for heterosexual conduct must certainly be considered abnormal, whether that disability is physical or psychological, congenital or acquired. If constant homosexual behavior results in an acquired disability - albeit of a purely psychological nature and in the form of an invincible rejection or dislike - then it is certainly abnormal. It is abnormal because it is the deprivation of a power necessary for the subsistence of the species. The opposite is not true: the inability or indisposition to homosexual practice deprives us only of a certain type of pleasure that is entirely unnecessary. Neither normal nor abnormal, but innocuous as a mere conduct, homosexuality can become abnormal due to its consequences, just as abstinence, normal conduct, can become abnormal from the moment it results, in excess, in a definitive deprivation of sexual potency, with all the foreseeable psychological consequences.

>> No.16659313

These posts are enough to overturn the claim of gays to specific laws in defense of their community, a claim based on the allegation of normal conduct. Because of the two, either: homosexuality is an option, revocable at any time by an act of will, or it is, on the contrary, a deprivation of heterosexual capacity. In the first case, it is mere conduct, without major medical significance, which makes the claim of normality innocuous. In the second, it is disability, and it is absurd to defend a right to disability as such. Therefore, the rights that must be guaranteed to gays are simply the same as those guaranteed to all human beings: the right of expression, the right to come and go, the right to privacy, etc. It is unreasonable to claim that there must be specific rights for the gay community, as there are no specific rights for abstinent people, sadomasochists, pedophiles, etc. An option or preference cannot in itself generate rights, which would reduce the right to a matter of taste. At best, these rights would create an unsolvable problem: if a homosexual decides to become heterosexual does he lose his homosexual rights or retain them? And, if he goes through a period of indecision, will he have and not have these rights at the same time? A disability, however, if it is not a right, can generate rights (as in the case of the blind and crippled, for example): but would homosexuals accept to receive special rights as persons with a disability? Never. Therefore, on both sides, the claim to specific rights is absurd. A taste can generate obligations, never rights.

>> No.16659334

Other gay theorists claim the fatality argument: We can only be what we are, so we have the right to be what we are. But, in the first place, no one denies them the right to be as they are, but the claim that this way of being guarantees them other supplementary rights. What is implied in their argument is an assumption that homosexuality is normal because it is congenital. But the identification between congenital and normal is a perfect nonsense (the Mongoloids who say it). Second, if we accept that congenital tendencies must sovereignly determine human conduct, we will have to say goodbye to free will, and with this the very idea of freedom of sexual choice will go down the drain. Third, the congenital empire would be an argument in favor of a traditional type society, where heredity determined the destiny, and against modern society, in the shadow of whose principles the gay movement itself is sheltered. If, on the other hand, they argue that, given a congenital tendency, the individual must be free to follow it or not, then it becomes irrelevant, for the conduct decision, to know whether this tendency is congenital or not.

If they argue that overpopulation ultimately makes heterosexual relationships unnecessary, the answer is: 1st, it does not make homosexuality necessary; 2nd, some heterosexual relationship, even if in a smaller dose, will always remain necessary and, in this sense, more valuable to humanity than homosexual; 3rd to reason in absurdum, even if the State, to artificially level homo and heterosexuality, prohibited the procreation by direct male-female contact and made artificial insemination mandatory, insemination would continue to be nothing more than a heterosexual relationship by indirect means: the fundamental data in the equation would remain unchanged under legal makeup.

>> No.16659348

Another sign of intellectual dishonesty is the abuse of the “prejudice” label. Homosexuals stigmatize any opinion that condemns their conduct as abnormal or immoral. Prejudice is an unreasonable opinion, dictated by mere personal preferences prior to a conceptualization of the problem. In most cases, the opinions of anti-homosexuals are not prejudices, but concepts, as elaborate, as logical and respectable as the opinions of homosexuals, to say the least. However, even assuming that they were prejudices, why should they be less respectable than the homosexual option itself, which is also not based on reasons but on a mere desire, as irrational and arbitrary as any other? If there is a right to express desire, there must also be a right to express disgust, which is the opposite of desire. There are people who have an instinctive and irrational disgust for homosexuality, as instinctive and irrational as the homosexual desire itself. Note well: logically and psychologically, the opposite of a desire is not simple indifference, but rejection, disgust, disgust. Old Graciliano Ramos, in prison, would rather go hungry than eat the lunch prepared by the gay cook; if he ate, he vomited. Should we consider this abnormal, sickening disgust, condemn it as immoral, repress it, prohibit it in the name of gay rights? The right to preference is unreasonable if not accompanied by the concomitant right to disgust; and the right to expression of one comes together with the right to expression of another. Why should homosexuals have the right to freely express their wishes, however arbitrary and irrational, when they deny that right to those who feel the opposite way? If homosexuality is a right, so is anti-homosexual prejudice, as long as, of course, one and the other do not translate into criminal acts, for example, for the homosexual, the seduction of minors, and, for the anti-homosexual , the rejection of a job seeker on grounds of sexual choice - things that, by the way, are the exception and not the rule.

If someone - to reason per absurdum - claim that taste may be the source of rights, but disgust does not, then the answer will be the following: What defines homosexuality is not the attraction to one's sex, but indifference or rejection of the other , just as what defines heterosexuality is not the attraction to the other sex, but the rejection or indifference towards oneself. Homosexuality as mere conduct is one thing, as a libidinal standard is another. Homosexual conduct can be accidental or occasional. The homosexual himself has or intends to have a pattern, a specific libidinal structure, different from that of the heterosexual. The homosexual pattern is defined by the exclusion of relationships with people with different genital organs: the rejection of the vagina, by male homosexuals; of the penis, by lesbians. Dispensing the different, satisfying the similar - this is the core of the homosexual pattern.

>> No.16659363

>You cannot sincerely argue against gay marriage without an emotional appeal to tradition. Prove me wrong.
I just did, enjoy it
I could go further but this thread isnt about the sociopathic communist lgbt movement (yes, communist, yuri bezmenov and others have told us as much)

>> No.16659375

>How much do you think the wealthiest people in America were taxed in 1950 vs 2020
How much do you think people evaded taxes before technology vanced to todays current standards dumbass?

>> No.16659379

>creative writing class
>quiet kid's story has a very explicit sex scene
>but not a realistic sex scene, a very "romantic" "perfect" sex scene that includes multiple, simultaneous orgasms
>it becomes painfully obvious that he's a virgin and has no idea how sex works
>and it just kept going for pages and pages
>time for comments and critiques
>dead fucking silence, no one wants to comment on this top cringe

>> No.16659416

The quickest thing I could probably tell you is that the democrats are not a left wing party. They're just the woke-right in my opinion.
I would define a left wing party as a party of workers, a party that wants to see the American people be prosperous and healthy.
Corporations want steal economic territory from smaller businesses, they want to pay their workers less, they want their workers in debt, and they want them to work longer hours. The republicans the democrats both align themselves with the corporations.
As a worker you should want to work less hours for more pay, have more freedom to pursue higher education, have a union to protect you, and have good access to healthcare without having to go into debt or pay an insane amount in insurance.
Cultural crap distracts from that, and allows the demonrats to maintain their position. See, you HAVE to vote for the democrats, you don't want the racist republicans in charge, do you?
You HAVE to vote for the republicans, the democrats are trying to take your guns and cancel you for wearing a fez to a Halloween party.
It's like a hostage situation, and it allows them to enact basically whatever military or economic agenda they find to be advantageous for them.
It's a big fucking charade that sticks a giant cock up the ass of every average working American.

Jews: There is a similar situation with Israel, where an apartheid state protects itself with woke cultural language. Boycotting Israel? Wow you must hate Jews.
In the UK, the Corbynites who were a genuine left wing force were fairly critical of Israel. This allowed the papers to run a non-stop smear campaign against them, acting like Corbyn was somehow dangerous to the Jewish population. The Tories are roughly similar to the American democrats, so it wasn't like labour was guaranteed to always be more woke in the mind of the British public. Who owns the UK papers? Rich people who didn't want to pay more taxes under a Corbyn government.
Corbyn was crushed, and the labour party became a centrist party again.
(In the middle of all this, the Tories unveiled a statue to a Nazi sympathizer. They got away with it because she was a woman, and none of the papers wanted to seriously challenge them on this. It being a woman made it woke enough to support. All bullshit of course, but useful bullshit).

I didn't really get far away from cultural stuff here, it's a difficult thing to escape from. But I think understanding how these cultural things are actually used can't hurt you.

>> No.16659421

Even without tax evasion, they would be taxed far far less today.

>> No.16659430

And what is to be done? We have no treatment.

>> No.16659467

>Even without tax evasion, they would be taxed far far less today
>dude just trust me

>> No.16659480

>I would define a left wing party as a party of workers, a party that wants to see the American people be prosperous and healthy
Prosperous? That inplies private property bro, not marxist

>> No.16659486

>As a worker you should want to work less hours for more pay, have more freedom to pursue higher education, have a union to protect you, and have good access to healthcare without having to go into debt or pay an insane amount in insurance
And who exactly would provide all that?
All you niggers want is more and more gibs without giving nothing equivalent in return

>> No.16659487

can you post screenshots from the powerpoint?

or give a rundown on your main points?

>> No.16659490

that happened in one of my college classes, except it was far, far worse
>student pulls up power point
>all the text is blue and underlined like a hyperlink
>he struggles to pronounce certain words and doesn't understand the sentence structure of things he allegedly wrote
>pretty fucking clear he copy/pasted a wikipedia article and didnt even bother to delete the hyperlink the program automatically created
>but then he accidentally clicked on the hyperlink in one of his slides
>powerpoint minimizes
>web browser fires up
>oh my god, it's happening! It's really fucking happening!
>web browser automatically opens wikipedia
>yep, there's his powerpoint, word for word, in front of the entire class, on wikipedia, in the middle of his presentation
>student is like "huh? what? what's happening?"
>teacher who almost certainly suspected what I already had cuts him off and thanks him for his presentation and doesn't let him finish
but the student was black so I'm pretty sure he got a C

>> No.16659493

celibate or fuck in private like everyone should

>> No.16659499

Why the hell are you bozos arguing about taxes and gays in a thread about embarrassing stuff in class? Next time I see a thread about the most embarrassing stuff I've seen in a thread, I'll point to this thread's long winded rants.

>> No.16659503

>and I believe the price signal problem can be overcome with computers
it cannot because that is not the problem with economical planning in socialism that mises presents
>We may admit that in its initial period a socialist regime could to some extent rely on the preceding age of capitalism [for the purpose of determining prices]. But what is to be done later, as conditions change more and more? Of what use could the prices of 1900 be for the director in 1949? And what use can the director in 1989 derive from knowledge of the prices of 1949?

Without markets and private property you simply do not have the data to begin with, and if you try to control it you will always go wrong either way

>> No.16659508

>Why the hell are you bozos arguing about taxes and gays in a thread about embarrassing stuff in class?
>You cannot sincerely argue against gay marriage without an emotional appeal to tradition. Prove me wrong.
He asked to be proved wrong, he was

>> No.16659540

Fucked if I know.
I do know that people have to do things that give them power. BLM shit is just demonstrations, they can't use that to bargain with. Burning a police car amounts to little more than a very strongly worded petition.
Things like strikes are harder for people to ignore, you can actually bargain with them.

Things are too cucked. I think the best we can hope for is succdem reforms.

>And who exactly would provide all that?
Workers. They should get a bigger share of the wealth they create.

Why would you need knowledge of past prices? It seems to me like you could work it out from demand and productive capacity.
Not not convinced that you would even need prices, far enough down the line. And since we can't expect to see this problem in our lifetime, I'm not too worried about.

>> No.16659542

>I just would like to see the left be an organised force in western politics again.
>implying it hasnt destroyed the american continent in the last decades and its not going for America
you are so ignorant about the leftist movement, you have no idea what they do

>> No.16659550

>Workers. They should get a bigger share of the wealth they create
so let me get this straight
workers would get a lot, producing a little?

>> No.16659563

>Why would you need knowledge of past prices?
Youre asking why a program needs data in order to operate

>> No.16659576

>Then one day I decided to look into postmodernism for myself
oh yeah, the movement that applies its theory to everything except itself

>> No.16659578

as a freshman in university the teacher sperged out because literally everyone in class described kate chopen's "the story of an hour" as a feminist work through a feminists lens instead of trying to take some disconnected objective analysis about how it's about how a woman feels trapped in her married life as a woman even though the husband is a good guy.

Like everyone know what the purpose was so they simply didn't play along and pretend it wasn't feminist propaganda. It's his fault for picking something so obviously heavy handed.

>> No.16659582

>IDK what snake oil they're selling me
theybare selling you the isea of a earthly paradise that will be defined in the future, they are selling you that free lunch exists as well

>> No.16659583

>cold war paranoia

They should get a larger share of what they produce. This could be more pay for the same hours, or the same pay for fewer hours, or both. But the point is that it is a larger share, not more than they produce.

I don't know why that would be the salient information. Prices aren't magic, they're derived from certain realities and principles.
If I invent a new product, I'm not just flummoxed by the lack of price precedent.

They are not.

>> No.16659587

>cold war paranoia
You mean exactly what theyre doing?
I hought you were a rational person but youre just another moron that has a fanatic attachment to the communist movement, or even a psycopath, these are usually the only two types of communists

>> No.16659596

>They are not.
i guess youre in the wrong movement then, because every communist militant knows communism will be "defined" by "the workers" in the future

>> No.16659604

Sounds fucking hilarious. Where I live our ethnic minority with criminal proclivities doesn't usually get an special treatment when it comes to school assignments; teachers just assume that they'll quit school as soon as they become 16.

>> No.16659643

I didn't bother to watch it. Is it the same shite as the KGB defector who said the communists are subverting American from within by attacking morale and causing polarization or whatever the fuck? That's what I assumed it was, and it strikes me a unfalsifiable rubbish that only serves to increase paranoia. Something you would only say, in fact, if you wanted to make people paranoid and a country destabilized.
If I was wrong, please give me a rundown.

>every communist militant knows communism will be "defined" by "the workers" in the future
This isn't the same as utopianism or a "free lunch". It's just saying that things will be different in the future, and it's silly to try to predict them down to a tee.

>> No.16659697

>This isn't the same as utopianism or a "free lunch". It's just saying that things will be different in the future
its not you fucking retard, its saying they have no fucking idea what they actually want and even genocide is justified

>and it's silly to try to predict them down to a tee
There isnt even a governance model, no wonder no communist has ever had a successful company if they evem had any, yet, despite this they feel they know whats better for everyone and want to impose something so amazing no one would accept otherwise

>Is it the same shite as the KGB defector who said the communists are subverting American from within by attacking morale and causing polarization or whatever the fuck
Yes thats exactly what they do, they even incentivize "lunpenproletariatization" while theyre not holding power, when they do, they use that to get increase the State dominance over society
The video in question is a dude telling about an ex black communist telling how blacks are used as useful idiots by communists to stirr disorder
There are many more books that recorded communist tactics (Anatolyi Golitsyn, Christopher Andrew, John Earl Haynes, Ladislaw Bittman, Diana West.)

Be warned that you are a useful idiot, and you will be killed in case communists get to power just as they always killed each other everywhere

>> No.16659706

>This isn't the same as utopianism or a "free lunch". It's just saying that things will be different in the future, and it's silly to try to predict them down to a tee.
yeah i imagine thats what those seattle leftists were all thinking

>> No.16659807

>its saying they have no fucking idea what they want
Communism is mostly about what we don't want.
>There isnt even a governance model
Not for end stage communism, because we are not at that stage yet.
It's way off. 100s of years. But there are a bunch of debates and arguments over how to get to that point as quickly as possible. I think most of them are retarded, anything that gives you modern day china is something to be avoided.
I think things like council communism are pretty cool though, gets away from dangerous concentrations of power. But I don't see anything like that happening any day soon.
>Be warned that you are a useful idiot
What shadowy communists are pulling the strings today?
I can't imagine any domestic org wouldn't be infested with feds. Sounds like increasing state dominance would be something they would want.

>> No.16659883

In hihgscool I presented in front of the whole class a presentation about how the holocaust never happened. Thankfully the teacher wasn't too bad because she made jokes about it a year later and I passed. The only negative thing she said about it was that Mein Kampf is not a reliable source. This was 5 years ago and makes me cringe so hard, i might be able to find it somewhere.
Also the next year I presented another presentation about how the legalisation of guns actually reduces violent crimes and that hunting has a positive impact on the environment. Afterwards it was question time and someone asked me a question and i went "uhhhhhhhh, what was the question." Then everyone laughed at me. Obviously this made me look like a retard... but it's stressful when you are up at the front of the class talking about a topic that goes against every single person's belief in the class. I live in Australia mind you and guns have pretty much been illegal since the 90s. Not a single soul in the classroom had actually touched a gun and saw them as killing machines.
My presentation was followed up with more refugees should be let into the country and that there should be more injection centres in cities. If you don't know what an injection centre is I recommend you search it up. In her presentation injection centres apparently had no negative downsides - try telling that to someone who lives close by to one.

>> No.16660359

I know it's you. Stop it. You're cringe. Stop laughing at your own """jokes""".

You got me. Here is your (you).

>> No.16660460

"Are you an Ubermensch, son?"

>> No.16660537

> unless you're sincerely religious, which the majority of people in the west aren't,
So then the majority of militant atheists are wasting their time on a religion that's going to die anyway, and in doing so they are strengthening that dying religion.

> let alone young gay people, you should be happy with a civil partnership
No, because marriage is next. Polyamory/polygamy is the next custom, and fidelity will be abolished.

> leave religion and their tradition behind in the dust.
All according to the religion's plan and prophecy. But no, let's 3D-print your new cruelty-free bacon sub, give you a VR set and shut you up. "Science flies people to the moon, religion flies people into buildings."

Reality: "Science flies bombs, pills, and bullets into humans, religion is used as the justification"

>> No.16660619
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The essay is still in its developmental phase. I'm uncertain as to when exactly it will be due, the class is off the rails. It will be one more thing to do next month.

The semester has been a crunched in, alienated crock of shit. August 13-November 20.

>> No.16660739

I don't know if you're aware, but marriage confers a variety of exclusive privileges, such as lower taxes, citizenship, and next-of-kin in medical cases. It's not merely a religious tradition.
>anti natalism has become a respectable standard
typical trad argument, comes from the same place as the ban-the-pill people

>> No.16660747


>> No.16660765
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yeah it's bloom's first chapter and the first chapter of part "M"

>> No.16661254

I got accused of plagiarism on a 12th grade paper because she thought the ideas couldn’t have been my own
Feels good being intelligent

>> No.16661593

I made a post in the procrastination thread about how at the liberal arts college I attended some of the majors required a senior thesis to graduate. It was a huge project, and in the English department's senior seminar class writing and defending your thesis was a huge part of your grade. If you failed, you had to come back for another semester of college to write a new thesis and graduate. One dope in my senior seminar wrote a terrible paper, gave a horrible presentation, and bombed when trying to answer questions.

How this guy even made it to senior year was something of a mystery. He was a bad student, had the dumbest takes in every class discussion, and didn't seem to have any interest in reading. It's been almost a decade so I don't remember the exact details, but his thesis was about the Kafkaesque. His presentation was terrible. For 20 minutes we sat in the classroom exchanging confused looks with each other. The presentation made no sense if you weren't familiar with Kafka. If you were familiar with Kafka, it made even less sense.

There was another English major who was scary smart and loved tearing apart others' arguments during class discussions. He was damn good at it, and due to how aggressive he could be when ripping apart an argument many of the English majors hated him. He wasn't actually a bad guy in my experience. He was always willing to help people with their papers and gave great feedback and advice. Even though he tore apart arguments in class, he didn't have animosity towards anyone besides the dopey kid.

Smart kid hated dopey kid so goddamn much and made it his mission to make dopey kid fail senior seminar. Once the professor sent out an email listing everyone's topics, he immediately started reading the complete works of Kafka. He read the short stories, he read the novels, he read Kafka's diaries, he read other authors' writings on Kafka, and he read works inspired by Kafka. It was a truly shocking obsession.

>> No.16661604


Everyone's thesis had been sent to the class before presentations. On the day of dopey kid's presentation smart kid was there front and center with a heavily marked up copy of dopey kid's thesis, a legal pad, and an entire fucking binder that was color coded and filled with notes about Kafka. He remained intensely focused during the presentation, taking notes and preparing himself for question time. After the presentation, smart kid asked one simple clarifying question that lead to the most embarrassing demolishing I've ever seen. "How would you define the Kafkaesque?"

Dopey kid flailed around and eventually gave a definition that was entirely different from what anybody would consider Kafkaesque. His definition wasn't just different, it was such an inaccurate definition that nobody familiar with Kafka would ever think to use it to describe his style. The question and answer session lasted half an hour and was mostly a back and forth between smart kid, dopey kid, and the professor who didn't go easy on him either. At one point, one of dopey kid's friends asked him a softball question designed to help him out and get him back on track. He whiffed hard and just dug himself in deeper. I have never seen someone so thoroughly dismantled in my life. If someone had walked into the classroom and beaten dopey kid to a pulp it would have been less brutal than what we witnessed.

Dopey kid didn't graduate on time and is a 33 year old working in food service. Smart kid got a PhD and is now a tenure track associate professor at a highly regarded university.

>> No.16661628

But Judith Butler and Zizek is doing exactly that

>> No.16661659

I presented a poem about my social anxiety in middle school. I remember getting really weird looks from one girl.

>> No.16661679

This could be a nice short story. I enjoyed it

>> No.16661745

Wealthy oil men don't really change. They can be conniving and Machiavellian when it comes to business, but their motives are clear and their methods of coercion generally boil down to bribery, a hard sell, or hiring a lawyer. They can only get away with what the legislature allows them to get away with, and even if there is a total communist revolution there will still be wealthy oil men, they'll just work for the state instead of themselves.

>> No.16661835

In 11th grade english class a girl didn't know 9/11 was a real event, to the utter dismay of the teacher.

>> No.16661863

This thread is cringe.

I'm gay and I don't stigmatize anybody (most of the time - I work actively to stamp it out). I just want to engage in intimacy on all levels with one person. That's it. I want to have access to joint health care and the like.

Also, yes. When something is accomplished because of some desire, of course its going to offend the opposition. When segregation was ended in the US those who were in opposition to the ruling were extremely upset.

I'm gay and want to be valued as a person. Why do you apply what some assert to an entire group of people. Hell, I hesitate to call myself gay in the first place - I fear that people like yourself are going to berate me because you assume that all gays think in the same manner. I like guys. That's that. Nobody should oppress anybody - this statement is weaponized all to often and it is sad.


>> No.16661866

>>they aren't even jokes even

>> No.16661872
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You don't know Dorrito m8?

>> No.16661941
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>> No.16661955

Smart kid was one hell of a character. When I first met him I assumed he was full of shit when it came up that he'd read the entire western canon. It turned out that he'd not only read the western canon, but an obscene number of other books. He hadn't just plowed through these books either. I've never met anyone with such good retention, his ability to engage with and discuss what he'd read was incredible. When he wasn't in class he spent most of his time in the library reading and doing coursework except for the hour and a half he dedicated to running on a treadmill and doing bodyweight exercises each day.

He came to most classes with a Eureka brand lab notebook for notes he wanted to keep long term, a legal pad for writing down anything he wanted for the short term, and some brand of fine tipped technical pen that he insisted was the only kind of pen worth writing with. Whenever he was reading something that wasn't for class he'd take copious notes and write reflections about it in Eureka notebooks too. He kept all of his notebooks in bankers' boxes in his room and had some sort of filing system which involved a written card catalog. The only time I ever saw the inside of his room was freshman year because he lived in my dorm. It was filled with boxes of notebooks and stacks of books by year end.

He had almost zero interest in pop culture and his knowledge of it was almost non-existent. He didn't watch TV, he didn't watch movies, he didn't pay much attention to current events, and he couldn't understand why anyone would play video games. He didn't even usually read any books written within the last 30 years unless he had to.

The only games I ever saw him play were drinking games. He preferred cheap light beer but tolerated beers like PBR and Coors Original. He claimed craft beer, wine, and liquor hurt his mouth. He didn't seem to have any interest in sex or relationships, but he did bang a fat sociology major and a weird zoology girl who was really into insects.

>> No.16662421
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based memetics guru
realistically, an understanding of how an idea possesses a man to form a memeoid would give great insight into how 4chan operates

>> No.16662425

the loudness of Mexicans, at least, makes new years parties interesting

>> No.16662460
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eyo lemme proffer dat bus

>> No.16662479


Undisputably based

>> No.16662500

the bible says no

>> No.16662545

hahaha this one got me for some reason

>> No.16662551

this is actually based

>> No.16662575

yes, but what happens when you fore middle income and other wealth generators to pay for those who cannot and never will be able to afford healthcare for their own problems (obesity for example), is you are subsidizing an underclass. Even worse, its dysgenic, the cost of raising a family in an area rises with the income generated, if you are a high earning middle income worker in a city or suburb you are living a more expensive life than those in ghettos and the cost of raising children is higher because you know have to subsidize fat retard and her 8 babies.

>> No.16662595

>Get into Peterson
>Damn people are really getting indoctrinated at university
>I know, I better go there and take subjective classes with curtailed readings lists by specific authors on specific subjects
>Become a communist totally on my own volition later

I'm not saying that you were secretly indoctrinated, though its completely reasonable to suggest your thoughts were shaped by the assigned readings and interactions with left classmates/students at uni in general. BUT, even if none of that true seems like a weird series of choices to make lol.

>> No.16662637

I've witnessed mindless English majors besmirch the good name of Christopher Columbus as a genocidal maniac and did my manly duty to defend his honor. You quote a primary source or two and explain the idiocy behind retroactively accusing him of the downfall the savages experienced and they just began to seethe. I grabbed my bag and just laughed as I walked out the door.

>> No.16662638

>such as lower taxes, citizenship, and next-of-kin in medical cases
yeah because the point of marriage is generating more humans and educating them

>> No.16662673

>I've witnessed mindless English majors besmirch the good name of Christopher Columbus as a genocidal maniac and did my manly duty to defend his honor. You quote a primary source or two and explain the idiocy behind retroactively accusing him of the downfall the savages experienced and they just began to seethe. I grabbed my bag and just laughed as I walked out the door.
Well done

>> No.16662779

>"Aragorn doesn't sound like some kind of fag"

>> No.16662800

Every single presentation I've had to give AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.16662920

Faggots rape kids

>> No.16662935

Sounds like you had a little crush on him

>> No.16662950

So do a lot of straight men and women. What does this have to do with marriage?

>> No.16662986

homossexuals cannot have the same relationship a husband has with his wife

>> No.16663212

Damn, knowing that there are people like him out there remind me of how utterly out of my league I am. For some reason my brain tends to register them as examples to follow rather than the prodigies that they are and I end up feeling dumb for not being able to match up to them.

>> No.16663215
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>study Propp's analysis of fairy tales in middle school/junior high
>homework is writing a fairy tail based on what we learned
>we have to read our stories in front of the class
>teacher interrupts me every 5 sentences to point out how shit my story is
He wasn't being an asshole, it was actually shit. He was a based old-school teacher, he was strict and demanding because he wanted you to do your best. I also take some solace in the fact that no one was listening, so I was really only embarrassing myself in front of my teacher.

You had a tummy fetish in fifth grade? Absolutely patrician.

>> No.16663430

>Sitting in English class in high-school
>In the class next door was a neurotic Jewish teacher who always looked like he was minutes away from a nervous breakdown
>If anyone was going to shoot up the school it was him
> This class was his worst, with three of the stupidest, worst behaved, fetal alcoholic syndrome afflicted boys in the school
>constantly hear them harassing, laughing, or causing a ruckus
>One day the teacher yells at the top of his lungs, "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW! GET! OUT! NOW!"
>My teacher drops what she was doing and steps outside the room to see what's happening
>I'm sitting there rolling my eyes

>> No.16663466

I once flipped my philosophy teacher off in high school because he made fun of my hair. I did it half joking because we were in confidence and he was pretty laid back, but I was a dumbass too autistic to undersdanthow grave an insult that was, so he kicked me out of the class and I remained quiet for the next two days during his classes until the whole thing blew off. He didn't even contact my parents. I do remember the girl sitting in from of me going "whoa" as I did it and I slowly realized how much I had fucked up.

>> No.16663624
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My first literature class at university started yesterday
Professor talked about his divorce and said he'd kill himself if literature didn't exist

>> No.16663680
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You're in for a ride with what guy.

>> No.16663725

>I have managed to bullshit my way through a 400 level Holocaust literature class as a borderline Anti-Semitic Paleocon. And will write low-key apologetics for camp guards in my crowning essay.
I could definitely do the same after all of my ironic trolling on /pol/. And even if I were to say some slightly exaggerated stuff, who's going to call me out and say that I'm over exaggerating the Holocaust? At the very least, people would think I'd be doing it out of love and not malicious intent.

>> No.16663783

I'm not really embarrassed because it was so long ago and I kind of clever, but I was given the task of writing a poem in 7th grade. This was in 2010, so lolsorandom RAWR was still a thing. I was a crappy student and I would always do my assignments in class while the teacher was collecting the assignments. I titled my assignment "I'm so random" and just rhymed a bunch of random sentences with no meaning or connection, and then I said my poem was supposed to be about how random I was. I got an 8/10 on the assignment.

>> No.16663871
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i think you just witnessed a battle between the two extreme opposites on the intelligence scale, both understand each other and were fighting a fearsome battle midwits could only stare in awe and confusion

>> No.16663922
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>He kept all of his notebooks in bankers' boxes in his room and had some sort of filing system which involved a written card catalog. The only time I ever saw the inside of his room was freshman year because he lived in my dorm. It was filled with boxes of notebooks and stacks of books by year end.
Pic related
by your description of the smart kid, im pretty sure he read mortimer adler books and did his programs

>> No.16663957

I was taking a college course on third world contemporary literature (it had a more complicated focus but this wast the gist) so we're reading some pretty hard hitting stuff about people living in absolute poverty, with physical deformities, etc. And this one land whale constantly, and I mean every single thing we read, makes everything about being fat shamed and her emotional response to the reading. She'd never engage with the discussion topic, every time she'd give a 5-10 minute speech about how sad it made her feel, how she cried, how it's unfair people are judged because of their appearance, most of it completely unrelated to the reading and clearly about herself. Professor asked her to leave the class eventually, "until you are emotionally prepared to discuss the content at an academic level". This was an upper division English class too, so no idea how this whale managed to get that far. Maybe she never encountered a professor with tenure before, because the professor of that course did have tenure and eventually lost her patience. She was also a white South African so probably found her bitching and moaning about bigotry due to being fat rather obnoxious, considering what she lived through.

>> No.16663958

>He had almost zero interest in pop culture and his knowledge of it was almost non-existent. He didn't watch TV, he didn't watch movies, he didn't pay much attention to current events, and he couldn't understand why anyone would play video games
I would love to meet this man because I ended up the same way
If you can, ask him if he has read The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods

>> No.16663989

learn the ways of women with your teacher

>> No.16664030

we had to read/roleplay romeo and juliet out loud in secondary school (it was just an introduction I think, not the whole thing), it was all just fun and games until I got the role of romeo and my oneitis juliet. I was just a dumb, shy kid at that time, if it was someone else other than my oneitis it would have been ok. I spilled so much spaghetti that day.

>> No.16664075

you could have called your girl after the larp to meet somewhere you know, eat a burger together, chase each other on wheat fields, watch the stars together on a grass plane...

>> No.16664145

>I would love to meet this man because I ended up the same way
I'm guessing he doesn't post on 4chan

>> No.16664170

Not related but I took a middle eastern politics class and the usual teacher was out on maternity, the fill in was an Indian woman. The class had 10 students; 3 Israeli exchange students, 2 Saudi exchange students, 3 pakistani exchange students, and 2 white guys including me.

The first class one of the Israelis almost threw a chair and I dropped the class.

>> No.16664196

No no, I could hardly form words when I was around her, asking her out was just not possible.

>> No.16664285 [SPOILER] 
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>12th grade english
>reading beowulf
>fuck yeah something not about niggers or women
>opt to do final paper on Beowulf
>decide to treat it as comparative mythology
>realize beowulf metaphorically died in the fight with grendels mom
>the rest is him getting reborn as wiglaf
>reference motifs from norse mythology
>pic related is my main citation

>> No.16664293

What the hell is wrong with you? That sounds fucking awesome and fun.

>> No.16664338

How would you know?

>> No.16664344

It says (You) but I didn't post >>16664170

>> No.16664355

I just want to learn about stuff my dude.

>> No.16664382

That's not what they mean by "marginalized". Holy fuck ethnics who simp for whites are so pathetic

>> No.16664391

Silence yourself jew

>> No.16664459

In HS I read “A Supermarket in California” in front of my english class and got so nervous I had to hold the chair in front of me for support

>> No.16664480

The best way to learn is first-hand observation

>> No.16664658

But that is a different argument from an emotional plea, and you got proved wrong. So uh...

Shut up faggot

>> No.16664694

What do you mean, what? Are you illiterate? Go read the sources he talks about gays enslaving and raping boys you fuck

>> No.16664737


>> No.16664760
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>You had a tummy fetish in fifth grade?
Yep, I've had one as far back as I can remember. When I was really young, it wasn't sexual so much as it was just "this makes me feel funny in a good way".

>> No.16664869
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>professor is talking about how jewish race is genetically engineered to exterminate whites again

>> No.16664888


>> No.16664902

youre american arent you

call him a filthy jew

>> No.16664910

>I wrote an essay about why the government needs a fleet of drones as a part of the infrastructure for agricultural contracts, law enforcement, capital punishment on the spot, and civilian monitoring.
holy based

>> No.16664929

>youre american arent you
Of course

>> No.16664952

You're Todd.

>> No.16665135

tell us more about that smart kid

>> No.16665144

tell us more tales about the dopey kid and his misadventures with the smart kid
do they have a facebook or similar?

>> No.16665152

>kant is the fucking king

I would have bullied you two fucking lame-asses, and you probably both would have taken it without protest.

>> No.16665215

>The question and answer session lasted half an hour and was mostly a back and forth between smart kid, dopey kid, and the professor who didn't go easy on him either.
damn dopey kid was holding his own against these two big brained guys?
what did dopey kid and smart kid llok like btw? i like to see something in my imagination while i read

>> No.16665231

i would have raped you little bitch ass if you tried

>> No.16665246

nah, you's a bitch. I can tell.
>goes immediately to sexual violence as a threat
Looks like you lose control easily, cuckboy.
What, you wanna make me believe you're an unhinged psycho? Well now, I know what to do to unruly mental patients... yes, I have a nice straightjacket and a drug cocktail to calm you down... mmhmm, it's gonna be okay. We'll calm you down nicely... yes....

>> No.16665262

did a presentation on evola
some dumb bitch got so horned up that she started rubbing her cooch while watching me
haha dumb bitch
women are memes

>> No.16665283

Brutal. Walker vs Stoner.

>> No.16665296

not me

>> No.16665347
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>> No.16665479
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Was in a college lit class and we were talking about Freud and psychoanalyzing literature. Me being the stupid zoomer I am, I suggested that the prof put on the Sam O'Nella video on Freud's crazy theories. It actually went over pretty well and people found it funny, up until Sam O'Nella called a guy a nigger. Suddenly, I felt every black person looking at me as the teacher got a bit pale and turned it off.

>> No.16665535
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I wrote an an absolute cocaine piece of fiction in year 5 (UK) merging star wars with epic medieval warfare, with ruby/emerald longswords (the jedi lightsabers, adjusted for timeframe) and fights between the "sith" and "jedi" knights.

basically i visualised the mad prequel-style fight scenes in my head, and then DIRECTLY translated them onto the paper using every shred of lexical ability that i posessed (which wasn't much.)

my teacher was of a very classical sort, and basically publicly humiliated me infront of the class reading out my story and saying "what the hell is this nonsense? ruby swords? jedi knights? what on earth are you writing!?" (to paraphrase.)

it certainly wasn't kind, but it DID curb my autism. unfortunately im still autistic, and in addition i now have really low self esteem.

>> No.16665570

>Suddenly, I felt every black person looking at me as the teacher got a bit pale and turned it off.
you should have asked why are they so sentitive to words
i would be more pissed about the ear rape

>> No.16665666
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>Wins the Nobel Prize for destroying Mises' entire calculation problem
Pssh, nothing personnel lolbert

>> No.16665690

>t. neocon who doesn't realize that the 1950s were a massive period for Keynesian expansion

>> No.16665715

My friend invented a book for book report. Got A

>> No.16665813

>Wins the Nobel Prize for destroying Mises' entire calculation problem
>Pssh, nothing personnel lolbert
Neither you nor any commie seem to have understood the problem mises presented if you think its solvable by big data or mathematics

to Mises the central problem is not "knowledge." He explicitly points out that even if the socialist planners knew perfectly, and eagerly wished to satisfy, the value priorities of the consumers, and even if they enjoyed a perfect knowledge of all resources and all technologies, they still would not be able to calculate, for lack of a price system of the means of production.

In a critique of socialism by Professor Georg Halm:

Because capital is no longer owned by many private persons, but by the community, which itself disposes of it directly, a rate of interest can no longer be determined. A pricing process is always possible only when demand and supply meet in a market…. In the socialist economy … there can be no demand and no supply when the capital from the outset is in the possession of its intending user, in this case the socialistic central authority. Now it might perhaps be suggested that, since the rate of interest cannot be determined automatically, it should be fixed by the central authority. But this likewise would be quite impossible. It is true that the central authority would know quite well how many capital goods of a given kind it possessed or could procure…; it would know the capacity of the existing plant in the various branches of production; but it would not know how scarce capital was. For the scarcity of means of production must always be related to the demand for them, whose fluctuations give rise to variations in the value of the good in question… If it should be objected that a price for consumption-goods would be established, and that in consequence the intensity of the demand and so the value of the means of production would be determinate, this would be a further serious mistake…. The demand for means of production, labor and capital goods, is only indirect.
Halm then adds that the central authority, contrary to his above concession, would not even be able to find out how much capital it is employing, since capital goods are heterogeneous, and therefore how "can the total plant of one factory be compared with that of another? How can a comparison be made between the values of even only two capital-goods?" In short, while under capitalism such comparisons can be made by means of money prices set on the market for every good, in the socialist economy the absence of genuine money prices arising out of a market precludes any such value comparisons.

>> No.16665830

any other cope you come up with to save marxism was already tried by the way, the soviet russia still collapsed as predicted

>> No.16665859

But the decisive rebuttal has been leveled by Mises in Human Action: the Soviet Union and Eastern European economies were not fully socialist because they were, after all, islands in a world capitalist market. The communist planners were therefore able, albeit clumsily and imperfectly, to use prices set by world markets as indispensable guidelines for the pricing and allocation of capital resources.

Mises's insight was confirmed as early as the mid-1950s, when the British economist Peter Wiles visited Poland, where Oskar Lange was helping to plan Polish socialism. Wiles asked the Polish economists how they planned the economic system. As reported, "What actually happens is that "world prices", i.e. capitalist world prices, are used in all intra-[Soviet] bloc trade. They are translated into rubles ... entered into bilateral clearing accounts."[

>> No.16665865

definitely based

>> No.16665867

i did a presentation on porn search statistics based on what the respective genders look up. i made the case that a large percentage of women actually have rape fantasies. i even told some anecdotes about some women who told me about their weird desire. needless to say the entire class was stunned, and i was possibly just too based for them to even deal with.

I'm trans btw.

>> No.16665872

looking back any of the short stories I presented orally were mad gay throughout high school and college. I like to think my writing now is better but in five years I'll probably think this shit is gay too

>> No.16666002

I'm well aware that Mises' problem does not boil down to knowledge. Hayek's argument was predicated on knowledge, and I think we can both agree that argument has become pretty thoroughly outdated. Clearly, you have not read Kantorovich, as his accomplishments were not just pioneering linear programming, but that he used that basis to construct a successful in-kind economic model, where resources could be optimally allocated without currency as a basis. Please actually read him so you can be aware that he actually created a mathematically-viable mode of economic planning without currency. Here's a paper by Cockshott relaying his arguments in a more digestible manner.

>any other cope you come up with to save marxism was already tried by the way, the soviet russia still collapsed as predicted
Lmao, Austrian economics has been utterly btfo by the neoclassical-neoKeynesian consensus, even Marxism has more academic recognition than the Austrian ramblings of mises.org. Literally the only things the Austrians ever contributed to econ were subjective theory of value and the ECP, the latter of which got destroyed by Kantorovich. I don't need to save Marxism, the course of the economics field is already growing more and more towards economic centralization as a viable approach, especially as the Chicago boomers are quite literally dying out. Also, I'd hardly blame the Soviet collapse on economics when it was in a violent confrontation against quite literally the entire world, and even then, it performed some truly amazing economic feats that allowed it to actively compete against the combined might of the US, Western Europe, Japan, and China for almost half a century.

If almost all socialist states use capitalist world prices anyways, and thus end up using currency as a means of resource allocation, it's almost like Mises' bitching is rather irrelevant to modern socialist states, huh?

So, at the end of all this, you have an academically irrelevant school of "thought", a "calculation impossibility" that is anything but, and a critique that ends up not really being relevant to 99% of existing socialist states anyways. Wow, so this is the power of Austrian economics, I'm so impressed.

>> No.16666092 [DELETED] 

>Clearly, you have not read Kantorovich, as his accomplishments were not just pioneering linear programming, but that he used that basis to construct a successful in-kind economic model, where resources could be optimally allocated without currency as a basis
is that why the soviet union still collapsed and they still had to do what mises told them they had to? ("steal" prices from capitalist countries)

>> No.16666106

i was pre med and creative writing in college, but the best i ever got was waiting for my bio professor to get out of a lecture. i heard one of the students say, "isnt that like our genetic makeup" and she just said, "the fuck do you mean makeup? stop watching csi". she was based and liked that i was creative writing. i think she wanted to fuck me

>> No.16666112

>too based


>> No.16666116

it's a clear false flag

>> No.16666124

>If almost all socialist states use capitalist world prices anyways, and thus end up using currency as a means of resource allocation
not currency retard, prices, from a market, which is the entire point he makes, in socialism you have no markets, therefore no prices

>it's almost like Mises' bitching is rather irrelevant to modern socialist states, huh?
socialists states? where? they are all capitalists

>So, at the end of all this, you have an academically irrelevant school of "thought", a "calculation impossibility" that is anything but
nigger are you retarded or that delusional to the point you cant see the example i pu in your face? the soviet union could not get around mises argument (look up the year when the communist you posted won the Nobel, they obviously tried using linear programming) that without private property there are not markets, without markets there are no prices, so they had to steal prices from countries that had private property, therefore markets, therefore prices

>when the British economist Peter Wiles visited Poland, where Oskar Lange was helping to plan Polish socialism. Wiles asked the Polish economists how they planned the economic system. As reported, "What actually happens is that "world prices", i.e. capitalist world prices, are used in all intra-[Soviet] bloc trade. They are translated into rubles ... entered into bilateral clearing accounts."[

marxists communist utopia is impossible, its that fucking simple, what is so hard to understand? the only options are state capitalism and anarchocapitalism

>> No.16666136

>Austrian economics has been utterly btfo by the neoclassical-neoKeynesian consensus
Is that why austrians explanations for economical crisis are always accurate? (money printing, distorts interests, creates businesses that shouldnt exist, after interests come down again naturally the business collapse one after the other)

>> No.16666211

Where the fuck do I find Tradthots with a capital T?

>> No.16666397

Does anyone have this image but with Hegel's excerpt?

>> No.16666443
File: 907 KB, 640x651, evt0fkdttss31(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W-wilt th h hou go w-with me s.. sweet m maid

>> No.16666883

>In high school I hijacked a whole week of literature classes to present The Brothers Karamazov
extremely based

>> No.16666917

t. closet homo

>> No.16666993

Holy shit, do you lack basic reading comprehension? Kantorovich, by his very model, demonstrates that it is possible to allocate resources WITHOUT THE USE OF MARKETS. He won that Nobel for showcasing this perfectly viable, mathematically sound model for organizing production and organizing resources. You keep parroting Mises' points, yet you ignore that fact that mathematically, it has been well demonstrated that you do not inherently need a market to develop a standard for resource allocation. That's why, when people like Lange and Kantorovich demonstrated its utter viability, people like Hayek moved the argument to a question of scale, not outright possibility.

>where? they are all capitalists
Haha, never thought I'd see the day that an ancap resorts to the "not real socialism" card. Ofc, you guys also pull the "uhhhh it's aktchually corporatism" card whenever somebody points out the obvious failings in capitalism.

>the soviet union could not get around mises argument (look up the year when the communist you posted won the Nobel, they obviously tried using linear programming) that without private property there are not markets, without markets there are no prices, so they had to steal prices from countries that had private property, therefore markets, therefore prices
Beyond the obvious fact that you are blatantly refusing to engage with any evidence contradictory to Mises' claims (which is pretty typical of Austrians, considering you guys consider empirical analysis to be irrelevant), you also are misinterpreting Mises' own claims. Mises clearly said, as you quoted, that socialist states were inevitably immersed in a capitalist status quo, and thus used capitalist prices for resource allocation. Don't you understand that that doesn't necessarily say ANYTHING about central planning, but instead shows that they, as a handful of nations immersed in liberalism, still had to heed the supply-and-demand of a global capitalist market? Also, where did I say that linear programming would've saved the Soviet Union? They were materially outgunned from the beginning, and they were de facto subject to capitalist market fluctuations, but that has nothing to do with the actual ECP you fucking tard.

Who am I kidding, you haven't read an ounce of serious economics in your life besides a handful of Mises articles. But please, keep playing the role of the wise economist as your "theory" hasn't been relevant since Keynes eternally BTFO you almost a century ago, and created the new status quo where Austrians have to ride on the back of Chicago.

They're not, they literally had to invent "praxeology" to justify why they couldn't use empirical evidence to back their claims lmao. That's why I can't even take the previous poster too seriously, because I know that he's just a follower of fringe economic pseudoscience that even laissez-faire champions like Friedman can't help but dunk on.

>> No.16667064

>Kantorovich, by his very model, demonstrates that it is possible to allocate resources WITHOUT THE USE OF MARKETS. He won that Nobel for showcasing this perfectly viable,
Yet the Soviet Union couldnt do it, and had to resort to stealing prices from markets in capitalist countries
I wonder why that is, must be something to do with Mises argument
I think what you lack here is the understanding of why prices are necessary in the first place to make some planning

>> No.16667075

Same but it was a guy

>> No.16667077

>Haha, never thought I'd see the day that an ancap resorts to the "not real socialism" card
By commies actual definition of socialism being the end of private property, yeah there is no socialism today

>Ofc, you guys also pull the "uhhhh it's aktchually corporatism" card whenever somebody points out the obvious failings in capitalism.
The failings of capitalism caused by the State?

>> No.16667081

>Beyond the obvious fact that you are blatantly refusing to engage with any evidence contradictory to Mises' claims (which is pretty typical of Austrians, considering you guys consider empirical analysis to be irrelevant)
The only evidence Im considering is reality itself, which you asshole seems to be ignoring
>when the British economist Peter Wiles visited Poland, where Oskar Lange was helping to plan Polish socialism. Wiles asked the Polish economists how they planned the economic system. As reported, "What actually happens is that "world prices", i.e. capitalist world prices, are used in all intra-[Soviet] bloc trade. They are translated into rubles ... entered into bilateral clearing accounts."

They had the math, why didnt they apply it?

>> No.16667100

>Mises clearly said, as you quoted, that socialist states were inevitably immersed in a capitalist status quo
Thats not what he said retard, he said they were an ISLAND, do you know what an island is? He means they were isolated, but were lucky enough to have markets around it to steal from

>still had to heed the supply-and-demand of a global capitalist market?
What part of intra-[Soviet] bloc trade did you not understand?

>> No.16667111

>Also, where did I say that linear programming would've saved the Soviet Union?
>Wins the Nobel Prize for destroying Mises' entire calculation problem
>Pssh, nothing personnel lolbert

> your "theory" hasn't been relevant since Keynes eternally BTFO you almost a century ago
That still begs the question, why do economic crisis keep happening like the "irrelevant" school describes?

>> No.16667117

>They're not, they literally had to invent "praxeology" to justify why they couldn't use empirical evidence to back their claims lmao
Praxeology was created in 1890 you absolute mouthbreather

>> No.16667129

I was a few good moves away from banging a professor, we made out on a trip to Greece watching peacocks at the National Garden in Athens when I was 20.

What I am embarrassed about is that I still had to attend her classes after that summer and, being pissed and bitter that we didn't bang, acted like a complete asshole knowing she could lose her job if I talked.

>> No.16667153

>to justify why they couldn't use empirical evidence to back their claims lmao
What the fuck do you even mean by empiricla evidence you mouthbreather nigger?
>Empirical evidence is the information received by means of the senses, particularly by observation and documentation of patterns
Thats entirely what the austrian school does
Youre mistaking it with scientism
>Austrians are profoundly interested in empirical phenomena, policy analysis, and other forms of applied work. Menger started his career as a financial journalist. Böhm-Bawerk was finance minister in the Austro-Hungarian empire, and Mises was a full-time policy analyst and, besides his theoretical writings, produced applied works on intervention, monetary policy, international relations, and more. Rothbard wrote classic studies on the Great Depression, monetary and financial history, and a host of current events. But Austrian economists maintain that empirical phenomena — the "data" of history — do not speak for themselves, but must be interpreted in light of economic theory.


>Who am I kidding, you haven't read an ounce of serious economics in your life
"Call them of what you are, accuse them of what you do"
Filthy commie

>> No.16667161

>I was a few good moves away from banging a professor, we made out on a trip to Greece watching peacocks at the National Garden in Athens when I was 20.
>What I am embarrassed about is that I still had to attend her classes after that summer and, being pissed and bitter that we didn't bang, acted like a complete asshole knowing she could lose her job if I talked.
How did that happen anon? What were your tactics?

>> No.16667235

That legit sounds interesting, not embarrassing.

>> No.16667302


It was just a weird coincidence. She was on vacation there while I was learning Greek for a couple of weeks, so we went on trips together, discovering Greece together because that was her first or second time as well.

I remember applying tanning lotion onto her at the beach by Cape Sounion and just watching the beads of sweat stuck in her body hair and like seeing little tiny rainbows in these beads and stuff.

Re tactics, I was just really happy to be there with her and she could feel it. I would just bullshit and laugh and shrug it off when we she would try to compose herself asking "What was that?" in a critical voice when the two of us got the butterflies laughing and enjoying ourselves.

One thing that stuck with me was when she said: "You know, this doesn't happen often in life." (She was about 28 at the time.)

She was wrong, I've had plenty of romantic experiences since then. Though not in Greece and not as unsoiled as I was back then.

>> No.16667476

The clashing of varying intellects is a common trope in literary writing, so such an interaction and relationship sounds like something you’d read in a novel.

>> No.16667490

sounds like a total larp

>> No.16667508

That’s actually really cute. What a memory that must be

>> No.16667541

Remembered that one time I had to walk three hours to some bumfuck eritrean restaurant for the final class of my one-semester "human rights class" (I took it because I thought it would address the government's surveillance, turns out it was all about gender wage gap, minorities in prison, bla bla bla). We had to present something, be it a poster, or artwork, or a writing, and I had barely finished the poem I was planning on writing. Had to finish it in a Publix, managed to get to the restaurant late, but it was no problemo.

So when my turn came to present, I said "I'm going to read a poem." I heard an "aww" from a few girls, and went on to present my sophomoric, halfbaked poem (this was before I read poetry) about people protesting on the streets, doing nothing to touch the people in power, eventually culminating in the end times. I snapped to signify I had finished, and apparently these guys thought it was a cue for them to start snap-clapping (in SJW circles, they snap instead of clapping because it's "friendlier" to people disturbed by loud noises). I wish I could travel back in time and present a better poem, but I say let the past bury bad memories

>> No.16667636

This is how every attempt at serious discussion ends up on this website

>> No.16667640

you lived for all of us autists anon, congratulations

>> No.16667670

>If someone had walked into the classroom and beaten dopey kid to a pulp it would have been less brutal than what we witnessed.


>> No.16667690

>fairy tales
>fairy tail

>> No.16667726

Fairies have tails. What, you didn't read the Smurfs?

>> No.16669111

Pretty based romcom level romance