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16648673 No.16648673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Defend GOD

>> No.16648675

already refuted by Boethius, sorry

>> No.16648679

Fuck off we dont need this thread every week, you could also just check the archives for the ten thousand times we had this already. (warosu.org)

>> No.16648708

This makes christcucks seethe so hard.

>> No.16648720
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>evil is its own punishment! it's better to suffer injustice than inflict it!

>> No.16648727

>If God is all-knowing he would know what we would do f we were tested, therefore no need to test us
This is such a shit argument.
Not God needs to know, but we need to know what evil is and how to face it, because it makes us a good person.

>Hurr durr why doesn't God just make everything/everyone good from the start?
Without evil there can be no good, just how there can be no light without darkness or no wet without dry, etc ...
We wouldn't know what good is if it weren't for evil and vice versa.

>> No.16648729

>Evil is bad

>> No.16648736

>be OP
>someone on Earth views farting as an act of evil
>God instantly smites his ass into oblivion

>> No.16648755

>without evil there can be no good


>> No.16648763

everything is explained by the fact that God is a perfect artisan with faulty materials

>> No.16648764

Can right exist without left? If left exists, right just exist. Same is true with evil and good

>> No.16648765

Replace God with D*miurge and it all suddenly makes sense

>> No.16648771

Left and right is an autistic analog. Evil is a privation of good. If there is no good the lack of good can be called evil.

>> No.16648818

Isaiah 45

>> No.16648839

Not this guy, but I agree with you. Evil is a lack of good and good is a lack of evil.
But as you can see the opposite is needed for the definition, else you wouldn't know what it is. Therefore my point still stands, the knowledge of what evil is needs to exist for the knowledge of what good is and vice versa.
God created good and evil, they're not separable.

>> No.16648853

Why is the same true? Those are completely different things. There can be light without darkness, why not good without evil?