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/lit/ - Literature

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16647215 No.16647215 [Reply] [Original]

I need to write 6 people with the same archetype interacting together and I don't have any first-hand life experience with that. Where do I learn?

The archetype I'm working with is; the intellectual nerd. I know all of the traits attached to this archetype, it's just that I never saw them interact with each other in a large number, I didn't even see them in pairs.

>> No.16647598


>> No.16647624


>Bruh just make 6 characters with the same personality type interact with each other in a scene.

Jesus are creative writing courses this retarded? The whole point of foils is that they accentuate each other's differences.

The best you could probably do is make them as different as you can. So you have a humanities nerd, a smug scientist, a feminazi, a pseud who pretends to know everything, an artist and a huomo universalis who snickers at the incompetence of the others. The last one would be the mostly silent observing main character, who sees the others as overspecialised, and unable to see one another's viewpoint.

That's how I would approach this subject anyway. However, writing a scene with 6 characters interacting without it become stiff or a clusterfuck is challenging enough as it is. Godspeed anon.

>> No.16647631

Try meeting different people and getting into the world Op. And use your imagination, you can describe anything perfectly with it if you want, I mean Borges did that.

>> No.16647644

The Magicians trilogy by Lev Grossman, maybe? Both at !Hogwarts and later on with the indie nerd group that tries to summon a God, pretty much all the characters are supposed to be nerds in some way or another. That's for genre fiction if you want actual literature then I got no clue mate

>> No.16647646

Make friends

>> No.16647649

you dont know how archetypes work do you?
ok ok, its fine, just start with the greeks, continue into the philsophic tradition at least until schopenhaur and nietzsche, then learn latin and greek and read all of Jungs works

>> No.16647653

>6 people with the same archetype interacting together
>I don't have any first-hand life experience with that
>the intellectual nerd
yes you do, you're on /lit/, dumbass

>> No.16647667

Pretty sure INTPs are not the type of person he's talking about.

>> No.16647713
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>> No.16647806

Same shit, ENTPs are just high-functioning INTPs and you know it

>> No.16647815
File: 49 KB, 345x395, 1560731917935 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second that.

>> No.16649620

They all meet at an intersection and briefly nod at each other. This is in Paris. All of a sudden a left-wing terrorist blows them up in the name of Allah and Islam

>> No.16649669
File: 123 KB, 1080x979, personally E T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your words carefully, asshole

>> No.16649696

>h-hi guys
>did you do the physics homework?
>yes, did you
>oh, ok, yes i did
>did you know that african grey parrots have an iq of 80?
>that's pretty interesting
>and like, these parrots, they can al-
>i gotta go guys, bye
>nice to meet you, bye