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16646812 No.16646812 [Reply] [Original]

I have ascended

>> No.16646830

If consciousness is non-material, why is impacted by being hit in the head?

>> No.16646838

is it*

>> No.16646845
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>> No.16646858

Highly based

>> No.16646883

The Law of Correspondence

>> No.16646993

Can i elevate my rank from a human soul to a world soul?

>> No.16647023

If soul non-material why soul move arm
Platonists refuted

>> No.16647033
File: 495 KB, 1097x1071, I AM EMANAAAATIIING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the body is the lowest aspect of the self, though its substance is passing (losing and adding matter to stay in existence) it is still our lowest part, for we identify with it and thus become one with the image, this fragments us and literally makes us partly material. (Material as in our otherwise ethereal "body" becomes subject to Becoming.)

>> No.16647152

I don't support immaterialism but one way to understand their perspective is that the brain is like a radio receiver. If black holes are rips in space time then brains are rips in consciousness.

Also for you materialists out there: I'm an experienced lucid dreamer and I've found no difference between my sensory experience between real life and a lucid dream. Of course, dream logic is at play definitely and dream people act bizarre, but experientially speaking there is no apparent difference between real life and a vivid dream. The only difference is that dreams aren't as long as real life (2 hours for one dream, and about 16 hours for real life, and of course real life has continuity).
I've had a few dreams which act like real life in that you go back to them after you've had them, but it's unreliable and I "die" way too often because of shit like being shot or the floor disappearing and can't get back.
So what differentiates real life from a dream? Phenomenologically it's similar but intellectually I understand that my brain is producing electrical impulses that make dreams.

>> No.16647187

Is it? How would you really know unless you were the one being hit on the head. Maybe you should try it and report back to us anon?

>> No.16647431

Go fucking post on /x/ this larping makes me want to skin myself alive.

>> No.16647436
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>> No.16647443

>post criticizes the notion that consciousness is immaterial
>tell them to go to /x/

>> No.16647448

How is matter the lowest level? Everytjing, ultimately, is an energy state boumd by the laws of physics.

>> No.16647450

>three-in-one crap
I have nothing against religion as a means of pacifying society, but I can't take their beliefs seriously.

>> No.16647881

Because fucking new age niggers like dreaming about fantasy dimensions where everything is more magical when they think of metaphysics instead of just realizing shit into this world which is the most complete world anything can seem to manifest into. There may be higher forces but they are strictly understandable from a platonist perspective. Consciousness is a composite of many forces, it's absolutely impossible for it to be a thing unto itself. It's the final gift of cosmological completion. Esoterically speaking, it is generally understood that it primarily belongs to the water element and it's reactiveness and absorbativeness, it is then actualized by fire as motions and earth as constancies, and sorted by the air elements as "data". Consciousness is something ultimately derived from everything doing it's job perfectly, not from nothing suddenly searching for something. Per the being, most of it is strained through the temporal natures and doesn't extend where it can't.

Kant was a dumb nigger but pseudo-kantian "all is the imagination of God" is entirely sensible from the heights of religiosity, all the way to pure materialism and back again.

>> No.16648092
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>> No.16648133

>ascending to some mental circus made up by a tard


>> No.16648688

I also like to fantasize stuff and think it real. Haven gotten to making diagrams though.

>> No.16648944

>if radiowaves are immaterial, why can't I hear them when I turn my radio off?

>> No.16648948

Off to /x/ you go

>> No.16649019

Plato is /x/? Fuck off you illiterate mong

>> No.16649328

tell me, what is the devotion of man to a body which controls him and sums far greater than he would ever know? if you exist within the light of christ, why must you control this light based on the few rays you may perceive? christ is beyond you and i, and it is blasphemy to decide that you could understand Truth being but one nonprophet. if you are some prophet, i demand a revelation.

>> No.16649358

Why the fuck are there arrows at The One?