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/lit/ - Literature

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16641002 No.16641002 [Reply] [Original]

What books do these types of girls read or, more importantly, what books do I need to pretend to read in order to attract these types of girls?

>> No.16641007

You mean what books they actually read, or what they pretend to read?

>> No.16641012


>> No.16641016


>> No.16641024

Whichever one is more intellectual.

>> No.16641056


>> No.16641063
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Unless you can draw

>> No.16641067

Well, you see, if what they pretend to read is intellectual and complex (that's usually the case for most people), talking about it would be intimidating and that would result in a one-sided conversation.

I would discuss what they like somehow, even if they won't admit it. Of course, none of this will work if you are not moderately handsome.

>> No.16641125

You do not need to reply to this, because I do not believe you are sincerely so ignorant as to miss the true intention of the thread, rather you wanted to derail it for god knows what reason. Good day, incel.

>> No.16641132


>> No.16641143

replying to >>16641056

>> No.16641206

Any titles to namedrop into the conversation? Above moderate handsome, btw.

>> No.16641219

Not really my specialty, but Dosto, Shakespeare and the mainstream Greeks should probably work.

>> No.16641239

Just don't sperg and mention Spinoza, Cioran or stoics, then it should be fine.

>> No.16641431
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>> No.16641476

By the way, did you know I'm a faggot cocksucker! (True fax)

>> No.16641481

Putting on someone else’s name and a faked trip, it doesn’t surprise me. How ya doing kiddo?

>> No.16641494

Can't answer myself right now, gotta please my wife's black boyfriend.

>> No.16641499

Can you not derail my thread, you fucker. This is serious business!

>> No.16641530

I was this type of girl. I read history, fantasy and science fiction.

>> No.16641535

There's no such thing as a girl on 4chan. Stop trolling before I report you to the mods.

>> No.16641540

Too late for that. Anonymous found me out ages ago. Try to be serious.

>> No.16641541

You were straight?

>> No.16641572

Don’t believe I ever was, no. Why?

>> No.16641582

Then how is anything that op reads going to make him attractive to a girl like you?

>> No.16641605
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Ah, I see. I meant that I was a moody mopey horny girl

>> No.16641611

Which I can respect, but it doesn't help him any.

>> No.16641616

Wanna get drunk talking Lacan then go to our respective homes and piss off our missus by being drunk

>> No.16643355


>> No.16643359

This is without a doubt the most retarded false-equivalency I’ve ever seen.

>> No.16643361


>> No.16643522

judging from my okcupid days, murakami. not sure if this is still the case

>> No.16643568

Well there goes my plan

>> No.16643579

What they read: https://b-ok.lat/book/938862/8b718f
What you need to read: https://b-ok.lat/book/3675383/ffd6c9

>> No.16643639

You must be thinking of this kind of girl (male) in which case I would suggest lisp

>> No.16643641
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I swear this is the most /r9k thread I had ever seen on /lit
you can literally read all the books in this world and still attract no girls, let alone your type of girls
you need to date women/girls first and after that worry about what are you going to talk about

>> No.16643653

I just mean she doesn't exist irl and we need to get ai so we all get waifus and disappear and let roasties and cucks find a new scapegoat

>> No.16643654

slash fic

>> No.16643664
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Have you tried not pretending, you creep? You're better off reading whatever you're interested in, talking to someone that is also interested in reading, asking for recommendations, and taking it from there. If you absolutely must have a singular title that seems to be read by every 15 year old girl because it's "forbidden smut", then I guess Flowers in the Attic might be as good as any other. For some reason, everyone's read it, but doesn't really remember much other than 'the good bits'. Rereading it, and wow is it fucked up, I can't believe this was in the school library

>> No.16643977

Moth tranny go and stay gone

>> No.16643993

They all read Fantômas.

They actually read whatever is popular and advertised as a book you can bring to the beach.

>> No.16644259

What books you read won't determine your attractiveness to women, anyone saying otherwise is a rping incel. Grow out of this shit already fucks sake.

>> No.16644268

It will increase your attractiveness if you are already handsome.

>> No.16644269

LNs, VNs, manga. Lots of gay stuff.

>> No.16644276

Reading the same book is actually a good way to start a conversation. Of course, beyond that he is on his own and no book will help there.

>> No.16644279

Why do you namefag? Just out of curiosity

>> No.16644281

Why would you lump an optimist like Spinoza with Cioran?

>> No.16644287

it's another one of those
>op wants conversation starters, not books
>butterface derails conversation to focus on herself
>based impersonator talks shit
>butterface admits to saying nothing helpful nor relevant
>thread archives

thanks for reminding me not to spend too much time here frens

>> No.16644518

>he fell for the stem meme

>> No.16644527

Not about stem bro. If my waifu's in heaven it's time to seppuku

>> No.16644597
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>> No.16644695
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pretend to read dosto.

>> No.16645155
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Tomokos are out there, they're just hiding inside their rooms all day. Probably writing manga or something.

>> No.16645182

And they wouldn't look that fair. Beauty tends to make you less prone to isolation, and people become addicted to validation.

>> No.16645186 [DELETED] 

I lived all 4 years of High School copying Tomoko's exact moves in the manga AMA
yes I'm a woman inb4 "autist"

>> No.16645210

The fact that you are here trying to siphon some attention out of it makes you nothing like this "Tomoko" you seem eager to become.

>> No.16645223

Did you get friends or a bf

>> No.16645625
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or mishima

>> No.16646039


>> No.16646254

Just read any book that makes you look taller

>> No.16646274
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>> No.16646302

My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not wish for a better world for anyone.

>> No.16646311

have you considered having sex?

>> No.16646312

There are women and children with personalities that resemble the personality of that cartoon character, but you can't not stick your dick in an adult woman. It is impossible to stick your dick in a cartoon. That's why cartoons are superior. They are literally impossible to fuck. You aren't incel, you're actually volcel. Cope.

>> No.16646316

of course I can't not stick my dick in an adult woman. I'm can't not doing it right now

>> No.16646332

I see you have also read Zizek and Lacan. Are you enjoying your symptoms?

>> No.16646333

Sex is out the question, for I am an anti-natalist.

>> No.16646342

use a rubber namefag-kun. this is current year

>> No.16646349

Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes and tricks

>> No.16646352

Not the book, the manga

>> No.16646419

you can be a real faggot sometimes butterfly-kun

>> No.16646426

Don't say I didn't warn ya. **sucks your penis**

>> No.16646433

are you at least cute?

>> No.16646447

I am jewish.

>> No.16646454

Did you notice that the trip is bold, and not a trip?

Enjoy erping.

>> No.16646456

I'm sorry, I'm an antisemite so it won't work between us

>> No.16646469

>Have you tried not pretending, you creep? You're better off reading whatever you're interested in, talking to someone that is also interested in reading, asking for recommendations, and taking it from there.
Idiot. I've read Robert Greene's art of seduction, and that's not how romance works at all. You're not actually supposed to be yourself at all, not one bit.

>> No.16646503

Shut up, butterfaggot

>> No.16646508

And how's that working out for you :^)

>> No.16646518

I've been diagnosed with malignant narcissism.

>> No.16646539

That's, like, such a bummer, broskie

>> No.16646583
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>> No.16646931

I've never met a cunt that actually read something for the sake of reading

>> No.16647530

I never saw proof that /lit/fags actually read either

>> No.16647839


>> No.16649449

shit which one of you is the real butterflyfag
no matter you're both fags

>> No.16649473

The world is retarded to the retarded.

>> No.16649610

no u

>> No.16649617

now kiss

>> No.16650014

The one with the real trip “!!” He’s an obvious troll.
How old are you?

>> No.16650080

Well I had this name first before you decided to steal my mothy goodness

>> No.16650085

Hegel. Mostly Hegel.