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16640842 No.16640842 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most terrifying book you've ever read?

>> No.16640854

my diary desu

>> No.16640856

The most terrifying thing I ever read was a copypasta about surgically turning children into fuckboxes when I was underage on this board a zillion years ago.

>> No.16640868

The Haunted Mask from the Goosebumps series. It's one of the only ones that becomes scarier the older I get

>> No.16640875

Economics textbooks desu

>> No.16640889

I remember that. That was during the marble hornets days on /x/

>> No.16640897

The Bell Curve

>> No.16640912

Probably parts of Gulag Archipelago describing the prisoner escapes and capture.

>> No.16640928


>> No.16640939

Glad I didn't just hallucinate it. /x/ is really a shadow of its former self.

>> No.16640959

Christopher Browning (1992) Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland

>> No.16640969 [DELETED] 
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>What nightmare? You're awake.

>> No.16641339
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bumping for scaring the shit out of me when I was 10. Will add Night of the Living Dummy to that list. Also Curse of Camp Cold Lake but I hardly remember that one

>> No.16641372

Depends on what you mean. Isaac Asimov wrote a short story about the end result of unchecked population growth. Darkly terrifying to me in a depressing way. Some of Harry Crews novels, like a Feast of Snakes are almost too ugly to read. Even something like A Good Man is Hard to Find, though not usually thought of as such, I think is terrifying to really think about. To be caught in a scenario where your family is killed in front of you, in a mundane and matter of fact way.

>> No.16641374

That episode is the 1 thing I have tried to avoid the most in life

>> No.16641376

Night of the Living Dummy didn't scare me too much since it was basically a watered down Child's Play, which I made the mistake of watching as a kid. Cold Lake is kinda spooky, but a lot of things don't make too much sense as an adult looking back on it. Why would someone make a summer camp in an area surrounded by a forest with tons of highly poisonous snakes?

>> No.16641379
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Child abuse

>> No.16641418
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An R. L. Stein patrician I see.
But this is the true horror.

>> No.16641425

The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen

>> No.16641445
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>mfw Noboru fell asleep in the drawer
I literally felt like I was going to have a heart attack reading on. So intense.

>> No.16641475 [DELETED] 
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Letting them wear the clothes they want is child abuse? Somebody should read up on the topic.

The planet will be fine, the end of humanity is tragic and will be terrible for us but you spend enough time on this board to know we deserve it.

t. vegetarian anti-natal minimalist basedboy

>> No.16641497 [DELETED] 

>the clothes they wan
Lies. That’s not what this is. I dressed how I wanted. If I had been able to come out I wouldn’t have made to dress as a boy and given the opportunity to take hormones at such an impressionable age.

>> No.16641533


>> No.16641547

Just finished this book half an hour ago. Honestly I'm not surprised its author killed himself.

>> No.16641549 [DELETED] 

trans rights

>> No.16641564 [DELETED] 

There aren’t any such things.
So just cross dressers rights

>> No.16641568

I would have sex with this woman and admit it to people publicly

>> No.16641573 [DELETED] 
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Unexpectedly hostile of you. The idea is to start early so that the kid can be accepted as a member of the opposite gender equally early.
>I dressed how I wanted. If I had been able to come out I wouldn’t have made to dress as a boy and given the opportunity to take hormones at such an impressionable age.
Lots to unpack here but no one is taking hormones until they are at least pubescent and even then it is usually put off by a few years with blockers so everyone can make an informed choice. I don't believe you would have been mistaken as a transgender individual for being a tomboy or "forced" to dress one way or another. Transgender individuals I correspond with are very happy after their transition and have a variety of preferences for the opposite sex (ftm who still likes men for example)

Some reading so I don't have to explain everything:

>> No.16641575 [DELETED] 

LOL butterfly is a bigot, who could have guessed

>> No.16641590 [DELETED] 

The idea is to fuck with children’s head so that they can be more convincing, though no closer to ever “transitioning” in their lives.
It’s fucked in the head. If a boy is highly flamboyant, it’s just obvious he’s a homosexual, not a “woman trapped in a man’s body”

>> No.16641595

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, but I haven't read much that could be considered terrifying.

>> No.16641597 [DELETED] 

>here's my prescription for fixing the world and raising children
>also i'm mentally ill and don't have any children

>> No.16641604 [DELETED] 

Treating children as conduits for your ideology is child abuse.

>> No.16641610 [DELETED] 
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Look, I'm not going to deconvert you from being a TERF or whatever but maybe chill. The transgender people are not mentally ill or predators and they are certainly distinct from transvestites. No one is pumping that kid full of drugs, he just said he was a she and so everyone is going along with it until they decide otherwise or go through with transitioning.

I've known plenty of flamboyant straight men who were just raised with too many sisters and the disney channel, they behave nothing like transgender mtfs. I've known gay men that were bigger chads than I could ever dream of being. By your logic all tomboys are gay and that's not true either.

>> No.16641621 [DELETED] 

>maybe chill
Sure. But there is no such thing as transitioning

>> No.16641645 [DELETED] 

that's like the least based thing you could be.

>> No.16641647 [DELETED] 

>no such thing as transitioning
Yes, they will never be a complete biological female if that's what you mean, but medicine is advancing all the time. There are transgender persons who pass perfectly and live fulfilling lives. Your experience and their experience are distinct, Ms. Rowling, but they are closer to you in their needs and desires than they are to me.

>> No.16641652

>he doesn't know about the onions filter

>> No.16641663 [DELETED] 

I wanted to wear a torn pillow-case "skirt" to the grocery store when I was three. My mother told me, "No. People will think you're a girl." Thank God for my mother. Seriously. I would've humiliated myself. So fuck your kind of thinking. I didn't know shit when I was three. I'm glad I had someone like a PARENT looking out for me. I would've been a total crazy by now if it wasn't for someone teaching me. I mean I'm kind of crazy, but that's because I'm an alcoholic from my wife fucking around on me ten years ago. I don't care much about that, but I still love the booze. Or is it okay to be an alcoholic. I mean I like it so what's wrong with it? The problem is it is problematic and causes a lot of shit in my life. Just like if I had decided I wanted to be a girl at 3 and mother mother would encourage it. I'd be a tranny alcoholic. So I thank God I'm just an alcoholic.

>> No.16641665 [DELETED] 
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>The transgender people are not mentally ill

>> No.16641670
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A summary of Gnostic texts and then a sleepless night reading the texts and realizing what they said about the God of Genesis made sense.

>> No.16641671 [DELETED] 

>No one is pumping that kid full of drugs, he just said he was a she and so everyone is going along with it
More like the parents tricked the kid into thinking that biology isn't real and then they "let" the child become confused and "choose" to use language improperly. No child makes this choice unless they're goaded into this very skewed view.

>> No.16641684 [DELETED] 

They will never even start.
Though someday we might invent a way, hopefully medicine will advance a cure for the mania before such Star Trek technology comes.
(Hey sorry about all the preachyness, but I’m so sick of this wedge issue)

Stonetoss is never relevant

>> No.16641688

I regret the derailment.
That image is quite nightmarish but what's so spooky about gnosticism? Share with the group if you would, we're interested.

>> No.16641700 [DELETED] 

>The transgender people are not mentally ill
Believing that you're a different gender is most definitely mental illness. The doctors going along with this delusion deserve to be put in prison for endangering lives

>> No.16641702 [DELETED] 

Still doesn't change the fact that I can't stand the thoughts of going to bed with someone who is not a genuine woman. It's just "My truth." I would feel gross. And that's how "I feel." I want to sleep with a real woman. Not a fake.

>> No.16641720
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What’s a “fupa”?

>> No.16641735
File: 73 KB, 604x465, fupa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An enlarged pubis mons. As the only other person on this board to have seen one in the flesh, I'm shocked you don't know this.

>> No.16641737

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells.

It may not seem terrifying on the surface, but it's a trip thinking you may be stuck in a time that's not your own, far beyond the civilization that you're comfortable with. Everything has turned to a simple predator/prey situation.

>> No.16641741
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Objectively incorrect.
Pic related is peak RL Stine.
>babby’s first plot twist

>> No.16641749
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Thank you

>> No.16641752

A bit unusual, but "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst.

I know Kissinger has done many bad things, and that his legacy will be mixed... but I envy him. He got to enact his vision of American foreign policy. He got to rub shoulders with the powerful and the wealthy. He gets to be honored by the elites of American society. His children and grandchildren will have their choice of Ivy university. His words carry weight. His books are sold and studied all over the world. I disagree with many things he's done, but I wish I could be like him, a powerful man the world listens to.

>> No.16641759

If I could have his power right now, I’d throw him out a window

>> No.16641772
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It's cursed. Dont go to law school.

>> No.16641789

Really? If I was as powerful as Kissinger was in his prime, I'd focus American foreign education on:
1. Tackling global environmental issues (climate change, plastic pollution, etc.)
2.. Developing education systems in 3rd world countries (particularly girl's education)
3. Protecting American interests via cultural power (Promoting American media, books, games, TV, etc.)

I don't want to derail your thread, so another very scary book is The King in Yellow.

>> No.16641812

Whenever I have trouble going to sleep at night, I just think back to my Torts class

>> No.16641859

What was the summary?

>> No.16641865
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Let me do you one better.

>> No.16641867

Collected Ghost Stories of M. R. James

>> No.16641889

Where can one read this ?

>> No.16641892

you'd have better luck asking >>16640889

>> No.16642369

I were reading Culture of Critique

>> No.16642465


Googling physical symptoms/WebMD

>> No.16642478

lmao I remember thinking that was real and being horrified. Simpler times.

>> No.16642479

I remember that.
Fuck, that was so long ago.

>> No.16642491

Ay caramba

>> No.16642585 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16642610

It was probably Library Policeman since I read it as a kid. I don't find fiction that scary anymore. Reality terrifies the shit out of me though.

>> No.16642712

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, also Guts was kind of visceral, but maybe in the same way as quality gore, not really terrifying

>> No.16643287

the king in yellow was shitty.
babby's first occult theme

>> No.16643301
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A family failure by Renate Rasp. It's short but horrible.
If you don't have time read the Goodreads or Wikipedia page of it.

>> No.16643384

that meme comic about the box that gives you a million dollars at a cost

>> No.16643642

The shocking reality that we live in a damned world created by a blind God.

>> No.16643954
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I too would like to read this

>> No.16643958

Made in the abyss the party where the crazy scientist makes bags out of the girls

>> No.16643986

Norf FC law gtfo

>> No.16644012
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That's the real horror for me to be honest, the overwhelming indifference of life.

>> No.16644027

Probably the frolic by ligotti

>> No.16644056

I remember this too, pretty sure he used to use an mp3 player to turn them deaf, right?

>> No.16644062

woops meant to reply to

>> No.16644208

You mean the one about the eastern european doctor that turner them into "human dolls" or something like that? I remember it saying that he took out all their teeth or something like that.

>> No.16644288

The Shock Doctrine

>> No.16644402

Lmk if you get it

>> No.16644519

>The King in Yellow.
It’s cool but it’s not very scary

>> No.16644839

Not funny, no one thinks that's funny. Please I beg of you stop this madness.

>> No.16644847

Based, fuck that plant man

>> No.16644860

The great wheel of life turns, the blind idiot god gurgles in delight.

>> No.16644877


>> No.16645180

you obviously havent read it

>> No.16645219

two scenes that stuck with me:

>american psycho, rats in the body
>painted bird, the prostitute and the bottle

>> No.16645245

please someone dig this up, it sounds delightful

>> No.16645389

The scene in Watership Down where the maimed rabbits from the original down reunite with the refugees, but the refugees mistake their pained howling for a spirit was eerie as hell when I first read that book as a kid.


>> No.16645504


It's probably on here somewhere; I've read like all of these...

>> No.16645519

holy shit I remember that! fuuuuck!

>> No.16645528
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Did anyone else read this as a kid? it scared me so much

>> No.16645530

single most terrifying book I have ever read

>> No.16645538
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>> No.16645730
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pic related and there was a book in the point horror unleashed series i read in high school that shat me up

>> No.16645794

This book is dated now

>> No.16645805

Let's Go Play at the Adams

>> No.16645811


>> No.16645816


>> No.16645815
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I had this one, spent more time looking at the cool cover than reading it