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File: 1.24 MB, 1707x2560, nordic socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16636505 No.16636505 [Reply] [Original]

How do people expect to debunk Nordic socialism?
How do you debunk free healthcare and education as well as welfare and a living wage?
How do you debunk the lowest levels of wealth inequality on the planet?

>> No.16636598

The leftist would say - “It is not socialism. It is, at best, social democracy, and it is not even that. It only alleviates the stresses of capitalism, allows the exploitation and alienation to continue under a ‘benevolent’ guise.”

The liberal would say - “The healthcare is not free. It is taxed. They pay upwards of 50% on their taxes. There is no innovation or liberty. And the whole system only functions because of wealth generated by natural resources traded on the free market.”

The nativist would say - “Don’t expect their social solidarity to last. We all know that homogeneity is a prerequisite for equality. Their social liberalism will destroy their social democracy, high immigration will give rise to a chaotic gallery of irreconcilable competing interests.”

>> No.16636602

>How do people expect to debunk Nordic socialism?
Try to recreate it with niggers

>> No.16636622

Just tell them this
>the workers don't own the companies
That immediately disqualifies it from being socialism. On the other hand, I don't see why we can't adopt the Nordic model (a more accurate name for what they have), where the government owns large shares in key industries that generates revenue to build and maintain infrastructure, institute social welfare programs like free healthcare and education, retraining programs so if your job gets automated you won't become a criminal, helping the population of towns with dying industries resettle instead of leaving them to rot in a post-industrial drug den, and this is key here, have high levels of union membership and don't try to criminalize them. Also don't bail companies out.

>> No.16636657

By arguing that the goal of politics shouldn’t be the improvement of individual human material conditions.

>> No.16636664
File: 26 KB, 516x589, 1552696816655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see why we can't adopt the Nordic model

>> No.16636675

Not lit you pol-fucker

>> No.16636697

Please don't deboonk my country, how will I go on living? I don't want to be deboonked

>> No.16637694

I posted a book

>> No.16637703

if you want to avoid race it's pretty simple to point out that nordic countries benefit from being members of NATO close to the russian border, so not only have their national defense taken care of at a steep discount but also benefit from american strategic investment in their country. this is the blind spot of essentially all european social democracies. take the USA and the cold war out of the picture and nordic countries as we know them become economically impossible

if you're comfortable discussing race just note that they're the whitest nations on the planet and therefor social democracy is just white privilege by another name

>> No.16637734

>they're the whitest nations on the planet
No they haven't been for about 20 years.
Estonia or Poland have been whiter. But they don't have socialism even though they're rich countries too.

>> No.16637735
File: 14 KB, 255x247, 1588368791384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do people expect to debunk Nordic socialism?
Existence of 3rd world.

>> No.16637776

Sweden is a hellhole. Id rather live in the US any day

>> No.16637778

Its essentially national socialism

>> No.16637785

>rich countries

>> No.16637818

>Their social liberalism will destroy their social democracy, high immigration will give rise to a chaotic gallery of irreconcilable competing interests
I have never heard a refutation of this. Almost always, critics of this idea attack it for being racist and call it a day. While I'm sure that many people who say this are racist, that doesn't make them wrong.

>> No.16637821

their advantages are mainly small population to territory size and resources and cultural homogeneity yes. thats why their high tax strong welfare state is well received. it's not the reason why it works.

>> No.16637823

>leftist points out scandinavia as examples of socialismbeing successful
>point out venezuala or north korea
>"b-but that doesn't count they aren't doing it right"

every time

>> No.16637832

It's just called having a country full of Nordics. Do you think if a 3rd world nation had the same economic policies it would look as good?

>> No.16637844

then that country will not remain a 3rd wold country retard

>> No.16637846

Richer than Spain and Italy. Whiter too

>> No.16637853

And they are all corect.

>> No.16637872

Then let's adopt nordic policies.
>no that would turn us into Venezuela

>> No.16637881

Nope. Italy and Spain are 9th and 14th by GDP, Poland and Estonia are 23rd and 100th. Plus they are considered white by everyone except /pol/

>> No.16637885


>> No.16637898

Because the countries' culture and native inhabitants are being destroyed through indoctrination and immigration, genius. Materialistic conditions are not the only thing that matter. Plus those have only worsened as well due to immigration.

>> No.16637904

>Then let's adopt nordic policies.
We can't because we have to pay for the Western world's defense. The fact that the Nordic countries can rely on the USA to defend them is what allows them to have their social policies, etc. It's a catch-22.

>> No.16637905

What should the goal of politics be then?

>> No.16637915

>We can't because we have to pay for the Western world's defense
Haha enjoy the price of freedom. Now leave this thread. You clearly hate free education and healthcare. If you wanna suffer so much, please do and stay in your capitalist hell hole.

>> No.16637935

I would quite like having "free education and healthcare". I am just aware of the fact that Nordic countries are able to fund these things because they don't have to worry about funding their own defense. Trust me, if I were in charge of the USA we'd be funding education and healthcare, and leaving Northern and Eastern Europe to their fate.

>> No.16637978

Immigration is a good thing. Anyone who isn't racist thinks so anyway

>> No.16637983

Are the nordic countries in a vacuum or do they function as they do due to their geopolitical position?

>> No.16638024

UK has an even better position but it's not as good of a country because they love capitalism too much.

>> No.16638072

Finland is not a NATO member, they rely on an expensive conscript army and they are an textbook example of nordic socialism. Granted Finland is poorest nordic country with lesser natural resources but they make easily top 10 countries to live in.

>> No.16638090

Probably because of their nordic model

>> No.16638128

Nordic Socialism requires Nordics, thats the only criticism I can think off.

>> No.16638145

Sweden isn't a member of NATO and has strongly opposed most US-lead foreign wars.

>> No.16638189

If Sweden can maintain its standard of living, the safety of the people that live there, and the Swedish language into the future (2100+) then you will be right. We shall have to wait and see.

>> No.16638697

By 2100 everyone in the world will adopt the nordic model. Everyone will get ubi.

>> No.16638822

you have nordic socialism because of the liberal policies (i.e. capitalist) not vice versa.

>> No.16638831

Even Turkey has UBI. In the states UBI is an ideological battlefield.
US would probably provide one of the top free healthcare systems in the world if the society would agree to have it. And if burgers are good at anything, it's their cost/performance optimization so it'd be cheap too.

>> No.16638841

disregard that I'm drunk. I meant healthchare, not UBI.

>> No.16638865

>White country

>> No.16638880

>And if burgers are good at anything, it's their cost/performance optimization so it'd be cheap too.

I can only assume this is sarcasm. The US govt. is notoriously inefficient with the money its given, let alone the programs it runs.

>> No.16638899

So basically conformist cowards who can be bullied by the state into anything without any resistance?


>> No.16638911

The language will endure. That's the only thing where Swedish genetic cuckoldry doesn't rear its head.

>> No.16638929

is this a meme?

>> No.16638932

It's been refuted.

>> No.16638958

Then Sweden is fine. If the language endures, the culture is fine. That's why I think it should be priority number 1 for European nations to teach their languages to immigrants. That way, culture is actually able to grow with immigrants contributing.

>> No.16638960

I am in the military and can confirm this. Trying to socialize healthcare in the US will only create a new class of corrupt, soulless bureaucrats that will do their utmost to make the system as cumbersome and inefficient as possible while maximizing their corrupt profiteering. The government is in bed with big pharma as much as it is. I can’t wait to hop on the USS Pfizer to start a war with Brazil so we can strip the rain forest of plants to make meds at the behest of our new class of techno-oligarchic rulers.

>> No.16638963

Fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.16638977

Desu the immigrants that assimilate tend to be way better than other "integrated" immigrants in other European states or US. Though that's because of the extreme coldness in relations.

>> No.16639028

Don't get me wrong. I am on "the side of the immigrants" if anything. (On the other hand that statement casts immigrants and natives as being in conflict with one another, which I think is the wrong way to look at things.) That said, I think it is of critical importance for a nation to ensure all immigrants know, speak, read, and write their new nation's language fluently. If this doesn't happen, you risk people self-segregating, which will lead to tensions.