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/lit/ - Literature

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16633405 No.16633405 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there a /sffg/ but no standard literature or classics threads? You guys aren't redditors who only read YA fantasy, right?

>> No.16633598


>> No.16633606

I've been reading East of Eden for the second time. I'm finally understanding the message. It really is a great book

>> No.16633694

Good on ya anon. Women really are the worst.

>> No.16633706

That's what /lit/ is supposed to be. The board's been taken over by philosophy pseuds and religion LARPers.

>> No.16633718

because you haven't made it

>> No.16633741

Lol nobody unironically reads classics here, only one who unironically reads something on this board are /sfffg/fags and a few shitposters like me who spend an hour reading and 2 Horus shitposting here.

>> No.16633767

>standard literature or classics threads
Because this is what the board should be almost entirely and to create a general for it would be giving in to the tourist midwits who want to discuss the last Wikipedia article they read.
>the whale
Have you read it? What did you think the meaning was that most leapt out at you?

>> No.16633832

Currently reading Ulysses. Just finished the Oxen of the Sun episode. It was kind of a slog this time but this passage always fortifies me:
>And on this board were frightful swords and knives that are made in a great cavern by swinking demons out of white flames that htey fix in the horns of buffalos and stags that there abound marvellously. And there were vessels that were wrought by magic of Mahound out of seasand and the air by a warlock with his breath that he blares into them like to bubbles.

Also reading Global Political Economy by Robert Gilpin but thats not Literature.

>> No.16634774

I read classics.
Well, I'd say the main theme of Moby-Dick is probably work and the application of work to reality- and the stories resulting from that. The book makes what's originally just a man signing onto a ship into the most epic story of all time.
How's Ulysses? I've read a few chapters and find Joyce to be the ultimate neckbeard.

>> No.16635482

So whats up with him and Queequeg sleeping in the same bed? Was that normal?

>> No.16635529

I just read 1984, To kill a mockingbird, Lord of the flies and the Metamorphosis in the last few weeks. I now have a thick Moby Dick staring me in the face, i feel like im on a roll, i think im gonna make it

>> No.16635542

Moby dick is kino (so far, Im on chapter 13)

>> No.16635561

>Why is there a /sffg/ but no standard literature or classics threads?
Because that's the main focus of the board and there are threads about literally all the time you retarded faggot.

>> No.16635676

There are too many classics to have a general, brainlet. If you want to discuss a book, make a thread. Simple as.

>> No.16636803

In the Heart of the Sea > Moby Dick

>> No.16637664

Back in the day people were way gayer, which is why being actually gay was more taboo.
You bro down with some dude, hold hands and shoot the shit on life and figure out he's a fag? Welp time to destroy the evidence.
Moby-Dick is better than all of those books and is, in fact, the best book in the English language.
u r a gay

>> No.16637673

"too many classics to have a general?"
what? There's more science fiction and fantasy than classics world-wide and 5,000 more low-effort YA fantasy books get shit out every year.

>> No.16637695

They're containment threads. Generals are trash and breeding grounds for tripfags and /soc/ attention whoring.

>> No.16637958

What you don't like the online persona people adopt to try to be minor celebrities on a Chinese garment making board?

>> No.16637982

it's because the rest of the board is about the classics (or Guenon)

>> No.16638021

did anyone actually read Guenon? He's like a trad muslim or something right?