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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 1242x1133, freud is wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16632804 No.16632804 [Reply] [Original]

why /lit/ love this guys???

>pic related

>> No.16632809

>why /lit/ love these guys???


>> No.16632828

Potion seller...

>> No.16632877

Freud wasn't correct though. Even my therapist thinks he was a moron

>> No.16632950

I honestly can't believe who in the world takes this school of thought seriously. Every single interaction is an interpretation. They take metathinking and metanarratives to such an extreme as to believe stupid things like the polynesians wanted to die to James Cook's cannons because it was part of their culture to sacrifice themselves to a minor god??? Not because they didn't know the Europeans had such insane firepower before approaching and attacking but because they willingly threw themselves into death and their families cheered them on. They believe that the language of the Aztecs is why the Aztecs were conquered, because of their cyclical view of life and their honor bound views on war. Not because they were severely outclassed in both military strategy and weaponry. They were fighting against crossbows, steel swords, cannons, and early muskets with stone clubs. I am not joking. This is the absolutely brainlet shit post structuralists believe, because they believe language is more important than reality. Anybody who is this retarded should just talk themselves off a bridge and see if they can talk the ground into letting them land softly instead of splattering. I fucking hate you retards.

>> No.16633022
File: 305 KB, 2000x1106, EF340426-7D51-4ADB-8B42-17A97DEEC6DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok, yes, this is good book... Fascinating! An all encompassing inhuman intelligence coming from the future. These ideas do make sense to me

>> No.16633755

Imagine putting your organ inside a body without organs.

Imagine liberally putting your IMMENSE LENNINISM inside a pure and unarticulate, externally incomprehensible PROLETARIAT.

Imagine injecting the seminal fluid of schizoanalytical autocritique into the autogestation and forcing revolution from a cataclysm of PURE FULL COMMUNISM APOCALYPSO NOW into a thousand endless plates of service to the party.

It is because they're shitposters who've literally read all the anime of 20th century humanities and have worked out who won the evangelions. (Nobody, the evangelions are endless)

>> No.16633804


>> No.16633821

Have you considered the possibility that it is your therapist who is a moron?

>> No.16633831
File: 63 KB, 1100x550, Ek6FVxKXIAAft0s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They believe that the language of the Aztecs is why the Aztecs were conquered, because of their cyclical view of life and their honor bound views on war. Not because they were severely outclassed in both military strategy and weaponry. They were fighting against crossbows, steel swords, cannons, and early muskets with stone clubs.
do you honestly think you are being insightful or intelligent here and not just trolling? I mean really, how many fucking god damn times do we have to see inferior technology defeat superior technology in wars to learn the lesson that technological determinism is retarded. Bro! you will never beat the US army! You are just a vietnamese dirt farmer with an SKS! Bro! you will never defeat the US army! You are just an afghan dirt farmer with an AKM! They have thermal imaging and helicopters and body armour and satellites and nukes and cruise missiles! The mesoamerican peoples outnumbered the Spanish like 100,00 to 1. They had spears, they had bows, they had armies. Steel breastplates and shitty muskets do not make you fucking invincible. If they actually wanted to kill them all, they could have fucking easily done so. They were outsmarted and underestimated their enemy. You fucking fool. You fucking nitwit little brainlet shit. Fuck you.

>> No.16633949

good thread

>> No.16633970 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 401x600, 1594243816276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the door opens and an impenetrable mass of marajuana smoke spills from the room into the hall
>stumbling through the smoke, two shabby shapes reeking of bongwater emerge
>pic related is held aloft by one of the men as several unshaven hippie french girls, nude save for flimsy veils tied low about their waists and showing mounds of unwashed pubic hair ripe with pthirus pubis, crowd with narcotic idiocy about their ankles and take lazy drags from the remaining roaches
>"we've done it, groovy G!" wheezes the man with the more putrid fingernails as the weed haze languidly disperses
>"*cough cough* we've *hits bong again* "saved western philosophy!"
>a gimp-suit wearing, aids-riddled Foucault appears and congratulates the two intrepid french thinkers
>somewhere, Lacan is giving his dick, shriveled by age and impotence, a final and thorough tugging before a crowd of baguette wielding students and communist card carrying intelligentsia who all give an enthusiastic yet appropriately sardonic applause that stretches into a hollow perpetuity, erupting into the final simulacrum of sound the World would ever know before its descent into cosmic schizophrenia

>> No.16633979

Freud didn't go far enough with his mental penetration. He went pass the walls but he didn't reach the guts. Perhaps due to fear, perhaps due to morality, he never went beyond that which was known. Thanks to the arrival of Lacan, he was able to surpass any other man in the metaphysical dimension of COOMing.

>> No.16633985
File: 81 KB, 599x599, marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait.. this is what you chucklefucks are going to use historical materialism for? where's the communism? what the hell?

>> No.16634005

Is anastrophe a real word (i nkow it exist in the dictionary) in the sense Land uses it, or will people look at me as if i were a retard if I use it?

I doubt that there are more than 5 people who actually have read all the necessary reading for accelerationist LARP. Sure you read Land and watch Terminator and Avatar, but there really is a lot written on the field desu.

>> No.16634007

See comrade fellow-worker Working Class Marxist-Leninist, as I remove the Mask of Schitzoanalysis from these villains, it wasn't the Ghost of ideology.

<pulls hoods>

What's that Comrade and Fellow-worker Industrial Unionist anarchist? Deleuze and Guattari weren't spectres from the epiphenomenal at all, they were Value-form and Surplus value ALL ALONG.

>> No.16634019

Imagine thinking marx had influence on FN. Go die faggot

>> No.16634020
File: 610 KB, 863x575, EkAwpf7XkAcItnQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the truth is, you haven't seen anything yet

>> No.16634024
File: 51 KB, 430x462, 1603325336226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying FN isn't just the retarded and mystical shadow of Capital

>> No.16634025

can someone post the screenshot of when /lit/ was 90% Deleuze threads like 3 years ago

>> No.16634031

>retarded and mystical shadow of Capital
how can you be this retarded?

>> No.16634042

Gross introspection which permeates to the bodily senses has, I trust, by this time become so familiar to lower and higher and abstract conceptions that now it can see spiritual beings, devoid of corporeal vestments, in that dusk in which the hardly visible light of metaphysik renders visible the kingdom of ombres, as the French say. One will traverse therefore upon the treacherous road, since one has endured such arduous preparation for it.

To quote the saintly and obscure Roman poet Virgil,

Ibant sub nocte per umbras
Perque domos Ditis vacuas et inania regna.

The features of the dead matter which fills all space found in the universe within and without are stability and inertia; it further reigns over solidity, expansion, and form, as Plato conceived, and its manifestations. Let us call all of these mechanical for one acts and depends on the other. But let us direct our attention to the kind of beings which bring forth life in the universe—those which therefore neither add to the mass and extent of lifeless matter, nor are influenced by it according to the laws of contact and collision, but which rather, by inner activity, move themselves and dead matter as well—and we shall find ourselves convinced, if not with the distinctness of demonstration, still with the presentiment of well applied reason, that immaterial beings exist. Their peculiar laws of operation we may call “spiritual,” or, in so far as bodies are the medium of their operation in the material world, “organic.” Yet despite such findings, we can never perceive nor know of that which we may term as the mundus intelligibilis, or to put it in vulgar terms for those who lack a classical education, the immaterial world.

>> No.16634046

oh? you think Land isn't just a giant substanceless stylist whose entire body of thought isn't just a retarded understanding of what intelligence is fused with Marx's Capital? You've been tricked by the cool and sexy words. It's okay, you'll grow up soon enough and realize how silly you were.

>> No.16634053

FN is shitty and substanceless, but calling it a fuse in between intelligence and Marx's Capital is just a niggerish thing to say. Even outside of the book borders, that is, the actual blog and essay history behind it, one can notice a deep separation with Marx. Putting Land and Marx together just shows how shallow of a reading of Land you made. Go and hang, faggot, read Crypto-Current instead.

>> No.16634095

The only connection Land has with Marx is through proxy of D&G. If anything one could notice a deep relation in between him and Kant, not Marx.

>> No.16634113

>If anything one could notice a deep relation in between him and Kant
I can believe that Land smokes only one bowl a day, but as he has aged the bowl has got progressively larger.

What I don't know about Land is: tobacco, dope or crack?

>> No.16634117

>read Crypto-Current
oh you are that faggot.

>> No.16634125

>Fag thinks Land has a connection with Marx
Go and read, kid.

>> No.16634135

Take a break from 4chan bud, before you have a stroke.

>> No.16634156

They're not having a stroke, their poetics are just insufficient to express their argument. They should take a break from 4channel and compose strict form poetry for six months on themes derived from random dictionary look up.

>> No.16634158

>missing the point entirely
retard I know very well they ultimately lost to disease, but don't pretend the fact they were so outdated wasn't a serious contributing factor. When Cortes sieged tenochtitlan, the Aztecs didn't even know what the fuck a siege was. They had never fought against such strategy. The whole fucking point is that post structuralists believe theory over reality. They believe language creates the ability to understand new ideas, not new ideas are introduced and then given a name as is logical. And your fucking vietnam example is solely because the president didn't want to glass the peninsula, which if mcarthur had his way neither china nor the rest of the region would be a problem today.

>> No.16634215

Did you even read AO bro?

>> No.16634232

>in the sense Land uses it
It's not, is just a wordplay with catastrophe, an invertion of the word

>> No.16634261

catgirlstraphe isn't a made up word

>> No.16634292

>Where did the concept of deterretorialization formed from capitalism come from

>> No.16634313

You're the one that has missed the point here. How is that a tiny band of conquerors could bring down an entire empire, when armies backed by the most cutting edge technology and productive economies fail to bring down mere nations? It is not simply by virtue of superior tactics in battle. Battle has almost nothing to do with it. They outsmarted the aztecs not just militarily, but diplomatically, politically, socially. They were able to turn them against each other, fool them into thinking that they could actually be allies and not just liars, fool them into thinking they were more powerful than they actually were. These people were not just primitive in their fighting, they were primitive in their understanding of consciousness. They were stupid! They hadn't invented suspicion, they hadn't ever seen a conqueror! They lacked the concepts for even articulating the idea that these men from across the sea could be intent on destroying their whole world.

he reason why they didnt glass the penninsula is because that is a losing strategy. You think a nation of people can hold together under the identity of world destroyers? That's fucking insane and just a product of your autistic mind that cannot see the connection of ethics and society.

>> No.16634339

Federici ; )

>You think a nation of people can hold together under the identity of world destroyers?

The corrupted bourgeoisified nationalist Marxism of the Vietnamese Workers Party managed it in alliance with the proletarian autogestation of local revolutionary villages. Because proletarian culture is superior cultural technology.

>> No.16634345

refer to >>16634095 you dumb nigger

>> No.16634355


>> No.16634359

Also obviously capitalism can't glass the proletariat because they'd glass themselves. It is why Gopnik, Trailertrash, estates and houseos exist. Which is why the Vietnamese proletariat's experience is relevant. (Read about French enclosure before you talk about peasants).

>> No.16634452

We nuked Japan twice and seemingly our conscious is none the worse for it. We could just as easily done so elsewhere

>> No.16634464

nice digits and saved

>> No.16634467

Japan didn't have a counter-value capacity.

>> No.16634510

I honestly kinda recall reading a passage from Nick Land stating that they took the concept from reading Marx when he was pointing out the contradictions of capital tho, idk if i can find that remark again since those websites are dead.

>> No.16634539

Marx is really highly fruitful, but I'd suggest that Land is a tendentious dead end. Like as in you can't get an appointment on being a Land specialist whether you think "fucked" or "not fucked."

>> No.16634542

>dead blogs
If you are talking about FN Land then the blogs you should be refering to are stil up. such as http://hyperstition.abstractdynamics.org/

>> No.16634545

then could please explain the concept of Jihad? or how Khomeini literally invented suicide bombing in the Iran-Iraq war? that seems to be a pretty clear cut example of their model working

>> No.16635777

based and checked

>> No.16636330

>based and checked
Trips confirms anarcom D&G porn

>> No.16636343

Cope harder OP

>> No.16636346

Have you considered the possibility that it is you who is a moron?

>> No.16636349


>> No.16636702

Freud-hate is on a trend right now, because his insights are too hard to accept

>> No.16636710
