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16630126 No.16630126 [Reply] [Original]

Thus Spoke Zarathustra helps me overcome depressive states.

>> No.16630143

Any chapters on particular?

>> No.16630149
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>> No.16630207

Yeah, part three chapter 56 I enjoyed. Specifically the 29th bit.

>> No.16630215


>> No.16630217

Thus Spoke Zarathustra turned my life around at age 20. Can't overstate the good it did me.

>> No.16630228

lmao great picture

>> No.16630312

Could you explain how? It's helping me too but I'm interested in what kind of radical change occurred.

>> No.16630320

which nietzsche books do I need read in order to quit being a degen neet and make the most of my life?

>> No.16630334

didnt read much of nietzsche but i think you have to read earlier philosophy to make sense of what he was saying

>> No.16630343

>earlier philosophy
so le kant, shoppy and that spook dude?

>> No.16630349

nietzsche is death

>> No.16630359

Brainlet detected

>> No.16630467
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Nietzsche is not a self-help guru, read Jordan Peterson, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck or some shit like that
Heraclitus, Plato, Spinoza, Kant, Schopenhauer are the absolute minimum. Not strictly philosophical text to read before would be New Testament. Read at least the Illiad and Oresteia to know anything about presocratic Greece.

>> No.16630781

I read it and it did nothing to me. It felt like a mess. Zarathustra claiming "I am not like the other prophets" and at the same time saying "these things are bad, these things are good and these are stinky do not touch them". I also have problem with concept of the lesser men because when concept is first described Nietzsche/Zarathustra claims they are necessity and he loves them but in the book he shows nothing but contempt for them. On the one hand he admits lesser men have to exist, on the other - join me, become higher man or perish. It felt very dogmatic, almost like there is only one way to the higher man and all others will lead you astray. Chapter with the Pope rejecting his faith and joining Zarathustra seems like childish power fantasy, like these quips in Paradise Lost where Milton after describing something goes out of his way to add "but these Catholics priests - they are the worst". Why Zarathustra is only correct character in the book? If what he preaches about freedom is true shouldn't he make mistakes and actually learn from talking to people?
>Inb4 retard got filtered hard
I will gladly listen to you explaining why and how

>> No.16631607

I'd just like to jump in and tell any passersby that the frame in OPs picture is from Zerkalo (The Mirror) directed by Tarkovsky. It's got some of the most hauntingly beautiful shots in history and you should watch it. I don't particularly care if you do, but it gratifies my ego to recommend it to you. That's all for my autism, bye.

>> No.16631861

Incredibly popular art film anon, we didn’t need your help

>> No.16631992

Yes, but it give me pleasure to force it unto you. I am helping you, and you're going to like it. This is happening anon.

>> No.16632052

Never heard of it, thanks anon.