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/lit/ - Literature

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16629659 No.16629659 [Reply] [Original]

Well, have you?

>> No.16629664

I have indeed, anon.
A friendly reminder though to those that are unaware: philosophy is not non-fiction.

>> No.16629666
File: 106 KB, 570x712, oscar_wilde_sarony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the Gay Oscar Wild fiction pill

>> No.16629701

Satan goes wilde

>> No.16629713

Good fiction is often just bad philosophy.

>> No.16629781
File: 209 KB, 1125x1578, YAJV0ld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot sweetheart, for beauty is the only thing worth searching for, and this mediocre strand of existance doesnt provide enough for me to live on

>> No.16629797

non-fiction is what allows you to understand what Beauty is, not this or that beauty, but primordial Beaty, in itself, alone and for itself

>> No.16629809

Fiction is so supreme that non-Fiction has to define itself as negation of Fiction. There is nothing to compare to the power of symbolic-poetic structurings of reality. The sophomoric musings of 'thinkers' always collapse into nothing, into 'enjoyment'. The best 'thinkers' are ultimately all Fictionists.

>> No.16629918

the only road map to Beauty, is within. dont fall for false gods. its in you

>> No.16629928

Quite based and fiction-pilled

>> No.16629991

>not reading made up non-fiction

>> No.16630082

What are some good Chad non-fiction books that aren't self-help crap like Meditations etc

>> No.16630192
File: 674 KB, 1651x2481, My War Gone By I Miss It So book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one 100%.

>> No.16630205


>> No.16630243

history, the bible, augustines confessions

>> No.16630253

No, I read to escape the utterly horrific mundanity of real life.

Sometimes I read history. That's about it for nonfiction.

>> No.16630259
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>> No.16630305

>the best 'thinkers' are all ultimately Fictionists.

>> No.16630307

I just finished read a book about P/PI/PD/PID temperature control and now I'm reading documentation for the flavor of process control the factory o work in use.
Is this non-fiction enough for you?

>> No.16630332


>> No.16630346

you solipsistic piece of shit, to pay attention to a human instead of the Beauty of Being, which are in fact one and the same, is to be a nihilist unable to look beyond its retinas, a narcisistic scum convinced that the boundaries of the world are retained within its skin

>> No.16630351


>> No.16630381

I didn't even realize it but I did. Mainly mathematics, theology, history, philosophy, engineering (related or not to my work).
The only novel I've read this year was a reread of Treasure Island. I still read some poetry though.

>> No.16630399


>> No.16630478

okay its not in u apperantly

>> No.16630959
File: 82 KB, 750x835, 102697339_691687421633340_8028272591896576000_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you raised the ghosts of long dead philistines who thought the poet a liar and history the only truth?

>> No.16631653

Your grammar isn't very beautiful

>> No.16632094


>> No.16632138

do you also refuse to watch movies?

>> No.16632684

>You're wrong to do A instead of B
>which are in fact one and the same

>> No.16633255

esl here. could u correct it?

>> No.16633415

No. Go download an app or something

>> No.16633498

:( plz tell me whats wrong with that sentence. maybe the coma?

>> No.16633518

remove the comma (coma is when you're sleeping for weeks)
It's in you.

>> No.16633522
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>> No.16633528

I wish I was a pretty girl

>> No.16633563

Only cringy faggots who don't actually know how to interpret literature will claim that they're superior for purely reading non-fiction. Basically, you're a brainlet. Saged.

>> No.16633617

ok thank u
sad pepe

>> No.16633635
File: 29 KB, 500x500, akihabara renick bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a long time ago

>> No.16633659

Don't worry, I may not care about you but I respect you for improving

>> No.16633730

i respect u for being honest and helping. if youre the non-fiction fag, i hope u find that extremely specific thing u find beautiful
(was the comma appropriate?)

>> No.16633826

No I'm this guy
Since we're being homo now, I'll say the comma was good

>> No.16633964

Wish she had a dimple

>> No.16634083

I read whatever I want, thanks

>> No.16634861

Read The Holy Bible

>> No.16636233

Yes. I don't read fiction anymore. It's a loss of time. Most fiction writers are idealists retards anyway.