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16628407 No.16628407[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is he /lit/-approved?

>> No.16628414


I turned myself into a protestant morty Im protty riiiiiickkkkkkk

>> No.16628427
File: 237 KB, 726x443, jesus-cleanses-the-temple1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity isn't about "loving and accepting everyone". I'm an atheist and I don't understand why this is so difficult for many Christians to work out.

>> No.16628429
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I like his moves

>> No.16628437

Seems Pope approved

>> No.16628443

Now that the Pope accepts faggot unions, are you gonna become Catholic, butters?

>> No.16628459
File: 167 KB, 470x723, 538357E7-9BB3-44AC-8305-A5CB9A9A9186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not.

Oh, there was a time I dreamed of getting married, but that’s just a weird and unnecessary contract with some nonsensical higher power.

>> No.16628505

those aren't Christians my friend.

>> No.16628531

I used that pic to make the point that Jesus wasn't afraid to punish those who had sinned. This priest meanwhile would probably let a group of Redditors have an orgy in front of the pulpit in the middle of a sermon.

>> No.16628615

Butters, I love De Cleyre and didn't knew of that one, thanks fellow.

Also, she's pro capital, you still like her?

>> No.16628616

Yeah, i'm thinking he's based

>> No.16628652

Islam is the future of the white race

>> No.16628684

I agree, as much as I dislike it. The whites have turned their backs on Christianity, and they have found Atheism to be incorrect/unfulfilling. People will gravitate to sources of strength and spirituality, and in the West of today, that means Neo-paganism, Indo-Chinese religion (Hinduism/Sikhism/Buddhism), or Islam. As Islam far and away the largest of these groups in the West, they will inherit the lion's share of new adherents. My hope is that the languages and literature of Europe survive.

>> No.16628691
File: 532 KB, 2250x1500, trying-to-turn-back-tide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo! not change!!
When will reactionaries learn that you can't just wish upon a time that progress moves backwards rather than only forward

>> No.16628701

I'm not even opposed to Islam but a baby can see that this is wishful thinking. Younger western Muslims are turning to soi and materialism as we speak and conversion numbers are negligible among whites.

>> No.16628706

If I redefine progress, will you die?

>> No.16628707

I forgot what I may have read about that, but it doesn’t matter now.

Monotheism was an old trend. Secularism is the new reality and will not be replaced with any of that Abrahamic idiocy

>> No.16628718

I dunno. Look at France. If anything, the 2nd generation is more radical (not that this is a good thing, but it supports the idea Islam will inherit the West).

>> No.16628721

>expedient messages pushed by elites

>> No.16628747

>Monotheism was an old trend. Secularism is the new reality and will not be replaced with any of that Abrahamic idiocy
What about islam?

>> No.16628771

Why do you always come into these threads with a chip on your shoulder? Seriously, what's your problem?

>> No.16628785

hell yeah

>> No.16628839

None of the Judeo-Christian based Religions have any future for the "white" race. The whole point is that you believe in something higher than culture and ethnicity. A Ugandan Christian is as much your brother as some European Christian. To be a Christian means to shun your roots if it comes right down to it.

>> No.16628881

How is this in conflict with what I said >>16628684. Whites becoming Muslims in order to fill a spiritual void doesn't mean they'll turn down a greater brotherhood.

>> No.16628897

The whole peaceful christian thing is weird. Fucking protestants.

>> No.16628928

>The whole point is that you believe in something higher than culture and ethnicity.
- not in Judaism, only in Christianity and Islam.

>> No.16628944

...Because Islam has the same basic tenets as Christianity? An Ugandan and a Norwegian Muslim are still brothers. Ethnic ties do not matter in such religions.
Fair point, but Jews are the "Chosen People" regardless.
How so? The whole point is that you should "triumph over evil with good" and "not retaliate" because God, being completely just, will deliver the perfect judgement and vengeance on anyone who's sinned. Christianity doesn't tell you be vengeful or warlike. True, it also doesn't say to stand by and let virtue die, but it also doesn't give you any avenues to do since it limits your actions and sets you on a very specific path.

>> No.16628955

idk what happened but butterfly is now one of the best people on this awful board

>> No.16628965

>...Because Islam has the same basic tenets as Christianity? An Ugandan and a Norwegian Muslim are still brothers. Ethnic ties do not matter in such religions.
I still don't see how take is in conflict with Islam superseding Christianity among Whites. If anything, that makes it more palatable to liberal Whites.

>> No.16628986

Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not talking about the likelihood of it, I'm just commenting on the Religions themselves, and that none of them are actually a good option if all you want is to make your culture and ethnicity survive intact.

>> No.16628994

>f all you want is to make your culture and ethnicity survive intact.
Culture will survive if the language survives. As for ethnicity, I personally consider religion far more important than ethnicity.

>> No.16629057

>b-but muh degeneracy!!
There is literally no argument for any of these things being bad

>> No.16629058

>I personally consider religion far more important than ethnicity.
Then if you do, why speak for the "white race" >>16628652 ? Like I said, Religion has no regard for roots. As for Culture, it's tied to the ethnicity. You can't have some Ubangabonga going
>we wuz Romanz

>> No.16629103

People adopt religions that aren’t native to their place all the time. I think that as most European Whites have grown disillusioned with Christianity and that many of them will join Islam (and other faiths) to fill that void. If you ask me if I particularly care about the “white race” surviving, no. The idea of a white race is something I find sweeping and generic to the point of meaninglessness. If my usage of that phrase is what bothers you, replace it with “European Christians and Atheists”.

>> No.16630440

Do protestants really...

>> No.16630498

Depends on who you ask.

>> No.16631155

It’s Abrahamic

I’m sharing the good news!

>> No.16631249
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>> No.16631320

reminder that this is what happens when a church turns into a de facto real estate trust. for episcopalians in particular parishioners are strictly a formality. when we fully transition into islamo-capitalist african cattle planet guys like this will still be able to dance around inside their empty churches celebrating diversity while the mongrelized grandchildren of their former parish are being beheaded outside for instagram likes

>> No.16631412

You seem to put too much trust in people that will either manufacture a new religion or convert to Islam. People don't change, greed is older than money, and worship is older than organized religion. History is relatively cyclical, this probably has happened before, and it will happen again.