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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 800x1000, Arthur-Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16627594 No.16627594 [Reply] [Original]

fuck this guy wish I didn't inquire about him, it's like I have a bug in my mind now

>> No.16627608

Literally who

>> No.16627617


>> No.16627619

Please, you would have figured it out on your own eventually anyway.

>> No.16627625

You know why they called him the worm? Because he used to get his head shaved as punishment by his mom up until he was 50 and she died. He would write philosophy and cast black magic on his books and get his mother to read it but his mom was a high-order witch (look it up) and was resistant. His whole philosophy career can be summed up as his mother's rage. Only way to counter it is by reading Hegel but that leaves you vapid.

>> No.16627626

I have the same issue with Machiavelli. The nigger literally poisoned my mind. I can only operate under the book's guidelines now. At least you won't reproduce, Op.

>> No.16627637

shop in howel

>> No.16627679

thank god I skimmed through schoopie before heading straight towards Nietzsche. Now i’m more enamored than ever towards the prospect of having children as an affirmation of life and everything that’s beautiful, ugly, pleasurable and painful about it

>> No.16627692

I'm meeting a pretty lady out this weekend shmoop can suck my metaphysical cock

>> No.16627704

There’s nothing in him that’s darker than Ecclesiastes and nothing more anti-life in him that isn’t in early Buddhism and the most anti-life Upanishad thought.

Besides Schopenhauer literally has a entire system for dealing with pessimism and art/aesthetic is enough

>> No.16627707

This thread is the lowest /lit/ has sunk in a long while. Congrats anons, you are breaking retardation records.

>> No.16627710

Uncle scopie

>> No.16627755

I miss this nigga like y'all wouldn't believe.

>> No.16627761


>> No.16627855

>He's mister heat miser, he's mister sun

>> No.16627982

/lit/ never actually read philosophers they talk about in the first place

>> No.16627990

hello new friend just blow in from reddit?
pro tip: go back

>> No.16627991

Are you white?

>> No.16627996

I'm Paki

>> No.16628004 [DELETED] 

Get electrocuted on a train, discount Pajeet.

That being said Muhammad was quite the Ubermensch.

>> No.16628007

Kaspar Hauser

>> No.16628197

My condolences.

>> No.16628207

Ebenezer scrooge's grumpier brother.

>> No.16628252

How the fuck do you know i'm from reddit?

>> No.16628380

Absolutely hilarious if true. But to good to be true.

>> No.16628422

Why are redditors surging to /lit/ en masse? Don't you have your own subreddits? What the fuck are you doing here?

>> No.16628436

Am i the only one who thinks Schopp is a bit overblown on this webzone? I like reading him, he's very enjoyable, and he pointed me towards the upanishads which I will always be grateful for. But in idealism he's merely an echo of Kant, in pessimism he's merely a reaction to Hegel, and all in all, he was really leapt past by Nietzsche, who seems more or less the only other guy who was interested him, and only insofar as a teaching example. Poor schope. His writing on women and noise will live forever in the annals of truth though.

>> No.16628469

No, if it makes you happier, you aren't the only midwit on this board who misses the entire point. There are plenty brainlets like you.

>> No.16628497

I know he's the first philosopher you've read but no need to take it personal

>> No.16628507

>idealism he's merely an echo of Kant
Wrong. Read the Fourfold Root.
>pessimism he's merely a reaction to Hegel
You're fucking stupid. It was a response to the whole German Idealist movement who misconstrued Kant and the subject-object distinction.
> he was really leapt past by Nietzsche
Nietzsche was right in critiquing the potential for his ethics to give rise to passivity. Nietzsche conflated compassion with pity too often. They both agreed upon the irrational essence of the world. Had they had any correspondence they would have levelled similar cultural critiques as well. Eg. read Schop's "On Philosophy at the Universities" and "On Genius". What was nascent in Schopenhauer was brought to the fore by Nietzsche. Stop downplaying Nietzsche's debt to him.

>> No.16628510

He is not the first one I've read, but he is by far the best. And why would I take your misunderstandings personally?

>> No.16628527

I assumed you did it because he was the only guy you've read. If there's some other reason you'll have to look inside yourself for it, as defending the honor of dead philosophers through ad hominem insults to their living critics is quite emotional behavior

Mmmm, no, I stick with my points. You're pointing at trees while I talk about the forest. You'll get here eventually.

>> No.16628530

>. But in idealism he's merely an echo of Kant,
He's not though, his take is actually not entirely dissimilar from Hegel's despite their polar opposite methodologies. He picks something within the human experience and calls it the absolute metaphysical reality, which is ultimately what Hegel does too, despite them picking rather different things for this purpose. They are more similar to each other in this sense than either is to Kant, which is kind of funny.

>> No.16628545
File: 93 KB, 538x438, no influence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vapid metaphors are not rebuttals.
>who seems more or less the only other guy who was interested him, and only insofar as a teaching example
Nice try, see pic related.

>> No.16628550

Perhaps your problem is you are always assume too much. Neither Schopenhauer needs defending nor am I arguing for anything, much less presenting ad hominems. I just like to point it out whenever I see a retarded post. Fuck off back to your ebin leddit r/philosophy sub if you don't like it here.

>> No.16628564

don't take your meds schitzo, we NEED replies like this

>> No.16628633


He's the best at dunking on femoids and this site is filled with seething incels

>> No.16628742


>> No.16628768

>This thread is the lowest /lit/ has sunk in a long while.
You haven't seen the advaita threads, have you?

>> No.16629270


>> No.16629497

If you'd read his book, you'd know he's still alive

>Therefore, if a man fears death as his annihilation, it is just as if he were to think that the sun cries out at evening, " Woe is me! for I go down into eternal night." And conversely, whoever is oppressed with the burden of life, whoever desires life and affirms it, but abhors its torments, and especially can no longer endure the hard lot that has fallen to himself, such a man has no deliverance to hope for from death, and cannot right himself by suicide.

>> No.16629580

>Those who have cited his influence include philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche,[24] Ludwig Wittgenstein,[25] and Anthony Ludovici,[26] scientists such as Erwin Schrödinger and Albert Einstein,[27] psychoanalysts such as Sigmund Freud[28] and Carl Jung, writers such as Leo Tolstoy, Herman Melville,[29] Thomas Mann, George Bernard Shaw,[30] Machado de Assis,[31] Jorge Luis Borges, and Samuel Beckett,[32] and, notably, the composer Richard Wagner.
Literally who are YOU anon.

>> No.16630120

I got banned from r/movies. Do you have a problem with me being here?
Well hat's too bad because i'm not leaving.

>> No.16630235

Martin van buren

>> No.16630276

This sounds like reincarnation.