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16626714 No.16626714 [Reply] [Original]

Do you /lit/ Bros have any recommendations for audiobooks to fall asleep to? Something that you can just sort of turn your brain off and enjoy without having to really think about.

>> No.16626735

Audiobook for War and Peace

>> No.16626756

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.16626760

I would think that War and Peace would require a lot of attention to keep track of everything.

>> No.16626767

Isn’t that just libertarian propaganda.

>> No.16626781

OP asked for something you 'could just sort of turn your bain off and enjoy without really having to think about.'

>> No.16626790

Some libertarians actually are coherent and interesting and don't just write bad architecture rape fanfiction.

>> No.16626848

I don’t know I find libertarians and their ideas to be kinda silly.

>> No.16626873

I said coherent, not convincing.

>> No.16626885

Fair enough my dude. What’s your favorite novel or story?

>> No.16626888

have you actually read Mises or Rothbard or any of those guys

>> No.16626907

You want my recommendation?
Pick out an OpenCourseWare series on youtube (any of them will work) and put it on.
Remember how easy it was to fall asleep when a teacher is talking? It's like that.

>> No.16626930

Confederacy of dunces
Catch 22
Sherlock holmes stories

>> No.16626944

Sadly I'm too erudite to have a favourite.
Measures Taken by Brecht is an amazing under rated play.
For Genre it has to be Aubrey/Maturin | George Smiley.
Shakespeare used to be Hamlet, but Hamlet is a failure compared to Titus Andronicus. But Richard III is the best.
Kurosawa's Ran is the best Shakespeare though (only the telescript in consideration, leave the direction aside for the moment.)
I do quite like The Name of the Rose.
I find you can force read anything *hard* into being good, but Empire of the Sun is rather amusing if you open your eyes to what's actually happening, more so than Tower or Crash.
Zola is of course a master of simple tales for simple people, to the point where Zola doesn't even realise what he's writing half the time *cough* Etienne is the villain of Germinal
Victor Serge is underrated
Koestler is underrated
Clarkesworld is my favourite sci fi monthly
And Greg Egan is the most important australian writer of the day.

>> No.16626954

t. Brazilian

>> No.16627000


I’ll check these out

>> No.16627001

buttercunt's ASMR where she reads her diary

>> No.16627003

I fell these would require and deserve more attention than listening to an audiobook.

>> No.16627011

The Lord of the Rings is the best audiobook you will ever listen to. It's read by this old dude who is basically the grandpa we all wish we had: he makes different voices for all the characters and he actually sings all the songs! Seriously, regardless of what you think of LotR, this guy elevates audiobook reading to an art. Highly recommended!

>> No.16627019
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>> No.16627042

Aubrey/Maturin. Smiley. Zola.

Those suit audiobooks.

Personally my current audiobook is Phenomenology of Geist. Its comfy.

>> No.16627144

I heard Hegel was an obnoxious read.

>> No.16627196

I was intellectually abused by my father from 10, largely with Hegel. So it is comfy for me.

>How can being abused be comfy.

Read Freud. Then Lacan. Then Deleuze and Guattari.

>> No.16627204

>Hegel, Freud, Lacan, Deleuze, Guattari
jesus christ anon get help

>> No.16627208

I said comfy. Not useful. I read Engels, Federici, CLR James, Braverman etc. for useful.

>> No.16627217

Where do you get audio book?

>> No.16627227

>Marxism, psychoanalysis, and dude rhizomes
I am genuinely horrified by imagining what it must be like inside your mind

>> No.16627250

My fantasy is to have a conversation with a woman. If you've read enough psychoanalysis you know what that means about what I do.

>> No.16627288

fascist philosophy

>> No.16627345
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