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16626448 No.16626448 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here read Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe? What did you think of it? To me it was a lament for cultures and ways of life that get bulldozed by "greater" cultures moving in on them.

The most interesting part for me was how Okonkwo was at the center and the peak of his society and this made him completely unable to understand its death. The other people who were more on the fringes and bottom of the hierarchy could be tugged to the other world, but Okonwko was an apex predator within his own way of life, he was a conduit for it as much as it was a conduit for him, so he died with it. Which is more tragic?

Are Achebe's other books as good? Or any other books on this theme, from any perspective? Or similar laments from Africa specifically. Some music:

>> No.16626468

Read it in HS.
I remember he murdered his son and grows a shit load of yams. It was decent I guess, maybe I missed the point but it did NOT seem to paint tribal Africa in a positive light.

>> No.16627085
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>> No.16627146


well, its a beautful book, with a gloom atmosphere. I though all along how bizarre they where in comparasion on ioruba culture. abandoning twins to death at woods.

>> No.16627275

>murdered his son
Based Taras Bulba

>> No.16628717


>> No.16628769

This should be illegal. Either say something worth saying or let the thread die.

>> No.16628782

>tfw you get imprisoned for shitposting on 4chan

>> No.16628865


>> No.16628905

I liked it. It's quite scary though as Okonkwo is very relatable in that it feels like the world I grew up in is disappearing with haste. Mostly because of cousins to Okonkwo and goat shaggers from the ME are swarming here.

OP I also recommend 'Man of the people' by Achebe, about corruption in Africa.