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16625539 No.16625539[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16625545

Into the trash. Legit retard.

>> No.16625547

Almost makes me like Thomas Sowell more. Obese landwhale losers should not feel entitled to opinions.

>> No.16625572

Affirmative Action is literally about equality of outcome lel

>> No.16625576

Please remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.16625607

i know you´re baiting but Sowell really is retarded.

He makes arguments of a smug 14 year old ancap.

>> No.16625612
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>e-celeb vs ivy league educated man
Zoomers are doomed.

>> No.16625639

to be fair ivy league educated means nothing. You can find janitors smarter than some ivy league educated. That being said "Sowell" and "Vaush" shouldn't even be used in the same sentence. That fat loser literally can't criticize anyone.

>> No.16625658

Gonna need THAT pic asap

>> No.16625675

>He look bad
>I side with Sowell. He nice looking.

>> No.16625678
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>> No.16625688

You don't have to be "nice looking" but if you are stupid enough to be that much of a fat disgusting pig then you are retarded and should not be taken seriously. I wouldn't even mind it if he was only severely overweight but that faggot is morbidly obese along with his orc girlfriend.

>> No.16625711

Did you watch the video? Because his appearance is still all you’re bringing up.

>> No.16625712

This. Reminder Sowell is still a midwit that wanted Trump impeached after he was elected in 2016.

>> No.16625730

Why would i waste my time watching the opinions of someone who i can tell at first glance is unintelligent, undisciplined, and selfish?

>> No.16625736
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Vaush is incoherent in his beliefs, ignorant and, either very stupid or very naive.
You shouldn't waste your time with utopians, especially if they are as uncultured as Vaush is.

>> No.16625738

>No-one can provide substantial critique. Only get dumb ad-hominins.

The state of this board.

>> No.16625748

I side with Destiny.

>> No.16625753

holy fuck

>> No.16625758

This is the first time I’ve ever listened to the guy, and he’s easily right at every second of this video he dismantles.
Stop trolling here.

>> No.16625760

The only people scared of ad-hominins are fat retards who shouldn't be debating. Judging an argument based on the quality of the human spouting it is perfectly valid as it shows what kind of human is drawn to that argument.

>> No.16625767

>>The only people scared of ad-hominins are fat retards

Are you doing a bit? What's happening here.

>> No.16625769

lol i looked them up, it’s a shame they’d both be good looking if not hot if they were at a healthy weight

>> No.16625780

>Fat disgusting tranny agrees with fat disgusting landwhale
Yeah obviously.
I just hate landwhales. Simple as. They are unintelligent and should not have the Gaul to spew their retarded obese bullshit at real healthy human beings.

>> No.16625798

If he is spitting resentful ideologies, then his body image does matter, because that's the source of his ideas.

>> No.16625799
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>I just hate landwhales. Simple as. They are unintelligent.

There have been loads of intelligent fat people. Do you even know what you're saying?

>> No.16625802

Isn’t that the nigga who thinks marxism is a continuation of liberalism?

>> No.16625853

I said that affirmative action is open 'equality of outcome' policy, you just chose to ignore that post.

>> No.16625857

He simply points out how dumb the argument was. The video was one of those “Sowell demolishes equality” and nowhere does this even happen. They always misunderstand or misdirect what we’re talking about when we bring up equality.
How is it a “resentful ideology” that society offer reasonable recourses to all?
You know what’s a really resentful ideology is SHALLOWNESS. Everything about you is shallow as fuck

This! I never pick on this guy’s weight problem

>> No.16625862

I know it´s pathetic on how thin skinned libertarians are in the end.
he´s maybe unlikable but right in this instance.

Anyway it´s really weird on how libertarians got absorbed by the right wing and are now basically their cucked online argument defense force and worshiping Elon Musk.

From what i´ve heard they were more to the political center once...

>> No.16625864

Voice too annoying. Unfortunately in the past everyone had very interesting and pleasant voices/accents. Nowadays everyone is fat, ugly, annoying speech. The degeneration is brutal and depressing. I hate it. I hate every young person, the way they think is so disgusting. I hate old people too.

>> No.16625873

>it´s really weird on how libertarians got absorbed by the right wing
It's not weird at all, it's a reaction to progs being tyrannical and things like the fed

>> No.16625878
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Sowell makes people seethe because they see themselves in his arguments.

>> No.16625881

Wait, so he’s a “libertarian”, one of those neoclassical liberals? Odd that he’d not like the Chicago schoolers

>> No.16625883

Vaush is a closeted marxist who thinks he is an anarchist

>> No.16625887

The working class are what makes a nation thrive. The wealthy are the parasites. So, good quote, but he doesn’t even know what he’s said.

>> No.16625888
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I dont know much about vaush but by the amount of seething fags here that only call him names and dont even have the effort to debunk the video or anything he says seems suspicious to me.

>> No.16625889

You're only butthurt, butters, because you resemble his morbidly obese orc girlfriend

>> No.16625894

So real libertarian. Okay.

I do not. Even though this is irrelevant, you shallow child.

>> No.16625896

>Even though this is irrelevant, you shallow child

>> No.16625930

What is 'reasonable?' You're also assuming a zero sum world view where society ( abstract non existentant concept ) distributes resources.

How do you reconcile the fact that everyone has different values, backgrounds, and aspirations? Again, butterfly, how do you implement your system of values without recourse to violence?

>> No.16625942

You speak of social classes as if theyre immutable categories and not flesh and blood people with differing values, culture, experiences, and goals. What is the 'working class?'

>> No.16625991


I speak of economic classes
>Won’t you think of how the poor wealthy class feel?
>Stop taxing them so muuuuuuuuuch
Absolute bootlicker, or just too stupid to understand what you’re even arguing for?

>> No.16626034

I’m not a fan of Vaush (he honestly gives me cult leader vibes and is kind of
A king in self awareness), but it should be obvious to everyone that arguments made by economists in the 70s at best can’t really apply to the political issues of Today and at worst never passed the small test to begin with.

>> No.16626072

No. You make the argument. Stop being lazy.

Also you did not address anything. Nice use of ad hominems which is ironic when you get so mad about it when others do it. Where did I even talk about taxes? I guess you're just shallow.

>> No.16626092

This fat faggot was talking about sexual fetishes once like they're normal and he's normal. Pottery. Truly. I always noticed that 4s to 6s are the midwits of the sexual world. Attractive enough to get some yet they can't achieve anything close to something that resembles beauty. This is also why the Church Fathers also said the bodily form is influenced by the souls invincible inclination toward purity and that impure souls in turn will be cursed with imperfect bodies to prefigured their wickedness. This is why disgusting mid uggoids always justify perversions after perceptions from anal "sex", fetishes and every abomination under the sun. You ask how can God chastise someone forvever? Look at this man's life. He would will God dead to continue uninterrupted in his worthless heap of sins. Imagine breathing life into man, and you get this thing that turns his back on the immutable good for this filth. Eating and fucking like a pig. He and those like him will rightfully be condemned to the maximum mental and physical thresholds of pain, forever.

>> No.16626101

Both need their heads bashed in.

>> No.16626110

G. K was a fat midwit. The only reason he was more prolific than most was because he ate instead of masturbated.

>> No.16626116

imagine shilling this hard, you're too young to be on this site

>> No.16626119


>> No.16626119,1 [INTERNAL] 

I’m not being lazy, you dumb fucks are. Here it is, for the millionth time
The argument is brought up by rightwing numb skulls to convince the feeble minded dittoheads and its a STRAWMAN, so don’t fucking “adhom” me, ya dumb fuck

>> No.16626119,2 [INTERNAL] 

Ugly whore. Kys